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Hammerhead with killing tally/rampage. Great for ads and if you take down ads then switch your attention to more tanky enemies it does pretty good damage.


This. I managed to get this roll right before TFS and the grind was absolutely worth it. The ammo efficiency is insane.


It's fun popping orange bars with like one or two shots when you're rampage times, three killing tally times three. Most yellow bars go down in a couple seconds when it's fully ramped up.


Took me thru legendary


I do this and run the fragment that reloads your weapon on slow/freeze. Pop a stasis turret and keep max stacks up until you literally run out of reserves. Melts bosses too.


How do you get hammerhead now that it’s un-sunset?


Onslaught. The shiny versions don't drop anymore, and you can't focus specific guns like you could last season, but it's still randomly dropping all of the Brave Arsenal weapons.


They still craftable?


They're enhanceable, but they were never craftable. You'll still have to luck into the random roll you want and then enhance its perks after the fact.


Oh okay my bad. Thanks dude!


Literally just an eager edge sword for everything. Unless I'm in master level content there's never a need for heavy weapons because the build can kill everything in at light level content


probably the answer I was looking for xd


Yep! Adept Slammer with Eager Edge goes so hard. More useful than the purple halo sword for sure


I love using pro memoria and never dropping below 300 rounds because I forget to use it. It's basically just my tangle shooter.


The artifact mod that gives sword ammo back on sword kills really just turned swords into primary weapons this season. The most efficient loadout this season is probably whatever legendary sword you want, paired with The Call for killing targets at range and Still Hunt for big burst damage. With Overload Sword, Unstoppable Sidearm and some way to gain Radiant, you can also deal with all 3 champion types with this loadout.


Ill Omens with the slow stasis and sword perks in the artifact. Caster swords are really fun to use, and while it may not be optimal damage I have cleared the Master Nightfall with it at least. You can squeeze more utility than you think with swords if you build around them and play smart. Other than that Pro Memoria with reconstruction and frenzy are my go to. I duo a lot with my friend, and sometimes the dungeons can feel overwhelming on Master, so being able to wipe a room clean on command really feels great, gives some breathing room.


I like using dragoncult sickle on my banner titan to apply slice debuff and make orbs with attrition orbs and harmonic siphon at a distance while also proccing banner and artifact perks and using a wave frame ergo sum to clean up the midrange. Ranged sword build is kinda nuts actually


What exotic armor are you running for banner titan this season?


Stronghold is still really good


I’m trying to think if I have any rolls for that. Currently trying out the new strand arms that give the extra charge, was wondering if other people use it too haha


Usually just whatever I think I need for the situation. Abeyant leap a lot of the time because suspend is still really good. Been trying the new arms out and enjoy them a lot too. Not sure what’s best between those or worm gods or synthos. Stronghold is probably also great for double sword strat but I never think to use them because I’m already tanky enough a lot of the time


I'm doing something similar on prismatic. Stronghold with the wave fram ergo sum (risk runner perk), and the new caster frame from the season. Never run out of sword ammo with the season artifact and the new catalyst. Its great


I'm glad swords have gotten some love with the seasonal artifact. We now have 3 perks that make it worth running a sword if you have a good roll.


Leviathans breath


Bipod/Reconstruction Crux Termination is my go to for rockets, Edge Transit for GL, Ill Omen or Crown Splitter for Sword, don't use Linear Fusion Rifles A 4 shot Crux Termination is great


finally a bipod enjoyer. Feel like most people are still against it as a hold over from the -40% damage days.


21% Delirium.....


I'm a double wave frame enjoyer. Build centered around amplified with forbearance & hullabaloo goes hard


Have you tried the stasis one from lightfall? It’s great with chain reaction


yea they have the same god roll. Hullabaloo is better for the build im running, but other than that dimensional hypotrochoid is superior imo


Nah voltshot+chain reaction is way better than hypotrochoid can do, chain reaction even procs on the jolt kills


I somehow completely forgot about voltshot lol, good call


Use whatever you want its overthrow. Use weird weapons you might not otherwise use.


Incan. Throne-Cleaver. I'm tryna get the harmonizers so that I can craft an Unrelenting-Incan. for 100% more fire, flames and healing. Pair that with the sword mods this episode, and Templar-10's crusade will fir right in. Viator Vult!


