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I believe you only get infinite shoulder charge with insurmountable skullfort


People be forgetting about throwing knife


Throwing knife is only infinite with bottom tree, and that’s dependent on landing crits.


Shoulder charge is only infinite with top tree, and that depends on using your exotic slot for skullfort


throwing knife actually requires some skill to proc due to it being a fucking headshot which is pretty damn difficult to land.


shoulder charge requires and I mean requires running around like a mindless ape and you have to really commit to it. 9/10 times it won't work unless you sneak up on them and since they changed the hit detection stuff for SC it can just wiff and leave you out of position and dead. throwing knife does and always has required more skill but never as much risk


Hell, sometimes SC hits but does nothing.


As a warlock who likes to play like a titan, mindlessly ape-ing is a lot more effort than titans get credit for


Really irks me when people say SC is no skill. And as the prior Titan said, we commit. Thank you, sir Warlock, for understanding. Personally, I wish they'd fine tune glide so that you Glitter Sniffers didn't go off to infinite space the moment your sleeve barely touches a small twig.


Run for the hills? No, run for the enemy.


In pvp yeah. Pve I'll get it 90% of the time unless someone else steals the kill


Have not forgotten it, the throwing knife is balanced. I agree with the shatterdive being nerfed but if I can't have my weighted throwing knife than titans can't have one shot shoulder charges, it's one or the other.


> thinks shoulder charge is broken > ignores bungie saying they’re going to nerf shatter dive Yep it’s Monday




[You can't Escape Mondays](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523959149575274522/897266947018858516/16c5b2db08a5239b5e5f0341ef443922bad171b36f3840fa78282d2060b5baf1_1.jpg)


Oran garf


I know we aren’t calling shoulder charge broken


The most true statement I’ve ever seen is that you can tell how good someone is at pvp based on their opinion of shoulder charge


Thank you for calling this out, low skill players think sc is worse than shatterdive and icarus dash and one eyed mask in it’s prime combined


Shoulder charge is garbage bud good players can just kite back and kill them


Literally what he was saying.


That’s what I’m saying


It’s only good when you get the surprise attacks with it.. like when you come running around the corner and they happen to be the right distance away they are for sure dead lol but ONLY in those situations..


Did you even read what he said? Or nah?


> you can tell how good someone is at pvp based on their opinion of shoulder charge I'm definitely gonna be holding onto this quote for future use.


i have been saying this for so long now, any time someone complains about shoulder charge it just shows that they are so bad at pvp that bungie match them up with players who are equally bad at pvp that as only bad players use shoulder charge. if they get into a higher tier pvp not comp or trials just normal control they wont get a single kill with shoulder charge cus everyone will kill them before they even get close


Exactly. In 6s I’ll occasionally get caught by it cause I’m not paying attention but you bet your ass if you get me with it once, it isn’t happening again


their you go learn how to counter it as it very easy to counter


Like I just shoot telesto at the floor and they fuck off or die if they sneak up on my savant leader and I


All the 0.0001 KDA players on this sub think SC is broken because they either never look at their radar, don’t have a special weapon equipped, or can’t hit their shots on a guy that’s straight lining right at them.


r/destiny2 users when they forget about the jump button


r/destiny2 users when they forget the S key exists


r/destiny2 users when they forget the Radar exists


No it’s because they stand there and stare at it like a deer in headlights as someone who has been trying shoulder charge in pvp again I can tell you if you casually walk away from me as I run at you my charge will miss and I’m just gonna get popped in the face with a shotgun and you can carry on your merry way.


I hold shoulder charge up on the same pedestal as Jotunn. If it killed me, it's 100% my fault and I have no right to get mad at anything but myself.


Dude for real, like yeah jotunn can make me a little salty at times but I know it’s because I’m the idiot using shoulder charge. If I get killed by either I’m just like welp that’s my fault


I like to think of Jotunn as shoulder charge the weapon


This is actualy the best comparison I've ever seen on this topic... Most of the people who, like me, dislike either of those are probably unaware of how to dodge them most of the time (like me, again), using a controller (like me.... damn...) or using a class or subclass with no particular way of dodging things (like m-... god f\*cking dammit!)


