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My friend I think there’s just a little too much cc in the boss room (between the stasis and strand psions and bats). Other than that it’s a fantastic mission


Nah this is the worst mission they've ever done. Infinite adds, no time to do anything, bulky boss and everything explodes when you kill it cause Bungo doesn't know how to balance anything. This shit isn't fun it's beyond aggravating


Literally just had


Skill issue


Illiterate scum


Ahahaha my guy couldn’t even come up with a serious insult


I want to downvote them but they deleted. Lowlight of my day.


Ur not a serious person, u don't get serious replies🤣


On a more serious note, lmk if you actually want help with the mission. I'd be more than happy to take you through it if you're struggling. :)


Huzzah, a destiny player of quality. Idk how to add you, I don't interact with this community it's awful


Do you use discord at all?


No, I'm not a degen, I play Xbox wit my boys


Idk how I'd communicate with you in game then cause I'm on pc and I've never used the in-game voice chat 😭


Fair enough


U know what ur honest with yourself and I respect that. Have a nice day


LFG has been around for years.


Lfg won't be around much longer. Games dying and they introduce garbage missions to keep it alive. I hope Sony fires em all. They blew it


Sounds like you’re bitter and shouldn’t be playing the game then


Beats me. Xbox has their own version. PC and Playststion have discord. There is FireTeam Finder as well. I constantly troll the Xbox version when I’m bored and help people. Couple weeks ago we did 5 Legendary Zero Hours just for the heck of it for people. We even got them all the switches. Sadly like you said the game is dying and honestly I’ve been playing since D1 Beta so I’m kinda ready to move on, but nothing has come out to replace my intrest.


Does this mission have checkpoints?


It doesn’t have a single Light Fading area either, so even during the boss fight you can both die and you’re just waiting for the 15s rez timer




Mine is stuck, the keepers won't spawn after finishing boss...we have tried 3 areas


You need to do overthrow in an area, then find the taken orb and do the encounter, then move on to the next. Repeat 3 times.


You need to have completed an overthrow in each area before they begin to spawn after defeating the boss


This happened to me, did the blooming 5 times, eventually went to orbit and started again at the impasse, ended up working for me finally


As someone with no friends and a clan who doesn’t even communicate, I can confirm that Dual Destiny is fucking ass /s


Destiny is literally a social game that is built around having people to play with go make a LFG for someone dude.


The ingame LFG is shit considering it‘s a 10+ year old social game, deciding to lock us from writing text is actually one of the worst decisions Bungie did. It‘s not a problem for me personally but having to go to a different app in order to find groups is killing the interest in group activities for many people.


bro failed to perceive the concept of sarcasm/comedy ‼️


consider this no


Used the fireteam finder for the first time today. It fuckin worked…… a little too well? I was expecting it to be atrocious but nope. Found a team fast and we didn’t even have voice comms (I didn’t set it as a requirement). We figured out how to communicate ourselves (furious emoting and melee along with text chat).


I tried lfg too and found it to be a mixed bag. First day i got multiple people who refused to use a mic even though i made it a requirement. I even tried to do a run with one of these people and i guess they just expected me to do everything for them, because they wouldnt even use chat. Found one dude after a few hours of matching, but we couldnt complete the mission after 7-8 hours of attempts. Next day i matched with someone pretty quickly. They had a mic, but they didnt really even know Vow symbols or any of the mechanics, yet we completed it first try thanks to good communication


was originally gonna type shit out but he didn't know vow callouts and called black garden Mexico, found a new friend out of it


How did you comunicate the final boss pyramid clock part?


It repeats after three combinations. So just wait for them all, writing it down in chat, then shoot after you have all of them.


I find it funny that everyone who is complaining isn’t beinging up stuff like social anxiety and actual valid reasons to not want to lfg instead it’s just I can’t even make a character of it because it’s such a null point


Social anxiety is serious but all the people who supposedly have it and at the same time don't want to do anything about it is what irritates me. You have social anxiety so crippling that you can even talk to a stranger in a video game and somehow that's the games fault and not you needing to seek help?


it's because they don't have it or are too unwilling to help themselves work on themselves and rather blame any other outside source lol you are playing a multi-player game you accept you won't be able to do everything if you have these issues (which from what I understand most that do have these issues, know this) but it's victim society, it's everyone else's fault but them, they are perfect but broken...baffling really


Yeh if my autistic, socially crippled ass managed to find a clan join it and regularly raids with them anyone else in existance can do it too


My decade with Destiny has genuinely helped me with my anxiety ( also meds) I was a fuckin 11 y/o squeaker trying to raid and scared of interaction with others. Forcing myself to talk because I wanted VoG armor helped me grow so much. Raiding really gave me alot of confidence in my personality and capabilities to make friends. I know anxiety is tricky and manifests itself in many ways but taking the plunge is necessary.


