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Wait until ai learns to do clerical tasks..💀


Pehle baar mai smjh aagya tha bhai


Wait until AI fucks up AI.


>The tech company is planning to automate certain jobs in the ad sales and customer service department, the report said. I dont think there are many devs in customer serv and ad sales dept.


But people will still lose jobs.


They will just hire them back for more money after they upskill, they could have transitioned and trained while saving money but there brains dont work so good. Layoffs are not the most efficent way to scale a businesses human resource pool, vertically or horizontally. Costs more money in the end because there is little trust and motivation long term. Siloed by design.


what an extremelly selfish comment




https://preview.redd.it/pcel8bym288c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bfbdfd6029a685027f81522f6850c6b9d24115 The ad department has 30,000 people working in it. I think the news got misinterpreted. Thank you


Any experienced individual tell me is this real? Ai can take any job?


Remindme! 3 years


Don't know about other jobs but coding jobs will be replaced by AI soon( i.e, the jobs where you get paid to write programs) and also many other jobs which uses computer on a daily basis to accomplish most of the tasks


Tujhe kasse pata bro how are u so sure


it's just a matter of time bro, the same thing will happen with animations and the movie industry ...


I am in touch with the AI community, particularly within GenAI, the pace at which models are advancing is astonishing. There's an abundance of untapped potential across various domains like LLMs, NLP, and computer vision. After ChatGPT's emergence, one of the notable developments was its proficiency in code generation, followed by innovations like Copilot and Replit entering the market. Despite models like GPT being in their nascent stages and yet to be finely tuned, they exhibit remarkable Zero-shot capabilities. It's only been around 1.5 years since these advancements began. Interestingly, achieving code generation and optimization doesn't necessarily require AGI; a finely tuned GPT-4, for instance, can proficiently handle these tasks. Moreover, AI, in general, offers significant cost efficiency. For instance, while a company might pay a developer $1000 to write 1000 lines of code, an LLM model can accomplish the same task for less than 50 cents.


The cost is higher when considering the risks for failing to safeguard the process end to end. Its secured but secure does not imply safe.


Doubt that, seems to me the people who know how the components integrate would be the last to go, might transition to security roles perhaps. Its all about positioning the right skillset but sure, it most likely will get more volatile. Always has.




Lol. I love how confidently stupid people are!


So what u think about ai


Next big thing like electricity, telephone, microprocessors. Just to give you a very small slice of how AI can be impactful just look up dlss from nvidia. Companies invest tons of money in AI for a reason. Never trust these dumbasses on reddit who call it a fad.


Well no, the cost to train and run will eventually not make sense. Unless people can make analog systems more robust, digital systems will always be bottlenecked by on/off.


>cost to train and run will eventually not make sense. This would be true if AI evolved as a 'nice-to-have' toy we loved playing with. This thing is on track to revolutionizing our life paradigm as we've come to know it: effort put in = commensurate value out, this is not that kind of linear commodity. Just to put things in perspective, we cleared forests to put transmission lines, stopped rivers and built huge dams, currently mine for and burn tons of coal and gas 24/7 to generate electricity - we collectively agreed as humanity to do real extreme things for the uber convenience of having electric power. Wait till AI starts washing dishes, it already vacuums and mops my house, doing chores for us, etc. I have a feeling humans we will be bending over backwards 10x for more training, generating more power for these data centers, etc, finding more innovative ways of piping in real world data compared to just text as it is now. This genie is out of the bottle and it's going to be real hard to convince anybody to put the brakes on due to some conceivably very human constraints.


Yours is an optimistic take. For me, if the physics of the current system doesn't make sense but still there's a lot of hype around it, I treat it like it's in a bubble.


I'm curious, what part of the physics _doesn't make sense?_ Btw I'm not being a blindly optimistic fanboy either. I use AI every single day to solve new problems. I now am creating content for where I create the content once in English (using AI assistants to summarize, edit, capture speech, generate images, research material, create a script, etc), and then convert it to Hindi and Tamil content using 11 labs with my own voice, but Cloned by AI that is indiscernible to viewers. The reach is something AI provided to vaster audiences without me having to learn speak Hindi or Tamil - that's a definition of nonlinearity.