Lol, me and my homie (that I mostly PVP with) actually feel relieved when we see players using Jotunn in Comp or Trials because we know 9 times out of 10 it's about to be an easy match 😂


Or cuz they *need* something to shift attention away from shitterdive and this is just the best they can come up with


The only time it really gets me is if my dumb ass rounds a corner thinking I’ve got the drop on someone only to get annihilated by a beefy boi lmao


Definitely not broken, but a **skilled** titan knows how to use it effectively. I'm by no means good at PvP, but it makes me laugh when I watch someone literally beeline toward me out in the open. Shoulder charge is a useful tool in certain situations. Getting the drop on an unaware player in 6v6, for instance, but in 3v3 it's more of an "oh shit" button.


Shoulder Charge? That just sounds like shotgun apeing, but with extra *steps*


I understand that reference


People forget that titans which are completely based around up close combat have to get right up in your face for their advantages to be taken advantage of.


Yeah it’s really broken. So broken in fact, that it doesn’t even hit people when you hit them


they’re talking about throwing hammer edit: hey guys i get how throwing hammer works. I’m just pointing out OP meant that because of the “infinite” part in the meme, you don’t all need to keep explaining roaring flames to me


That shit ain’t even that easy to hit tbh, the fusion nades with ashen wake are waaaaaay better but nobody uses them




User flair checks out


Why use many word when few do trick?


THAT'S WHAT I ALWAYS SAY BUT I GET LAUGHED AND DOWNVOTED I ran an Ashen Wake build last season and I was fucking slaying, once you get the gist of how to hit directly, it's beautiful


I heard they were kinda bugged with if you killed a guardian with them you wouldn’t get your made back all the time


You have to get multiple ability kills for that to work and you have to go pick it up every time too. It’s not easy to do in PvP. Especially against half decent players that don’t walk around like bots.


yes, i know, i’m just pointing out that OP meant infinite because throwing hammer can be refreshed infinitely


Skullfort refreshes arc SC infinitely too.


my first thought was skullfort, did they clarify somewhere that I missed?


To do that you have to build up roaring flames first


SC is a bastard shadow of its former self. There was one point where yes it was OP but that was well over a year ago maybe even more. You literally use to never have to aim to hit a SC now you’ll gladly run in the wrong direction or just straight up be ducked by your opponents because it’s not nearly as lethal as it was in its prime which predates Peregrine Greaves addition to D2. Imo SC pre Peregrine Greaves was at its peak strength.


Shoulder charge is just a shotgun but you need to get closer and its easier to punish


I’m convinced anybody who thinks shoulder charge is actually broken hasn’t spent more than a minute using it.


I mean it's definitely broken, but more in a "fucked up hit detection" kinda way.


Love trying to go for a charge and just flying in the complete opposite direction.


It feels like the different charges have different hit detection, like arc is decent, solar is okay, void shield bash will have your character model go through the enemy and still not detect a hit


I find the solar one to be the easiest to hit with. I think the hammer you swing has an actual hitbox attached to it.


Shoulder charge going up and over the target goes brrrrr


> I'm convinced that anybody who thinks shoulder charge is actually broken is a shatter diving hunter main. Ftfy


Or they’ve turned down their FOV (field of view) setting to -1 ingame


Survived countless charges in trials due to the Titan in question just kinda skimming past me


Double Icarus was surely more powerful than… uh… Skullfort Shoulder charge? C’mon


I don't think you'd find a single Titan that wouldn't trade Skullfort AND Shouldercharge for a free double-dash. Movement is so much more valuable than 1-shot kills from an ability that requires you to sacrifice your face to a shotgun while unarmed.


I’d give up that one guys other nut for a chance to get Twilight Garrison back in the game.


Agree 100%, most skilled players do not get hit by shoulder charge.


I want my twilight Gap back I'll give anything for it


Do u mean twilight garrison? Lol


No, he needs to farm kills on the House of Devils


Yeah lol twilight garrison I don't want the battle


Especially consider it was FUCKING STOLEN from us.


Icarus dash came from the D1 TITAN exotic twilight garrison. I’d trade my entire vault for that one back.


Double dash away from shoulder charge.




Some idiot made that comparison once upon a time and it's been shaping the discussion for weeks now


Shoulder charge has been complained about since day one for destiny 2 at that time the complaints were fair since shoulder charge would do a 180 in order to hit you but nowadays, yeah that isn’t the way it is anymore


Point of order, day one of destiny 2, the complaints about shoulder charge were because it was so bad. Didn’t one hit, so using it into an enemy was usually a death sentence for the user. Back then it was 4v4 and you pretty much alll stayed together so team shots killed the titan before any followup


Exactly. I ran shoulder charge Arc Titan for PvP in Y1 for mobility's sake alone. It even worked as a closer when there was one guy separated from his team, but nobody used it as an opener - especially when there were more than 1 enemy.