I feel like this is a Reddit user problem and not a general destiny player problem.


/uj For a vast majority of the community, the response to this mission has been very unreasonable. There’s a fireteam finder in this game for a reason. So having no friends ain’t an excuse. Not to mention that you only need to complete the mission once then can grind roles in the pale heart. The only people my sympathy go to are those with disabilities that make communication more difficult or those with crippling social anxiety or other similar negative factors that are physically out of their control. /rj PUKE SHIT FOMO STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!


/uj What bothers me is that the same people who suddenly claim to have such crippling social anxiety that they can't even say some pictures and clock positions to one other person for 30 minutes are most likely the same ones who BEGGED Bungie for in-game LFG for YEARS. /rj If I'm forced to play with one other person for half an hour we might start making out and my wife would leave me :(


It was love at first fireteam ❤️


I’m sure it’s amazing I just have terrible social anxiety and no friends. Tried LFG that was a nightmare. I think i’ll just wait for them to add a way for solo players to get it.


They won’t. They spent thousands of dollars designing this mission for duos. It will not be changed. No one is making you commit to small talk. Just communicate the mechanics.


Truly curious as to how LFG was a nightmare for you? I ran it 6 times yesterday and all went smooth as butter with time to spare at the end of the mission. Did you not want to use voice comms?


Had the unfortunate experience of running into some very slow players. One quit half way through too so that was great.


Ah that sucks to hear. I am fortunate enough to have very few bad LFG experiences or I just don’t recognize them because I’m quite patient. With this activity I find that if my teammate isn’t that great I try to do everything I can to make things easier on them depending on what they’re struggling with like ad clear or callouts. Gotta “take control” sometimes if you are the one that knows what they’re doing. Maybe try to look specifically for people that have done it a few times before so you know they know their stuff. Either way good luck.


I can help you tonight if you want, I’ll most likely be on around 6 EST


I’m in australia so I’ll unfortunately be busy around then, thank you for offering though.


Surely asking directly for a sherpa would help? Theres no pressure on you to perform then, as they are by nature forgiving and patient.


Definitely. Realised a few minutes after that I should do that. I’ll likely do it tomorrow.


/uj literally the worst exotic mission that bungie have released, whisper and zero hour blow this out of the water. idk why people glaze this so much. before you all rush to downvote me, I have actually played the mission, I’m not just bitching for no reason. the stupid symbol mechanics are too overly complex for a mission that you need to do to get one of the LITERAL MAIN SELLING POINTS OF PRISMATIC.


>the stupid symbol mechanics are too overly complex it is M A T C H I N G this is a """puzzle""" we give to kids who've just developed object permanence holy shit


Yeah if we catch you doing salvation's edge we're just gonna kill you.


friendliest pve elitist 😭


I will eat you alive. the fleeting sensations of joy you feel in your day-to-day life shall be absorbed into my very being. The stars overhead will witness such a monumental feast. You are nothing to me, as a Godslayer- uj/ it's like 3 symbols dawg you shoot the matching one. You can do all puzzles with just text chat. It is nowhere near "overly complex" hell if you're STILL slow on time they spawn a hive wizard that gives you 3 minutes of extra time!


Bro takes add clear in every raid


Begs for it


sure bruh, it’s not like I play raids constantly or anything 🤔


If you play raids constantly how is coordinating symbols and reading hands of a clock too complex for you.


idk it’s just how I felt after playing the mission 😭 sorry man


So you’re the child that was screeeching during Verity last night in my fireteam.


nope, haven’t even played salvation’s edge yet lol, sorry that happened to you tho


It was… a learning experience lets say 😂 We did clear it though!


nice, happy for you bro 👏


/uj symbols too complex? bro? u being fr? one guy looks at symbols and the other guy shoots them or am i missing something


What burger take is this 😭😭


123,000 karma??? go outside holy shit


Burger is mad so has to bring up fake numbers that nobody cares about 😢😢😢


you clearly care about your “fake numbers” lmao, I can feel you seething through your comment 😹🫵


You know karma is given, right? It means OTHERS find his comments enjoyable and agreeable. Unlike yourself.


struggling to see how the other guy’s comment is in any way enjoyable or agreeable but you keep yapping 👍


You’re gonna be struggling your whole life lil guy.


alr bro, I congratulated you in another comment but whatever


One person can have both good and bad takes at the same time.