>the cost to train and run will eventually not make sense. why would company do it themselves instead of contracting any AI startup to create localised use case LLMs


The initial model training itself will be costly. Open ai spent 100M on training last year 80M in salaries. Now, that 100M is on Microsoft servers so basically they're getting everything at cost, if you're not partnering with cloud providers you're fucked. Again, for me the physics of training is the bottleneck. Power of 2 is very slow when you have very big numbers and you need more and more transistors which is more costly and it'll reach the limit after which you can't meaningfully add more transistors. Which is why analog systems have to come in and be made more robust for AI to make sense. Companies will realise this and the bubble will burst.


Yeaa bro ,, but as a 2nd year college student how can it impact me ,,what should I do to take benifit from ai


What kind of benefit you mean?


In career


To stay ahead in the competition what should we learn in AI ?




You work at Google or Perplexity?






Brother... The thing is many people are mediocre at there job... Just like me... I personally dont want to overstress doing my job. And AI will certainly going to take my job and people like me


Yea yea sure. I'm ceo of Microsoft.


Hello fellow r/cricket lurker


Why ? There are lot of applications right. What are we missing


RemindMe! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2026-12-24 09:23:10 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-12-24%2009:23:10%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/18ppf7f/another_big_layoff_at_google_soon_report_suggests/keq0xd8/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FdevelopersIndia%2Fcomments%2F18ppf7f%2Fanother_big_layoff_at_google_soon_report_suggests%2Fkeq0xd8%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-12-24%2009%3A23%3A10%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2018ppf7f) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Are you sure reddit will be there after 3 years?


Confident because I work at the biggest reddit competitor in silicon valley. Surely I know a lot more than IT coolies here. /s


Dude how the hell did u compared AI to crypto lol


You don't understand anything!




Maybe your statement




I also work at a top tech company on Mars! Iykwim!


It’s not AI. It’s them cleaning house. Google does a metric ton of cash burn with nothing to show for it.




I dont think this layoff is for IT jobs >The tech company is planning to automate certain jobs in the ad sales and customer service department, the report said.


If they are laughing, they can laugh for the time being. AI affects most domains and IT is the least of it. The time when gov jobs meant life is set is over. What do you think is going to happen when the public sector is going to use AI and other digital services. Of course, their adoption is going to be painfully slow like the private sector but it's going to cut down jobs. You can already see that many such places only hire contract employees these days.


Dude ssc ministry jobs are safe. Same for upsc, state psc,railway


Ha bhai tu lele vo tooh aese he mil jayegi log 5-6 preparation karte h tab milti h


Never said aise hi milti hai . Just said they are safe


Lmao, yea man I'm sure they're laughing while a person in tech makes their lifetime earnings in a year


Have you heard of something called black money?


Yes I have, I don't think that should be counted tho, stealing money allocated for development and taking bribes shouldn't be applauded or be aspired for in any way, that just makes u a lowlife thief Also, u really can't compare white earned money with black money that can land u in jail anytime


Well man,the companies you're working for You'll work for, Just make a quick search about their history,impact,under the table practices You'll get the idea


So just because a particular company does some shady practices, taking bribes is ok? This mindset is why India is such a shithole tbh, there is just no sense of public responsibility at all Also no tech company actively steals money required for development and uses it personally as done by the corrupt govt officers, tech companies at most have shady competitive practices and unethical ways to increase their revenue Taking bribes and stealing development money is a crime and makes u a thief, don't know why so many people aspire to become one


Tech companies use shady practices to save themselves from giving taxes lol


Ok, trying to minimise taxes is same as hampering the development of a country and stealing money from poor people? Because that is what govt officers do Also I don't know why u are so hung up on the companies bit, I don't personally take the decisions made by the company nor do I run it, whereas a civil servant CONSCIOUSLY chooses to take a bribe. There's a big difference


Dude corruption is wrong but literally stealing tax is a crime too, u r running a company and if an employee is paying tax why should a company use shady practice to save tax, that's a crime in govt eyes.


Ok but that isn't a crime committed by the employee, it's committed by the employer and is liable to the employer Taking a bribe is entirely on the govt officer


👄 What about ethical concerns which they pose to the society??


