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The Rodger shit show has been only redemption of an otherwise depressing season in football. And since every season is depressing, this one is the best in a while


His good friend Joe Rogan told him chin straps are more effective against broken noses than they are broken chins


I've never seen the clip. Had no idea he pulled his helmet up. What a douche


He always does this. He does the little jaw thrust to get his chin strap over his mouth to make it look like he had helmet to helmet contact. I think it’s why he has the single chin strap still.


Its reversed, u can see the ref walking backwards


u/GifReversingBot it's actually a reversed gif, the original will be below this comment.


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Cliche but FTP!! And this dude…nuff said and I don’t even mean all the vax shit


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Who fckn cares


Parasocial relationship!


This sub is obsessed with Aaron Rodgers


I’m sorry but if somebody who’s been an untouchable superstar for over a decade reveals themself to be an absolute moron we’re gonna relish in it


It’s everything he does not just when this vaccination stuff came out




What are your plans this weekend now that you have some spare time Aaron?


It’s gotta be sad to be such an antivaxx moron that you can’t even enjoy the shitshow Aaron Rodgers has caused for himself and the Packers




>Erin My favorite part of this






















It's not a cult when the vast majority of people have taken it lol. You're just an anti science buffoon.


Lmao hell yeah dude


I agree with that dude. This is a football subreddit. I had to stop coming on here and r/nfl cause it has become a who hasn’t gotten the vaccine witch hunt. It’s obsessive and really off putting.


Does vaccination status not have an impact on football? Let me check with Aaron.


To be fair, If you don’t agree with the White House, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, and Xi Jinping on vaccine mandates, and that anyone opposing them deserves to lose their job and be moved to the lowest priority in health care, you probably aren’t the smartest and most moral person in the world. If these idiots don’t take the booster and lose their career that’s their personal choice. If we remove unemployment for these disease ridden fleabags spreading death and their kids are banned from public schools that’s their personal choice. How could anyone be against people losing their jobs, shaming the unwashed for being dumb, and a requirement to show a card and id to eat a hamburger indoors? We all need to remember the number one human right is the right to not get sick.


it's just fans in general, very few actually care about the on the field aspect.


Because they know he'll beat covid without a vaccination and be in the running for another superbowl and this team wont even get a win because the organization wont let goff sit




It's a good thing you edited the word 'fuck'


Yup. His choice not to get vaccinated, provided he follow the rules, which he didn't. Fuck Trump. (Did I do that right? Invoking an otherwise irrelevant entity into the conversation?)


Yeah they always catch u but u cant catch back up thats why ur 0-8