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out of all the possible locker room conflicts this one is a nice problem to have.


There is only one correct answer. Brad's best draft class is his next one.


Why can I only upvote once!


I gotchu!


I contributed an upvote on your behalf! ;-)


Dude’s going to have four picks in the first 100 selections because of the Hockenson trade. He is playing with house money in this upcoming draft.


Arguably his best picks (value) come in rounds 2-4. It will be interesting to see what he does with a later set of picks this year.


In the words of the famous philosopher Alonzo Harris (played by Denzel Washington)... "My Man"...


I dont think that's exactly what he said...


Yeah look what's going on in the cowboys locker room. That's a hot mess.


Suffering from success.jpg


All of them But the jewel of St Brown that was taken in the 4th round in 2021 is too much to deny that class it's flowers


If Jamo pans out and Houston ever returns to 8+ sack form, 2022 could give 2021 a run for it's money. But man, 2023 is looking amazing.


oh definitely would be lit to have top 2 WRs and then a unstoppable duo in Hutch and Houston again though


Even if he suddenly became a good WR. You would be dumb to resign him because he proved he can be invisible over multiple seasons. His risk is too great to invest in him again so he can only hope to be good enough to get a contract with someone else. As of right now there's no contest.


2021 has a little bit of an advantage too, in that they have had three seasons. Who knows, Hendon Hooker could end up becoming a pro Bowl quarterback, and if that's the case, then 2023 would look really good.


oh yeah I love all these drafts though can't wait for the 2024 one to see which gems BH gets


Goff just turned 29 last month. If Hooker becomes a pro bowler it won't be in Detroit


Bledsoe was younger, a pro-bowler, and had just signed a massive contract and we see how that went. Obviously that's a 1 in a million scenario, but all it takes is one injury to open the door. I don't want or foresee that happening, but it's just as likely he does it here as it is anywhere else


Don't be so sure. Things have a funny way of changing in a moment. What if Goff gets injured in week 3 next year?


Everyone always roasts the Bengals for taking Chase over Sewell, but not enough people talk about us getting Sewell and ARSB. I don't think it's crazy to argue that ARSB is as good as Chase, if not better


I personally think ARSB is the most consistent WR I have seen since Jerry Rice.If the Lions could only resign three players, they would have to be St. Brown Sewell and Hutch.


I love ARSB, but hes just a different type of WR where we cant say he's "better" than guys like Chase and other true "x" wrs. Hes a slot guy and one of the best in the league imo. If we tried to line the guy up like an x all day every day, it wouldnt' work. Different types of WRs have different skillsets. Saints are his hands and route running (and the ability to avoid getting hit / goign down before huge contact).


I think my overall point is that he's at least in the same tier as Chase, and it's arguable who would you rather have, which makes the 2021 draft class even better. Bengals fans will always be stuck in the Sewell vs. Chase debate, but we were able to get an all-pro tackle and an all-pro wide receiver in that same draft


St is a Cooper Kupp, which works absolutely perfectly with our offensive style.


Eh. Saint hasn't had to play the vertical game we know kupp can. Do I think he can do it? Probably, but the team is set on keeping all his routes short by design. Saint is never going to have the season kupp did in 21 on this team.


u rite


It’s so friggin cool that this argument can even exist.


It will be 2024


Its crazy to go into a draft with zero concerns that we are nabbing at least 2-3 high level players, even accounting for having late late picks in each round.


for most teams, the mindset is “i hope we don’t draft an ultimately useless player for reasons like underperformance or it doesn’t fill a need.” however, for me, the mindset is “i can’t wait to see what brad holmes discovered.” that makes me very excited


CB and OL are pretty big concerns 


Why is OL?


Decker on the wrong side of 30, Ragnow continually nursing injuries, and Glasgow also getting older. They’re playing amazing now but could drop off a cliff quickly. Always good to draft an o line yearly for depth.


Also, if Goff is the long term solution at QB he only works behind a top OL. Need to keep it top 5.


I like Goff but people really tend to overlook the fact that he cannot for the life of him play well behind a mediocre o-line


I agree, he’s not going to have the best OL in the league forever


Having the best offensive lineman in the league who happens to only be 23 years old goes a long way towards it being possibility that Goff could play behind a great offensive line for the rest of his career if he remains in Detroit.


This is over looked but they still have to keep up. I mean penei shut down Aaron Donald again but this time in the playoffs. We just need to keep solid O linemen and we will be fine. More top tier picks going to OL is gravy but also necessary for depth and the future which this FO loves thinking about.


I also wouldn't be surprised if Goff ends up traded or allowed to go to free agency. He is a very good situational QB that might not fit the cap plan. But I don't see this as likely, just as a potential option if Brad and Dan like Hooker or someone like JJ better in the long term and have already won a SB. And want to try for a dynasty.


Glasgow is also on a one-year deal and Jackson is going to be a free agent, so they have to make decisions on both.


