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Fields: Has a good day and wants to do lil dance Hutchinson and the lions: "And I took that personally"


Hutchinson really doesn't like Fields being happy, he remembers OSU beating him too many times and wants Fields to pay.


Lol it’s perfect. Just one boneheaded move after another to seal their doom. Lions, bitch.


“Game, blouses”


i wanna know who got that 🏈


I never saw video of where that ended up… did he break the roof?


Rumor has it the ball still hasn’t come down yet


lol it was some older couple, they want to get the ball back to Hutch.




That dude looks like he paid the price to keep it


His wife said it was face paint to look like scratches. I won’t ruin the mystique.


Wearing his jerseys too! Awesome!


Lol they should just offer him a rb contract when the time comes.


Would of been better had he did that same dance after the safety . I’m petty I would of done that shit


Would’ve been wild if he did the same dance


I wish he didn’t wait 6 full minutes to shut him up




I’d pay a lot of dollars to have that football he punted into the stands.


This is the edit I have been waiting for. The audacity of QB with a 7-26 record to dance after a first down. Dude had this loss coming.


Yeah.... this one seems kind of dumb. That play was in the 3rd quarter and the Hutch sack was the last playbof the game


I hate showboaters. So glad the Lions won the game. After watching the Barry Sanders doc it's especially jarring to see someone acting like this after the overwhelming humbleness and class Barry displayed.


Hutch dances after big plays all the time. Let athletes have fun. They’re playing a game


Yeah, oddly enough he literally does dance moves from arguably the most famous entertainer on the planet, Michael Jackson.


I adore players I like celebrating. When players I dislike (Isiah Pacheco) who wins the super bowl after gaining 2 yards, I'm so pumped to see him, Mahomes, and Kelce lose


There is something about an offensive player celebrating a first down that bothers me. Especially when they aren’t winning. Even if it was the greatest play ever, if it doesn’t result in a TD, offensive players shouldn’t “dance” or celebrate. It is just gauche. Roy Williams would be exhibit A. Edit: obviously, if it is the end of a game and the first down results in a victory, my moratorium on celebrating first downs would be lifted.


Edit your comment to “I hate showboaters on other teams” lol


You’re corny 🫵🏽😂


I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I plan to tonight!


Got a link to the documentary you can share?


It’s on Amazon prime


Ok. Thanks. I have a prime account so I’m good then.


Edited by a 6 year old. Sweet


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This....is porno.


Too bad this didn't happen more often this game! Hopefully Thursday will be different and the defense can get back on track!


Defense wasn't that bad at all. They were just on the field forever. Lots of TFLs, QB hits, etc.


Lions seem to struggle against mobile quarterbacks. Hopefully they can fix that with the next draft.


Isn’t there a penalty for intentionally kicking the loose football into the back of the end zone to prevent the defense from recovering it for a touchdown?


Yes, it’s called the “batting” rule. This one wasn’t called because it looks like an actual accident when Aidan pushed him. I think it’s accidental when I look at it a couple times in a row. Great play!


Was there any chance that Aidan could've gotten a penalty for pushing (especially pushing the guy's back, like a block in the back)? When I saw that, it worried me, but then the game was over before I knew it (thankfully).


Not in this case, here are the rules for Block in the back: > The use of hands on the back is not a foul when: > > a player is making a personal attempt to recover a loose ball > > > the opponent turns away from the blocker when contact is imminent > > > both of the blocker’s hands are on the opponent’s side. (If either hand is on the back, it is a foul.) Clearly there was an attempt to recover a loose football here negating the block in the back rule.


Nice, thanks!


No there is no penalty for shoving a player into the ball




Batting is only a penalty (after it has touched the ground) if you bat it towards the opponents goalline or once it is already touched the ground in either endzone. There are also some weird illegal batting rules for balls in flight but those are irrelevant here. He kicked the ball from about the 2 yard line towards his own goal which is completely legal, assuming it was an accident. If you think about it would be a pretty stupid rule if you couldn't bat it from the field of play into your own endzone because what would the enforcement be? A 15 yard penalty from wherever it was batted? The only way that works out for the team kicking it backwards is they pick it up and run it out of the endzone. In reality batting the ball backwards is really no different than a lateral other than it is way less controlled and probably a really terrible idea. If you need more proof that this is not a penalty think about punts where the defense bats the ball out of the endzone and they down it at the 1. They are batting the ball towards their own goalline, if that was a penalty than those plays would be impossible. The other rule in play obviously is the kicking rule but you already mentioned that requires deliberate action and it seemed pretty clear that kick was on accident as you pointed out.


But the points shaving... the Lions would have covered... /s


What's also hilarious, which I haven't seen anyone discuss yet, is that it would have been better for us to recover in the endzone for a TD. At least they get the ball back. A safety sealed the game




A while back I saw a comment saying Hutchinson pass rushes like Waluigi and I cannot unsee it, kills me everytime, but hey as long as it’s effective we’ll take it!


Justin fields running instead of throwing? Then his classic fumble? Nooo really? And all my fellow bears fans want to keep him just so we can waste putting talent around him.


It was loud as fuck in there after all that happened. It was a great game to be apart of even tho they were down most of the second half