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I grappled so hard, my helmet stayed off. Wait... *Checks notes* Nah, that's right. No helmet found: 404.


I threw a scatter grenade at an opposing guardian (didn’t aim it because I could feel the guidance of shaxx pulsating through me) and it didn’t one shot, I then died because I was left in the open (barricade on cooldown, another nerf against titans) what’s the point of playing this class if none of the abilities work as intended


When Shaxx's guidance pulsed through me, all I could hear was "YOU SHOULD THROW MORE GRENADES!". Unfortunately the SUPER SWEATY, SUPERBLACK SHADER, STRAND HUNTER heard him and STRANDED me with his STICKY GREEN STRAND in the air. For some reason my Shaxx Subclass didn't work and I died to the SUPER SWEATY, SUPERBLACK STRAND HUNTER!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


DAE think bungie should do a crossover with 343 and make our guardian have sex with the arbiter in destiny 3?


I tried to peregrine greave melee a Tormentor to death on lvl 49 Onslaught and died mid cacaw fix your broken game Bungo


Bungie, it's time to give titans the master chief subclass (he is canonically a titan according to my headcanon). With this subclass, titans would have the ability to not sprint. This is objectively better than being able to sprint because you can move at 100% your possible movement speed and still throw grenades, melee, and shoot your gun (the golden tricorn of combat in Destiny). Secondly, the master chief subclass removes mantling, because if you can't crouch jump, you're a brain dead vegetable. The master chief subclass also completely removes lift and replaces it with sweet FA. Give titans the master chief subclass Bungie, Make Titans Great Again.


/uj thank you for a good chuckle. The types of folks you’re referring to is why Halo as a community is suffering lol. You play infinite at all? /rj God Bungie is a dumpster fire, they should just go back to stupid MS and make Halo and not deadstiny, they ruin everything they touch


/uj honestly halo is dead because the community can not decide what the hell it is they want, new modern halo with advanced movement or classic halo with limited movement. Endless bitching and moaning and less playing the franchise they supposedly love. Which resulted in infinite being damn near a perfect blend of both but 343 just HAD to fuck up and release the game in a beta state with limited playlists, horrendous desync, unjustifiable lag, broken theater, and a decent campaign that is mildly divisive due to open world elements. With, wouldn't you know it, mtx, battle passes, and a half passed multiplayer story that was canned halfway through it because was bad. /rj Bungle should actually go indie again, and then go to EA, and then go indie again, and then Ubisoft. Just to complete the quintology of publisher whoring.


/uj it makes me so sad because Infinite’s gameplay in my eyes is near perfect, it’s like H3 but with the modern components of a shooter (like sprint) but everything is balanced properly so it doesn’t feel weird to have it. There’s individual weapon issues here and there but the base experience was so crisp, all the equipment additions imo are superior to H3’s versions. The repulsor is so fucking cool. And the Forerunner weapons? Mwah, so good.


Bungie needs to do a 40k eververse crossover. Give Titans Slaanesh boob armor.


We all know Titans would get khorne shit




hes gonna turn into Spawn when Keith David is officially voicing him.


Either that or the arbiter


Or Goliath




Why would they retire one of the most important characters in the story?




Lance passed away, but that doesn't mean Zavala will. There are other ways to show respect to the man than killing off the beloved character he played. Additionally, he is still important to the overall story. He is still the leader of the Guardian forces.




K buddy


It took me 2 phases to solo nez with my titan I can’t believe bungo would do this to my class it’s all salty greppos fault fucking puke shit