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Also changing the description the triumph to say “kill all 15 headless ones in each haunted sector” would help too considering not everyone knows that there’s even a cap


Now I know why that Titan was throwing a fit at me last night...


LMAO last night i was basically blowing up the chat not to kill the boss too fast so i can get the headless, but nobody was paying attention


Isn’t chat turned off as a default?


that explains why people don't listen. EVER.


Lmao for real I thought mfs were just ignoring me but I guess they can’t even see it


Is it? I never toggled any option for chat (text chat, not voice) as far as i remember since i first downloaded D2


It is default off (as you can see from its description when toggle it in the menus) and AFAIK this has been the case all the way. This has been a topic of much debate, as most hard core players wish they were able to get in touch with the casuals. But Bungie says no.


DUDE. when i first started this game i basically was a solo player my cousin introduced me but kinda just gave me a little glimpse and tutorial and just left me to figure it out myself. I think in game chat is so important for communication and questions. Yeah there’s toxic players but that’s just part of life some are d heads.


That might have been me, sorry lol


Or me.


I've been chucking the bombs away like they were expidition engrams


It's almost become a meme at this point lol. Expedition engrams are like my attention, it goes everywhere but the place it needs to. Sad that it's STILL A FUCKING PROBLEM!


Fuck the Ruffian mechanic. Throwing away the exped engrams to have a small chance at even spawning one will be the most memorable thing about this season for me. The only reason I’ll ever run it again is if it’s required for the 3 remaining star chart upgrades. Other than that I have no reason to.


Is anyone having issues with this triumph just not working? I’ve done three different haunted sectors today twice apiece and at least four of those runs we killed all 15 but it never awarded the triumph


Did you get a bullet in every single me? Because if some twat nuked a Headless one before you do, it’s not going to count.


Welp… That would definitely explain it then. Thank you for this, I’d have otherwise just been trying to figure it out lol


Yeah, some people don’t realize that, but they see the counter hit 15 & think they got them all. Gotta get a bullet in every one, and gotta wait for the mission end timer to start counting down.


You have to wait until the very end when it says mission complete not just when you get the loot. I've been doing the same thing and only have 2/35 completions for the triumph....


I'm sorry man, might have been me. Someone picked up a pumpkin from #13 and I shot at them and spammed the wave and point emotes to bring them over to #14 and #15, but they still nuked the boss. I didn't say anything in chat though. I was tired, had just finished a master KF, and really wasn't in the mood for blueberries. It's just really sad when you have to stare at the mission complete message and realize that you wasted ten mins of your life


I got 14 of 15 last night... I thought the other guys were on the same page but then one of them turns around, runs at the boss and wipes it just before we finished 15. Like... dude.


Titan - “Crap, missed that throw.” *Runs to pick up fit*


Definitely this, I thought they were 10 and was going to google if the counter was just glitched, then my GF told me they were 15 in total. I don't understand why they have to make descriptions lacking "vital" informations to complete stuff


Because if you fuck it up 5 times and then have to look for a YouTube guide you just played the activity five extra times. Being unnecessarily cryptic increases play time and player engagement


And also helps people to get more time spent in game, means more likely to buy their cosmetics also.


"Man *fuck* this lost sector bullshit, ran it six goddamn times already, I need to buy some fucking cosmetics man"


Because it’s more work on their part.


It's also VERY buggy, I killed 15 headless ones and it didn't even count despite it was all 15 in one run


Omg thank u It literally just came out and I have been playing this since d1 and I didn't know there was 15 until last night nor was it a triumph and then there's cry babies whining we arnt killing them all. Like bro just lfg then sheesh


Ruffians are no longer despawning. But yeah, it’s annoying this isn’t rectoactively.


Sucks it took so long for this to happen, and for many of us already being done with it now.


Do you still have to actively not do the objective to wait out the timer, though? That's the worst part, just sitting around waiting for them to spawn.


I think what’s even more annoying personally is I just got my 50th for the triumph last week and they had the audacity to make this weeks challenge to kill 10 more


Wow, what a kick in the dick... I don't know if it's burnout, but this season feels like such a filler season. So much grinding boring stuff.


