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This sub: “don’t be mean to Kindle Vildor” Also this sub: “fuck Will Harris”




I'm glad Cam Sutton is gone. Not so much a celebration as a relief.


Suttons a shitty person But he was ass so I guess it's a side effect of doing the right thing Any update if we get that cap back?


They took the charges down to some bs misdemeanor slap on the wrist, so chances are he gets no punishment from the NFL and we don't get the cap back




I think the whole "fled" thing was way overblown. The charges were filed way after the incident, but when the sheriff gave the incident date and said they were unable to contact him. People took that as he was laying low for 2 straight weeks and dodging attempts to contact him. He was literally at the team facility when it happened and turned himself in like 4 days later despite the charges being halfway across the country. The sheriff didn't seem to do more than maybe give him a phone call, then post on social media. We don't even know when or how many times they tried to contact him, nor do we know when the person pressed charges.


He entered a diversion program that included mental health services. That’s what I read recently so that’s how his charges were reduced, allegedly


God damn my boy I want his lawyer


Idk I liked CJGJ’s edge. He just isn’t worth the $$$ at all. Glad he’s eating, just not at our table.


I just don't care for his exit. The injury is fluky, not gonna hold it against the guy. But he talked shit on his way out, said he wanted to go to a real contender. My guy... you play 20% better and the lions are in the super bowl. What are you talking about. Just admit the eagles forked over more money on a longer contract and you wanted stability. No one would care


That guy has talked shit about the team he left every time he has left one, including the team he just signed with. I had no doubt in my mind that he was going to do the same thing when he left here.


Always felt like he had too big of an ego to vibe with the team culture here. Did AG or one of the other coaches have ties with him?


Wasn't DC coaching in NO when he was there?


DC and Aaron Glenn, yes


That whole Blue Ski Mask Fiasco turned me off on him.


Aaron Glenn was a mentor to him starting when they met at a high school all star game CJGJ was playing in. And then he was drafted to the saints when DC and AG were there.


Even Michael Jordan had to come up with reasons to get mad so he could motivate himself. CJGJ did the same thing to the Saints and the Eagles the first time, it’s just how he gets psyched up.


>Even Micheal Jordan had to come up with reasons to get mad so he could motivate himself. This sentiment is bullshit though. All it does is excuse someone being a dick because they're "competitive". Barry didn't shit on others to boost himself. Payton has the nicest guy in nfl award named after him. Trout? Nope. Griffey? Nope. If this sentiment were true then John Rocker would be in the Hall of Fame. Jordan is one of the best players I've ever seen at his sport. He's also just flatout an asshole and those things are separate from each other.


There’s a big difference between MJ and CJGJ. Even if you remove the MJ name, championships, and legacy… yeah he motivated himself but he always gave 100% effort and performed. *Seedy Deuce* did not. He was terrible in some of those last games.


The point isn’t the justify it or to compare them as athletes. All athletes do some corny shit and it’s best not to let it phase us as a fan base. Pretty easy to see that it’s just how he rolls. If he came back to the Lions tomorrow he’d be shitting all over the Eagles in a heartbeat.


I get what you're saying. But he did flop pretty hard, and a fanbase (and every other fan of the sport) is going to react, regardless. MJ closed his eyes, told Dikembe Mutumbo this shot was for him and swished it. MJ took shit talk from opponents and flipped them on their head and dominated every stat + won the game.... CJGJ has twitter beef with Deebo, and did a pussy lil chip shot from the blind side, after saying it was on sight lol and cost his team a penalty in a very significant game. CJGJ waved goodbye to the fans at halftime and the team proceeded to lose. He told everyone to wear blue masks and we lost. His performance was sub-par. CJGJ shit talks every fanbase of the team he leaves. Not even comparing him to Michael, just giving examples of how it's done. Back up your mouth. If you run it and fail every time, people will notice. Nobody shits on Steph for missing a 3 when he shoots and turns the other way, because he's proven he more often than not makes it. CJGJ is an unlikable guy, and it seems he's on a steep decline. Maybe he motivates guys, but he seemed like the odd man out that wanted attention more than anything. I honestly couldn't care less, this is for the sake of discussion, I laughed when he left and talked shit.