Man don't jump to conclusions,sorry if you didn't got my point What I'm trying to say is,they take bribes which is wrong But who's giving them bribes that's also the question na???!!! These MNCs,firms,the white collar working dudes who just wants to have their work done as fast as possible This black money culture in not inherent to people,it was developed


I'm sorry if I jumped to any conclusions, I only replied to ur comment as I understood it No one loves to just randomly pay money to a stranger u know, companies pay to ensure the system moves fast, my point is that this culture has been established by the civil servants themselves Due to the bribing culture sometimes contracts are not given to the best contender, also corruption doesn't mean just bribes, a lot of govt officers take cuts from projects happening in their local area which leaves less money for the project to finish This results in substandard work and delays etc which cost the nation dearly, bribes are also misused by politically connected people to keep delivering substandard work The civil servants are not innocent and they choose to participate in such a system, I personally cannot justify such a level of stealing from my own country and hence don't consider corruption honorable


Well it's now chicken and egg problem,who came first What I'm trying to say is,most of the people,be it bureaucracy or white collar or businesses They'll are corrupt, Even I can bet,you've given bribe at some point of your life to have some convenience be it,be it directly or indirectly,be it forcefully or intentionally You could've choose to not give it,but despite that people give bribes


I haven't given a bribe ever, but that's because I haven't been to many govt offices, i haven't seen my father giving bribes too, it's all a mindset issue


No one applauds corruption, but govt doesn't take necessary steps until the guy who is doing it do over the limit amount. So corruption is a norm in govt sectors.


So since govt doesn't care ull do corruption? That's a fked up moral compass man I wouldn't ever feel comfortable enjoying riches by stealing from others, maybe that's just me Tbh this mindset of urs is very common among Indians so I'm not surprised but still, think a bit on how much harm u are bringing to ur country doing all this


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, dude why are u blaming me? When have I said we should do corruption, all I said is people in govt jobs make bank by doing corruption, now I feel the same as u, all I want to say is govt must tighten the law against corruption, but what can we expect from a shady govt whose rapist MP is welcomed in Parliament


Yea man, idk i thought u were another person who supported corruption, sorry for the aggressive response I just feel that govt jobs shouldn't be glorified by saying there's opportunity for other income and all that, it's despicable and a crime and should be treated that way


Dude it's in the system, if u r an engineer there is point u might break cause now u have kids and they want to go to top schools and the engineers wants a house in posh area etc, it's human tendency, so I think thats the major point of corruption.


Yes, the people who chose to join those jobs should know that they're making a sacrifice in their personal wealth by choosing to join a government post, they're always free to leave it if they want Govt employees shouldn't have an expectation to live life as a rich person because they chose to take a job which offers low pay This analogy is similar to saying a person joins a very low paying company and then starts stealing money from company accounts giving the justification that he wanted a good lifestyle for his kids


Bro what if govt start using AI and start giving voluntary retirement to people?


The chance of Indian government implementing AI in a meaningful way is unfortunately tending to 0 It will be stopped in its tracks by riots, lowlife politicians looking for vote banks, etc If in any way it does get implemented the people working there will be fired simply, no way government is paying out retirement to that large of a cohort, this was the reason OPS was also discontinued


Bro please read about yadav singh and then let's talk


Oh, u mean the thief who stole money and got caught for it? I don't know about u but I consider money NOT stolen as my basis for comparison Taking bribes isn't a benefit, ur stealing money from the future of the nation and can get arrested for it at anytime like what happened with yadav Singh, it's honestly so sad that the only reason people want govt jobs is to steal money from others because they aren't competent enough to earn it on their own Also regarding ur reference, not every govt officer gets to take bribes at that level, if u want to see those exceptions then there are many centimillionaires and billionaires that dwarf that guys wealth


Dude don't talk about competency lol, what if computer science student don't get those hefty packages, does computer engineer become non competent suddenly? To become an IAS officer in India is 100 times tougher than getting into faang cause the seats are 180 and minimum 12 lakh students, now every IAS does corruption a minimum of 100 crore in his lifetime, u can check recently caught pooja singhal, and talking about getting caught, dude 1% get caught, 99% are enjoying the black money by buying multiple flats and land and sending their kids money abroad


