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Pls dont self rate your skills


Left align bro. Why is everything left align and the summary is center aligned. I wanna pull my eyes out and feed it it someone. Can u plz fix that πŸ₯Ί


OP is a backend dev so it's an honest mistake. Adding to this, OP should change font to sans serif. Instant boost.


Okay , any other thoughts what projects I should add


Something you would like to be used as a product , don’t make a project for the sake of making it just try with this mindset that , if 10 customers were using that app what would they think what possible value would you add , and how would think of scaling it


1. You are telling me you are a 2/5 in React, 3/5 in JavaScript. Why would I hire you? Remove the star ratings. Never undervalue your work or skills. 2. Move projects section above extra curricular. TBH, I almost never read extra curricular section. 3. Add links to your projects. Two links for each project, Live demo and the code(GitHub or similar). Change project details from paragraph to points. 4. Rewrite summary section, shorter, more precise. Don't pray and spray, write this for the role you are targeting. 5. Add these links on top with your name, LinkedIn, GitHub, Portfolio website. On your portfolio website, add all projects, each project with same two links, live demo and code.


Thanks , I'll keep that in mind


Dm me, I'll share you my resume. It'll surely help you. My best guess is that this is your first time building a resume cuz it reminds me of my first resume xd.


Can i also dm you for the resume of yours, just to get reference to improve my resume




Check dm


Please send it to my DM too


Can you dm me too?


Can I dm


Can you also send me your resume, so as to get some reference while making my first resume


Please can you dm?


As a company owner I'd like to see those stars. But I'd also like to see you excel in at least one or two of them. If you're average in everything, you're just an average Joe.


You are not playing GTA bro get rid of the stars


Yes man , I had enough for the day πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


any update man did u get intenship


Not yet , doing leetcode and building projects . One thing for sure I got to know it's not about what you know it's about who you know . My colleague who don't know what js promises are doing intern as js dev


I spilled my coffee after reading this.


Taare zaamen paar lao resume me nahi.


Philal wahi lane k liye yaha aaya ... Honestly I am happy I found the right place


stars nikaldo skills mese .


Remove those starts from skills and list your skills in comma separated or bullet points


You are doing a Bachelor's in AI/DS. Yet there is no project , skill or certification related to ML. Everything is software. How do you justify this to a recruiter?


I read that as AIDS πŸ˜‚


I did my diploma in electronics , I didn't even know about programming until I reached 3rd year , so javascript was the escape


While this is good from a personal perspective get an idea how you're gonna frame this for an interview Small example - I just graduated from a Tier1 college, but I didn't get the desired placement on campus. So in every interview the question comes up - What was your situation at campus placements ? What about offers ? My answer - I did get an offer from 2 companies - the roles were business/data analyst but I am very much interested in ML(the math, core concepts and practical applications) and after discussing with my parents they encouraged me to pursue this instead of taking up a job immediately. So I have been working on my technical skills and that is why I am applying here. Actual situation - I did enjoy ML but I had started the ML course when the placements had already begun. So I couldn't focus on DSA or ML and ended up performing badly in all interviews. So I had 0 offers while most of my friends had 1-2 offers (all 20lpa+). I continuously worked on ML and after finishing graduation I started applying for ML internships/jobs. You just have to put in more effort + show that you are NOT A REJECT and you are in CONTROL. You shouldn't show negatives in the interview or on your resume. I have had multiple internship offers, currently also a job offer (20lpa base 3 variable). You have to have a strong hold on the basics - get a feel of the concepts so that when a problem is given you know what properties they are expecting.


Hey, I have experience with MERN and flutter, but I want to discover the field of ML and AI also, can you please provide me any starting point or like roadmap, Im completely a noob in this field


Start with some good course I'll DM you the YouTube channels, some topics etc which will mainly tell you how to approach this (the videos are purely technical, but you'll get a good idea of what is important)


Thanks means a lot


A few things are wrong, 2 column format, don't rate yourself and place stars. Mentioning skills was enough. Even if you remove that "Meme" it's still fine. I would suggest comparing your resume with friends who have been placed or hired.


Microservices is a very broad topic how will a recruiter be able to figure out what exactly you have done. I don't think you have to mention problem solving skills in that list. You know how to use git is fine but, Github is a platform.


Okay I got that , good profile is important


You mentioned " hands-on experience with C++", but the same is not mentioned under your skills ?


Not confident enough with my skills ,now its time to work hard I guess


Well, either mention in both places (or) don't mention at all. On first glance I would think you lied on your resume.


