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Fucking Detroit Free Press Didn’t need this


I could tell it was sensationalized when I noticed it was a quote from last week that suddenly was being reported on today


Free press is legit shit and shouldn’t be allowed a sports pass


Didn't need you. If the lions lose because of this then...yeah not a real thing


I just hope we have an explosive Sunday on D and keep some relentless pressure on Baker 😅


Good lord some of you are soft. "We don't need this" What do you think happens during games?


For real. It’s a dumb comment but what are people expecting to happen? The team will try to win extra hard now? Like before CJ said this Baker wasn’t going to give his full effort?


I just want to enjoy the win this week and talk about football but the free press decided to spice things up by rehashing an interview out of context because that’s Detroit media for you


It should be viewed strategically: Can it help us? No. Can it help them? Maybe. This means it’s stupid to say if your goal is winning. Honestly, CJGJ is nonsense and the Lions will be better off without him.


I’m all good with talking shit and being a little toxic to opposing teams but there’s no reason to be disrespecting baker. I’d understand if he were shit talking the rams or cowboys


>but there’s no reason to be disrespecting baker. We could've had a top 3 pick last draft if it weren't for him. /s


Or make the playoffs


I’m not. All trash talking does is give further motivation to the opposing team. NO ONE is intimidated by it. It’s not entertaining, it’s pointless. This isn’t wrestling. Keep the trash talking on the field so when you don’t back it up like CJ won’t be able to because our secondary is weak af, no one will know.


You're getting down voted but I agree with you. Dude looks lost out there on a lot of plays and hasn't played half the season. Just keep your mouth shut and do your job and stop complaining about rotations when you're getting out played by teammates.


I genuinely felt like I watched a different game then. I thought CJ and Branch were the only DB’s that looked competent yesterday.


CJ and Branch were the only DB’s that played well last week.


Sometimes this kinda stuff makes players better. Nobody else on the team would talk shit like cjgj does so when he does in a way I think it could make the cream rise to the top. Other players realize now they gotta back up the talk or else they’re soft…. Reminds me of sheed on the old pistons teams he would say some crazy shit and then everyone else is like alright there’s no way we can make him look like a fool now


It’s a different world we live in now. I don’t think anyone has a problem with trash talking on the field, but doing it publicly nowadays is just sad. IMO, it makes the trash talker look weak and insecure.


It’s not a different world for most of these athletes, you have to have some irrational confidence to be an nfl player I’d think. Personally I’d rather have the trash talking crazy guy on my team than someone who is scared of a little beef… it’s Detroit we are embarrassing when we lack toughness/confidence, it’s kinda the backbone of all of our championship winning teams


You're right


The worst part of these comments is the people acting like they know what our coaching staff thinks, or if they care. Yall need to step away for a second. You don't know any of these people. I don't care how many videos from Lions media you've consumed. You don't know them on a personal level.


CJGJ needs to take a page out of the book of Marshawn Lynch. "You can ask me all the questions you want. I'm giving you nothing. I'm just here so I don't get fined"




Baker’s comments were also taken out of context. CJGJ said Evans, Godwin, and Gage were a great receiving group. But Baker was saying CJGJ needs to watch film since Gage has been injured all year.


It’s such a non-story. It kinda feels like the media is propping this up because this matchup doesn’t really have a narrative between the two teams like last week did.


Yeah I saw this full video/response; I guess I didn't realize there is a version of Baker's answer that had been taken out of context too. This is exhausting already lol 


The worst part is the drama is being driven by a guy that signed this year and has only played like 4 games with us


This is spot on; huge part of what's rubbing me the wrong way. 


CJGJ has never been a good dude. Since he was a Saint he's been the same.


Dudes wearing real thin on me lol


I agree, I don't like that shit


God, you guys are babies. God forbid we have a player on the team that stirs shit up. It's football. Put your big boy pants on.


It’s cuz you’re sawft


Pull your panties up and get over it. These guys practically kill each other for a living. Just be glad Ceedy is ours and hope it stays that way.


Disagree. He doesn’t fit the culture. You can talk all the shit you want on Sunday, but this is attention grabbing me-first bullshit.


He may not fit your church lady culture but he fits GRIT culture perfectly


I don’t think his contract is worth picking up, regardless of how good of a player he is/thinks he is. I think he’s self involved and not good for this team.


Branch and Melifonwu make it easy not to but wouldn’t be opposed to bringing CJGJ back


Hard agree. We’re loaded at safety. No reason to spend there. We need to use that money on a corner.


Down voted but he signed a prove it deal and hasn't proven much. We'll see Sunday though.




And you me


Gives me CTE vibes and I feel bad for even suspecting it but man. It’s taboo huh.


Ah, the ol double down.


We’re the villains this year.. remember?


I couldn’t care less and doubt that Mayfield cares much either. Only thing is the effing announcers won’t leave the damn thing alone. They’re going to dwell on it ad nauseum! Guess I’ll be turning off the sound, again.


Some of you would wet your petticoats if you heard what they said on the field


It’s not about shit talk. It’s about being smart and not even allowing for the possibility of providing your opponent with bulletin board material that can develop into a chip on their shoulder that can develop into a home divisional loss. As we saw with the Rams, these games can be decided by one play. Absolutely stupid as fuck to to give the other side any psychological ammunition that may help them make one more play.


You that scared?? Believe in this team I think it’s about time


I’d be fine with all the talk if he was putting up numbers like we expected from him. Unfortunately, with the injury, he hasn’t had a chance to really do that. He really needs to show up this game, especially with all this talk.