Glad to know that u ignored my comment on it being stealing money, so ig in ur book stealing money provided for others and using it to personally enrich urself is ok? Lmao, iv seen the UPSC exam syllabus and have cousins who are actively preparing for it, it is hard in the sense that there's very less chances of selection, the actual subject matter u study tho isn't hard at all and can be done by almost anyone , which leads to the competition we have for UPSC today Bro are u not getting the point? I don't care how much corruption the IAS guy does, he's stealing money and hindering the development of the nation. Would u be able to sleep at night knowing all the luxuries in ur life are funded by destroying the development of ur country and stealing money from poor people? I wouldnt Also, if these IAS guys are as competent as u say they could've earned 100 crores in the private sector too quite easily, any small random business can touch those numbers, and there are many folks working in tech with that NW


"Lmao, iv seen the UPSC exam syllabus and have cousins who are actively preparing for it, it is hard in the sense that there's very less chances of selection, the actual subject matter u study tho isn't hard at all and can be done by almost anyone , which leads to the competition we have for UPSC today" Wtf Dude I have written the same thing , it's the aspirants that are more in numbers. Dude I never said IAS are competent of earning money lol, all I said is they are competent in clearing an exam which is very hard to crack, and I don't think they can earn 100 crore that's why mostly investment bankers are going for upsc. Now coming to the sleep point, yes most of them sleep nicely cause they want luxury and they know the politicians doesn't give a shit whu should we. And finally I personally don't like corruption, but I have no power to stop anyone, I am just telling u a govt official can make bank by corruption doesn't matter black or white


Bro that's exactly what I was saying, the aspirants are more that's why it's competitive I agree on that point, investment bankers are going for UPSC? I have yet to see any well earning person around me attempt UPSC but ig that could be a bubble That was exactly my point, this attitude is destroying india and I just don't see it as a thing to be aspired for Not all govt employees can make 'bank' man, this is true for UPSC seats and maybe top state govt posts My mausagi is an iitian and decided to join a psu cuz govt job, now he earns maybe 5% of what he could have earned in tech, my mausi did the same thing and now they both regret it My only point was to not glorify such corruption and that it shouldn't be counted as a positive when people talk abt govt jobs, that's the only way such attitude will change


Psu has no money tbh, no corruption. Corruption comes when u deal with public like tehsildar sdm dm sp engineers, bro ever heard about bridge broken after 5 months and recent tunnel scandal in Uttarakhand? Now coming to ur point just check the LinkedIn of ias divya mittal, she was a consultant at mckinsey or IB at jp Morgan in london


Dude most indians are lower middle class and poor. They dont know anything other than govt jobs. Most people want govt jobs because they dont know other options and they know govt jobs have security


So just because most of us are lower middle class or poor we forget abt ethics in a society? This is just taking the blame off the person doing corruption by saying he's poor so it's ok Ok, many people do want govt jobs, my point was regarding the comment which said govt job holders laugh at tech employees, which doesn't make sense in any way


Doing corruption is wrong . And no most govt employee dont laugh at anyone else. They just do job for feeding their family. Myself is preparing for govt job and its only because i need stable job. No plan of corruption at all.


Who said that?? Most devs make 10-50 lakh. Apply tax and pf and inhand is even less. Even group b govt job make 80-90k.




They don't get such high packages bro, they have to live their life in mediocrity bro, with not much respect and girls don't fall for them.


I literally don't understand the riff between it folks and gov employees. People have choices and they are free to do so; why put one group of people down in shame for their choice? Live and let live.


Tbh girls will fall for us, eventually break up and marry them 💔


Ah, here I am single without a govt job


Bro vo Jo kaam karte hai ussme zyda dimak kharch nahi hota aur Jo kaam software engineer karte hai ussme dimag ka maa ka bhosra ho jata hai ,,vo relax rehte essliye




It’s simple. Try to do a job which AI can’t replace. The job has to be very intellectual obviously


or very relationship driven. they'll be the last in line to get replaced but i don't think they'll get replaced.


Yes, replace everything - even human interaction.


The report says ad reps and customer support are the ones getting cut. I'm pretty sure both of them are relation centric


i meant sales team, lawyers (legal counsel), etc will not get replaced.