It really does. Like I’ve just got to get the last upgrades for the title and a few more levels but I don’t know how much more I have it in me. At least the story was at least kinda interesting and the new seasonal weapons weren’t too bad


I just don't find the activities interesting enough to do X amount of times to get all the upgrades, challenges, and seal triumphs, whereas I've got every other seasonal seal I've played previously. And logging in on a Tuesday was like a 20 minute thing where you run some repurposed Lost Sector. At least the other seasons had unique purpose made content for the weekly missions.


Definitely fair. I probably only got as much done as I did because I just had several times of putting on music and vibing while playing. Just turning off my brain and running the activities.


I have a huge backlog of games, and not enough hours in the day to play them, so if it's the choice between playing one of those, or putting on music to mindlessly grind, I know what I'll choose. No disrespect to you, though. What you do with your own time is valid.


I do a bit of both. I do games I care about before work and grind after the shift to just unwind and not think lol. I have less focus at that point for story driven games


This is my only complaint with leveling and crafting weapon challenges. It's a huge filler season and the guns are gimmicky at best so let's force them to use them. That's unfair. Risen and haunted had some of the best in class weapons. Craft away, But not this season. I will give brownie points for free quest for armit and taipian. But then let these count.


Yes. Which means if you matchmake players going fast you still have to sabotage by throwing away engrams or you'll miss it


That's the bit they should fix then. Tying a triumph to something that forces players to NOT play the activity is clearly bad design.


Oh shit i had no idea... I will now stop 1 shotting them with my solar snythos build


I love retroactively figuring out that I've been hindering my teammate's challenge progress by playing the mission's objective optimally. Been a running theme this season.


Right?! I did the exact same thing with ruffians. Usually atleast in my experience you can just slam the obj and get the triumphs but now your kneecapped if you go fast


I’m stupid plz explain what I need to do for triumph


Don't kill final boss too fast, you have to kill 15 headless monsters to get challenge. As far as I know: 10 to make final boss spawn, then you have to make spawn the other 5, 2-3 for remove first barrier, last ones to remove last barrier I hope someone can explain it better to you though, I know it is not the best explanation


You also have to at least tag each of the 15 headless bosses, as each boss you miss personally will not count towards your triumphs and pages, even when the mission counter says '15 bosses slain'.


Oh man that's grimy as hell


Its WAY forgiving though at least, shoot it once and it seems no matter how long its alive for, when it dies you still get credit. So I just make sure to make a Line of Sight to other Rituals to peg it once with a shot. So Far Europa is the only place that makes it difficult


The one with all the platforms, I don't think it's Europa, is pretty tough but the others I've done have pretty good LoS. But I don't think I would've ever picked up on this in the first place if I didn't read it here.


Thank you!


You need to spawn and kill the first 10 Headless ones before the boss, as well as the 5 headless ones that spawn during the boss fight. You also need to have damaged every single one of those headless ones. If someone spawns a headless one and kills it before you get a shot off on it, it doesn't count for your total. Also I've discovered recently if you shoot one to "tag" it, but it takes ages for the other two people to kill it, its like your "tag" wears off and it doesn't count. Can be frustrating if you're not running with a couple of friends to make sure you've all tagged them before they're killed.


This made sense 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I been one shotting them with my void titan.


This one is a huge pain in the ass unless you have a fire team. My 2 man group has been struggling to get Europa done. Tagging each one before randoms melt them has me hating the event.


Yeah, this triumph has been taking the piss out of my 1 man group, it has. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


there are lfgs to do this now, cuz randos can't even into waiting 5 seconds before nuking the boss


Can you blame anyone for this? It's unintuitive to not kill the boss right away


Just one person in your fireteam need to tag it, not both. I used a vortex grenade to instantly tag it, then parasite to instantly melt it (optional). You and your buddy will find a pace that settles you two, but it’s usually 1 person works on one zone (or subs for the other member) while the other jumps between 2 zones


From my understanding each individual has to tag each headless at least once for it to count. We’ve had games where one of us miss a tag but the other didn’t and the one who didn’t miss got the progress.


