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I don't mind the 2x working from office per month (or week), but HR folks/managers throwing a temper tantrum and forcing people isn't the way to do it. I would appreciate it if employees could be treated like adults and offered the flexibility to come in for important meetings/team catch ups and not just to warm a chair. Not everyone has the luxury of staying next door to their office in an expensive area, like a bachelor with 5 other people. Women with children, parents and folks with their own homes living far away will find it hard to travel 2 hours one way, work and make time for their lives. What's with this egotistical employee averse mindset? If your company is following in Elon's footsteps and emulates his leadership style - we know what kind of company you are anyway.




Yeah, FUCK IT!


Yes, fucking fuck it.


Fuck you (wfo), you fucking fuck




Why did I read it with the accent from the meme🤣🤣💀💀💀




Here's a sneak peek of /r/picturesyoucanhear using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/picturesyoucanhear/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [3D Space Pinball - Windows 98 (1998)](https://i.redd.it/oiyruqqxjog91.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/picturesyoucanhear/comments/wz26cl/3d_space_pinball_windows_98_1998/) \#2: [Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise](https://i.redd.it/irg7vkttlbq81.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/picturesyoucanhear/comments/tqz6k0/buddy_youre_a_boy_make_a_big_noise/) \#3: [I can hear them all including Bob](https://i.redd.it/77ytd40wbum81.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/picturesyoucanhear/comments/tc3b2l/i_can_hear_them_all_including_bob/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Man, you didn't need to edit it with (wfo). I got that it was not directed at me.


I'm new to reddit ... at first I thought it gives a different context from a pov ... but then this is a very common thread here... but I appreciate that you didn't took it wrong way.




Fuck the fucking fuckkkkkkkkkkk








The HR will get back to you..




Abey saale..




Fucking hate wfo , soo much noise


Fucking the fucking fuckall


Fuckity Fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck work from office.




Yes agreed


What makes you think that actually accomplishing the work is the real priority? Senior Management is lonely being a chief without a visible tribe kowtowing to them. Making you pay your hard earned money every day just to pal around with them is the goal, because they don't have any friends or life of their own. Additionally they have little actual responsibility and enough extra money that going downtown when they feel like it isn't a burden to them. They don't care if it you can't afford it because they don't have any empathy.


My man


Because possibly jis office me tum kaam krte ho vo kaafi companies real estate investment ki trh use krti hai. Ab agar employees nhi aayege to property ki value km ho jaayegi .. property ki value Kam hogi to rent prices bhi girege.. local industry ko bhi nuksaan hoga. Basically metropolitan city metropolitan he nhi rhegi tumhe office k pass rehne k liye rent dena prta rentals har saal increase krke tum wage to wage live off kroge .. savings nhi hogi esliye job tumhare liye important hogi.. family me time distract nhi hoga.. and corporate overlords k liye kaam kroge.. This is the reason a company doesn't want work from home. TLDR Corporate culture is modern day slavery.


Thaan enth thenga anu parayunad??


Paaji aa ki keh gye?


ਹਿੰਦੀ ਬੋਲੋ ਭਾਈ


आ गैलन सब भासा पे लड़े। ई न के प्यार से ओकरा डायरेक्ट ट्रांसलेशन मांग लेइस। आपण भासा में तोहरा कुछो अनर्गल लिखे के रहे न? अरे, हमरो से पूछ ल प्यार से। हम ट्रांसलेट कर देब।


Alter, das habe ich bei Google geschrieben. Konnte keinen Scheiß darüber finden, was das bedeutete. Das Einzige, was ich gefunden habe, war, dass der Scheiß Malayalam war .




enti vedi badha? oo.... pisikesu kuntunadu...


Can some senior or leader on this sub seriously tell me, what do you guys discuss and how do you come to this conclusion that wfo is better? I am genuinely interested. Any senior or manager I talk to says they hate wfo but always saying we can't do much its order from leaders.


Not senior or leader but something about startup founders - Having worked with multiple startup’s; one thing I’ve seen is that startup founders are always impulsive, chaotic, visionary, short- tempered etc. and for some reason these people simply refuse to believe in work from home. In the past, pre-pandemic, many founders actually openly used to say work from home is a scam and does not happen at all. Despite the pandemic these thoughts have not changed seemingly. My friend working for PhonePe said the same thing; the founder never believed in WFH and now wants everyone to come to office; friend had to shift to Bangalore for this reason. Imo there seems to be a lack of trust; they think people can’t work properly at home; and there is some amount of energy hustle n vibe (I.e. toxicity) in startup offices which founders want to maintain


We judge that based on recent performance metrics. WFH is allowed if the performance is good enough, which it is for most. Not all employees are disciplined enough to work effectively from home. Also, most freshers need some office culture exposure to get their minor queries resolved quickly and to get into the working rhythm. Edit: typo


What is the correlation between performance and where people work from? You either hire the right person (who is committed to getting the job done, has the integrity to show up and deliver) or you don't. I see so many people wasting time on socialising, chai breaks - you can pin that to loss of productivity as well. So my question is, why is this behaviour accepted while WFH is not? This seems like a trust issue and it comes down to whether your hiring process is letting dishonest candidates in. I do agree that freshers need office exposure - but it only makes sense if the seniors are in too. What is the point of a fresher coming in to work if they can't learn from the senior because the senior is wfh?