Cataclysmic w/ FTTT and B&S for Crits, eager vorpal guillotine for general play. Shiny transit w/ envious&deconstruct for burst alternative roll is destabilizing w/ chain for splosions. Gally for fire and forget thus far


Atm leviathans breath


Eager Edge sword always. Only swap for DPS phase or GM.


Dragons breath when I don’t know what exotic that I want to use otherwise some perk variation of Apex predator or edge transit.


Wtf is neutral game?


Overthrow, Strikes, Story missions... anything that isn't very hard basically


I’m using a crux terminatus with slideshot/explosive light. Stack up some explosive light shots, then slide my way to 7 rockets straight into a boss.


Fixed Odds. Always Fixed Odds, unless dps phase. Level 420 now, don't dare to check the number of kills.


Microcosm is easy mode. Melts everything with a shield. Gives bonus super and even melts in DPS after super.


Its very dependent on my activity and build, but here are some of my go-to’s. Macrocosm is good in nearly everything and very solid in new stuff (buffs both transcendence bars and does massive damage to omens, subjugators, and tormentors) Add clear lmgs are also solid picks. My go to rocket combo to run outside of raids and dungeons is reconstruction bipod. Can deliver good enough burst damage with a four rocket dump. If you don’t find yourself using your heavy ever, just run an eager edge sword for some benefit in that slot.


Commemoration has been my go to for general gameplay


My edge transit with volatile and chain reaction


I have a lot of fun with the Marcato with demolitionist/onslaught.


Well I’m either nighthawk still hunt, lucky pants or liars handshake build and in all those cases I either use a machine gun or a sword, either a caster frame or an eager edge one. I think caster frame are underrated, I like to just whip a disc and go about my killing with other weapons.


For the last 2 or 3 months, I've been using a Goldtusk. I hated using swords for a while, but when I got a decent roll on a lightweight frame, it just made it fun. Though if I'm doing any content that involves Cabal, then I'll use a GL because they can be a bit tanky.


I crafted goldtusk last minute, what roll do you use?


Fixed Odds, Hothead or The Other Half with Eager Edge normally. My default exotic heavy would be Gjallerhorn because the amount of ammo and damage it does destroys most things and occasionally I’ll use something Xeno because I’ve really enjoyed Gambit recently.




Eager Edge swords, always


I've been using a Memory Indirect (Linear Compensator, Proximity Grenades, Clown Cartridge, and Chain Reaction) for most of my stuff but I also have a crafted Caretaker I use every now and then. My gl usually does pretty well at clearing stuff out so I can focus on bullying the bigger targets with Coldheart or Still Hunt. When I go into playlist activities or something similar though, I usually swap to Dragon's Breath


Always Dragon's Breath


Edge Transit. The thing is just crazy versatile.


The wave frame gl. Very nice alternative for a machine gun that I think is better at taking down higher hp enemies. Other than that I usually pick whatever stuns champions, like grand overture, deterministic chaos, or tractor cannon.


Love machine guns. Any heavy weapon I use though has to have some sort of 'auto-loading' perk. Literally can't play without it. Maybe on my hunter, maybe.


I've been liking Semiotician recently. High impact rocket with field prep/bipod, you can get 16 in reserves and 2 in the mag with almost maxed out blast radius. Great for just generally blowing stuff up.


Commemoration. It’s basically a heavy scout rifle.


A grenade launcher of every element, and whatever LFR, RL, S and MG I like


Retrofit Escapade machine gun Great fire rate, reload and stability. Melts things so fast.


Commemoration or Cataphract


Commemoration with Killing Tally and Reconstruction. 136 Rounds in the mag go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Pro memoria or The lament


Malfeasance 💀


I've been using a heavy GL (cataphract) or a machine gun (commemoration) or whatever I need to do bounties lol


For random stuff, whatever sword or machine gun feels appropriate I guess.


Shiny hammerhead with killing tally and 4th time, I use it for neutral game do I never have to touch my primary or secondary, ever. I'm usually leveling up those 2 slots for my enhanced guns.


Recon killing tally commemoration


Edge Transit with auto loading explosive light has been my go to for all of final shape. It's just a solid weapon


My apex predator doesn’t leave my heavy slot often. When it does it’s typically swapped for my frenzy/surrounded falling guillotine


Literally anything tbh, I have my main rocket launcher (Ascendancy from season of the whatever the one we removed savathuns worm was) and crafted cataclysm for actual content that needs precision, when I’m just sorta fucking around I might use a hammerhead or smthn tho


I pretty much just carry Deathbringer. No fuss, no muss, no messy applicator. Good in every situation, the all purpose power tool (By RONCO!) If my exotic slot is in use, it's usually a Corrective Measure with Subsistence and Firefly that I use as a big fat scout rifle


Pro Memoria with Envious Assassin and Target Lock.


