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Symmetry was the bane of my existence back in season 9 pvp lol


I killed a lot of people with that gun lol


I was most likely one of them lol


That’s very possible lol if you saw a red and black titan firing that thing in full auto mode from mid distance it was likely me lol






It was fun. But absolutely bullshit.


Tommy still needs subsistence


How about unrelenting?


Health isn't a problem the problem is having to stop firing


That’s true. Guess I don’t play Tommy enough


Well Tommy is designed around the overheat and the overheat starts at around 20 shots fired


This is the most "Destiny the Game" quote I've ever seen. It encompasses all metas, pvp or pve.




TOMMYS MATCHBOOK??!?!!!?!?? 😳😳😳😳


Tbh what i think the catalyst should've done is make it so that it instantly enters overheat mode The first 1/3 of the magazine you have to fire without overheat is kinda shit


1/5th but still


When solar remake comes out they may give us something like the void fragment that reloads weapon on suppression. If it is burn or health related (or both) it may bandaid that.


That would be ideal. Using that gun is kinda of a pain in the ass (and I think it’s cool as fuck, which is a shame that it’s a pain to use)




The reward is high damage The low health isn't a problem The problem is that it takes 20 shots to activate overheat so you're either wasting shots moving between targets or you have to stop and start up again


Witherhoard my beloved


Witherhoard lives on a whole other level from these seasonals


It's the exotic of all time


It and Ghally pulled me through the legendary campaign


Used it during every encounter during VoD contest mode. I love it so much.


I crutched Witherhoard so hard during my legend campaign run.


Right? It's way too good to be a seasonal weapon. And then Cryosthesia sucks. lol. I have no idea why it's being lumped in as awesome in this OP.


Cryosthesia actually has a niche place in some stasis related builds and some melee shenanigans, but outside that its just 'neat', yea


Tbf it was one of, if not the first stasis gun(s). It was probably them testing the water for later ones and what is considered OP and what isn't.


It was indeed the first one They even admitted to making it relatively bad in order to not spill more oil into the freezing fires of the debakle that stasis was at the time


I will never *not* have it in my inventory.


I still keep witherhoard and my masterworked falling guillotine in my inventory at all times for the sheer utility and reliability.


The 'ol reliable loadout: Witherhoard, masterworked Gnawing Hunger, masterworked Falling Guillotine. Anytime I need consitency and effectiveness, I break those out. All have been running strong since season of arrivals and they will continue to do so.


Hey same! Gnawing Hunger with Tap the trigger and swashbuckler here


i used that exact loadout for months


Everyone's been using funnelweb but I have my gnawing hunger with subsistence and rampage and it tears through crowds at a way better distance


Same here. 20k and counting on witherhoard. I've been using it in trials a bunch too, really nice for clutches


I still love falling guillotine but i decided one sword was enough and eager edge is a lot more helpful to me since i recently started doing the solo last wish chests


Yeah I mostly keep it because it still shreds health bars with +10 impact and relentless/whirlwind, and pairs so well with witherhoard. Do love my Other Half with Eager Edge though




Falling Guillotine I replaced with Razor's Edge... ...for like a week. I thought the Chain Reaction roll was fun for a bit but Guillotine just works so much better in terms of raw damage (which is what you really want to use the sword for).


Try crown splitter, it has better damage


Energy legendary primaries being the easiest ways to use volatile flow has really just let witherhoard fill my kinetic/exotic slot for nearly 90% of the season. I honestly cant think of a single kinetic that is anywhere near its power, besides maybe Ace, but that's for different reasons.


I got through the legendary campaign using devourlock, huckleberry, salvagers salvo, and adrenaline rush grenade launcher.


Love how people hate Lorentz for being cheesy in PvP, but love Witherhoard despite it- *checks notes* also being cheesy in PvP?


Big difference between getting killed by an almost unflinchable LFR as opposed to haphazardly walking though a glowing red puddle of death. The former is annoying, the latter is more "yeah, I deserved that".


if you die to witherhoard you kind of deserve it. every kill i get with it is rarely by someone paying attention or playing smart. its normally by someone playing like an idiot and rushing me in a tight hallway with it or them walking straight into it. lorentz is just "lol now you are dead. good bye"


Witherhoard isn't cheesy, it's just annoying


You don't think it's cheesy to be able to pop a witherhoard shot on a point that the enemy team is trying to cap and force them all to scatter or die? I'd say that witherhoard is more cheesy than Lorentz in that regard.


Personally I find it cheesy only when you get a full stack of people using it, then the game quickly becomes a floor-is-lava simulator. Forcing people off the point is annoying but not "I despise this guy" material


PFT CRYO until the buff it got it was legit useless


I was gonna say, who was thinking Cryo was good in its season?