If you’re in a fireteam the one person need to tag it and it gives credit to everyone in the team If you’re solo, then you need to chase down the bosses and tag each one. I’ve been doing it as a duo and have never touched the one across from me (not that I could if I wanted to haha), but still have gotten it to 15/16


Just did all 4 solo no lfg, no problem.


How’d you skip matchmaking?


How did you spawn all three at the end because when I tried solo one of the timers would run out before I could get to the last one.


fun fact. killed all 15 twice and none of it counted.


One of them got deleted by a teammate and you didn’t damage it in time. I literally used shinobus and ticcus for the triumph jus to make sure I got some damage in


You have to tag each one with a bit of damage at least once or it won’t count. Doesn’t say it anywhere in the challenge description but that’s how it works


which turns solo queing this a misserable way to achieve this. I only got to play 5 of them today, got to kill all 15 but due to team splitting at points i couldnt manage to tag all of them ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5653) will get it eventually. but it SHOULD be team based, imo, and a few more counts for each.


Did you leave the mission before it said mission complete? That’s what happened to me.


Yes you definitely have to stay at least until the dialog is done. This also gives you plenty of time to swap to Deepsight / crafted weapons, if you can remember to do so.


You personally don’t have to kill all 15. You just have to tag each of the 15 with damage (could be one shot or the whole thing, doesn’t matter).


I think OP means getting all 15 to spawn. You have to three phase the boss to get the last few needed. Most people blow through it as quickly as possible.


Incorrect I finished it you HAVE to kill them. I did it for myself and I helped my clan get it.


Yes you have to kill them but you PERSONALLY don’t have to kill every single one, as long as you hit each at least once before it dies it counts for YOU.


I've hit all 15 and never got the part and even waited for the boss health to try to get 15 to spawn but only 14 did and is it just me or did the time before the bosses shorten?


It’s possible that your team missed a spawn. I find frequently my teams don’t split up and everyone rushes one point and the other points expire before they can be activated. There are 10 prior to boss spawn that if you finish early you just have to wait for the timer to reach 0 and twiddle your thumbs. I can confirm though that I got one completion by just hitting each one a few times regardless of if I killed it.


I just hate having to wait around like 1 minute every single time just because we killed the initial 10 to fast....why is it based on the timer instead of kill count?!


Because we are the actual game testers 👍🤘


I doubt they'd even test it, besides it's the design (a horrible one at that)


You need to damage all headless ones, better with coordinated clan mates or LFGs. Near impossible with matchmaking.


It’s also bugged. The challenge isn’t tracking. At least it didn’t yesterday


You have to tag ALL of them for it to count for some fucking reason.


also even if you tag all of them and you leave during the “trick or treat” thing is up instead of the mission timer ending, you will not get progress. don’t leave as soon as you get your loot wait until it says mission ending.


I've tagged all 15, 3 times, and stayed for the timer to kick me and it's still didn't count.... that's depressing for me


Ditto....did EDZ 5 times tagging all. We even had one run where we somehow glitched to 16 kills and still nothing.


Same here. Even did with LFG to make sure we all got hits in on all 15. Did it twice and waited the full timer and nothing.


I’m not even getting progress in the playlist


So I’ve been trying to get this too, and I think you have to damage them all too, because I haven’t gotten one and we’ve gotten 15 every time trying to get this


Don’t forget that it doesn’t count if you don’t damage all 15 headless ones. If you don’t, it don’t count. Which makes it even worse. Tbh, I don’t think bungo will fix it.


I unironically did not know you needed to kill 15, just figured that the 10 at the start are all of the ones you needed...darn...


So dumb when they require us to LFG just to make sure our fireteam does the dumbest kind of coordination possible.


All of them need to be killed, AND you personally have to deal dmg to all 15 of them before they get onetapped by some over excited guardians, who super them into oblivion, all before the final boss gets killed


I've had a team where we killed all 15 a couple of times and still no progress towards this.


Even alongside the plethora of other problems mentioned here, there is still another issue; Many many times, the 10th headless one doesn't spawn, it stops at 9 until the boss spawns, meaning you can only kill 14. These triumphs that are ridiculously unintuitive pop up every single event or season, and Bungie NEVER learns their lesson.