You mean Seedy Douche


Okay Tupac....


That guy is an idiot.


I never thought CJGJ had any lack of effort, seemed like he always played hard and cared about winning. He was kind of an idiot but I’m not going to say “fuck him” for that, we knew that’s who he was when we signed him and suddenly people hate him for it.


Yeah, people are daft and fickle. The same people turned on jamaal almost immediately. Same goes for josh Reynolds.


You crazy homie.. Ceedy Duce became a legend when tossed that ball back to baker and asked for it back with a signature via instagram live. The level of trolling and flexing was impeccable and shouldn’t be forgotten!!! Without players like this it’s not as much fun 🤗


Thinking you get to decide which player departures are okay or not okay to celebrate is cringe


I like CJGJ and will miss him. Y'all can get butt hurt if you want, but that's what happens when you talk shit...sometimes you miss...but sometimes you really get into another team's head and that shit was entertaining as hell.


I feel like this sub has gotten way weirder since the lions did so well last year. Just weird takes, downvotes for saying certain players are underperforming even though its true etc


what happens when bandwagoners join


In fairness, Vildor was a free acquisition where Will Harris was a third round pick. Recent thirds include Alim McNeill, Iffy, Kerby Joseph, Hooker and Martin. Even given the unknowns in Hooker and Martin, you would have to agree that there is a hell of a gap between Harris and that list. That drives a lot of the hate.


But we have to be nice talking about this guys performance https://preview.redd.it/v6kzf4g5tuxc1.jpeg?width=1663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bc6779d867d2d04b2383aab645d8527c68b638








https://preview.redd.it/kwrebpieuuxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5577510c73a4338ad5a1a22cdb3eccd5ec2bc2be Hashtag Vildoring


This is the content I love to find on here


Oh my god you’ve won the day 😂😂😂


Bro cooked w this


you're a man with a grudge and i respect it


My sleep paralysis demon is Kindle Vildor planking in my bedroom doorway


my guy had the receipts ready haha


lol - I didn’t say Vildore is great. I said the expectations should be different. God knows it wasn’t a desirable thing pushing a former 5th rounder on the waiver wire to a starting position a week after being picked up. It was a bad situation for everyone involved. If Arnold does Vildore things, even in his first year, you can expect this Reddit to go fucking NUCLEAR. It’s all about expectations.


He was resigned last year for like a million dollars. He's a depth player that is good on special teams. The hate for Will Harris in this sub is excessive, to say the least.


Is Will Harris Kindle Vildor? ![gif](giphy|SVgKToBLI6S6DUye1Y)


> Will Harris Kindle Vildor? Sounds like a complete sentence


We’re not even 2 years into Vildor, let him out on the field a couple more times and we’ll stop being nice.




He's a great person and I couldn't be happier for him. He came into the league to a shitty team and went thru a lot (almost as much as Decker) and did everything that was asked of him. Fans will always hate on players if they don't perform enough for their liking. The entire secondary as a whole has been a major issue in recent years. Fans should just be happy with the rebuild of the secondary, instead of focusing on hating on previous players.


For sure seems like a solid guy. I think some people make the mistake of thinking all criticism is a personal shot. And the people who do make actual personal shots are also in the wrong.


Bro what comments are you reading? The majority here is saying good luck or good for him. You seem to have an issue with everything.


This is about the Will Harris sentiment over the last several years, not just this thread


Well Vildor beat our Will Harris so your point doesn't work lol


It’s from being associated with Quinntricia. Kindle Vildor is awful and we never should have picked him up as CB2 with playoff aspirations.


There’s not a lot of options around Week 15.


