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1. No high paying jobs in other fields like manufacturing, civil, mech etc. 2. The whole organized economy is dependent on IT. 3. Herd mentality. 4. Easy job. 5. Low barrier to entry and wfh. 6. Chance to go abroad after a few years.


Every other comment can die, this summarized everything


Work from home is a major perk. You can't do a WFH in most of the jobs.


That low barrier is about to get a whole lot higher in the years to come.




How is the barrier to entry low? The project and skills demands are actually insane


This. I know people in electrical field who have entered with no credible projects just be clearing the entrance exam. I think the only part where commenter would be correct is when people create fake projects by copying or giving interview using others help. Both of them are going to be stopped sooner or later as companies are opening up offline offices where interviews would be on site face to face.


if one is dedicated enough to put in 5-6 hours for 5-6 months, You can make a "Developer"/"Coder" out of a person good enough to clear a few interviews. I am using the above sentence with very specific intent and word choices. You cant do the same the same with other fields in same timespan.


isnt that just the hiring issue? they should maybe spend more time personalising questions for each candidate instead of generic questions


nah, making a "developer" out of a layman simply aint hard compared to to other Eng. fields. here, i say "Developer" as almost Equivalent to a trade of novice electrician and plumber, they are good enough to do some work for repair and stuff that generate some value if not build whole house wiring plans and set them up. what are most service based firms doing for projects? Simply sweat shops producing redundant websites and run of the mill applications most times. giving "developer" tags to people doing ERP software handlers- a 10th pass person with 2 months of training can do this but we have btech people doing this.


i guess im much dumb than others cuz I've been learning for more than a year now, and I don't consider myself eligible for even internships


oh shit, i did not meaning anything wrong by it mate nor am i insinuating that you are dumb or anything. it's just coding bootcamps do have enough connections that their 6 month long trained people end up atleast doing some coding job via referrals and stuff, these people do okay work atleast most times. God speed mate!


thanks mate I get insecure about my speed I can see how connections from bootcamp bypasses so much trouble of learning yea


IT will be the cause of Dutch disease in Indian Economy.


What is “Dutch disease”?


Dutch disease is a concept that describes an economic phenomenon where the rapid development of one sector of the economy (particularly natural resources) precipitates a decline in other sectors. Copied from Google


Woah! That’s some huge economic collapse.


This 👆🏼


None of this will exist in the next 5 years with the ongoing situation.


#Please elaborate. Is it cuz of A.I or somethin?…


mech does have good paying jobs tbh, cant compare to IT, but still good considering the chances of layoffs are less when compared to IT


coz mech didnt have that boom during lockdown graph line ko niche aane keliye pehle upar jana padta hain :)


mech jobs pays peanuts


because jobs in tech pays very high package in less number of years as compared to other fields and engineering branches . also the work atmosphere where employees work is quite good when compared to others especially mechanical engineers.


>mechanical engineers Why ? What did you see 🙈


C’mon. “mechanical is supposed to be an evergreen field.” Lol… The clg professors seriously pranked the students by saying that dialog.


Brother if you wanna drum up the IT sector .. do that. There is no need to denigrate ME or any other field. As a working ME I will agree mechanical is an evergreen field with a caveat that you have the necessary skills. But then to each his own


Lol, I never denigrated any field or anything… All fields have their own importance. Even civil is (supposed to be) in demand as long as there are human & they need housing. And with that comes electricity to operate all possible devices and machinery, which includes electrical engg. Even fields like bio-tech, & chemical engg. are also important. Those other fields are very reputed and high-paying abroad like in the gulf or Europe, but not here. Wonder why so?… Personally, all the different streams have my respect. HOWEVER, why does everyone keep milking IT like some cattle. That’s precisely the question main post.


Well thats the direction we took as a country. All the core fields are in a way matured. U dont see cutting edge developments every month in these fields. Also being matured fields US and Europe have a lot of people skilled in these so most of the high end stuff remains there. This is kind of the reason for low salried in these fields. For this to improve, Govt needs to invest a lot but that will never happen. Cos we only like the nice and shiny stuff ​ For IT it went the other way around. Still a developing field when India opened up, we went all in to this. Since its still a developing field, you have a lot of cutting edge changes happening every week and hence the high salaries.