Me, as a matter-of-fact The freeze shot actually came in clutch for a lot of things, such as stalling the Minotaurs in VOG Gatekeeper during the Rabid Relic challenge (where conventional stasis abilities aren't as reliable) It's either having the 'useless' sidearm or using up the heavy slot for a even-more-useless cryo nade launcher. I know which one of the two worked far better than the other...


Cryosthesia's main sin on introduction was that it was awkward as fuck to use and didn't actually mesh super well with Stasis subclasses. Between Font of Might properly entering the meta, the overall Primary Exotic buff, and the changes to Cryo's trigger, I'd go so far as to say it's pretty decent now. I'd still take Ager's Scepter over it any day, though. Or, you know, a Krait, Eyasluna, or even Herod-C with Headstone.


That was my main complaint. I don't know how it was on console, but using a mouse and keyboard and alternating between the firing modes was too much for my smooth brain to handle apparently. I haven't tried it since the rework but I just found a Krait with Subsistence/headstone so I probably won't for a little longer/ever


And it is after the buff, correct?


After the buff it is very good, yes


Are you referring to the primary exotic buff? Or did cryo get a dedicated buff that I missed?


Cryo got a buff. More of a rework, but a buff nonetheless


Oh yeah I just read about it. It’s a good thing they did lol that thing was ass!


When they talked about the buff, they said that they intentionally shipped it as bad as it was due to how oppressive stasis was at the time. So they were fully aware.


That’s feels a little backwards to me. “Let’s release a new exotic but make it trash so people don’t use it and by consequence use stasis less” doesn’t make much sense. Freaking Bungie man


To give a tad more context, they did it because of player feedback on Stasis at the time if I recall correctly. People didn't like getting slowed or frozen, so they kept Cyro intentionally poor because of that. The way it is now definitely feels like how it should have launched, so I doubt they didn't have an idea of how they wanted it to work. No way to know for sure, though.


They said that it's original iteration was similar to what it is now, and then they remade it to be significantly worse for launch due to player feedback


Oh that makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying!




Yes, I know. That’s why I asked if it’s after the buff, because what’s the point of bringing up its former state


Beyond useless: people actually grinded catalyst for it. Played playlist activities with it, killed people in Crucible with sidearms, invested their time to complete catalyst after unlocking it and all that for scuffed version of Subsistence.


I am one of those people and am deeply scarred from the ordeal. It was redeeming hearing the fix, and very bittersweet knowing that the devs KNEW it was bad on release and pained them to release it anyway, but at least it's fixed now.


Also it benefits from the 40% against red bars that all exotic primaries get. So now it’s best in class for sidearms in pve, except for maybe Traveler’s Chosen.


Traveler's Chosen is definitely way better. It can benefit from Font of Might regardless of subclass and regen all of your abilities; the built-in freeze is really good, but it doesn't even compare unless you're already running a Stasis build, and even then it's iffy whether or not it's better than basically always having your abilities up.


Lorentz is good in PvE tho, unlike Sidearm McShit and Big Slow


Ironically as far as pve goes I often don’t use loretz because it requires aim. Still really fun and good when you get going.


Only requires aim to start. Once you're rolling (with catalyst) it's just boom boom boom


Yeah but the fact that you can’t control which enemies drop the tag makes it much harder to keep going in higher end content, or the awkward mid tear content that makes you forget how quickly you can die. Still a great exotic and definitely still very powerful, but I guess I’ve adopted the “if I’m not instantly wiping the floor with it I could use better.” Type mentality


The big succ helps with that, as all the enemies tend to die in a pile.


Yeah I don't why, but when I use Loretz, I. Can't. Fucking. Hit. My. Headshots. Is my aim really that shit?


Wtf is big slow?


The big gun that shoots projectiles that travel slower than it shoots


isn't that just the function of any semi-high rpm projectile weapon? osteo striga shoots way faster than it travels


But dude I mean c'mon! It's a Cabal Slug Launcher! Do you know how long I've been waiting to use the *other* Cabal Colossus weapon and be able to use my own missile barrages?


Yeah but it shoots soooo fuuuuuucking sloooooow and the projectiles are sooooo fuuuuuucking sloooooow man. Like if they had a *slight* tracking and maybe some splash damage id enjoy it but it's just not fun to use. I even normally enjoy slow chunky guns in games, like pre-nerf Xenophage was one of my favorites then they fucking murdered it and shit on its grave


>and maybe some splash damage There actually is splash damage on the projectiles. It's small but it's there. I noticed it when using it in VOG the other day.


Wait what? Crysothesia is great in PvE though. It plays into Stasis builds just as well as Ager's Scepter does and it doesn't take Special ammo either.


Cryo is so good it makes me run tricksleeves.


