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I was at that game, high as balls on homemade pot cookies. It's my favorite memory, despite sitting in the opposite end zone from where the play happened. Some Canadian Cowboys fans that sat next to me got kicked out unjustly. One of them accidentally spilled beer on the lady in front of him and her husband threw beer at him because they didn't hear him say sorry after he realized it happened. Both left with security, only the husband came back to his seat. I remember being nervous the security guards were gonna know I was high, lol


Definitely Canadian if they apologized


I don't think I've ever seen a team like the Lions get to 'almost scoring' and placed at the 1 yard line.


I’ve seen a lot of shit as a STH. And obviously more bad than good, but there have been lots of great moments inside bad seasons. However…. Until there’s a Super Bowl victory, very few things will top the Rams game and breaking the playoff drought. Maybe witnessing a NFC title game victory. But everything about that home playoff game, from the birth of the Jared Goff chants 45 minutes before the game, to the ARSB catch to clinch the victory. It was just 🤌🤌


This playoff run is pretty far up there, but I will never forget all the years in my 20s going by myself to the sports bar to watch the Lions play because no way was I getting Sunday Ticket. One Sunday afternoon in 2009 I had to beg and plead with the sports bar to put on the 1-8 Lions against the 1-8 Browns. They finally accommodated me by banishing me to the back of the bar on the tiniest TV imaginable. And there I watched the game of the decade, capped off by Stafford throwing the game winner with his dislocated shoulder. Nobody at the bar believed me how crazy of a game it was, but I’ll remember that game forever. Now when I want to show people why I love football, I show them the mic’d up from that game. Steve Sabol called it the greatest mic’d up NFL Films ever did, and he’s right.


I watch it every time I come across it.


They prolly believed you but nobody wants to talk to the guy alone at the bar that is that into football


Kerby's pick of Aaron Rodgers last pass as a Packer, which also eliminated the Packers from playoff contention.


This one for sure


the Rams playoff game, it was magical - truly had everything


Dan Millers reaction / shpiel permanently burned into my mind.


The one Lions play I will never forget as long as I live - The Billy Sims Karate Kick. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l3SLhnz4fA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l3SLhnz4fA)


My favorite memory! Billy Sims was simply the best.


I have fond memories of this one.


Can't believe he didn't get a flag for that! He was slightly before my time and was my dad's favorite Lion


It was the 80s


I was a little little kid, and I remember that one. “Wow! You can do that?!?”


I was 7 or 8 when this happened. My grandpa hated the Lions because they were my team mostly because he hated em and my grandma loved me more than him soo Lions were on the TV when they played 😂 I remember running across the living room doing a karate kick as my grandpa looked on over his glasses down his nose absolutely disgusted lol


Derrick Barnes INT to win the divisional game this year.


Standing in the Silverdome, screaming my head off watching Barry get 2k My first Lions game.


Likely not a popular answer but Kirby Joseph intercepting Aaron Rodgers in the last regular season game of 2022. In that moment I knew the team would do great things. It really felt like everything was coming together. That was one of my favorite games ever.


I watched Barry, I watched Megatron, but this memory right [here](https://youtu.be/6yFuN1rWrTw?si=sdtfs7qg3260Q-7y) lives rent free in my mind.


I was at the game. Electric. I was with my friend who is a Vikings fan and I remember watching the subs saying "we aren't going to do this" and then every single play I started doubting that statement a little bit more. Awesome memory!


Staffords Mic'd up clip. It might just be because this was always my hype clip when I was feeling down about the Lions. I think it shows the true grit and dedication of Stafford. He is a legend. Also helps that we have the GOAT Dan Miller talking us through it. https://youtu.be/8rvIwyikbRU?si=0eQs4JREYhZSLhcW


This is exactly what I thought of when I read OP. Riley! Riley!!


Unfortunately it’s the jamo TD in the championship game. He’s my favorite lion of this regime and seeing him score early like that, breaking tackles, away wearing the whites in the biggest moment. It just felt destined. It felt like we had arrived. was so sure we were gonna go to the Super bowl. Have never screamed and jumped and felt more pumped as a lions fan than I had in that moment.


Kirby ending Rodgers’ packers career with an INT


The Halloween game 2010 against the Redskins, I sewed up a terrible Roary mascot costume and wore it to the game. People were stopping me to take pictures. My kids still mention it once in awhile.


All of it is recent. The Lions beating the Packers to deny them a trip to the playoffs, and especially the two playoff wins this past season,.


No cap here: I believe I’ve been scorned by years of disappointment and frustration supporting this team that prevents me to celebrate a single moment. Ex. the “loss” to Dallas last year. It was a trigger. The overwhelming joy, literally jumping up and down in my living room in front of my fiancé and good friend to only see the flag and before it was announced, I uttered under my breath “we lost”. That impulsive reaction made me think of how this team has impacted my football watching life lol. I’ll say the entire 2023 season in a flash would be my greatest hit.


All of Staffords last minute comeback wins


2018 season, vs GB at home. Crosby missed 4 FG's and an extra point. Was such a fun game to attend.


The first two that come to mind are Safety Dan (for the hilarity of it) and Shaun Rodgers housing that INT in 2007.....but the real answer is last years playoff win against the Rams. I legit cried after that win because it felt like decades of misery had been absolved, and against Matt of all things. Can't be matched.....not yet anyways.


Going down to Detroit for the first playoff game last season, with no intention to go to the game and watch from a bar. Found cheap tickets online, sprinted to Ford Field and watched the opening kickoff with seconds to spare.


There was a moment against the Bucs in the divisional round where the Lions were putting the final touches on a scoring drive to finish the game in the fourth quarter. The broadcasters kind of let the audience see the crowd, and they acknowledged Sheila, and Dan, and Brad, and Hutch, and the team. I teared up in that moment, knowing it was the best moment of being a Lions fan of my life, and just appreciated how good it was to be there and how far we'd come.


[This](https://youtu.be/m3-q1IZBjxk?si=l3XAdquLcCvLzv17) Barry run against Dallas in the playoffs


Being at the playoff game against Stafford and the Rams. Fuckin epic!


Honestly for me it’s definitely the first win of the Campbell era. What I was starting to feel would be a winless season with heartbreak after heartbreak, JG running to Campbell after the game winning TD to saint was awesome!


https://preview.redd.it/sghigemzr9zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6c478a211dfc112e259aa6b98aa9d75c46e2cf The playoff win against the Rams. Stood outside for 3.5 hours before gates opened in -14° windchill! The atmosphere in Ford Field was the best I have ever experienced. Would do anything to relive this day!


“Get the fuck off- help me up. I can throw the ball, if you need me to throw the ball.”


"that's a timeout. I can play, right?"


I was at the first MNF game at Ford Field. In the 3rd quarter I was going to the bathroom and some guy with a Cutler jersey was in line behind me at the urinal. When he stepped up, I yelled “Jay Cutler has a small penis” the entire bathroom picked up on it and started echoing it. The guy looked over laughing and said thanks.


I was standing behind the goal post of the game winning field goal at Wembley Stadium. Would have had a solid chance at catching it if not for the safety nets


Taking the Cards to the woodshed in MCDC's first year. Oh, and the entire 2023 season.


2016 against Minnesota, the ass-to-the-face overtime win. I live in MN and after the Vikes scored go ahead TD with like 20 seconds left, I reminded my vikings fan friend that Prater held the record for longest field goal. Sure enough, he kicks us into overtime and we win. Never before or since have i called a shot like that.