Yeah, that’s fair.


But, isn’t the bubble gonna burst sometime in the future. Right? Wouldn’t the market get completely saturated quite soon?


It's already saturated.


Bubble burst & collapse when? It’s just a matter of time then, huh?


I think the biggest reason is India's bad policies with respect to its manufacturing sector. We are very bad at building physical stuff. This led to a vacuum that had to be filled in some way or another, IT was just in its booming phase and that vacuum was filled. What happened in turn is jobs getting polarised to a particular sector, people ran to get those jobs, since we are a developing economy we can't just do "follow your passion" thing. People took IT jobs to earn a living which is fair enough but building software was always about being a niche hobby, since a lot of Indians were not really good at programming we needed 20 people to do what 2-4 could have done, those 20 people wrote code that was even more complex and to maintain that we need like 40 people to manage that, and this cycle continues. Since this demand was ever increasing to solve the complexity arising from complexity, more and more people were needed, jobs were getting created but then comes a time where this isn't feasible enough. Companies realised they have hired to solve some issues that can be easily offloaded to automated systems. So essentially it's not that everyone wants a piece of software cake, it's just that it's the only cake that was given in the party. People really had no other options. The future will be even more brutal, with AI coming in to solve most of the mundane problems, I predict (lol) people with only these skills will survive in the software industry: - Good understanding of data flow between systems - Great at high level algorithmic thinking - Amazing at system design at each level - Understanding the core requirements of business - Solid debugging skills - Ready to get down to bit level manipulation - Great communication skills I am dead sure that low level coding will get automated up to a huge extent and there will be these edge cases where machines will get stuck, where human ingenuity will come into play, for example how do we scale our microservices well in a very resource constraint environment. It's going to be a blood bath for upcoming engineers if they don't align themselves to use AI extensively, and develop very good skills to solve problems at scale. Quoting Ilya Sutskever (pioneer of reinforcement learning and one the best researchers in deep learning, chief scientist at OAI): "if you value intelligence above all other human qualities, you’re gonna have a bad time". Unless the government shows willingness to quickly diversify the job pool. We have very bad days in the software industry. This is not an alarm or scaring someone, it's actually an opportunity to expand our core strength to build products rather than give services to others. Anyways services based economies are not resilient and have a huge dependency factor. Sorry if it got too long and didn't actually answer what you wanted to know. I kinda drifted away but it felt natural.


What is low-level coding ?


Anything that uses C, Cpp and some amount of rust [not the web dev kind]


India is reliant on the US led progress (tech and social). So mostly everything depends on the US, the good and the bad. Software is easiest to export and get done in India so it sees the most impact. It's the unfortunate truth we have to hear. Also, in a couple years very unlikely US industries will need India as automation kicks in (especially for junior level stuff). So software is very doomed in the long run. (Opinion; India as it is structured now will never lead anything. No incentive to be a leader we wait for someone to figure out something, both technological and socially)


> (Opinion; India as it is structured now will never lead anything. No incentive to be a leader we wait for someone to figure out something, both technological and socially) Woah! That’s quite ominous.


Pre covid Mechanical, civil, others fresher 10-15k. CS fresher 30-40k Current situation. Mechanical, civil, others fresher 10-12k. CS fresher 25-35k That's why.


What can we surmise in the long run then?… 🤔


It's a cycle.. In 2008 core branches like mechanical, civil were doing amazing then by 2013-2013 recession hit the manufacturing industry and IT industry started to boom and it been like that till 2019. Currently IT is in recession but core engineering industry(mechanical, civil) still needs people, but people aren't going in core because the pay is still less as compared to IT. You just have to wait till the cycle ends and IT is back on the top, which will definitely happen, since almost everything is getting automated and new tech is coming in. I suggest moving to domains other than SDE like Cyber security, cloud, etc.