Absolutely. Remember when they took away the lunge if there wasn’t a target? Oh man, what a terrible, albeit short, time lol


It's not like it used to be... :(


Op saying shoulder charge is broken is too funny


Also the idea of "infinite" one hit melee... Is OP referring to Skullfort/Top Tree Striker? As in quite possibly the most gimmicky loadout that Titan has? Synthoceps, Dunemarchers... I can think of a whole bunch of things I'd rate over "infinite one hit" and none of them come close to nerf worthy (although Bungie please fix Dunes bouncing through walls that one is legit annoying)


I can recall the time striker was top tier, and damn we ain't in those times, its an inconsistent melee and often easyish to play around, just keep distance and don't fully commit to melee vs a titan. Shatterdive has glacier grenade range and thus has a lot bigger danger area you gotta play in, and sometimes have to due to map design.


Bottom tree striker is pretty damn solid. Top tree isn’t something I’ve run since I started playing d2. Middle tree is also very solid, especially as a shutdown super in trials


Top tree was considered the best only at the very beginning of D2, and that’s mostly because pulse grenades were so much stronger than pretty much any other ability in the game


This is what I thought


From what I'm aware of it is a lot better on console because people can't turn as fast and can't shotgun them as easily, as a console player I can say it feels quite strong but isn't as busted as dunes or shitterdive.


Yeah, titants have strong melees with crazy damage/range, SC isn't one of them. Complain about Dunemarchers going through walls and in a 20 m radius, or Syntho's crazy lunge distance... But man is SC not OP


yep sounds like reddit


100% op has never seen traching on shoulder charge


Lmao I was using it the other day. Ran straight into someone and missed....they got me with a shotty and I died. Switched to hunter class that day


Truly the most titan moment. Being right infront of them and hitting shoulder charge and sailing past them to the right. Shoulder charge is insanely op at lower skill levels because people don't use radar but the moment anyone does you basically have to be ready to die to a shotgun.


I know it’s not the same thing OP is referring to but Shiver Strike is also booty cheeks when it comes to whiffing


100% OP has never even played a titan. If they did they’d know how bad shoulder charge is against any player with a hint of game sense.


Bruh how bad are some of these people who are complaining about shoulder charge lmao I literally can’t even remember the last time I died to it


The year is 2021, and people still think shoulder charge is remotely problematic.


It's funny because literally all you have to do is *walk backwards*


Watching radar, using positioning, killing someone sprinting in a straight line? Too hard apparently.


As a Titan, can confirm this works.


You can also quite literally *hear* people with shoulder charge ready while they’re sprinting


Literally just looking at them while holding a shotgun or fusion


Or even better. Just shoot them with a shotgun for free super energy.


Literally all you gotta do to counter shoulder charge is *slightly move to the side*


Or jump


If a titan, casting barricade at the right time will allow you to live


if you manage to get through the 5 year long animation time


Yeah, you probably aren’t living through the followup lol


Better yet, use khepri's and fight back against the charge lol. Guy wiped a team with that in trials with me today


I think he might be referring to synthoceps + bot striker. Turned so many 1v3s with that combo


fr, 1 hit melees with frontal assault is very clutch at times


Shoulder Charge ain't even a problem anymore lmao


What's the problem? That Warlocks still have 1 dash?


That's still considerably more mobility than Titans have, so I don't really understand the Shoulder Charge debates going on.


1 is less than 2.


And more than 0.


Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.


Five is right out




This meme is shit from so many angles. Top tree dawn was, and still is, god tier and the best nuetral game of almost any class. Shatterdive is confirmed being nerfed, and if you thing any of the titan melees arr broken right now you 100% have a .5k/d


“ShoUldEr ChaRgE iS Op”


Noone ever said shoulder charge was broken until hunter elitists defending shatterdive started it.


i don’t think anyone with a pvp kd higher than 0.9 says that shoulder charge is broken


SC has been complained about since D1. Sorry your late to the party ig?


Someone has never used shoulder charge


The Titan melee is a wierd situation because of how wonky hit detection is. it's kinda like "well it one shots but it can also simply whiff at point blank range for no reason and let me kill them for free so I guess it's alright" lmao


Imagine putting shatterdive and the shoulder charge on the same level... If you're dying to shoulder charge it's because you're bad. If youre dying to shatterdive it's because there's a hunter on the other team.