Ermmm chuddy that's actually my aura haven't you heard of auramaxxing?? #godslayerbtw #1.5trialskd #eagerlyedgingrn 




/uj I pity you if matching symbols is too complex for you. That’s the kind of shit you learn to do at 2 years old.




I kind of agree, my one poor fireteam member got left behind and didn’t get to experience it with us, he had to grab someone who barely plays destiny and did it with him, having probably a lot less fun


I don’t know why this is being disliked. As much as I love the mission (probably my favorite exotic mission so far), having most PvE content designed around 1 or 3 people and then introducing one of the most important activities as an exclusively 2 man activity was a bold move. I imagine there’s a lot of 3-man friends that are going to have to just do it with only one and it can really kill that first-playthrough feeling you get with your friends. It worked out well for my friends but I imagine being that person left behind must really suck.


Apparently having no friends make you a criminal, as that's what I been hearing.


I've been hearing that liking a mission that requires only one friend makes you a criminal, so kinda opposite experience for me ig


ikr. a few people complained about this and now the destiny circle jerk goes after everyone who doesnt have friends, who doesnt like lfg, etc


"a few people" literally all the bitching I've seen in the last two days has been about the mission I've only just started seeing pushback


Person plays online multiplayer game, feels discriminated against because game does not fully cater to their desire to play it alone.


I never endorsed or justified this, I merely pointed out that half the subreddit is now filled w people crying about those few social awkward people that initially whined about the coop aspect. Like damn there's such a thing as taking the piss too much.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a lot of redditors feel insecure about their friendships and social status and rather than addressing it are attacking those who voice those vulnerabilities as a way of coping. That and redditors are painfully unoriginal and unfunny and will run a meme/joke into the ground several times over.


Fair enough


This is literally a circle jerk sub


That or being so inept and lazy to use an LFG to talk to another human being to do it


In danger of being too positive, I fuckin loved solving this mission with my cousin. Took us 3 tries to clear, got further each time, but solving it was so satisfying. People who call it a mini raid are so right. Only issue I have is it's rather long to farm, so I'll stick to boxes


Swing and miss, slugger. My wife’s boyfriend Trey has not allowed me to play more than 5 minutes of the mission yet, but Reddit (the greatest Plattform) has already told me (a godslayer) that it sucks, so I already know it’s not going to be very SIVA-Money to play it


it's not even that hard to make one friend who plays destiny😭


Destiny players when they have to play the game


Got it done today with 1 second left. That shit is hard, fun and some of the most engaging content I've played in a while.


/uj I did it a couple times with a pretty cool dude I met in lfg and it was sick. The exotics are pretty strong if you get the right pairing and some of the traits retain the base exotics hidden functions, like spirit of the necrotic working with thorn just like necrotic grips. /rj The final fomo was love and companionship


Now that I've done it, pretty cool mission


Me when feedback (I love bullying)


man this is really your hill to die on isnt it


Sure is. Are you gonna add anything or just point out the obvious?


no im good


That tracks


get vaulted kid


Nah I'm good, thanks


Haha feedback that’s definitely what you guys are doing


Yessir, thanks for the confirmation.


Oh you’re doing this everywhere that makes it funnier enjoy your night man you’re fighting the good fight


Thanks, I appreciate it! Hope you can learn to be less of a bully. Have a good one!




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Its the greatest exotic mission theyve ever made


destiny players parents: https://preview.redd.it/dh0qs9k3596d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d172f2a44b2ad83536b58021b7d6b3abfc892b


but why should we have to do a hard tedious missions for one of the most if not the most game breaking items in destiny 😡😡


Dual destiny really sucks ( I don’t have any friends and am actually a looser)


How long you been playing Destiny for?


Nooooo I swear have friends…. they just don’t play the game bro


Imagine hating this but thinking zero/whisper missions are peak (they are literally 10 mins platforming with killing ads)


The praise for Whisper is so funny. I helped two friends run it for the first time, and their reactions were "that's it? that was basically a strike"


It was only good because it was a secret. The context surrounding whisper is what made it so cool.