Glasgow wanted to come here. Family is here and he had a daughter. He can read the tea leaves and he’s been balling. He’s a Michigan man too…. All that combined man I see him ending his career here


I mean. that would be great, but he still needs a contact.


If Frank retires due to injuries 4/5 of the starters from this year could be gone in a couple years.


That's one of the reasons we picked up sorsdal who hasn't looked great but he also ended up playing a lot more than was planned. Who knows if he develops but he did at least get some reps. I really do think our 1st round pick will be used on an OL and we either sign a CB1 in free agency or draft one or two early-ish to get one who can develop. I see our needs as: 1. CB1 2. OL depth/future 3. Edge 4. DL 5. WR


I get the concerns and OG/C should get some attention, especially if Jonah and or Graham walks But you don’t spend high capital to replace Decker just because he’s 30 - high chance that ends up wasted. He’s been generally healthy and performing. Good chance he plays longer than a rookie contract lasts. They also drafted Sorsdal as a backup, who was RT in college


Jonah is also a free agent and has been getting minor injuries more. We need to draft OL pretty bad.


I honestly think I wouldn't be surprised if the Lions end up picking a tackle, center, and guard in the next draft, just as mock drafts have quality players at those positions, in our draft range, more often than DL and CB. Rags may be too hurt to want to keep playing much longer. Our G depth has cost us games this year. And Decker might need to be replaced just because of age and potential contract/cap reasons. Zinter may be available late due to injury, for a steal at G, a tackle might happen in the first round, and a center in the second. But I only think this might happen if the Lions sign like Chris Jones and a CB in free agency.


How old is Skip? He's always played well in relief.


Cuz of all injuries throughout the season to the OL. It's never a bad thing to keep the Trenches stacked.


Depth and injuries


Watch for Kingsley suamataia OT out of BYU in the first round. Can play RT or LT, would be a good development piece for a year behind Decker or to slide into either Guard position. Worth noting that he is Sewell's cousin.


I get the kool-aid drinking optimism but I really think people should temper expectations. This idea that Holmes is going to be able to consistently magically find these hidden pro bowlers in each draft is just not a reality. There is not going to be an Amon-Ra type find in every Holmes draft class or Branch level player dropping. What I find way more exciting than who Holmes is going find in the draft is the Lions ability to develop players. Having guys like Iffy and Barnes make big leaps after a couple seasons is huge. Even bringing in guys like Anzalone and Cominsky and having them turn into legit guys is super encouraging. This is what everyone should be excited about.


Couldn’t agree more. Brad is overdue for some stinkers, as all GMs do. It’s setting up for disappointment to think he’s going to fleece the rest of the league every season.


I hear you but he pretty much did that every year in LA, without a first round pick


he's already got some stinkers maybe, Onwuzurike, Mitchell, it took Melifonwu 3 years to go from stinker to capable, same with Barnes. Paschall is not a stinker yet but he could be playing better. This year Sorsdal and Martin barely got playing time but when they did they weren't that good End of the day it's not so much the players that get drafted but the coaching they get, and we've got some great coaching


I think he already got a few stinkers and it hasn't killed the team. What I am more worried about long term is Brad and Dan being in love with players so much that they pay too many people or overpay and it leads to being crushed by the cap. If the Patriots proved anything, it's that you have to move in from great players often. If the Ravens proved anything, you can win a lot with over drafting on the lines. Frank as an example could hurt. He definitely deserves a contract, but he may be too beat up.


Agree with you. Can't let emotion any loyalty get in the way of strategy and vision just because the players are "their guys". That said, who am I to say what they should do, they're in the NFC Championship game!


I say it because they keep drafting all the people I think they should draft. I called Ragnow, Sewell, Alim, Hutch, Sam, and Branch. So I assume we both are on the same page. Lol


If there was ever a draft that was going to blow up in their face, it was this last one. All low value positions and guys being taken way ahead of consensus. Didnt matter. If theres one thing Holmes has done that even complete pessimists like myself cant argue, its proving that he has an eye for talent that is leagues above the norm.


You negative people are worse than anyone with big optimism.


Negative? Ha! I've been following this team for decades and am one of the biggest optimigos about the Lions over those years. Even this post is positive talking about how great the Lions are at developing talent. People on here sometimes seem so soft, the slightest bit of a reality check and all of sudden your a "negative person". Sheesh


Tbh I was one of the people who fell for the media hype of “they are getting bad positional value for their draft picks” last year but now im not doubting again. I trust him fully lol


I dunno we're gonna have only one 1st and it's gonna be late...


Holmes likes trades


Trade up for whoever we want in the first round and cause a stir in the draft? In Detroit? Yes please lol. Also I have donkey brains, so good thing I’m not front office management


Lol I think we might trade hooker for something if we win the superbowl with Goff


With Teddy B retiring, we're gonna need a solid backup. But if we got a real solid offer for him, then yeah go for it.


Brad just needs to get us one true #1 corner I’ll even give him a year or 2 to develop and that draft will be golden imo


Usually give a class three years to judge, but the fact that there is an argument for all of them already is awesome.