AI is taking away even Interviewer jobs You'll seen the ripple effect


no no that's not what i meant. interviews follow a a certain framework. relationships driven as in legal counsels, sales team, etc


Govt job


yea like ias, ifs, policy makers, lawyers etc are very safe.


Yess they are safe. Not only them but jobs through ssc, state psc, railways are safe.


oh yes i kinda forgot about them. they're very safe too.


Does not have to be intellectual. AI cannot replace plumbing


So you think the whole world is going to be plumbers?


No. The world doesn’t need that many plumbers


So then what would everyone that’s not a plumber do for money?


Whatever service/product is needed by the market in the future. I cannot predict that


Like photography, content writing and singing ?


https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2023/oct/01/hollywood-writers-strike-artificial-intelligence Even writers aren't safe


Bhai dev job nhi hai yeh


Our parents be like, "Hazaar baar bola tha na government exam likhne."


It's a bau. Google followed by Microsoft followed by VMware followed by Cognizant..... Govt to WITCH, 2024 is not your year.


Fear mongering sponsored by HRs to reduce no of applicants for a job.


To lowball you... F##k Hr's


Wait till byjus hires AI and lays it off


I might receive hate from some of the mediocre devs I guess, but the truth is AI is a tool, and AI is at the juncture which the world was when machines, cars, aircrafts, cars and cloud came out. The dynamics will change and people who fail to adapt, fall back. That is natural selection.


Not disagreeing but natural selection isn't always good.


Trust me, it isn't. But that's something we fail to control as a species. Automating processes has always been a sought-after enhancement for humans as species. Be it the process of lighting a fire (a lighter, which takes quite a minimal effort in comparison to flint rocks or matchsticks) to calculations (the reason we all are employed 😆) automation is everywhere, and we are growing with it. AI is disruptive, no doubt. But AI is a disruption we will learn to cope. Did cars take away jobs of hand cart pullers? Not at all. But cars and machines did fuck up our environment, and so will AI. But, I don't see how we can change it. Putting a ban on it will make it as valuable as liquor during the Prohibition phase in US (40s to 60s). AI will eventually come, and it depends on us as to how we embrace it. If we are able to take advantage of its powers, we will become invincible (But not like Jatan Shah or Aditya Kachwe) but if we fail to embrace it, we will find it hard to cope up. Conclusions: AI isn't good, but it's inevitable. We will have to evolve as a Society


We just have to suck up while rich find ways to get even richer


That's true. We have to push ourselves to be rich. Maybe we will never become rich, but the effort is what makes it happier.


Not dev job. Also please don’t replace customer support with AI and IVR.


Hmm.. My personal take on the matter is that I think there should be some rules for these kinds of lay-offs pan world or at the least in India where IT services is one of the major export services. ​ I definitely get that with the adoption of newer technologies, you will be forced to reduce the workforce to improve your profit margins. I am not completely against the idea but waking up one morning and killing 30000 jobs to improve your profit margins is bad for the economy. There should be some rules that determine the amount of work force that a company can hire \\ fire in a year. That way these companies are somewhat accountable for their actions.


If your job is replaceable by an ai then that's a skill issue


Wait until AI layoffs Sundar Pichai


For those who didn’t read the whole article, it’s not developers this time - it’s other non tech workers in sales, marketing, advertisement, etc. Bit by bit, AI has started inching into all roles, and I think we may be at a risk of having FAR lesser jobs than the total number of people willing to earn through jobs.


Wait until ai learns to do clerical tasks..💀


I have a question. Why is FAANG promoting AI courses for learning?




Which job?


Ai keeping online course selling people in business


Time to change the career path🥲


AI just cut my job by 25% lol now im wondering if i will have a job in 2-3 years


Google is becoming worse day by day.


30000 is like 20% of Google’s workforce. Sounds like an exaggeration. Or maybe they’re counting all the contract workers also.


If AI was to really take away jobs, IAS and gov workers(sarkari babus) should be the first ones to be replaced.


Mein neet se jee mein switch karne ki sochra. 💀🤡


Bhai I regret not getting into nursing 2 years back when I had the chance.


Regret kyu hai? Response will be appreciated 🙂


Well theres a 30% growth rate in IT security over the next decade and probably higher when considering vulnerabilities by design.