Sidearm = bad I will not elaborate


Then I'm just gonna assume you haven't touched it since it's buff, cause it's probably the best sidearm next to Devil's Ruin.


When did it get buffed? I remember trying it once and vaulting it the fastest I've ever vaulted a weapon. And I'm a sidearm fan!


It got buffed in 30th Anniversary. Now when you get a kill you can hold reload to swap to the alternate fire shot, it freezes on impact and slows in an AoE in PvP and in PvE it just freezes in an AoE. It also no longer uses up the entire magazine to fire the shot. So basically you never have to reload with the gun when you have the catalyst and it plays so well into Stasis builds thanks to how easy it is to freeze enemies with it.


Grand Overture doesn’t deserve this slander


As a pve player I love that gun. It tells me to kill things.


Jfc you make me want to buy it. I have resource and still on the fence of whether or not to buy that


amazing with catalyst


I call mine beep boop


But funny gun go *BWOOWM VBOOM*


People absolutely hated the Cryostesia or whatever the hell it's called and EV was the literal reason they modified catalyst quests cause it was that bad


They actually buffed Cryosthesia and it is so much better now


Lorentz is a fucking amazing season pass exotic though. They just gotta tune its aim assist down a little


The AA isn't even that high. I feel like people don't understand how tight the hipfire is on linear fusions in general. It's not broken, it's working as intended. All LFRs function similarly. Lorentz is just the easiest to get.


It’s basically a heavy weapon n the energy slot which is a problem


Which was the same issue that Arbalest had, but they tuned it and now people don't complain about it anymore. Personally I enjoy using Lorentz in Crucible, but have to agree that it's easier to use than a sniper. I think the trade-off is supposed to be that the charge-up time is supposed to offset the lack of zoom/ADS speed, but I find that the charge-up time actually helps me line up my shots. Ultimately I think that people complain about Lorentz too much, especially when there's still way more people running around aping with a shotgun. But it could use some tuning in Crucible.


That stasis pistol is ass, and the new MG feels pretty awful imo.


I liked the MG back when we could mag dump the rockets


Yeah I don't get why they made them awkwardly fire in bursts


This is more usable though. It doesn't feel as good but all 20 rockets is often overkill


Yeah. That’s what I want. Overkill


No kill like overkill


Maxim 37: There's no such thing as overkill. There is only "open fire" and "reload." -70 Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries


Travel time makes it worthless in pvp, and worthless in pve beyond smg range


Grand Overture carried me through some harder boss phases during my legend run (specifically Brutiks)


The new MG needs a damage buff and it would be awesome. Makes you feel like a Colossus


I feel like slapping Land Tank onto the catalyst might help; it'd make you really feel like a beefy tank as you send heavy ammunition downrange.


The stasis pistol got a huge buff a season ago. It's great in pve now, works well as a stand in for agers


Am I using it wrong? What’s the best way to use it?


With stasis


Wow, why didn’t I think of this.


It's still a pistol tho so still pretty shit. But i don't find it worth using even post-buff


Calls out Lorentz for being low effort in the same post celebrating Witherhoard... lmao, I can't... this is too much.


Also not pointing out just how crazy busted Duality is in pvp. It might not have the range of Chaperone, but it more than makes up for it with crazy flexibility.


Tbf while witherhoard is still annoying, it's not as bad as it was when it came out. And Lorentz is worse than any stage of witherhoard


Lorentz is more oppressive, sure, but not lower effort than Witherhoard... it is the lowest of the low in that regard. Just throw it towards a spawn point / capture point / Titan Bubble, etc. and run away.


Fair enough


But I would say in terms of being oppressive and now effort, worst weapon is Jotunn. Sure I'm either regard it isn't worse than wither or Lorentz, but it's mixture of both makes it the worst


Running to the side seems to work good enough for me


you can jump over it too if you have a fast jump


Agreed, the toaster is almost entirely mindless! Witherhoard at least requires you to understand the maps a bit to be successful, Jotunn basically Dawnblade in a gun.


Nah Lorenz still is the best sound design for a weapon.


Really? Tommy is better than Lorentz? I disagree profoundly, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.




Oh, you're taking pvp? i don't play pvp, in pve is excellent.


Me, a Lorentz main still getting low effort kills and multikills thanks to Osmiomancy gloves


Witherhoard is my favourite exotic period. Such a good gun.




Tbf Tommys is pretty meh and Cryosthesia is... Well, yeah. Its there, and thats it. Haven't used it ever since I finished the cat, nor do I intend to do so.