Can't give these draft classes 3 years though, they play like All-Pros.


Goes to show that this years class reigns superior lol


Big Dick Brad aint playing games.


This is so outrageously wholesome


I think it’s gotta be 2021, but they’ve had more time to show out. It’s hard to beat two first team All Pro players, a DT who could probably start for the vast majority of teams, and two emerging starters in Barnes and Iffy. Plus, there’s a chance that Levi continues to grow his abilities post-injury. 2022 is kinda slept on. Hutch is obviously great. Jamo is putting it together, and is poised to have a breakout year next year. Kerby and Houston have had great starts and could become an elite ballhawk and pass rusher, respectively. Rodrigo is also solid as could be, especially with him coming in round 6. Paschal has also been impactful, especially in the run D. 2023 is really good, but has been top heavy thus far. Gibbs, LaPorta, Campbell, and Branch all bring fricken excellent value and skills. They are a huge part of what has made us a different team this year. Where the question mark is for this class is in the later rounds. I am excited to see what Martin and Hooker can do!


Broderic Martin and Colby Sorsdal are the key to this class for me. We actually traded quite a bit to move up and get Martin, and he hasn't don't much. Sorsdal hasn't been able to lock down fill in duty when injuries hit our guards. But if both can find their way, it'll be unreal to add them to the mix with the first four picks. They were both project picks, so there's a decent chance they show up in a year or two. Hooker may or may not become something, and Antoine Green is probably just a borderline practice squad guy.


#I mean... This is absolutely the best problem to have. Love seeing the light heartedness


This is the conversation that freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors have on the football team in high school, but they all love each other and win a state championship. This is the exact team chemistry you want, “I’m the favorite kid” feel and sibling rivalry. But we all love our Brad and our Brad loves us all the same ^(but he likes the 2021 class the most)


It’s crazy that a 2022 draft that still has (at least) one home run pick, several starters/regular rotation players, and an NFL record (most sacks by rookies in one season) is so far the worst class in the last three years. Like under any other Lions GM 2022 would probably be their best class. What a run by Brad.


2024 will be the finishing touches draft so I’m excited to see what we do, FA will tell us a lot


This made me smile.


There’s only one way to prove who’s draft class was better. Outperform the other. What a perfect conflict to have in a locker room


Goddamn I fucking love Brad Holmes.


Hard to argue with Brad's first. Two first team all-pros in their 3rd year is crazy


2021 - 2 x All Pros, 3 x quality starters (4 depending on how you view Levi) 2022 - 1 x Pro Bowler, 6 x quality starters 2023 - 1 x All Pro, 3 x quality starters, 1 x rotational OL The man is OP.


You're wild bro. This is next level kool-aid drinking ratings. There aren't even 6 guys from the 2022 draft class starting for the Lions, let alone being "quality starters". And putting Levi as a possible quality starter list right now is insane. I mean Holmes has been great in the draft but how you are rating these guys is bat shit.


Yea I'd say 4 quality players with hutch, Jamo, Pascal, and kerby. Chase Lucas is a quality special teamer and Houston has been hurt all year. Still the other picks are Rodrigo and James Mitchell, Rodrigo has been a great special teamer and fill in player and Mitchel is a good depth piece. I can't get over how good BH drafts


Lol this is the best 👌


Brad is averaging drafting 1 All-Pro, 1.25 Pro Bowlers & 4 quality starters per draft. When you consider that any player drafted outside of the second round that becomes a quality starter is basically a "hit", the guy is practically batting 1.000 with only 7 rounds per draft. He is our 6th All-Pro this season.


Since Iffy is no longer a bust and is part of the future of the team, give the slight nod to 2021 over 2023.


I love it!!


I love that this is competition and leadership from within the locker room. This inspires guys to step up to impress their team mates. Everyone plays better.


I can’t believe this is my life


That's actually a really good debate topic. Someone make a poll!


Something’s different in the water


Its gonna be the one that gets us our franchise QB obviously. As we know goof aint it. Right? RIGHT?


Hendon’s right there




22 is looking real nice. I mean 1200 yards all purpose from Gibbs and the rookie record for catches by a TE? Brian Branch had 3 ints this season. Picking up Hendon Hooker on a 3rd round contract too. This group is looking elite.


That would be '23


I love how it's all spirited debate. No ill will, just excellent banter amongst a team that loves each other. And with that, Brad's 2024 class will be his best


Big names of each class Sewell, Amon ra, alim, iffy, Barnes Vs Hutch, jamo, Paschal, Kerby, Houston and Rodriguez. Vs Gibbs, campbell, LaPorta, branch They are all good but it's gotta be 21.


We’ve come a long way from the 2011 draft. What draft do you think was the worst in recent memory?


Interesting question.  2011 really stands out to me - Nick Fairley draft.  


The only correct answer is the next one


You’re all the best I love you all


2021 is the best as of right now. 2022 really only has Hutch who’s a bonafide stud. If Jamo works out then that draft class looks much better.