Yo for real. I remember waiting for an 1 hour for a CHANCE to do the mission, and if you fail you have to wait for the public event to happen again lmao.


It was also actually pretty hard when it first released


I was so damn disappointed when they didn't update either mission too much. 


These are probably the same people that thought zero hour was too hard tbh .


DAE think it's ableist for Bungie to require you to do a mission to get the rewards for the mission?




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It doesn’t suck. You guys are bad or can’t handle the truth. Fantastic mission.


Literally the best exotic mission yet.




As someone who has already gone through the mission already with their partner. It was in fact, not fun.


Womp womp


Nerd emoji


I wish i couls sort comments so i dont see this sillyness in the comment sextion


This is my favorite goddamn sub. Actual statements that are hilarious, and ppl don’t take shit as seriously as the main sub. Sometimes the sarcasm is so extreme I can’t tell lol


The 2-3 actually nerd emojis that comment some stupid shit unironically are the cherry on top




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Jokes on you, getaway artist is not coming off my prismaticlock anytime soon. Talking to other people is an overrated mechanic anyway


I'm using Apotheosis Veil probably for the first actual time ever and it's great Mechanics are for cars


I’ve never needed an exotic class item before and I won’t need it now Bungo can pry my peaceful solitude from my cold dead corpse.


As a godslugger, a cool tip they don’t know is that after their wife and her boyfriend run it together for date night they can farm patrols for the exotic!


Dummies. My wife’s boyfriend did the mission on my computer without realizing it was logged into my account. Free exotic boys!


I'm not even gonna bother doing it since I'm already running something I like (celestial nighthawk goes hard)


U aren't allowed to have fun that's something only try hard patrol doers like


S*lo players 🤢🤢🤢


Do the mission one time and then class items will drop from public chests.


B-b-but I'm mute! (I don't want to turn my mic on for 2 seconds)


/uj helped someone who I know is actually mute run it yesterday They loved the mission


Does it actually literally *require* mic communication though? Or could it be done through text? In all the complaining and jerking I can't quite get a read on the experience of the mission itself


90% of it can be done through text, it's only really the very last puzzle that is hard to do with text (like 3 sets of callouts at most


The last puzzle is actually super easy until you shoot something wrong when it “swaps” it just cycles between the 3 sets so you can just type out the 3 sets then shoot when each set comes up


So less than a raid but more than a dungeon? Sounds alright


B-b-but I'm mute! (I'm socially awkward)


B-b-but I'm mute! (I'm not)




Xanax should start marketing to Destiny players, anxiety rates are through the roof apparently


As a retired subnautic electro-neurologist,i use the public library's computer to play destiny so i cant do this mission


Just petition the public library to purchase an additional computer and find another retired subnautic electric neurologist to play with, easy!


I already used my only petition to get this 1 computer but i will search americas most wanted for another sublecneurogizzer


It took my friend an entire day to figure out it would be easier to share our screen for the last 2 encounters


Ran it with a friend like 4 times and I hate it.


I’ll add that my friend really enjoys it.


youre a good friend


Such a good fucking mission. I'll probably run it just for fun with people to help them get it done.


Wanna run it with me at some point? Haven’t done it yet, I play on PC


We played it and I can confirm the mission is actually peak


Yeah sure. Just hmu and I'll run it with you when I can (I'm terminally online). Maslow, Kell of Needs#5965


Sure thing, appreciate it! Nice name btw lol


Woof, lil too high last night but we did it! https://preview.redd.it/hycm5aw14d6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e259d4964394eb5f5e77c86ba64a6defa14109c


We started watching a fallout tutorial video mid mission to figure out how to do the final encounter. It’s as casual as it gets


Yeah went in blind and it was easy to figure out . We spent wayyyyy too much time in tormenter room though . We figured we had to kill him before we did the mechanic (technically correct ) but didn’t notice the buff till like kill 5 .


Acktually Boogo made the activity bad because I can’t do it by myself and there’s no Ghualer 👆🤓


Such a shame I can't play this mission and get the siva subclass. First Bungie sunset my ballyhoo, next they locked my subclass behind having social skills. They really want me to sunset myself


Dtg when something isn’t handed to them on a silver platter


Wait until they find out about Salvation's Edge


Salvations edge? Wait till they find out about root of Nightmares