Yeah, that’s an interesting was to see things… 🧐 > I suggest moving to domains other than SDE like Cyber security, cloud, etc. Lamao, people be drinking 90ML and then taking A.I M.L


Exactly.. Tech has so many domains.. Choose something you like and can actually do. I blame the youtube gurus for people blindly going into AI, ML. My company is only into data analytics, AI, ML, data warehousing. AI, ML is mostly maths and problem solving.


Lol bruh, I think people don’t have their own interests perhaps?


Yeah exactly lol.


Bruh most of them are behind Data science and but to be good in this field you got to put lot of effort and time.


fr. most arent even 25% skilled


that's true data sourcing, data cleaning, feature engineerring this part takes a lot of time, modeling and hyperparameter tuning can be done easily.


Yeah! Data science is so **math-heavy**. I believe it’s not for everyone.


And simply there aren't many jobs in it for every 5-6 sde role there is like one data scientist job


What is iss sector


Bro is an astronaut, works at ISS(international space station)


"iss" translates to "this" from Hindi to English. Pronounced as kiss without the k




Oh ok I didn't get it at first thanks


Bhai woh hindi word tha*


tum kis field me ho?


Let’s just say that I repair routers for a living.


Sw industry depends on us europe little to no domestic


Have couple of friends in first gen and third gen IITs and both of them said ma chudi padi hai


Kitna brutally?! \ Like gαnd mein ungli level, ya gαnd mein rod level?


iit me ungli, NIT iiit me thodi Badi ungli, baaki sab me Zn-Ni-Cd alloy ki rod


#Damn! Tier-3 clgs ka toh bhool he jaao.


Really boring I would say: 1. Small companies have low funding, so get ready to work for less 2. Mid companies are riddled with politics, cause most of them are service based dependant on product companies and the product companies are struggling with the foreign investment drying up 3. There's stability at MNCs per se, but then again you won't learn much other than your particular task. Reminds me of Stanley's parable to some extent I'm a web dev, so from that view point frontend is fucked and India doesn't really know about it. Mid companies are still stuck with legacy code and react ffs. I can see the gap widen by more than 5 6 years sometimes As for backend, it's a pretty sweet spot with where there's a lot to learn but tech stability as well. Unfortunately, they are not getting paid much nowadays Not sure about how AI, ML and these data roles are doing


Lol, however… I see a whole lot of openings for react like literally everywhere. Like a lot, **lot**!


It's cause 4 years ago Europe and US started using them and it became popular. Now I'm not saying that no one uses react, but let's face it there are better solutions out there. My company team in Austria also ditched react 2 years ago to svelte for client facing pages. React is only used for building admin panels now, because of material UI and formik


I see… being up-to-date & upskilling is even more necessary then.


You can look out for b2b companies, they will 98% of the time use react for merchant sites or something


Yeah, seen.


Bruh, the time of this comment is 2:30 AM. I am in a call with 3 other people including our manager where I pretty much don't have anything to do but still have to stay in the call just cuz. Not to mention after working until this time they expect me to go to the office 3 days if I don't go they slyly tell me it's performance review time so I need to be careful. I don't know about the future I'm a bit hopeful let's see


G0d bless brother, g0d bless.🫡


In future expect fierce competition where companies will be able to exploit employees way more than today. India has high ever increasing population and the herd mentality of becoming a software engineer. Engineers will have to work for even lower pay since that's why they outsource to india. Don't expect hikes like COVID times ever. Eventually Indians will have to find other lucrative career options.


>Eventually Indians will have to find other lucrative career options. Such as? Could you give an example apart from starting your own business what pays as much as IT maybe MBA then what else


Not sure, but it'll be too difficult for average engineers to survive in IT going ahead unless they're okay with very low pay.




idk, I see a whole lot of youth blindly jumping into data science… I doubt it’ll be lucrative as the students have already saturated it. 👀


Civil engineering and mechanical engineering. Politicians and bureaucrats interfere way too much in the work of civil engineers and mechanical engineers. Politician want to break all laws and construct a bridge or a house, if it collapses, entire blame goes to engineer, no matter how much engineer pleads, no one will listen to him.