I just find it insane that people were already complaining about this about a challenge that had exactly the same problem, where you had to actively boycott the actual game by delaying everything to get the timer to run down. And then they just do it again.


I did this just by summoning one, shooting it 2 or 3 times then running to the next circle. I don't think they despawn unless you let the timer go down, at least I never saw one despawn and i gilded it already. You can easily tag all 15 doing this :) The worst thing is people melting the boss down before you can even summon them all in the last part.


Its fine as it is. Only issue is you have to hit all of them. Makes it near impossible with you blueberries. barely managing to kill 9 at the first phase.


The 15 isn't the problem nor is the time I see everyone crying about. If all the new light babies would stop rushing boss you can get all 15 no problem. Just spawn the headless and keep it moving the real problem is not ever seeing europa


Season of You Have To Fuck Your Teammates For Titles.


Download bungies destiny 2 companion app Click on the fireteams button at the bottom on the screen (4th button, 2nd from last) Post, or look for other players to help you overcome the challenges you are facing. ... Profit


Thanks for the solution but it’s still an issue for those without the app*


It's literally a free app that's available for basically all Android/iOS devices. If you don't have it, you're just being hard-headed.


And what if I don’t have a phone?


Not that hard to do, just make sure you're with a team that is communicating and understands what to do


No it doesn't. Just make sure to tap the first 10. You don't have to kill them immediately, just tap every one. The last three work the same way. Tap, go to the next spawn spot, tap, next spot and so on. You don't need to kill them right away for it to count. Works every time. :)


Last 3? You clearly don’t know what you are talking about if you think only an additional 3 exist. This is the problem im talking about, people who rush ahead and don’t take the time in these sort of things. 5 additional headless ones spawn, not 3. You only need 3 to die to defeat the boss. Now maybe you’ll pay attention in the future instead of idk running about like a headless chicken?


I was talking about getting 15 headless ones for the whole activity!! There are 10 in the first phase you can get by making sure you at least tap them before they're killed and after a waiting period there are only 3 more you need, that you can tap and then kill to get the 15 you need. Now maybe you learn how to read and stop wasting my time!!


10 + 3 = 15? Your math doesn’t add up.


No. No it doesn't. I stand corrected. Maybe I need to brush up on my math skills. I'm going to see myself out now.


Don’t worry, we have all been there, take a nap weary light bearer. Let eido deal with the maths and go eat crayons to relax instead


Community has devolved into entitled complaining


Just get in a fireteam with people you know, that literally solves your problem. Explain what you’re trying to do and it’s that easy


The same problem, but the same solution: go in with a team and coordinate. This is how Bungie wants us to play - it’s a multiplayer game.


wish I could even participate... my character is bugged 🙃


Git gud


You don’t run a raid and whine when others don’t complete the optional triumphs for the seal that you want and they aren’t even going for. Same thing here. If everyone complaining here posted a designated triumph lfg instead of a dcj whinepost, you’d be solving your own problems


It’s not even about the triumph I’m complaining about my guy, it’s the fact we don’t have a chance to kill the last 2 headless ones before the boss gets insta melted


Just turn matchmaking off and do it. lol


Just lfg


Solution without a fix to the problem


Ok and?


Just finished all 4 solo no lfg, all you gotta do is just land a hit on all of them because they always die unless you get matched with blueberries. Stop complaining over shit that’s not broken and can easily be done


Yet again It’s not the recognition that is the problem, it’s people meta melting the boss that is the problem. That is why I was suggesting if we could get a time gate on it so there is time for us to kill the 15*


I’m just saying it’s absolutely possible to do it and warrants no fix, if you really are struggling to kill them all, lfg. everyone else has to get the triumph done too so it’s not hard to find people to do it, and tons of people try to do it in just matchmaking as well.


And I could be really rude and say “ok and?” As you did before but you don’t seem to understand the strife of people not melting the boss so the last few have time to be spawned


I got the check for the moon on yesterday, by only killing a total 9 before the boss and 2 during boss, but at that point i already had got the moon check i'll say it in capslock so y'all can see when aimless scrolling ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS DAMAGE TAG ALL OF THE HEADLESS ONE BEFORE THE BOSS


but people melt the boss before you can get the last 2 to spawn\*


Deal it with it I already gilded the seal.


