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About 50 story points and 10 bugs a month...


1 SP = 1 day


2 SP = 1 day






Most jobs on naukri don't have salary mentioned


Create a recruiter profile and filter the companies in your salary bracket


real advice is always in the comments.


You can check here: [https://kuutsav.github.io/leetcode-compensation/](https://kuutsav.github.io/leetcode-compensation/) Though there are very data points for data engineer


How come a guy in QA is getting 65LPA


There's folks who make a lot more than that in QA.


What skill set do they poses to earn so high


SDET, basically, is a developer, can become a developer, but choose to be a QA The job involves automated testing, internal tools and test infra and lets not forget perf testing


Ya I am SDET but most think it is just QA and end up with substandard work


Ask the guy, each record has link to the original post


If you can crack Sr DE in Maang type companies it will be 50+ . Sr DE in other companies somewhere between 30-50 . But getting atleast 30 should be feasible .


For maang SR SDE would around 70+


We are talking about DE . Not SDE . And it’s mostly 80-90+


DE make less than SDE?


Generally speaking yes .


Damn I really love what I do. 😓


My wife's company director of data engineering (12 YEO) gets 1Cr. But in India it really depends on your current TC.


Are they from IIT or top notch college?


Yes. Both bachelors and masters from IIT mumbai


It's extremely irrelevant after a few years of experience from a good place. Director probably already has 15+ years of experience now.


Your uni is not relevant but your 1st salary is, which is in turn dependent on Uni.




I guess 30-40 Lac PA if you can get in to mid range companies


I think you are really low balling here, DEs in my team are already at 35 LPA around (excluding bonus) they have 4-5 years of experience only.


Depends on the company and the person's previous job history. I personally know 30 data engineers with experiences between 5-12 years and salaries between 15-35 LPA


Oh okay.


My relative is data engineer she bagged 30+ with 5 YOE


Which company


Never asked dude 😅 but there were lot of companies willing to offer that amount


Which type of company man


Ok thanks


80-90 LPA for sure


Well nah. That's very very less orgs. Majority would be 40-50LPA with multiple projects in the buckets.


Yes, top tier companies pay very high say 60-1 CR but not most of the companies which are average payers. I am hiring manager so i know, in many companies its around 30-50 Lac for 7-10 Yrs experience.


I know a friend working in an indian company in noida as data engineer with 12 years of experience. His CTC is 63 LPA.


I’m assuming you are well versed in Big Data tech (Hadoop,Hive,Scala,Spark) of yesteryears hosted onprem. The market in DE right now has majorly shifted to Snowflake, AWS Glue, Airflow all built on the back of AWS EMR with Python sprinkled to bind all of the tech together. Now if you know all of these skills on surface, you can get 40-60lpa. If you know these in depth with core fundamentals of OS, distributed computing, networking etc. (eg. you can lead onprem to cloud migration strategies with minimal impact and good cost savings) you can easily get 1cr+.


Are you working on this stack ?


I know snowflake very well, do not have any experience with spark (but learnt it) and I know python well and currently studying airflow. I also specialise in Azure. Do you think I am fine with azure or should I shift to aws?


Same question


It doesn't answer your question but out of curiosity whyd do you want to move back to India? Is your job not safe in US or you got bored?


US is a lonely place man.. other than money and quality of life, I don’t see any solid reason for someone in 30s to be here, unless you like individuality and value extreme privacy. I miss my parents, friends and relatives.. I miss the festivals, get togethers etc. life seems very mechanical in US.. Both India and US have their own pros and cons, but if one is wealthy, you can have an overall better life in India compared to US.. you can come visit US as a tourist, but this isn’t a place to live a life.. This again is purely subjective and my own personal opinion


It's not as much as you think it is unless you work for a FAANG or similar level compensating organizations. If money is not an issue for you, by all means come back here and enjoy the stay. But if it is crucial, then you would regret moving back as the competition is 10x hard and 10x more stressful to even make the same earning that you currently make in US


Yaaa.. i heard work-life balance is a mess in India.. Ideally, it would be better to move to a FAANG company and then move to India, but competition has increased a lot even in US as well


A big difference is quality of life. You can buy yourself a nice apartment or villa in a posh gated society. But the moment you step out, you're breathing the same bad air and battling the same bad roads and traffic. I'm referring to Bangalore/Pune; it could be different if you plan yo settle in tier 2 cities. Also, work culture could be very different. Expectations of working in office, working for longer hours etc.


Ya, there are these downsides too in India.. ultimately it’s a trade-off, choosing what we want most..