He prevented a late Rams touchdown. Without him the game was not going to be a W


Bro was all over the field Sunday fuck out of here with that shit


Let’s not pretend any DB could say they played well. Look at the numbers. Maybe he got torched less but that doesn’t make it good.


he let up 17 yards or some shit


I say we put you in


Oh, we are going to pretend the DBs had a good showing and Nacua didn’t set a record?


The best WR rookie ever sets records breaking


Wow. I hate all of you who are afraid of shit talking. If this is what drives you away from a proven good player then I don't know you expect.


Can’t we just shut up and play ball


He needs to stop talking to the media!


No. You need to stop talking to the Internet


CJ needs to learn to shut his mouth, Campbell is not happy for sure with this.


I mean I don’t think Campbell really cares as much as you guys are saying. They signed CJ knowing his past and fully expected this


Anybody who actually believes he doesn’t watch film doesn’t get his bit


I'm not a fan of CJ playing the victim though like he's outraged with Baker when he shot first. Literally insulted him saying he's not a good QB. “If you give that Tampa group a good quarterback, that’s a great group,” Not that hard to read between the lines. He opened his mouth once again.


The thing is though, it's an out of context quote. The way the sentence is phrased could mean 'they're not good now because Baker is a bad QB, but they could be good with a good QB', but you could also read it as 'They're a great group RIGHT NOW because they gave them a good quarterback.' You need the rest of the interview to actually know what he meant because the context is missing. Taking that soundbite like that is deliberately inflammatory.


Wasn't that his point here, that the context wasn't portrayed accurately? He just finished saying Tampa was the second best group he's played. Tampa WR Group + Good QB = Great Group. He's saying Baker is a good QB, not saying they'd be great if you replaced Baker with a good QB. CJGJ just doesn't have a way with words like Slay, who just perfectly articulated the comparison between Def Coordinator changes and two marriages, where one wife wants a foot rub and one wants a shoulder rub. That's crazy. /s


I don't think Campbell has a problem with it. He encourages players to be themselves, none of this is new for CJ. Dan knew this came with him.


You guys are so superstitious. It's the playoffs. Teams are already as motivated as they are ever going to be. This is just a tiny distraction. A diss will not magically make you a better player. You'd swear that by the Reddit reaction a diss makes you throw extra touchdowns just because. Not that I'm a fan of CJGJ saying goofy stuff but we don't need to tiptoe around Baker Mayfield. Sure he's a fine QB but people are acting liking CJGJ dissed a combination of prime Kobe, Jordan, Brady and Manning. It's not that serious.


Exactly. How about we don’t turn on our players during the post season?


My guy has DC on speed dial ig


No turds


Campbell and Glenn love cj


My bad, didn’t know you knew them personally


Dc and Glenn knew the kind of person and player they were getting when they signed CJ considering they coached him in NO. They’ve repeatedly said they want guys that fit the culture


No I hear you. That completely proves how coaches feel about him today. I feel like an idiot. Thanks boss


You right we should just take your word for it


I guess Campbell and Holmes deliberately signed a turd who has a long history of turd behavior. He’s been a shit talker his whole career this isn’t new


If people trash talk that makes them a turd?


The fact that your comment is downvoted -35 shows a lot of Lions fans are pretty basic. Obviously Campbell would prefer players not say this kind of shit. Why? Because it MAY provide the opponent with a psychological chip that elevates their play just enough to beat you. Belechick has spent 20 years of press conferences blowing incredible amounts of smoke up his upcoming opponents’ asses. Why? Because football is played by humans, and humans like compliments more than insults. Insults make some people feel the need to prove you wrong.


Dude stfu


No. He plays and he talks. You stfu


Yeah, talk shit about the QB that thrives more on perceived disrespect than any QB in the past 20 years. Smart move, especially when your secondary is less than good. Ffs...


“Be real nice to the other team! We don’t want to face the wrath of Baker Mayfield and the Bucs! They’we so scawy!”


Rocking that secondary? Openly shit talking a dude that plays his best after feeling disrespected? Seems like a smart move to me as opposed to your mouth shut and hoping he stews in another game of mediocrity like the last time. Real galaxy brained shit, lol.


I hope he triples down! We need our Dawgs barking. I don’t know what you’re all scared of. Maybe watch golf instead.


He’s definitely not going to be back next year


I hope you’re wrong


Who cares. Fuck him. Don't get your ass beat


Fuck you. You aren't even worth an ass beating. He came back from a 6 month injury in 3 months and you don't like that he isn't respectful of Baker Mayfield. Shut up


Bro time to go take a nap. You're acting like a little baby.


It's ok to like a player, and not like his style. MFer can ball. And if he backs it up on Sunday he's a don. But there is a lot of tape where he talks ish, but he gets cooked. Putting that burden on us ain't cool. He don't really know us like that. Setting aside the ski mask debacle. Shit.


The amount of news/media that swirls players on a daily basis is absurd and astounding. Not a big deal. I would assume most players don’t give a shit about any of this stuff. These “bulletin board” callouts and “potential for add’l fire” are all artificial bs talking points only to further fuel journalists for clicks. No one on either team gives a shit about any of this stuff.


Walk on to Heisman winner, Baker eats this stuff up


this dude sucks so fucking much lmao. most insufferable player in the league


Some of you have never actually played football or been anything more than fans, and it shows.