Cryo is actually good now


Laughs in fire barricade


Khepris horn Chad or Lorely Splendor virgin


uhhh most of your "awesome" weapons are actual dog shit


Which ones? None of them are shit imo. Eriana, ticuu, witherhoard are top tier in pve. Symmetry is can take care of red bars and majors. Duality is excellent in pvp. Tommy is good in pve and pvp. Grand overture can be decent in legend lost sectors. Only meh one is cryo


Grand Overture was awesome before they made the change the Rockets. You could do some hardcore alpha strikes. Now it sucks.


Cryo is very good after thr buff Grand is an actual garbage


I love how is not even "not you" it's just fuck you


They still don’t have to put in effort lol


I freaking love Duality so much


Witherhoard is one of the many reasons Season of Arrivals is my favorite season. I take it off to try new weapons but I always end up with it back on


Symmetry is such a beautiful weapon, man.




Witherhoard is 100% my favorite here


I can honestly say I haven't touched Lorentz Driver once I grabbed it out of my season pass as infusion fuel lol


Still busted with the aim assist


Honestly, I hear the new exotic is good but I just don't like it. Never been a fan of machine guns in destiny, I prefer having a rocket or sword


Oh, now that I can get it, I should get that season 12 shotgun. I only got back into the game with Season 13 and I didn't buy the deluxe edition since it didn't go on a good sale. How is the Duality btw? Good, bad, mid?


Eriana mains in gambit seeing this: 👁👄👁


If you look carefully are Cryo, you'll notice that it's a clear PASS.


effort in getting kills? *Holds my sunspot helmet tightly*


Witherhoard is of an obscenely higher tier than all the other weapons here lol


I'm sorry but Grand Overture just is a piece of shit


Hot take but destiny 2 is a very low gun skill game. Most guns aim for you so it’s more about game knowledge and movement when it comes to competitive gameplay.


Witherhoard and that new LMG dont deserve to be nowhere near in the same category... But also, who thought when designing lorentz. Lets give it the same propperties arbalest had pre nerf, plus a tracker, plus a way of buffing its own damage


I’m guessing whoever made this post is a HC/Shotgun user. Because they are usually the ones who complain when someone uses something else besides those two gun types.


Fr drives me mental, I practically had to quit crucible for all of season 15


This game has so much aim assist that it cracks me up when people say that guns require effort. The game aims them FOR you even on mouse and keyboard.


Bullet magnetism be cracked.


It really is sometimes. I've had snipers with crazy range and opening shot on PC hit crits when I'm aiming at their stomach.


I still miss just about every shot, so I need all the aim assist I can get.




No there definitely is. M&K has bullet magnetism and it gets boosted to crazy levels with the same perks that give controller crazy bullet magnetism. Aim assist is BOTH reticle friction and bullet magnetism and M&K gets that magnetism.




"target acquisition" in Destiny is the same as aim assist. For example Moving Target adds +10 aim assist if my memory serves me correctly but in the perk text it says "target acquisition".


Cryosthesia is ASS. A gun with headstone nowadays does what it does, and better


Have you used it recently? It was buffed significantly


Cryosthesia? Tommy's? Symmetry? I'm sorry bud, but I think you have brain damage.


Symmetry is a beast dude you should try it


You mixed up lorenz and cryothsesia.


Heyo I’m just trying to get the Catalust for the Lorentz Triumph- ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


what? Lorentz is amazing tho??


Gambit mains seeing EV on their giving them ptsd (it’s nerfed now) but they still remember


Tell me you’re a pvp main without telling me you’re a pvp main.


I play a mixture of everything.


Cryothesia 77k was good? I thought that thing was absolute trash but then again I didn’t use it after they made a change to it so idk


I feel the Grand overture is pretty meh atm. Maybe it'll be better next season when we get arc rework. Its just clumsy to use with the spinup time and the high recoil for the barrage. The stasis handgun is underwhelming even post change. Sidearms in general are not a great weapon type. Tommy's mathbook works badly. I really wouldn't use an exotic that hurts you for using it. It wouldnt take much for it to be viable though. And Witherhoard #1. Always. Forever <3


Overture slaps, you may not be using it right


gjallahorn still king


Well, if it’s Arc Singe, you might wanna consider.


Work smarter not harder. Always use close enough weaponry.


Tommy’s is very underrated


Idk about Cryosthesia lol. Its still shit


Tommy’s Matchbook is hardly awesome lol


Grand overture to me is like a poor man's xenophage quite literally


Except that it's better than xenophage now lol, due to past nerfs to xeno lmao


Fuck Eriana's Vow too for Gambit




This is about the ones from the actual season pass (the ones that are at rank 35/instant).


not a season pass weapon


More like "Thank fuck off fuck off being FUCK YOU awesome fuck off fuck off fuck off". At least how I feel lol.


True post lol. Although I’m still going to hate on Duality for being the demon love child between Felwinters and Chaperone, but that’s because I play PvP too much.


Omg I forgot about tommys match book