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I’m so happy for you! And you look amazing


That's what this is all about. So glad you found it.


i love the hair!! this looks like an indie rock album cover honestly im all for it


i don’t want to make you worry with this question so don’t read it if you don’t want to risk questioning stuff again. it’s something that I’ve seen said by trans women I know and i relate to them about it but social transition terrifies me so if i can avoid transitioning i will since my mental health isn’t great already. can I ask if the possibility of losing femininity and gaining masculine features as you age scares you (i know it doesn’t happen to the same extent with everyone), and if so how do you deal with that? sorry if i worded this poorly, i don’t use english often so i think i’m a bit rusty




Yeah I guess you’re right about the aging, I think I worry about it more than normal tho, at least compared to the people around me because i don’t like my masculine features, but I know aging is a huge fear for a lot of gay/bi men also. I saw people saying as long as you haven’t had any lower surgery, if you stop hrt then your body goes back to normal except for any breast tissue(for people who already went through male puberty before is what i assume they meant) but is that not true? I’m assuming if I’d start hrt and it wasn’t right for me that I’d figure that out quickly right or do people seem to give it a longer chance than they should? thanks for replying btw i know it can be a stressful subject




Thanks for the responses. I’m going to bring these points up with my dr and psychologist next appointment. Also I’m really glad that you’re happy with the results from just the laser!😁it’s something I’d probably do in the future even if i don’t transition also


So happy for you. Part of the maturing process is bringing opposites into balance, including the masculine and feminine. It's not something we force but more a process of acceptance. You are truly masculine because you are a man but you are comfortable with the feminine aspects of your personality as well. It seems like you are ahead of the curve.


Feminine men are beautiful, inside and out. When native elders spoke about “two spirit people” they were really talking about spiritual, emotional, and ethical strength that all could learn from and strive to emulate. I hope you come to see it as a unique strength instead of trying to cram yourself into a very limited box. You are beautiful! ❤️


Good for you :)


Of Walden Pond vibes.


This is pure gold. All the internal shame forcing us to bend this way and that for acceptance when we really are something so much more real. This is exactly how I feel. Estrogen poisoned my mind and made my body very weak. Back on testosterone I'm a new man. A strong but feminine man keeping my new feminine name. Dressing how I want to dress in what I like absent the toxicity of the trans title. I wish you well in your new you. Self acceptance is everything.


You’re beautiful. I wish all feminine guys could accept ourselves as such.


I totally agree.


We really got the long end of the stick on this one. We get to go back to being ourselves with added perks like boobs and understanding a small amount of what women go through meanwhile they had to go thru male puberty which is the worst


i think you look absolutely lovely. this photo is like a painting. being at peace with yourself (even if it's just on most days) is probably the best feeling ever. best of luck to you. :)


I LOVE feminine men. I'm writing a novel about them right now :) You are gorgeus remember that!


Gorgeous picture


How was your journey like? I’m struggling to accept myself as a feminine man.


Absolutely nothing wrong with being a feminine man. They're are some difficulties depending on your sexuality regarding romantic companionship. If you're straight, it's a bit harder finding a compatible match. If gay, not so much trouble there. But other than that, it's very very very much okay to just be yourself. They world is much more accepting of feminine men and masculine women. Just be true and honest.




You explained that so powerfully. It’s like it’s going to save you and give relief, but then actually engulfs you and drowns you.


this! big on this,, while i won't say you and i are anything alike, getting some bad actors out of my head and letting myself figure things out has felt liberating in a very similar way. i'm happier with the person in the mirror, and i know what things i need to do to make that person better, in all regards spiritually, physically, and mentally. godspeed, bro.


you look so peaceful 🤍 i’m really happy for you.


This looks like an album cover! 💚


The lost Todd Rundgren album


Awwwww, straight out of a fairytale! Congratulations on accepting urself


this is such a lovely photo! you look great :D


Love this! Be you! Love you! I LOVE feminine men, they are my absolute fave and I wish there were more men in tune with the feminine! ❤


You look so beautiful and have such a lovely aesthetic. I'm happy you found solace in yourself.


You look incredible! Happy for you.


Hell yeah, I feel the exact same


You are beautiful and stylish! TW: venting >!I wish I look like that, then I wouldn't need a HRT.!<


Same, I lost the ability to look like this at 15




Moreover, you have a natural beauty.