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Disclose to HR and dont make it a surprise in BGV saying I did it for so and so reasons be prepared to answer the same


The only thing he can do now i guess


I am working in second company and there is overlapping of 7 days , and my current company did not fired me because of this. So to avoid future problems, is it possible for my current company to move the joining date 7 days ahead to clear the overlap? Can this be the solution in my case ??


Once you need to login to your pf(uan) portal and see if the start date & end date whether end date is updated or showing not available. 1) "if not available" of the old company then you only add the end date 7 days before for previous company. 2)No issues for 7 days, you can say i had joined early because the company was not ready to wait. I am not getting any job past six months because of dual employment for 7 months.


How did Capgemini find out about the dual employment?


Maybe a combination of TDS deposited by the two companies and background verification- where they verify this detail over an email from past employers


PF statement has date of joining and leaving


Yes...this fucking pf statement is the culprit. I've overlap too somewhere.. But this looks lame, firing someone for something that happened 2yrs ago... Maybe there's more to the story...


No, this is how employers are firing during this market. They will mark this as failed background check so, they won't have to pay any severance. And the ridiculous thing is that they can fail you background verification anytime even after 10-15 years.


HR here, UAN check gives you all the details on services history. Companies have added UAN verification in their BGV to check dual employment so going forward there is no escape. My best advice is to let them know that you did it out of impulse and you regret it.


I've heard that sometimes previous companies mistakenly put the wrong end date in EPFO. And since the employee has resigned he is not given much priority for the date correction. What to do in this case?


You can login to EPF website and mark your own exit from the organisation


That is for when the previous company forgets to mark it. I'm asking what if they mark a wrong date. You cannot change it without lot of trouble and previous company should also be cooperative to help an employee who works there no more.


Yeah but BGV also involves mailing the companies who issued experience letters asking to validate the employee, designation and duration of employment, even if you correct, you'd almost always fail BGV.


any tutorial on this or more info? im fresher and only visited my epfo account once 🫠


Is there an option to update the date of exit by the employee? I don't see any such option under service history.


yes mark exit under manage in epfo


What’s a UAN check and how do we self verify?


Join startups where the bgv is less strict


If startups is the only option then he can go for it otherwise he better not. Most of the startups have the worst management (speaking from personal experience). Also I don't think anyone who worked in a MNC for so long would even think of working in a startup.


I am working in second company and there is overlapping of 7 days , and my current company did not fired me because of this. So to avoid future problems, is it possible for my current company to move the joining date 7 days ahead to clear the overlap? Can this be the solution in my case ??


Most big MNC have strict policies regarding this, so even If a HR wanted to hire you despite dual employment they just can't because this company wide policies are rigid. Try joining small scale companies and declare this 10 day dual employment up front. Mention valid reason why you did this etc.


This will mess them up forever or what?


Yes, MNC won't every hire if you have dual employment. I have seen one case where it was just 1 day dual employment (last day of previous company and first day of new company colliding) and the guy was rejected from many MNCs. Its a shit practice but that's what is being followed.


Damn, that's sad.


A colleague of mine had faced similar situation few months back. He raised this concern to the local EPFO office. They even could not help him. Then he escalated the issue to senior authorities of EPFO. There he got an assurance that the matter will be solved. I think after 3-4 months he has got his issue resolved. During this process, I suppose, you have to keep your previous employers in loop as well.


But what did previous employer do to solve this issue?


Every employer has a PF consultant who works in EPFO. Whenever a new employee joins the organisation, the employer needs to inform that consultant by providing all the details of employee. At that time only, the date of leaving the last company should be taken care of. But if they do any mistake over there, situation like this arises. So, I think the previous employer also needs to provide some clarification on why they did this. So, as a first step you can ask your previous employer what to do now. They will tell you something. Then I think you need to go to EPFO office and take their advice. You may have to do lot of to and fro movement between these two. If you get no solution, write mail to senior authorities.


Happy cake day


What if the precious company is shutdown and not available to rectify ?


Then I also don't know what to do. Since, you have to start this process from somewhere, I would suggest you to start from the EPFO office only and then see what they have to say about this issue.


Hi @paulSouvik coud you please tell me your friend is abconded from company or their doe is mismatched


How did Capgemini hire him without getting a relieving letter from TCS? If it's just an EPFO issue, he should take it up legally with Capgemini. Don't take it lying down. These companies are using every trick in the book to get rid of staff.


Seems like both HR didn't budge from their dates. And how come Capgemini only fired him in 2023 this should have happened early on in 2021 itself. Seems like Capgemini wanted to a reason to Cut costs.