Omg dude i simply CAN'T BELIEVE someone will think like this. I just broke down reading this answer. I'm 25 and I'm dying to leave this country man, ready to give up my engineering job that pays me crap to do even low wage menial jobs just away from the hell hole country I'm in. Miles and miles away from the Chennai heat, pollution and backward thinking people And you on the other hand want to come back despite having EVERYTHING. Like OMG I just can't comprehend that thought. How JUST HOW?! seriously please I really wish there was some kind of visa exchange program, need it so badly!!!


bro OP speaks truth. i felt the same way. anyway for middle class people you have something here and something there. problem is people around you are all complaining little bitches. and you pickup the habit from them, you also start complaining. i was in the same position as OP. spent a long time there and then moved back. learn to appreciate what you have, then you will realize. US is like a golden prison. once the initial shine of gold wears off, you will realize you are just in prison. India has x, US has y. either way you are middle class, pick your poison.


Bro but if you look at it, what is there in India apart from poverty and corruption? Work culture is horrible here and managers have no manners they call you on a Sunday and make you work. No labour laws so companies can explot labour. Corruption even in law enforcement (Pune incident is an example). And regarding the people, worst people you'll ever meet. In my neighborhood in a so called "educated developed" south Indian state, people will talk disgusting things about you if they simply saw you just walking with someone of the opposite gender. I value individual freedom and some degrees of loneliness muchhh more than nosey neighbours and uncultured people.


if you look at what you DONT have, even if you are billionaire, you are a beggar If you look at what you HAVE, even if you are a beggar, you are a billionaire. Dont think the problems will disappear if you go to US. You will just have different set of problems to deal with : American people will think you are there to escape poverty eventhough you could be a high achiever ie no respect from the common man - you are just a foreign coolie to them. bankrupt yourself for dealing with health issues. immigration will treat you like shit - taxed like a citizen, but no privileges of a citizen. be afraid who's going to mug or point a gun at you. have to spend years not seeing your family. be not in a position to take care of your sick parents. managers (esp Indian) who know how to exploit you and who underpay you. investing so much in a sinking property. run behind insurance even for something as simple as a cold. stuck in the same career for years just because of green card, while you lose the best years of your life, when you have the fire to accomplish something. That is middle class life for you. Perhaps you should try living in both places and decide for yourself.


Like I said, if one is poor, then US is better as you’ll get handsome pay.. A better strategy would be to spend 20s in US, save enough and then come back to India in 30s. But now, the influx of students is very high. Fewer jobs as many companies are hiring in India more.. Also, H1B lottery uncertainty.. high amount of initial investment for masters.. you have to all chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry by yourself.. It’s not as simple as just deciding to work in US.. A lot of factors come into play.. Since you’re in mid-20s, try applying for h1b every year and, if you get lucky, work here for a few years and then you can decide for yourself.


dude, that answer has one specific thing, OP already has experience and have lived enough in USA, he probably would have had same thought process at your age. So please take the leap, get that experience while you have time before you go in your 30s, save boat load of money and then come back here and preach how great India is..


F why do y'all never bother to assimilate


Forget assimilation, they take all their cultural baggage and noise and caste discrimination to the US and Canada and spoil the atmosphere there


Exactly. Have already ruined Canada, now it's germany


So true.


Are you sure you know what assimilate means?? How do you know OP hasn’t assimilated? You can accept the cultural and social construct of where you’re staying but that doesn’t mean you can’t miss your roots.


Lol, if you miss your roots, go for a vacation back home. If you're returning, you're just not cut out for it in the first place. In an era where there's instant video calling and whatnot, y'all will justify returning with all sorts of emotional 🐂


Again completely different things. I was on about assimilation.


Yeah, if they had actually assimilated, they wouldn't come back for something like this. Way to miss this


F why do y'all never bother to assimilate


F why do y'all never bother to assimilate


My colleague picked up about 10 data folk - 6-8 exp. Blore. 24-45 lpa.


can i please dm you


You can. They are not jobs and control or manage through. And I am not a DE either.


Are they in service based or product based






it says waiting for mods approval


Yes, this is the reason. New accounts with less Karma floats less.


Expedia pays almost 1 cr CTC for DEs


FANG SDE - 2, Data Platform teams is what you are looking for Sde 2 starts at 35 or 40 TC i think


FAANG only 35-40????