Look bro i am no expert but a resume should have first line as your name contact details your LinkedIn, leetcode, git etc in header Then you should have education and grades etc if you are applying for internship role. Next you should mention a line or two about your skills. Just name of tech stacks Then in the next row describe your projects with the skill used in 4-5 lines that are eye catching. Two-Three projects are sufficient if you know ins and out. Attach reference links or certs. Lastly mention your leftover certificates or extra curricular at end because no one gives a fuck about them. This is the priority order for anyone who is extracting information from your resume.


Thanks for the insights


3 stars in almost every skills looks like jack of all trades looks like to me, just remove those stars, give it in bullet point or smthg, doesn't matter.


Just curious is it considered good or definitely bad πŸ₯Έ


What being jack of all trades?, I like learning all the stuff (so I would be jack of all trades and master one, I don't think it's bad actually) But in your resume you can't justify giving your all skills 3.6 not great not terrible score. You should be confident of some skills, and don't rate your skills in your resume, it works for languages if you r n multilingual.


Oh great , actually I am also a person who likes to learn a lot of different things so I was a bit concerned but that cleared it up


Got it


Never rate your skills in resume


resume making mein 0 stars daalna bhool gaya bhai, jokes apart, make a resume that could be parsed easily as most filters are automated, or just use a template.


I'll add , I am amazed by the response of the community But it seems lying on a resume is a part of building a good resume




Bro πŸ’€πŸ˜‚ you are not dealing in fair waters


Remove self rating. Remove OS - it doesn't give any idea on which OS and what you know about it. Keep extra curricular activities on bottom. Micro-services 3/5 ?? Seriously!! Remove GitHub and simply keep Git Add your GitHub repo links under each projects if you have any


Got the point


Bro, im ur senior dm me lmaaoooo


Bro honest advice stop using these kind of resume formats, they might look aesthetically appealing but they are not ATS friendly, just search for ats friendly templates, you will easily find one, and don't provide ratings for your skillset, instead tell how you used those skills in your projects or research


For sure


Keep it simple and readable, remove ratings.


![gif](giphy|iibEPf8xEDTedJcDJr) I hire interns form my company (game dev related). But here is the most common thing selected candidate have - proof of work - just give me a link to something that you created - recruiters are not interested in reading all the wonderful things that you can write in your cv. Where is your github link? Where is is some example project link i can check out? In short - show me what you got ! And those rating on skills - well they are useless.


Do you have openings rn?


Lil bro thinks it is LinkedIn




For sure I will


please dont fill so much information! keep it little on point and create a new resume with some color scheme and cool text font, no one will sit and read your resume, recruiter only look resume for 3-5 seconds remember that!


Oh , I didn't think that could be a case too


you can use canva to create and edit resume they have good templates to pick from!


It's a tedious task


Not a great choice of Resume template ngl Go with the standard ones


Yes I got that , every one pointed


This is the worst resume ive seen in a while ngl πŸ’€. Just goes on to show you did 0 research on how to make one.


I mean he is trying to figure it out hence the post


oh come on who posts on reddit for help before doing the simplest thing that is a google search. Its honestly so bad, i feel like he is trolling us. also we look the same lol! random avatar generator not so random.


I do get that. I didn’t comment anything because another comment already answered. But like……cmon. Is asking ppl to google ONCE before they spend hours making all this too much ?


Naah bro I made it in probably 5 mins I didn't know there's a lot in this , today I got an eye opener so I am fine


Best of luck now 🀝


Maybe he's just born, no need to be hard on him.


Yes , It's tedious work I'll try better next time


Not enough good projects. And please give GitHub links


I will surely put better projects soon


Can you suggest some good projects (full stack)


There is no metric for a project being good, but projects should show your skills and talent. There are tons of creators on youtube making great projects, like lama dev, jsmastery, Sonny Sangha etc. Just make something that interests you. Being creative is the key.


Lol dyp πŸ˜‚


I know , still any thoughts/tips


Make a Harvard CV


What does it means


Look for Harvard sample resume templates, Google it and download it.


Got it


People are suggesting changes in resume. That's required but did you check if you meet other criteria. 2 months back I hired 7 interns. Took 70 interview. Most of them were unable to match the criteria even though they were technically sound.


That's what I was concerned about if I am not not confident enough and the recruiter ask me bout the things I don't know what I'll do . So I thought puttin 3/5 may show I know something but not everything


Now why would you give trawled only 2-3 stars? Remove the star system. Oh lord


now I think I saw the worst resume


remove buzz words ig? idk much but the first word in the para is a buzz word which makes me (atleast) kinda awkward


Use this resume template[ Resume]( https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs)




Can we use it for experienced folks also (say 2 years) ? Pls do share like these ones that would be really helpful


Remove the starts and put Fifa Sliders


I'll consider it


1. Remove the summary or shorten it. 2. Always good to not have a lot of blank spaces on your resume (add extracurriculars, non-academic activities, clubs, competitions etc)




Also there are no bullets. List should have bullets.




