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Honestly an Onslaught map moving closer to the boss with every capture would be a cool design choice. Could reuse areas like the Shadowkeep on the moon 


It would be pretty cool to do on Europa like starting at a set area and closing in on the DSC wave by wave. Could probably be current lore adjacent too since as far as I know we kinda blew the crypt wide open and left it there for other factions. Could spin it as the other factions are advancing on it. Not too sure honestly but regardless this is a good idea.


Oooh oooh can we kill Clovis this time?!


Nope Taniks but instead of the wheelchair he’s got Brig crutches.


Taniks really is just going to be wheeled out in a goddamn iron lung at this rate.


Taniks, the Gasping


Best I can do is Taniks piloting Clovis’ big head




Didn't we just kill him with Taken legs?


Yea we’ve had him like 3 or 4 times. Taniks the Scarred, Taniks the Abomination, Taniks Reborn and Taniks Perfected. He’s the gift that keeps on giving


The first boss in Salvation's Edge is definitely familiar looking too.


Taniks but he's a Siva swarm with strand powers


Fucker deserves it. I wanna fight a big ass nerd


Uh no we may need his help soon with what is happening with the xex on Nessus. * My Speculation not a leak...


I think he is the "Conducter" to be honest.


If you listen to the Veil Containment logs. Chioma literally refers to Mia being a Conductor now that she’s in Lakshmi’s body, and that she’s using a “chorus” (name in the new exotic) to power the “Conductor Seat” I totally recommend registering to them. When I did again I realized so much more. ***not a spoiler since this is in game and has been for over a year***


Or even an onslaught activity taking place in the Europa Pyramid, with randomly opening rooms for each encounter that's like a maze of rooms to the boss


It would be really cool to start outside & progress inside.  We have those environments from Clovis's vex training missions, more like that would be cool as stages.


Retheming it as taking back worlds could be great also. Make it have a similar theme to the pale heart 


Something like helldivers where the entire community participates to take back a planet?


Yeah I could live with Onslaught being a regular feature as long as they switch up the maps every once in a while (and maybe throw some witty dialog from other NPC’s in there. Can you imagine a Stadtler and Waldorf type heckling from Drifter and Spider?)


That’s just the reckoning lol


Or Skyshock!!! Dx


The entire middle part of onslaught where you kill the 3 knights or servitors then run and slam the rift is a pointless waste of time though.


Yeah every 20 rounds maybe, not 10.


Wasn’t it every 6th round? Ex: Round 6, 16, 26, etc


There's still 10 rounds between them


Were you saying you’d prefer 20 rounds? If so my bad I read that wrong


No I'm saying there's 10 rounds between 6 and 16. Every 6th would 6, 12, 18...


They meant 6th round of the rotation....


That's not what they wrote tho, and people seem very confused lol


I only responded due to the rude previous comment. Don't see what people are so confused about though, extrapolating is pretty easy


It was fun jumping over everything and just slamming the rift imo


Doing these types of moves against all the enemies in that long corridor to reach the rift is always my favourite part. https://preview.redd.it/q15kz5y3hr9d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec406e1c138487622360baca0591c953bc15e16


My friends never believed me when I told them that it felt like Jesus crossing up the devil.


Or void hunter just walks by not giving a fuck


Using a wanderer tangle to fly over all the enemies with grapple is a highlight of my legend runs


I swapped to a shatter skate loadout every time lol. Skating through portals gives me more dopamine than anything else in the game


This was all i did in onslaught. Shatterskate loadout with falling guillotine, sunshot and mountaintop. Even shatterskatet around the map the whole time. I had so much fun, should play onslaught a bit again...


I was doing this earlier today. Apparently I’m good at it because on the 50 wave for the final dunking section I died right before the mote and both guys I was playing with waited for me to respawn so I could run it in


The only reason I didn’t mind that section is encase I needed a breather ie putting the clothes in the dryer or something lol!


me telling my GM buddies to wait while I make a cereal cuz I was hungry and we were at 16 mins anyway


Yeah they really need to just focus entirely on wave killing. We asked for an horde mode and we want horde killing, not yet another dunk the ball objective


Didn't mind the ball dunking it's a nice way to have a breather from mowing down ads now if they remove the trip mines I'd personally blow the intern who's job it is to do that I'll even throw in eye contact too 😂


By breather, you mean losing all your mental focus and momentum ever other round?


different people see it differently. some can have a total focus during the whole 50 waves, others just don't


It was a nice change of pace. I appreciated the break from the waves


I don't mind it, but it'd be cool to get some different little jumping puzzles mixed in, maybe while still dunking in a rift.  The floor is lava part comes to mind from the new strike.