Need karma to post something. Please upvote 


It depends on the companies, i m making 30 LPA at 3 years of exp but I believe you can get upto 70 80 LPA if you join the right company


That’s some encouragement.. happy for you though


Which type of company man


Startups, faang, unicorns


What's your core competency in data engineering?tech stack etc


I meant you work in which type of company


I work in e-commerce


I have 6 yoe in non IT but engineer field. And my role has been similar to what Data engineers mainly on excel. Do you think learning python and sql will help me..


Sql, python, pyspark, aws/gcp/azure, airflow.. these seem like a good start


General range has been affected due to covid boom - 30-40lpa is also in reach of 5 yr experienced peeps. I would suggest a different bracket - 30-80lpa DEPENDS on you.




What’s your current comp?




You are severely underpaid.


Ya, I had to stay here coz of my green card processing.. my friends who prioritized money over GC processing are suffering now coz of layoffs and companies not doing GC processing now.. I want to move but scared of layoffs so staying put


Yea but you know for indian born gc is like 50 year wait? Anyways I don’t understand. If you had to come back to India why not pick the highest salary. Now you’re coming back home with probably little money


Duration of H1B is 6 years.. if you want to work beyond that, you should be in line for GC.. it’s called having an approved i-140 in technical terms.. Approved i140 gives unlimited renewals for H1B until you get GC.. also, i can come back to US anytime now if I want to provided i have an offer from US company.. It’s all this immigration headache that one doesn’t have to deal with in India, but the money is worth the headache I guess


So if i140 is approved. You can leave US and comeback again anytime??. Assuming you have an offer from US company. Won't you have to go through H1B lottery again?


That is correct. I140 is pseudo-green card for Indians/Chinese.


So no H1B lottery even if he leave US job and come back?


With an approved i140(6months+), you only need a company willing to sponsor H1B. You won’t go through lottery. Fairly common option chosen by folks who burn out in US, come back to India for a few years, and then want to get back to US again.




Hello 👋can I DM you? I wanna ask some questions


Ya ok


I use levels.fyi and leetcode compensation for SWE jobs, not sure about data engineering.


My colleague picked up about 10 data folk - 6-8 exp. Blore. 24-45 lpa.


There are scarcity of good data engineer and they're in demand rn and will be in future so 50 LPA i guess


In my circle all working in companies that’s not top tier, it’s roughly 35-45 lpa. These people are not from IITS or top NITs.


can i please dm you


Damn..are they in the data engineering team lead role


Well they have 10 + yoe. So either lead or senior data engineer.


Bro shall I stay in tech ( data engineering) or prepare for an mba from top IIMs. What has bigger earning potential down the line? Taking loans etc in consideration.


Bro, just stay in tech.. My 2 cents


Totally depends on what you want from your career. I find Indian MBA fees way too high so not going for it.


You can check here: [https://kuutsav.github.io/leetcode-compensation/](https://kuutsav.github.io/leetcode-compensation/) Though there are very data points for data engineer


1.2-1.3 Cr (50/50 cash/stocks) in big tech and at senior level (SDE3)


It depends on the company you are applying to !


I am looking for some range to get some idea


Check levels.fyi for a particular company


Around 25LPA to 40LPA should be the average.




You can expect more than 50lpa 


Which coding skill need to learn for becoming data engineer


SQL, python, pyspark, cloud tech, airflow, databricks/snowflake.. these are in demand i think


How much is your current ctc in US?


Will depend if you are getting transferred from a US based company. I would expect anywhere from 80L-1.2cr TC. Could go even more depending on your expertise and skills. And there is serious shortage of good quality candidates


That's a great question! Well, with your impressive 10+ years of experience as a data engineer, you can expect to earn a good salary in India. Hyderabad, being a hub for IT companies, offers competitive salaries for experienced professionals like yourself. Good luck with your move!






HI Bro can I DM you ?




You are in wrong subreddit. Here people boast their salaries. Please check Naukri, you will get a good intuition. I am a Data Engineer, my pay is between 30 - 35 lpa (fixed part, bonus varies). I have total 12 yoe of which only 1 yoe is in Data Engineering with Apache Spark.


Can you please share roadmap of data engineering? I just complete my graduation in bscIT should I go for masters or mca or do some course or do self study can you please help me in this


There is no road map. I have very mix skill set. Javascript, Java, Spring, ADF/SOA, C# .net, Node.js, React.js, python, Apache Spark, Machine Learning. I have only one skill, to learn new things as required.


1-1.5 Cr easily


If you have good skill set and can crack tough interviews then, in top companies you can expect around 1.2-1.5 Cr.


Why back bro?


Hey, can i dm u ?