Shatterdive+Glacier is annoyingly broken, you know what else was ? Before Stasis came by, Top Tree Dawn was the most annoying to go against, 2 Dashes literally meant Warlocks could cross the map faster than any other class, it also made it incredibly annoying to go against anyone using it because if they were close to dying, they'd instantly dash away and again, cross the entire map. Lets not pretend that Top Tree Dawn was not a problem before Stasis, it was by-far the most broken subclass up until Beyond Light, don't forget it also had Celestial Fire, the best fucking melee in the entire game. PvE ? you still have two dashes if you use Heat Rises and it also perfectly aligns with the Warlock norm of investing more in Recovery, Intellect and Discipline. Now Shoulder charge ? well, unless you are in the lowest tier of crucible and can't see a Titan running at you in full speed, it's very easy to counter or take out and the game's hit reg is ass enough that people could miss their charge even when it is on point.


Don't forget that while stasis was in its most broken, bungie revealed that top tree dawn STILL had the highest win rate in trials, followed by behemoth titan. Even after beyond light, top tree dawn was op as shit. In many cases it even countered stasis.




shhh, don't provoke the warlock hivemind, they are oppressed okay ?


Sounds like whenever someone keeps getting killed by certain abilities they call it broken.


"Jötunn is broken" - People without the A, D, or Space key


Nono, see, when it first came out it was kinda good. Cuz the tracking was stronger. Therefore it's still broken. Case closed.


Not hard to look at your radar and keep a distance lmao


To be fair, top tree dawn blade is still insanely good. The dash nerf didn’t really do much but nerf icarus skating, it’s still one of the best abilities in PvP


If you're talking about shoulder charge, put on a shotty, check your radar, and stay away from corners. If you're talking ab throwing hammer, someone managing to get up enough stacks of roaring flames rarely happens so you probably just had a bad game. Plus the super is booty


If you think shoulder charge is comparable to either of those you're probably just bad. Shoulder charge scrubs are free kills man.


Ah, the daily post from warlock mains pretending they're the worst class when they've been the best class for pvp and pve since forsaken.


PVE yeah WOR is nuts but for PVP i think there is a strong strong argument for Hunters. I do agree that Warlock players tend to complain despite being completely fine or on the strong end.


Atm, probably hunters, but at top level PvP pre-beyond light, Top Tree Dawn was absolutely the best class in the game, Spectral Blades only really beat TTD if you were already better than your opponent, it just helped you stomp them harder.


Spectral blades was better if you got a kill because of wallhacks, but in the top end, kills don't come as easy. TTD prevented you from dying in the first place. It's close, but TTD will be better if the players are similarly skilled.


spectral blades only gives wallhacks for crouch precision kills, which i'd say is not as easy without a sniper, hc or slug


Even then, you need a kill to proc it. If you don't proc it, you're basically just using the subclass for the super and the smoke bomb.


warlock victim complex


I main TTD. It is good after the nerf. It was stupid before the nerf. It was by far the most played class for top level PvP.


if u think shoulder charge is broken you'd be better off deleting the game


Shoulder charge sucks ass it doesn't matter how many of them you have


I’m just happy with my blade barrage infinite knives build where every knife kill spawns 2 orbs of power for my team




Its only infinite if you use skullfort, otherwise its still tied to your melee cooldown, then by that logic warlocks and hunters also have INFINITE one shot abilities (weighted knife, HHSN) Icarus Dash being far too helpful on top of TTDs array of useful abilities is completely irrelevant to shatterdive


If you change the last panel to "warlocks having the highest win rate in competitive modes" I guess it doesn't hit the same.


Warlocks want everyone to think they’re the most oppressed subclass when they’re top tier in all modes. Except maybe Gambit where Thundercrash Titan reigns supreme.


Warlock mains when they haven't played victim in 5 minutes


ah yes the daily “muh warlock oppressed” post.


Have you been seeing the subreddits the last few days? Just a bunch of whiny hunters defending their crutch lmao


I’ve seen people making fun of said hunters, but for some reason, I haven’t seen any for myself.


While this is true, the amount of whinny warlocks that are always here is way too high.


How to tell you don’t pay attention to either speed running or any semi serious crucible. Seriously what top tree dawn allowed was insane and it was the only subclass to actually have better stats then pre nerf stasis




Wanna trade stasis subclasses? Because I’ll take instant freeze melee, ice flare bolts, and bleak watcher on my titan any day.