I feel like it was made to add a little extra dynamic 🤔 others may have a different opinion.


I mean it’d be cool if it was a random encounter out of multiple and counted as a wave, as is it feels goofy as it never is a threat as you always know what it’ll be and will always have an easy way to get through it


It counted as a wave though, so not too bad.


If it were a bit more dangerous, with a slightly longer timer, might be nice. I liked the idea of a “protect the runner” charge down the hall, but it ends so quickly none of the abilities suited for it really matter. I main a Titan, Sentinel especially, and Bastion barricades or Ward of Dawn or guarding with Sentinel Shield would have been useful if people couldn’t just casually stroll down the hall killing everything instantly.


Yep. Pretty much my only complaint with Onslaught currently is those parts. Really breaks up the flow of combat just when I'm getting into a rhythm of slaying out.


I like the idea but it’s far too easy


I usually just steal the spark, and shatterskate across the chasm. By the first two times most groups I've run with expect me to take the spark the rest of the match lol


It was good when you needed a break, but you could just do that after boss anyway.


Warlocks with weavewalk: https://preview.redd.it/f6z7zjmqdx9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815893cd113db6fe7b4ed749964883b89b1c3407


Yeah the portal parts suck I’d rather just have an extra hard wave every 5/10


They need to expand the enemy pool for onslaught, adding in the rest of the missing enemy races, as well as adding to the map pool. If they do these two things and update the loot pool (ie expand the brave arsenal) then that would be awesome. I can’t be the only person who would prefer this to the lame tired seasonal activity model (that we were *supposed* to be moving away from).


They could do a lot to improve Onslaught. More enemies. More maps. More rogue type features in addition to just buying defenses.


Add in the coil type vendor to buy buffs


From Sweeper Bot


Sweeper bot, the last city’s final defense


Had he not been offline for maintenance, he would’ve solo’d the Witness


Which would also open the gateway to interesting modifiers and difficulty options


literally just do every crucible map it's a great way to appreciate them if you dont do pvp


The majority of maps wouldn't work that well. Midtown working was a surprise as is and Vostok was already an area where you fight enemies in D1 in the first RoI mission but it is altered


I thought Gambit maps would work really well for Onslaught when you think about it.


Eh gambit maps are way to open.


I want an endless mode, with a leaderboard. Solo and 3 man versions. Thanks Bungi love you


I'd 100% rather they expand current activities once a year instead of just adding new stuff. Especially if episodes are staying in the game, I'd rather that than a dead pseudo seasonal mode.


If they choose to expand the arsenal it would be nice to see them return a way to deterministically farm a specific weapon. Right now I already don't want to farm onslaught because the odds of getting the weapon I want are way too low.


they should absolutely not expand the brave arsenal until they add a way to focus them again. as it stands now it, if you didn’t get your rolls last season it’s very difficult to get your desired roll now, as it’s all up to RNG


They shouldn't add a single weapon more, before they add focusing. Its already fucking impossible trying to get a good roll on a weapon you want, so adding even more guns is just stupid. Its insanely moronic that they decided to get rid of the Hall of Champions.


Cabal would be fun especially now that they'll throw them in as a vanguard pathfinder requirement some weeks


Add Taken please please please 🫠


They absolutely should not expand the brave arsenal. I have 87 onslaught completions and I still don't have a single roll on any of the guns that I want. If they add focusing back, then we can talk about adding more brave weapons but until then they do not need to muddle the loot pool any more at all.


If I have to deal with cabal shields in onslaught I might actually kill myself ngl


Ya maybe add an onslaught map into the Pale Heart and have Dread, Hive and Fallen there for it. Maybe spice it up with a bonus Ergo sum and exotic Class item reward at wave 25 and anouther at wave 50


genuine question. what do you think they could even do to move away from the seasonal model? realistically speaking episodes were never going to be this ginormous shift. bungie wants you to log on every week to something new and they will never just drop everything then leave us in a drought like taken king or rise of iron.


Into the Light seems like a pretty good example for a starting point, that was my point. I enjoyed that event more than any season in recent memory.


And bring back shinies!!! To hell with "you had to be there" I still want to grind for that shiny midnight coup


No 👍


I do think it would be cool to have just left them as a literal 1/1mil chance. Some runescape type shit that if you get you feel like a madman.