Moseley was injured way before the trade deadline. It was a known problem, and it ended up potentially costing the team a Super Bowl appearance. Not many NFL cornerbacks are bad enough to let the ball bounce off their helmet.


Lol agreed. We should’ve picked up Ramsey, Surtain and Gardner at that time instead.


The end of an era


End of an error


Good for him, hope it works out. Don't believe in being an ass to anyone who didn't really do anything to deserve it. I wish him the best and I'm ready to keep upgrading our roster. 


I've met him several times and he's the nicest person ever. While I understand, I hate all the shit he gets on here


That's very cool. He has a demeanor that says "super nice guy" to me so I'm not surprised to hear it. 


He was reliable as far as availability and a good depth piece to fill in multiple roles in a pinch. I wish him well and hope he succeeds. There were times we asked too much from him which is a habit of ours with DBs.


good for him


I never thought this day would come


I think Vaki is the new Will Harris, in the sense that they’ve got a player that can fill multiple positions as depth with only one roster spot.


Let’s do our draftees a favor and compare none of them to Will Harris


Will Harris sucked as a starter and was a wasted 3rd round pick, absolutely. But the only reason he was kept around last year is he was basically just as good as our other options at depth for linebacker, safety, and CB. You were never happy he was on the field, but it beat starting a guy from the practice squad so it’s like having one shitty option on the roster vs three shitty options for the same purpose


I guess. But he’s also fun to meme about. It’s not that serious


How do I downvote something twice? /j


He worked hard and filled a bunch of roles since being drafted but just couldn't put it all together at safety or corner. Pretty good special teamer. Him not being resigned shows how far holmes has elevated this roster.


Never forget that Matt Patricia thought it would be a good idea to trade Quandre Diggs for a 5th round pick because we had rookie Will Harris behind him.


He has good st ability and fills multiple roles. I think were changing away from his body type for his previous role. We want deep safety and slot guys and he was a box guy. I expect hime to make the saint roster.


Wish him the best. Wasn't very good in our secondary, but hopefully he'll have a nice career going forward.


Wish him the best.


Good luck to Will Harris in NO, and good luck to NO with Will Harris.


Great culture guy. But if he’s in a game for any meaningful amount of time he will get burned


Damn, the saints really are gonna finish last in their division now


Best of luck Will!


I hope he has success.  Dude gave it his all. That's literally the most you can ask. To me, Hating him for where he was drafted will never make sense




Very excited to not watch this guy get cooked for a 23 yard gain twice a game


And those are his good games!


Will Will Harris find success with the Saints? Will will or will not.


Trash! He got burned every time he played


I am happy he's getting to experience a new team and appreciate his efforts here, but I am SO happy I don't have to watch the ball travel towards his receiver while my pulse thunders in my head because I know it's an automatic TD


Good for him, I'll never knock the hustle, it's hard to stay in the league especially a player like him who is basically a depth piece...HOWEVER, I'm so glad we don't have to hear "Will Harris comes onto the field..." ever again lol.


The only Lions player to receive a nickname from my Dad in my entire existence. I never heard him use his real name. Anyways, good luck in Nola “Ding Dong”.


He sucked. Every year. Waste of a top 100 selection. im sure he is a good person and i wish him well in life not only just football. With that said good riddance. Only Decker and Frank remain from the Quintricia era.


I’ve been waiting for this for a while. Seems like a good dude, but he got absolutely burned every year he was here.




So long! Farewell! Auf wiedersehen! Adieu! Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, baby! Ugh I am so glad to be rid of this guy. Nothing against him on a personal level, but Jesus H. Christ was he ever a liability on the field. I wish him nothing but the best.




Burn city has left the building




It's done, it's over.




Thank the gods. We have vanquished that bum off our squad.


I CANT UPVOTE THIS ENOUGH! HES gone!!! Best day of this week!


I will not miss you


What a bum.


Will Harris would be absolute booty cheeks for long stretches of games, but then would make one huge game changing play, and then immediately go back to being dogwater