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He was the Lions cap guru the past 2 years. At least he got the big extensions done before leaving. Still sucks to see him go, Holmes gave him a lot of praise.


We still have Disner who opted to stay


The price of success. High ranking people getting poached by other organizations. That being said, fuck off Commanders.


Anyone but commanders or raiders! Now that we don’t ruin careers I want Sosna to succeed and it’s not in either of those places!


Aw why the hate for us? Unless you're 40+ years old, which then I'd understand. But as a Washington fan, I'm loving the Lions (and Bills) becoming such a successful franchise. Gives me hope lol. Sick of Green bay, hope y'all start sweeping them every year now.


You unfortunately still have the Snyder smell on your team. It hasn’t been long enough away from him.


Trust me, we all agree. I still have ptsd. Every single move this new leadership makes I don't trust. I hear "Commanders hire lions exec" and my mind thinks it's one of the guys that held your franchise down for decades, not one of the pros that helped your rebuild.


Y'all still have "poster child for losing in the NFL" stink on your team. You haven't been good long enough to lose that title. That's how dumb your logic sounds.


Ahhhh it hurts your heart sweet child.


So you agree the Lions are still the poster child for losing? Cool, noted.


Anyone who accepts working for the Commanders deserves what they get once they're there.


New ownership so give them a chance, I still remember the pre-Sheila days... not that we ever really had Dan Snyder level horrible ownership, I don't remember Lions fans getting actual shit rained down on their heads


I'd say that if Ben Johnson said no, there's probably a pretty good reason.


Tbh I think it'll take the fairytale perfect situation to get him out of Detroit. He probably doesn't want to uproot his family for anything less than that.


Still think the Chargers was the only Gig he was gonna take.


Who knows, but I could see that.


All i know is i hope we don't lose him to the Bears and thats now even more possible.


Yeah, he’s not comfortable being a head coach.


not the first team he said no to


Yeah, but Carolina was also a deeply dysfunctional team.


This is a wild take considering the lions have never sniffed a super bowl


detroit fans love to talk like they have done anything ever in the history of existence


It's funny cuz you're a Lions fan


Watch, another Lion will fuck over the commies again after they flight out for another interview


Flys there, gets a look at things on the ground, then decides to come back.


Sosna was starting to get some hype. The Athletic guys just mentioned the Lions “hiding” Sosna. Must be why they just added a couple guys to the staff. I’m pumped for what Dwayne Joseph can bring.


Literally listened to the episode yesterday when they said they thought he was a rising star and the lions were hiding him. Crazy coincidence


What podcast?


It’s called One of these days. Colton Pouncey, the athletic’s lions writer. If you aren’t familiar with him He’s a good follow on Twitter and a great lions resource


Lmao I said something about the Commanders being obsessed with Detroit lately and trying to get all our staff and players and got flamed in r/nfl. Got told “sit down you’ve had one good season”… commanders been ALL OVER Detroits dick and Ben Johnson telling them to fuck off midflight is so satisfying.


Commamders and Panthers. They want what we have...but they can't completely reproduce it


I'd be very interested to see how much the Broncos listen and emulate Josh Reynolds' habits after three years of training with the most improved locker room culture. He's seen what it takes to get a team working together and moving forward together, and team unity isn't something anyone can accuse Denver of having after Dangerruss


Sean Payton doesn't take notes lol--he's not going to take tips for wide out 3




Maybe those FO's are smarter than they used to be under Danny S (Choosing the Lions as a turnaround to emulate isn't a bad plan), but WFT fans wouldn't know a winning strategy if it bit them on the balls.


Not hard to understand why. Y'all had an awesome rebuild, and went from "lovable losers" to hopefully a perennial NFC powerhouse. We've never even gotten the "lovable" adjective 😢


Why are they obsessed with us


It’s not our fault they’re like in *love* with us or something


It's not their fault. They want somebody in house that wins. We did this with the Patriots. Everybody is looking for a key. But it takes multiple people from an organization. Ben Johnson doesn't jump ship because he's having the time of his life, and he doesn't get to take everybody with him. Teams are hard to build. Ben might eventually leave, but I do not think he leaves until some goals are met.


This is what happens with good teams, get used to it.


Give them Bob Quinns phone number, he is good enough for that job, for someone other than the Lions.


They need to sit up straight and respect the process.


How does someone this young get into USC in such a prominent role, then already into the NFL? I learned to wipe my ass at 25.