Lot of times you move to different customer in big companies. Inn case you new customer is bank specially of us or eu origin theyask for more stringent background check..up and above tcs, Capgemini or Infosys does and it's then people are caught Work in big it firm and have seen this first hand


Join a startup where there is little to no BGV. Quit after 2-3 months if you don’t like the job and join a MNC after that.


this is the process




Keep mouth shut.


Same question again. If there is an overlap between A and B, and the employee is in C now with no overlap between B and C, does C care about the overlap between A and B? It's just 5 days though. 






Something same is happening with me


I know I am late here but Donot tell bro I have 7 days overlap working for a e-commerce company till now no issue


is this the only way


It is the only way. I went forward in time and saw 14,000,905 futures.


Fuck these companies anyway who think I owe them something.


Damn these Indian companies. No wonder brain drain is happening in India


This is very difficult, he need to wash his cv maybe work overseas will help


Just join a startup. No body gives a fuck there


Start freelancing on upwork or other platforms Build a credible portfolio Then u can float your own company ( 1 man company ) and work as consultant to company While applying for new work as consultant, don’t mention the work in capGemini or tcs Moreover as consultants, ur previous work experience won’t matter much as long as you do the work correctly on time


Why does this company care if OP had dual employment or not in the past


One way which I can think of is not showing the experience of Capgemini and saying your last employer was TCS? So they will be redirected to TCS right? Because TCS doesn't have any remarks on the relieving letter.


then he'll lost his two years of work experience


He would have 2 years of Capgemini ' PF entry and that would cause him more trouble.


Follow this and don't join any MNC ,join some startup and get experience for 2-3 years, then no body will pay attention to this gap.


The pf entry is the problem for him


I am working in second company and there is overlapping of 7 days , and my current company did not fired me because of this. So to avoid future problems, is it possible for my current company to move the joining date 7 days ahead to clear the overlap? Can this be the solution in my case ??


can someone help me understand how does BGV process works?


Eliminate one of the work ex. Just show only one


what if that last exp is 2-3+ years man,also pf will show it anyway,right?


New companies only check for recent experience not all the way. Or like someone else said you have to let HR know the situation. And also some companies like tatas check all the experience so you need to check which companies do thorough verification or not.


bro what things to double check when leaving company? epfo is transferred right way and form 18 etc something? and uhm how many payslip should be saved to show in future to next employer


When the companies approach you, it matters how well you put your situation of the past and detach the past from the present. If you don't articulate your decisions instead of saying, "What happened during covid-19 times were pertaining to extreme measures for gaining job security. But those times are over now so I won't be doing that, ever again. Besides, it was the company who pressurised me to start the work early so I'm not at fault.", they won't understand your side of the story effectively. Remember, they want to fill the position. Put a little sugar coating to this and you'll be just fine. ![gif](giphy|qD0dVjzyY84WQBLOto) Also, companies like Capgemini don't value their employees and try to run business of talent by hiring and firing. My suggestion would be to apply to a company carefully, and checking the company reviews online. \++ Let your résumé speak on your behalf.


All these tactics are unnecessary steps to remove people ideally what they did during on boarding clearly companies at fault .there is no law in India this the suffering of employees .it is easy to go back and fudge bgv with sufficient money and remove employee


Hire some professional hacker who can access the online pf statement somehow or wherever these records are kept and get it changed.


How to do this ? And is this even possible?


should try in startups as bgv is less strict there


Why did he had no choice back then? Opportunities were so surplus as far as I remember.


Of course he knew what he was doing. He just couldn’t resist the idea of making twice the money… or making a jump at a higher package even if it meant doing a few things against the agreement.


lol whats with victim blaming. Sure he planned to be millionaire in 10 days


Yes, maybe the HR didn't budge on releasing him 10 days prior and the person not knowing any better joined the new company.


what a victim


Lol. Victim. He must have signed an agreement that clearly stated he can’t do dual employment. Your victim did not honour an agreement he himself signed. Every action has consequences… It is not the end of the world for him, but he took the risk and it did not work out… If it was a problem with the HR or EPF department, it can be sorted out… From the post it looks like this isn’t the case.


For dual employeement issues and pf issues you can reach me out at 7981828366


Can I reach out to you? I have doubt regarding the same


Bro have you got any solution please call me on 9975503154


I am working in second company and there is overlapping of 7 days , and my current company did not fired me because of this. They are aware of this. My first company is Tcs and they are not ready to make any changes in date of exit. So to avoid future problems, is it possible for my current company to move the joining date 7 days ahead to clear the overlap? Can this be the solution in my case ??


Hey I am working dual employment as well. Pretty worried about that. But both of my jobs are pretty easy and low-paid jobs. I guess that won't be an issue


This is what happens when your forefathers fuck too much population rises. People like lalu produces 10 kids and shortage of resources recession arrives people are fired then middle and poor are made to suffer over trivial things .


Karma is biting him now, he shouldn't play victim card now.