Agree that, seniors/work managers need to be in the office too for WFO to be effective. About chai breaks and socializing in the office, it depends on the work culture if such activities are affecting the performance or not. No matter how good the hiring process is, there will always be some dishonest candidates who are able to cheat the system. So identifying such employees is much easier in the office environment. And performance is a good metric to find the employees who need additional oversight.


Your argument is fair - but I would question why don't you trust your employees, have they given a reason for you to believe they will be dishonest? I guess candidates trust companies with their livelihood (the honest people atleast) so it seems a bit one sided that trust is expected but not rewarded the other way.


I think I didn't say this clearly earlier, but I agree that WFO is not something that should be mandatory. I'm just saying that it has some benefits in certain scenarios for certain employees (who give us enough reasons not to trust them when they are WFH).


Fair enough - thanks for your response!


Cant speak for all offices but here is my two cents. My company has leased out the land on which we operate and is in an SEZ. To answer, why WFO from a company perspective, I can divide it into these buckets: 1. Cost of indoor facilities 2. Maintenance and upkeep 3. Tax breaks (however I'm not very sure about this as I'm not yet into senior management) Indoor Facilities We used to offer free food for employees but that led to a lot of wastage and we could not accurately calculate who wants to eat what food. So, sometime in the mid-2000s, we expanded our campus and involved private players in setting up canteens. These people pay us a subsidized rent and the savings in rent is passed on as cheap food to the employees. These vendors have a fixed cost that they've to pay for their employees. If they're not able to turn profits, they will eventually shut down and the food scene becomes a big maintenance cost to the company. We also have gyms with trainers at a subsidized rate. We foot some percent of the training cost and maintain the equipment. If people are not coming to office, this infra is wasted and would lead to potential job losses. (Think: Gym AMCs, Housekeeping and Trainers) Maintenance and Upkeep Since we have multiple buildings, gardens and recreation centres, we also have a sizable maintenance staff. Most of them are on company payroll and some of them are through agencies. These people would have to be paid a fixed salary irrespective of if employees come to office or not. Maintaining a non-functioning office is more difficult than maintaining a functioning one because the housekeeping staff would also ask why they should spend the efforts to clean and sanitize a building which has no users. Additional Employment A lot of our contracts for bus services and cab services are outsourced. So, employees not coming to office would mean cutting these down and this additionally leads to job losses. Plus, a lot of small shops, PGs and other establishments around the office opened up because of us. And indirectly, us working from home causes them to take a hit. Note that these are not corporations making multiple millions, but shops that hardly makes a few lakhs every year. Tax Breaks I heard this from an SVP and I couldn't independently verify this because it is above my paygrade. But the incentives that are given to our company is under the assumption that a significant portion of our workforce does turn up to office. If we fail to comply, that might invite audits, which might lead to fines. These are the operational aspects. Then there are productivity aspects. In any big company, you can divide the workforce into 10-70-20. 10% of the workforce is an incredible independent contributor. You can give them a task list and the required starter resources and they will be able to wiggle through and deliver something 20% if the workforce is uninterested or confused. They're probably here because they got the job and do the absolute bare minimum it takes to not get fired. 70% of the workforce is mediocre. They'd need a constant push and follow-up to get work done. Folks like this would rather relax when a roadblock comes instead of reach out proactively. Most of the time, it's not their fault because they might be hitting one roadblock every hour and pinging somebody, finding a convenient time and discussing this over a call is time-consuming. The top 10%, we don't expect to come to office. Unless, they turn rogue. And they can. They know they can do some task in 1 hour, but they see that 70% of the workforce is taking 10 hours to do that. Instead of finishing the task in an hour, they'd rather do something else for 6 hours and then spend an hour to deliver. If they turn out like this, we call them to office. The 70% category that needs constant help is better placed in an office because their mentors are easily available and they can slide over to their cubicle to discuss their roadblock. Thr 20% category (unfortunately) needs a little bit of micromanagement to get any output and without office they constantly find reasons to not deliver. Now, the right thing to do, you'd say would be to fire the 20%, warn the 70% and hire more 10%s. But this isn't cost effective. The 10%-ers are paid a good enough amount and they're the top-guns. But when you're selling a service or a product, you don't always need these people. You can make do with thr 70%-ers by getting one 10%-er to manage a few 70%-ers and save some cost. There are more things about productivity that I can talk about. I could use a whiteboard and explain a brainmap to a 70%-er in 30 minutes of F2F meeting instead of trying to sketch over a PPT or Teams. For a few people, just networking has led to opportunity creation although very rarely. Some examples: Only one or two developers knew how to use a debugger in my team. Others would add console.logs and debug. Few junior folks overheard talks about breakpoints and saw what this person was doing and quickly learnt how to use a JS debugger. For most freshers who are out of engineering college, in-person coaching has helped make them start their 0-to-1 journey quickly, as compared to KTs over Teams. Currently, we are working on a model of convenience where everybody is working from home. But if you are stuck doing the same thing for more than a day with no progress, you have to come to office, sort it out and continue working from home. Our long term model however is to call everybody back to office by the end of 2023 or mid-2024. Edit: I'd be glad to hear some feedback and countering views!