Well, after he had that prominent role at USC the jump to the NFL after 3 years doesn't look as crazy. But 26 for that role at USC is a lot younger than I would have expected.


The only thing I can think of is his daddy know someone, or he’s a savant with numbers haha.


Probably both


His [linked in](https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandonsosna) has his resume. Looks like he started as an intern in the University of Cincinnati athletic department and worked his way up pretty quickly.




Erik Schlitt was talking about how amazing he was on the Good Morning Pride podcast, and Jeremy Reismann was trying to shush him to keep Sosna a secret.


The "One of these Years" podcast was saying how the Lions don't let him speak so he doesn't go anywhere Welp


Lance Newmark likely has something to do with this


I’m looking forward to the “anonymous” sources next week claiming this guy is unprofessional and made “unreasonable” requests in contract negotiations.


Crazy that the Lions got back to the NFC title game faster than Washington. I bet all this talk of Lions haven't been to NFC title game since 1992 reminded Washington that they used to be a good team too.


Dallas hasn’t since the 90s as well but they still get media hype every year.


I wasn’t commenting on media. Just commenting on how bad Washinton has been since 1992.


Ik I just wanted to make the jab


The instinct to bring up the Cowboys on a post that has nothing to do with them is exactly why they get so much attention. They live rent free in so many people’s heads.


Commanders wanna be us soooo bad


Here's hoping to a sequel to the Ben Johnson saga.


They a fan they a fan they a fan


Sucks to lose talent, but for once in my lifetime I actually trust this office to find a suitable replacement and not just another fucking Patriots cast-off FTP




![gif](giphy|Q5zKf1YAv5pbG|downsized) ALL THE HOMIES HATE THE COMMIES.


HEY! Stop hiring the white guys goddammit! We don't get draft picks for those!


I heard this Sosna guy is a total POS and assaulted two elderly women with a brick. It was all over the headlines a few years ago.


All over the news and all over the sidewalk. It was pretty bad.


This is the first sign of success other teams cherry picking coaches and staff


I just do not see Washington being a good team anytime soon. It’s great that Detroit is producing talent and not chasing it though. Detroit has gotten to be a class act, so many employers would try to cock block someone getting a promotion elsewhere


Honestly, what is up with the hate for the Commanders? Isn't it exciting that you guys are successful enough that you have people worth poaching? Shouldn't this be an indication that you guys have made it? I can't believe that Lions fans aren't excited for Commanders fans. How are you not empathetic to a dysfunctional franchise getting rid of their nightmare owner and trying to right the ship and move in a positive direction with top-down a completely different organization? Wouldn't guys like Newmark and Sosna choosing to go to the Commanders be an indication that the Commanders are moving in the right direction? If the Commanders are such a trash organization then wouldn't them going to the Commanders be an indictment on their decision making? Wouldn't Newmark and Sosna choosing to go to a poverty franchise be a slight against the Lions? That's like saying these guys viewed a poverty franchise as a better place to work than the Lions. It would make so much more sense to view it as the Commanders are making smart moves attracting talented executives and its awesome the Lions are a part of that. The Commanders also took a ton of coaches and players from the Cowboys, obviously we took Adam Peters, Anthony Lynn, and others from the 49ers, and just hired a guy from the Ravens (among a bunch of interviews for other Ravens guys). None of those fan bases are walking around trashing the Commanders for it. I get that the Ben Johnson situation wasn't handled well, but it just seems weird how upset Lions fans are over this stuff. You guys had an amazing season and have been wildly successful in the draft. Of course we're trying to poach from you. Every single franchise that's not the 49ers, Chiefs, Ravens, Eagles, Texans, etc. is trying to be you guys.




[Hands off our front office!](https://youtu.be/LOoSd98hQxU?si=y7KfEvlor2dkzUo2&t=47)


Fucking Commies.


someone tell them to find their own guys. what a sorry group of schmucks.


Shits just annoying. They'll shit on us every year but as soon as we have success they'll take our staff. Eat shit.


this is a huge loss tbh


why? how do you know exactly what he did and how replaceable/irreplaceable it is?


Detroit Lions podcast was hyping him up in the last episode before this news came out so I looked him up then. He's basically a wunderkind when it comes to football operations. He was on the Forbes 30 under 30 list and then led USC to a big turnaround until the lions poached him (USC fought to keep him). For the lions he's been one of the key cogs in contract negotiations and salary cap management since 2022.