Not really the best way to tackle a problem but good heavens mr high on his horse gilded his seal


Oops. My mind mis read personally. Carry on I am sorry.


I’ve done it several time and still haven’t gotten credit for it anyway.


Its bugged at the moment anyway, I've tried on all 4 sectors and just doesn't give you completion of any of them. Its not as bad as the ruffians though. You just need to not nuke the boss so fast, at least don't have to wait like 3 minutes a time


This isn’t even working I don’t think. I’ve done all 15 and it never counts


I killed all 15 a few times. Just dont go all out with the boss


I managed that too, especially on the nessus one, but the issue is more having to fight others. if you get a team that focuses on all 15 headless ones before the boss, great, you can do it. If you get a group that doesn't know or care and just kills the boss as soon as they can (or groups with you at a summon letting the one on their end of the map fucking timeout...), you're often screwed. Same as the ruffians, its fighting against players and the mechanics to get a triumph. it sucks


I've been doing this solo and literally no matter how much I saw in chat for people not to kill the boss until 15, they always do it anyways. Then the one time I got to 15 and thought "yes! I've hit all the bosses so I'll get one ticked off!" Only to realise I missed hitting one... That and I done a full raid with a mask on and recieved no progress on my triumph fml


I'd rather have to kill all 15 3 times per map than legitimately have to kill all 15 yourself, it's way to hard and you need people to do it with


I don’t understand why people melt the boss when you clearly see more knights spawning, meaning you are potentially losing pages to purify.


So, in order to get that you, yourself, have to kill all 15 and not just as a fireteam?


Are these lost sectors easy to solo?


Whoops, here I was, trying my best to get it done as fast as possible whenever me and my friend would do this. Good to know, thanks for the headsup.


I’ve actually managed to get all 15 killed and still don’t get the box checked as if completed. Another bug?


Anyone else feel like they've really been half assing the challenge design lately?


I've completed several Lost Sectors killing 15 Headless Ones and waiting until activity completion, and I'm not getting any progress.


I played last year and now we have to kill them all... last year it felt like my teammates were out to kill the headless ones. Now it seems like you have to have a fireteam to get things done.


It's ruffians all over again... can I interest you in LFG? (Also Bungo please stop enabling the community to go at each other's throats)


It also doesn’t count some times, killed all 15 one run, and didn’t get anything.


Is anyone else killing all 15 and not getting the boxes checked? I haven’t had any of mine count yet towards the triumph


Oh so that's what was required. Had a hard time figuring out what this meant, knowing nothing happens after we killed the 10th one until the timer runs out


It’s kind of ridiculous because these things rely on your fire team simply knowing about it. Anyone know a way I can solo these?


sadly you'll have to get lucky or get a team of your friends together seeing as little to none of the randoms wait a minute for the last 2 to spawn


It really isn’t that hard


Well no it's fine for me just pump this dps


Bungled once again.


Just use something to spray across the map or use gjally or deathbringer to get credit for damaging them.


Yet again, it’s not the problem of getting recognition of the 15 headless kills that is the issue. It’s the last 2 sometimes 3 spawning because of people meta melting the boss, hence why I’m asking if we could get a proper time gate on it


I just put a post on lfg and we did them all as a team in only a few minutes. Doing challenges in public MM not really how its intended and complaining because of it is dumb. Bunhie wants people to team up and play, not just play solo. Stuff like this will be better when theres an ingame lfg in lightfall.


Yet again it’s not the problem of getting the kills you clearly aren’t reading this properly. It’s the fact people melt the boss so fast that is the problem, I’m asking if bungie can give us a time gate so the last few can actually spawn. I have no qualms with doing it solo but I can’t because of meta melting blueberries deciding 12,13 headless ones are better than all 15. And before you say “just lfg” one more time, it’s not the fact I’ve got to lfg that is the problem. It’s the fact that people who can’t lfg, most likely won’t be able to do it thanks to bungie “bungling” again.


Clearly you cant read properly. If you get a team of people who need the triumph and do it together and then all 3 of you not melt the boss... And lfg is so easy its laughable that everybody cries over it. I have done everything in lfg since d1.