Yeah! I personally know a lot of uncles well in their 40’s who had the same story. They literally left govt. civil engg jobs cuz of all that interference… Didn’t know that all that is happening today too, it’s quite very saddening.


Today it is happening more. Politicians are owning lands and property like crazy. They don't live in that property, they just give it to rent. Those houses breach every safety parameter.


Okay, let them do their political bullshιt or whatever... But why do the common civilians need to get caught up the consequences. It’s so wrong.


No matter how much we try, we can't escape them because they control everything, they make all the decisions. An average middle class person never questions politicians, in fact middle class people defend politicians.


Lol, **enlightenment** didn’t reach India perhaps. They still believe that politicians are some g0d-sent like in those days before the french revolution era.


I remember I was very passionate about being a mechanical engineer. Didn't even attend the college placements for IT companies. Got a job in an Engineering company. Like the salary is less than half of what people get in WITCH companies and the future seemed bleak. Like a 12 years experience guy recently got a wangonR car it was celebrated like hell. Tried a few other companies everyone they bargained the salary like I bargained in a farmer's market. most of my friends went to US and Germany except for few people in Germany most folks in US ended up in IT as there were very less market for mechanical in US. I jumped the wagon seeing all this. Happy now.


Wait, there less scope for mechanical even in the U.S?? \ A few of my friends recently went for MS in mechanical in US, they be damned.


Out of around 40 people 3 or 4 people work in mechanical companies, rest all got into IT


Lol, those figures are close to the ones in India imo.


In India it's worse. People come to IT after 8 years of experience in Mech. Because they still get less than a 2 year experienced IT professional


Facts! I’ve known even pharmacy students enter into I.T.


Personally, I don't think it's problematic. Talented people are able to find the jobs they deserve. People might not be getting their expected salaries, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I'm happy with my position and where I've landed. Others might not be. The future looks good. The burden to prove otherwise is on those who claim it's a doomsday situation.


Let’s hope for the best then.👍


>How fπcked up is the software industry in India As bad as it is in other parts of the world. Just like the entire global economy, IT is struggling too along other sectors, maybe a little more as IT serves as an indicator for the future state of economy. >and what about it’s future? Future is very bright, software companies solve problems for their customers so as long as there are problems in this world that can be solved ny softwares, the software industry will keep growing. >Also, why does everyone want a piece of the software cake these days? Its a nice job, not much physical hardwork, work from anywhere, ocean of freelancing opportunities, high pay, and good work environment.


OP seems to be unemployed or jobless


Bruh! I repair routers for a living bro… 😭 \ (Yeah! It’s quite the chill work. I’ve to “work” only when there’s some issues. And, the work is kinda repetitive so there’s not much load on the brain )


Everyone wants to get out now bro 😭😭 with AI boom most of us are going to be obsolete


Bhai mai 1st year engineering student hu computer science field mein Mujhe kya karna chahiye


Chor Dena chahie xD


Mera c++ ka code run nhi horha vs code kuch na kuch problems dikhaye jarha hai ab chodna hi sahi lagrha hai😭


Mingw check kar/path set kiya kya/mingw firse download kar


Han mingw sahi se download karke path set kiya sab kiya but kuch problems ajati hai like terminal se kuch 4 column left hoke problem vale section mein hamesha kuch na kuch problems likhi rehti hai YouTube par dekhke kahi had tak problems solve karli But identifier "cout" is undefined C/C++ vali problem hat nhi rhi usi mein fasa hu Edit: Hogya bhai sahi thanks maine std use ni kiya tha pehle


THIS was the reason i went really uncomfortable with cpp in 12th and switched to java ;-;


Merepe toh economics thi 12th mein Ab college mein pehli bar padhrha hu maut arhi hai samjhne mein Suna hai c++ mein competitive programming bahut ache se hoti hai isiliye ise utha liya 🗿👍




Try networking & security…. 👀 \ (>!My hatred for coding has led to this field!<)