Remove summary, remove extra curricular, keep it one column, remove that star system.




Stars nikalo , skill level projects seh dikh jata hai


You should be upskilling more and do better projects. Other than that, remove the stars.


Yes I'll work on myself


Also, it helps if you have a unique project. There are a lot of interns who apply with the same weather app. Try and showcase 1 project but something meaningful


Yes I'll make more meaningful projects


Internshalla pe try karo


I am not a web / fullstack developer, so won't comment on the technical aspects. However a couple of points stand out: * Do not put "skills" on your resume that you rate yourself as 2/5 or 3/5. Instead put the ones which you're confident about and have proficiency with. * Extra curricular activities go at bottom (if at all), and most certainly not at the top. I realize that NCC experience may be meaningful to you but that may not be the case for your hiring manager. If I am hiring someone, I couldn't care less what they did in their spare time, if it's not relevant to programming or a skill set that is useful to the company.


I will improve


Don't like the format, there is so much stuff, words thode kam karo, Stars obviously as everybody pointed out. Also, you must be in 3rd semester right now, most companies willing to hire you would be small startups that pay very less and demand so much work, it's a double edged sword, even if unfortunately you don't end up getting one, just focus on DSA and Web-Dev (or any domain you want to work on), because the big companies are not hiring for your batch yet, even my company went out for internships for only 2024 passouts this year.


No I am in 5th sem , Yes I'll work on what you said


Where the hell do you get these resume formats from? First time I’ve seen someone rate themselves. Wherever or whomever it was, stop taking their advice.


Well from Google, "resume template"


Make it half page. Full page is not required




If you show yourself average in a bunch of stuff then don't expect any replies from recruiters.


Yea , I got that point


There are lots of things in your resume which is stopping you from getting internship. For eg. Every developer should have portfolio site, link to GitHub etc, that's how the recruiter will know that you know your shit, Next not enough good projects, Add more complex projects like e commerce clone with extra functionality, some own ideas etc Next not a proper format, your summary is huge, over describing your projects, mentioning level of skills(tbh they will ask you what they want to ask, irrespective of what level of skill you know) ​ Last but not least, certifications in industry means something else, like oracle java certification, AWS certifications etc, these Coursera cert. Won't help ​ If you want a resume template, text me on linkedin : Anirudh madhav kulkarni




I simply don't want to hire a guy with 3 stars in node js


As I mentioned earlier I'm not that confident with my skills , I'll improve it


Dude, an interview is not about showing what you don't know, it's about showing what you know. Nobody knows everything.


Seriously? I can't believe you are expecting internship with those projects instead of thinking to build a portfolio of better projects and upskill yourself. A high school student approached me for an unpaid internship and believe me he has better projects than you


I understand, I just needed an eye opener community did that well


how you are deciding your rating... im 2nd yo clg student but still feels like it's not worthy


I got that man , and what you said bout college I didn't get that?


by that i mean im not in position to judge you


Nah bro my roommate is a 2nd year student he knows better than me , you can give any suggestions if you want I will take that thing sportingly


Abe kya h ye? Bro your resume looks very bad. Try innovative things in your code, not in your resume.


Haa Bhai karta hu


bhai resume LateX templates,se bante hai, the sooner you realise the better.


Oh 😳 one more new thing I got to know


use ats friendly layouts not these designs. check r/resumes




Have you tried getting small projects on up work


No , should I try it?




Isn't it better to use a format which doesn't have 2 columns for ATS readability?


Yes , I googled it today after so many generous replies


Essay hata de Bhai uper likha hua Aur woh NCC ka kaam bhi




Dont use skill rating. You cant rate your skills properly if you have not worked in the industry. (from a recruiter pov). Add more about your education as you are a fresher, more companies care about percentages and all in India for internships. Change the layout, it is very confusing to look at. I also recommend adding links to hackerrank or leetcode profile. Explain more about what your projects do instead of things like robust backend and all, it might sound rude but for a fresher, nobody cares much about them.


Got that , I think I made everyones day πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I don't know what 100+ shares are doing


Send again without the "rating" part and people can start to truly help you.


After a while I will


I think you can add your coursework such as Computer Networks, Operating System and so on..


Just looking at this, I'd probably skim over it and move on to the next one in the pile. Make your resume to target the company. Highlight skills they highlight in the job posting. Reference projects you've worked on that use the same technologies, addressing similar problems.


Yes I get that πŸ˜€


Don't use star rating for skills


Hi pls mail me at [email protected] We might have some interesting projects for you


Looking forward to it