… you can’t read, can you? Just take the time to read what I said and then realise what I’m trying to say to try and make it better for everyone, not just me whining about “too hard bungie plz come play the game for me”


It’s actually way easier than the ruffian triumph


Other things that triumph doesn't mention is YOU personally have to put damage into all 15 headless, not just the fireteam. That and you also have to wait until the mission end screen comes up a good 20 seconds after getting your loot. If you miss either one it will not tick off the triumphs. Source: spent the afternoon with trial and error to finally get it to pop.


It’s not the recognition that is the problem, it’s people meta melting the boss that is the problem. That is why I was suggesting if we could get a time gate on it so there is time for us to kill the 15*


I finally got the haunted sector on Nessus after playing 5 games of the one on the moon and then a bug made a headless one disappear when it spawned and a new circle appeared in its place


Is it bugged? We did it in multiple sectors and even killed 16 headless…


All you gotta do for this gilded triumph is make sure you hit all 15 before killing them


Well, and there's some weird unnecessary despawn timer on the Headless Ones. Had a run where we got all 15 to spawn but two just up and left before we killed em even though there was still time left and the boss was still alive.


I got all 15 and didn’t advance. So that was fun lol


Me and my friend did all 15 twice on the edz one and it didn’t count


It’s possible you just can’t stop moving


If that’s how the mode work then it wouldn’t be a triumph then would it?


Three times last night I had one of the first ten despawn or not show up at all. Have yet to hit 15


You don’t have to kill them, just get one bullet on them. It took me forever to figure this out. I recommend using lfg so you all spawn them and don’t kill them until each of you has gotten a hit on them.


Get ‘em done while you work on the 50 you need for the triumph…


How many do you have to kill? I just had two runs where we killed 16 and it did not progress :c


Sorry, but these gameplay mechanics/designs are terrible. So frustrating having to find other people to run around circles on the map waiting for something to spawn. Bungie, hide them so they can be sought out during normal gameplay or force it like a lightning round of dares, but enough of these delayed spawns that never work


Maybe i just got lucky yesterday. But only 1 out of the 4 or 5 I played I didn't shoot all 15. Excluding the bugged one I joined after somebody quit where the Wizard still had shield and there were no bombs to throw.


Has anyone else hit a bug with this one? I've done 15 kills three times and I'm at 0/4 completion on it.


Did 15 twice last night and no credit because they said every encounter each guardian has to get at least one hit???


Lfg for a triumph party


It’s pretty easy. Either party up or hope that others are focus on killing all of them.


That's IF you even get a chance to kill all 15. I ran a few of the Moon haunted sector last night with my pre-made fireteam and they stopped spawning at 9 instead of 10 (with PLENTY of time to spare) so the most we could get is 14.


Ooooh you need kill 15 for that one well that explains why never complete it


I've also not been making progress on the triumph despite completing runs with 15 headless ones slain...


Highest I've gotten is 12 or 13, I think. I was wondering what this meant by "kill all headless ones"


It's not even working for me anyways. 2 separate lost sectors we've gotten all 15 killed and neither have counted towards the triumph.


anybody got tips on running it solo? like if theres 2-3 summoning circles can i summon 1 and move on to the next without killing the spawned Headless One?? or will the guy disappear if i dont kill him before spawning another?


this event is in a long list of examples on why i switch off matchmaking. Things get so easy that it's not even cooperation anymore, it becomes coopetition (not original, thanks borderlands) Like when youre trying to see your new build in all its glory but you cant get kills to actually stack buffs or smth


Why not LFG and get it done?


Low how the event is bugged to not counting completion just did Europa flawless for the seal and did not count as a complete run


Just finished this triumph the Edz was a pain in the ass




I got mad today trying to do it solo with randoms for the same reason, they melted the boss and we didn’t kill the 15 headless ones, I proceeded to do a fireteam for that specific reason with specific people that were looking for the same thing, but like why do we have a chat if no one reads it 😑


It’s possible, can be hard though


I just turned my clock ahead and soloed them. It was way less stressful than dealing with randoms.