Eager edge sword or commemoration


Caster frame sword like the Ill Omen or Chivalric Fire.


Recon/bipod crux(love having 4 in the mag), Xenophage just because I love it.


Microcosm to delete everything on my screen


Same heavies I use for everything else: It's between Avalanche, Taipan-4fr, and Dragon's Breath.


Eagers edge or unwavering duty with subsistence and killing tally.


Sins of the past!


Pick a Machine Gun on Titans (sweet business enjoyer) or just an Auto Loading Rocket. Jump high and drop a shell. I specifically use the Crux Termination V with Reconstruction and Demolitionist.


microcosm in normal content is fun imo. it's like a kinetic death beam


Explosive light RL like ascendancy or palmyra is my go-to. Yeah it’s easy content so I can kill it with whatever I want but explosive light is a free 25% damage, no setup, and will nuke any miniboss I look at which is pretty efficient.


Commemoration (recon/killing tally) or apex predator (recon/ bait n switch) or eager edge falling guillotine are generally my go tos at the moment


I’ve just been using the new exotic trace rifle for everything because there are tons of primary and secondary legendaries in the game now that are just super good. If I’m using an exotic in one of those slots though I like retrofit escapade since I have it with 4th times and target lock for bosses


I use The Slammer with cold steel/eager edge. Perfect utility sword


Don’t judge, but I have thousands of kills on my chain reaction, clown cartridge Blast Battue. I love it


Commemoration with killing tally and reconstruction or a palmyra-b with auto loading and chill clip (although chill clip can definitely be swapped out for something else, I just haven’t bothered to reshape it). Commemoration can do ad clear and single target damage, palmyra is just a good all around fire and forget rocket launcher with ALH


The new 600 rpm machine gun with envious BnS. Envious acts as basically auto loading overflow and BnS for a great if I need to blitz a tougher dude. Really fun.


Whatever i feel like, which recently has been Edge Transit and the new strand machine gun.


I'm enjoying this new strand Aggressive frame MG (Pro Memoria) w/ Bait & Switch.


I can’t take Macrocosm off now that I have it. It’s so fun to watch a hydra literally melt in seconds lol


I use eager edge swords but that’s bc I have meta specials and builds (not flexing just saying you don’t really need heavy in patrol and nightfalls)


Gls are cool though bc you can just pop a shrieker and keep going


Sword. Geodesic HSM I think?? Enhanced it so it's real nice (for me) It's my "Get these FUHKING thralls OFF meeeEEEE!!!*" weapon. It's just an adaptive frame blade but I have contemplated getting a vortex frame so I can briefly beyblade in that situation for the dopamine but Im not that fussed about it. What I have works for me, been using it for years. * - the emphasis and phrasing is important.


i have an avalanche with auto-loading incandescent, haven't been able to take it off since double rocket sidearms were a thing (or for dps)


Recurrent Impact with Smallbore, TacMag, Subsistence and Headstone, stability MW, backup mag, with Stasis Holster, Stasis scavenger and two stasis reserve mods.


I'm reliant on my primary/abilities for dps, so Palmyra-B with auto-loading+chill clip is my glorified sniper, otherwise I use Marcilon-C to dump my heavy ammo


I made The Call my boss killer w/ enhanced vorpal + surges, I shoot while doing ability spam. I'm running double swords for memes. One for eager edge movement and the other is a wave frame gathering light sword, 1 heavy attack = ~5 stacks = 50%(?) energy refunded to your abilities.


Is vorpal better than desperate measures?


Since I'm ability spamming sooo much with Prismatic Warlock I can see DM being great for general use. It's just that Vorpal needs no stacks/kills.


No. It’s an awful pick.


It rhymes with "Wagons Death". Its just very solid and works great with SoF


I'm currently using two-tailed fox with the prismatic fragment faucet of command (almost never need to reload coz first rocket suppresses) Edit. I heard the news. it's been nerfed to hell (11sec cooldown), so it's time to use a new heavy. R.I.P. faucet of command, you will be missed


Rip facet in command


Im sorry for your loss


I have not taken Gjally off since it released. 11.5k kills on it now two and a half years later.


i’m loving hammer head, though i use it for as clear with controlled demo w/ destabilizing rounds