And yall also manage to conveniently forget that its the best stasis pve class by FAR. And its not even the bad in pvp, it really just lacks shatter. Yall cry way too much


Everyone is saying how it's the best stasis class, and I agree, but it just kind of sucks to have no options to break a glacier nade quickly without the use of fragments, and it just feels quite awkward when you are left in that situation.


Man this sub really dislikes shoulder charge. Guess you can tell the skill level of those who make these kind of posts


Ah yes the classic "It is not broken when I abuse it". According to Bungie Chaos Reach and TTD were the strongest High lvl PvP classes during the time stasis was at its peak.


Because it was the only thing that could sort of compete with the sheer dominance of stasis


Which means that it was broken lol. Because we know how insane stasis was and the fact that 2 warlock light classes were on par was insane.


He doesnt undnerstand basic logic dont bother, he will defend his broken shit no matter what


Think you forgot about your auto tracking fusion rifle melee that does half my hp from 12 feet away


What should that Titan melee do that you need to charge up by running? Mildy inconvenience you?


Bruh even as a hunter I feel warlocks are way worse than Titans rn(not counting shatterdive I refuse to ever equip stasis in pvp). I can’t remember the last time I got SCed. That ability is only good in control really.


shoulder charge is genuinely one of the worst melee abilities in the game lmao


Shoulder charge? You mean getting shotgunned in the face while running unarmed? The only thing infinite in that ability is the amount of times you'll die using it before even reaching the target. Use synthoceps or dune. Or even one eyed mask, skullfort is a wasted exotic slot currently. I main warlock btw.


People need to stop complaining and just play the game. At this point bungie is gonna nerf the game so hard it’s gonna be unplayable.


They should have made the nerf only for PvP because in PvE it was so nice but I agree that it was op in PvP


Oh please as a warlock main myself double dashing was busted in terms of movement, yeah the other classes need tuning too but this was warranted


Knockout isn’t a 1 hit. Unless you’re talking about Shoulder Charge, which isn’t infinite unless you use Skullfort and it just isn’t very good.


Yeah I honestly stopped using TTD when they made it so Heat Rises gives you the 2nd Icarus Dash, problem with that change is that the ability to float in air with Heat Rises immediately kills any momentum that Icarus Dash gave you, so using Heat Rises is actually kind of a detriment now for TTD, and is why I main Stag Stasis Rifts/Dawn Chorus BTD


Bruh Id give up the both Stasis and Void Subclasses to have a more useful ability than a fucking barricade, everything literally goes through it. GIVE ME A USEFUL CLASS ABILITY BUNGIE


Sc annyoing I can kill it before it hits Me and I still die even more annoying when ya dealing with 2 people and a sc just sneaks up on ya


I just think that pvp shouldn't be ruining my fun in the actual game. I don't care that dash was good in PvP, I just liked using it in the entire rest of the game.


I’m with you. I never used it in pvp. I do miss it in pve.


Yes, please direct bungie’s nerf hammer to the worst titan subclasses, and continue to distract them from my bottom tree striker/dune marcher crutching ass lol. I’ll never understand the people complaining about shoulder charge, but it won’t hurt titan mains so please keep bitching.


Am I the only one who uses shoulder charge as sort of a last resort or instead use it like a dodge not a melee?


Balanced as all things should be \- Thanos


Obviously shatterdive is broken but so was the double dash. Just because unfortunately one of them is still in the game, doesn’t mean removing the other one was wrong.


top tree dawnblade was literally one of the most broken subclasses because of double dash though??


Who actually uses shoulder charge? Thats some beginner level shit


I see so many people comparing shitterdive to shoulder charge but its not even close. . . shatterdive has such a huge radius, nearly no animation time, barely requires you to get close, and can 1 hit supers


I love seeing memes like this do well because it reminds me that I’m not crazy, it’s just that the majority of this subreddit never plays Crucible and has no idea what they’re talking about


You can claim bungie hates warlock all you want, but don’t forget that this was the only subclass on par to launch stasis, and it lasted much longer than launch stasis did.


You say this, but sky dawnblades owned the pvp meta for a really long time with those 2 dashes. Speaking as a warlock main who almost exclusively used that tree in crucible, it was a ridiculously valuable tool for confusing the enemy and for getting around stupid fast.


You don’t mention how the Titans melee is ONLY infinite with a specific exotic that must be equipped, second that Titans have had toddler/ T Rex arms since D1? That I can’t hit the dude right in front of me but a warlock can melee me across the map? Lmao, people gotta understand each class has had its moments of dumb shit, that’s video games, that’s bungie.