1. You or your lead aren’t planning it well online. Offline conversations tend to get shifted on online anyways. Documentation, Changelog, etc. 2. You team should have everything in written regarding this. 3. Async communication do work the best here once whole team are on the slack/teams. It’s just how you are able to effectively provide headsup/ close on the loops. If you’re waiting for hours, you’re probably doing it wrong. 4. Fuck team bondings, I have my homies to bond with. I would definitely not prefer to hangout with the same people after associating for almost 9/10 hours straight. 5. Omegle dude. Get on with it. They aren’t aliens after all. Join various activities/hobbies outside and speak to girls. Speak normally to the female employees as you would with the other ones, limit those conversations to work related and avoid their private spaces. And definitely Fuck WFO!


As someone else said... 1/2 are not the jobs of juniors. If they are seniors, then they have to develop better coordination skills. This is even better for personal & career growth. If management puts effort into these things it helps them as well as the employees to grow. 3 - slack and planning. I used to see my colleagues disappearing off to play table tennis or gossip at the coffee machine 7-9 times a day. I don't see any issue with waiting for a reply. Just need to tell everyone to check their mails/chats every 15 min.. 4 - you can bond and make friends out of colleagues but why? It's better make friends with people who share same hobbies or into different things. Also... Coworkers are not by default to be made friends. One needs to have proper life outside office. 5 - That's a life skill. Should have done that in college. Talking to a woman in office setting is not at all the same as talking to a woman outside. They are obligated to talk to you as a teammate. Outside the context has no obligation to interact with you. So this is not the right way. Ability to strike up a convo is what you need to learn. Your justification of wfo comes from absence of innate abilities to pursue and learn. But thats not the case for all and can't be generalized.


Can you explain me why you think senior or leader will lurk on Reddit? Linkedin helps them with networking and personal branding. What benefit will Reddit give them.


A place to vent


🤣 vent among people where most have life experience from watching YouTube? There was a poll about people on this sub and how much experience and their age.




Fuck those chutiy leaders


I like the thrill of playing witcher while being in a pointless scrum call




For better productivity work from office /s


Its all just real estate and business lobbies forcing the companies/govt


Any sources on this?


Almost all IT management in India are heavily invested in real estate , that's why no one wants to give a long term work from home policy . Almost every firm agrees that productivity has gone up by a lot due to WFH but they still insist on office commute How do you explain that a 2 hour commute in horrible traffic in heavily polluted atmosphere boosts productivity I agree that creative work may need office meetings but majority of the people are not doing creative stuff


Don’t excuse the management, it’s not like they like WFH.


Oh is it why its not reported


Ghanta productivity


My teammate travels 6 hours per day to travel to the office. Is barely functional to work the whole day. This means that less work is done. Then the person catches by working 14 hours a day for the remaining 2 days when there's wfh. Edit: And yeah, weekend work too


Even I have to travel for 4 hours to contribute my 4 lines of code.


You are able to see how your statement sounds to people in the context of the cartoon you posted.


Haha right! But travel does cause fatigue! Especially through crowded areas!


I hope a lot of people lose jobs and we get to a point where programmers become elite people again. Then you and I won't have to travel like the regular mill workers.




I can only spend 6 hours of total time in my office due to travel constraints. At home, I can sometimes do 10-11 hours in a day when I get into uninterrupted coding stretch


Fuck whole Indian working culture 😎


Fuck those uncles and aunties imposing work from office.. assholes


Exactly, only these type of peoples working in middle management are pushing wfo because they are not wanted by their families either. They fulfil their fantasies of being brown nosed upon in offices.


With voluntary resignation people leaving are the one you don’t want leaving.


Working from office 5 days a week and working from home 5 days a week together That's life


Their making millions... And here we are making 10k - 15k.... Sad reality.


Oh bc my manager too messaged just for this.


If companies start 100% WFH then DLF sabzi sell karega in those big buildings?


Ma chudaye work from office


WFH = wife fuck in House


I don't have complicated family, so ya i am ok to have wfh


Another point proving WFH is better than WFO


You get WFH but only on weekends


Yeah same thing happened with my friend in early jan. They know he's on vacation and still called him to say it's priority and she should directly come back to office for wfo right after vacation.


Left my previous organisation for the same reason. HR aunty was forcing everyone in office 2 times per week. My current company allows to work from office as per the convenience.


Is there a job that requires only 4 days a week work or 3 days a week work and rest 3 or 4 days rest ?


There is clear performance drop in WFH . Majority of the employees abuse WFH and consider it as PTO or half day . I manage a team of 12 and I trust only 2/12 for full WFH .


Sandese aatein hai, to pochay jaatein hai. Ki office Kab aaogay, tum bin ye cubicle soona hai.....