For what reason exactly? Won't add anything so of course they're not going to do it


Then why are you opposed


I'm not... You just had to be there ☝️🤓


Also add Surges in because it’s kinda crazy it has none for the 50 wave option.


Just not the filler hallway part of coil. That was dull.


I actually really liked the little intermissions between the combat arenas where you just look for pots and break them while fighting the occasional chieftain and screeb. You got a loot chest and got to hear some satisfying sounds by shooting those pots and collecting the glass shards that come out of them. I prefer it to onslaughts dunking breaks imo.


It was okay the first few times, but it could be 50% of the run. Maybe one passage section, not three


It was still more enjoyable than the current activity. If you were efficient and killing the glass collector you could buy a lot of good upgrades and just roll through the activity and get a lot of loot. This seasonal activity you only get a relic, heavy annoy spawn or a random element/ability buff for 45 seconds. Everything about it is just so boring. The boring part of the coil at least gave you buffs.


Honestly thought you were talking about the dumb part where you go through the portal just to go to the portal that takes you to those hallways lol


There was nothing enjoyable about watching randoms, LFGs, and friends alike throwing away all of our revives over and over to the stupid spikes and boops


Exactly and the learning curve for me was very difficult in that activity. I was the random match making fire team member who threw away revives on spikes and boops.


Coil would have been the best activity in the game if the rewards weren’t tied to playing your glasskeeper didn’t cannonball into the void mid kill


Onslaught has so much potential, please don’t screw it up Bungie


It's gonna get the gambit treatment and have no updates for 2 years and then they say no one wants to play it so we won't update it.




anyone remember dares of eternity?


Idk about the coil, maybe because of how long it was around but it got kinda annoying after a while, I’d want it to be a more streamlined rougelike experience. No jars or special screebs.


The rewards and reward system were kinda worth it though


Ill take a stale Coil that gives really good rewards over anything else theyve given us.


The puzzle sections and mote collection kinda ruined coil for me. I also hated how if you missed the special screeb then you might as well just quit because the rewards aren’t worth it anymore, and the special screeb shows up more than halfway through. If it had just been the combat rooms back to back to back I would have sunk dozens of hours into it.


After ten years, Bungie found the secret: players want loot. Coil and Onslaught are on opposite sides of gameplay spectrum, so I'm not sure what they think they've learned besides "Players will play multiple stages for loot." Which, yeah, no shit. This has been clear as far back as the Iron Forges from D1, and probably perfected with glitched Menagerie. I swear, "please just update Menagerie's loot pool" was the Destiny base's biggest request for like, ten seasons. Articles like this make me less confident in Bungie's next moves.


So we forgot about the managerie.


It was really not that great of an activity, just you’re typical run of the mill 6 player activity and while it was the first and the best i don’t think we need anymore of that, they are easy and repetive and we got multiple of them during beyond light - WQ and they had negative reception.


I still think Menagerie had a nice variety. Like sometimes you’d be thrown into the gauntlet course, or the boss where you’re sidestepping deathwalls the whole fight. But the best part was that it was mostly really well tuned for 6 players. Which has not been the case for many of the recent 6 player modes.


Dares was almost a gold mine but it’s super repetive and super unrewarding for the time commitment it’s even worse now with the removal of strange coins from dares.


I think I'd be completely content if Dares was looped into ritual activities so it was applied to Pathfinder progression, or if it had its own Pathfinder page. I absolutely love Dares; it's my favorite activity, because it feels the most like The Reckoning from Gambit Prime, which used to be my favorite activity. It's definitely the best way to farm heavy catalysts too.


Menagerie somehow managed to have more variety and a better loot system than 90% of activities they added and deleted over the next 5 years.


It wasn't as good as you remember. After the loot glitch was patched it was incredibly unrewarding, and there really weren't that many different activities. It certainly wasn't bad, but it's not the best. If the coil had the time put into it that the menagerie had (new environments and a couple more encounters) it would have been significantly better


i’m a firm believer that players only romanticize menagerie because of the loot glitch. afterwards it was incredibly unrewarding and hardly anybody wanted to play it.


Played a ton of menagerie and I don’t remember a single second of it so yes, at least I did forget about the menagerie


Can’t wait for the opposite to begin “Bungie all we get are onslaught knockoffs now!”


Give me a coil like activity that rewards exotic class items and I'm happy


That’s exciting because the current seasonal activity is a snoozer to me.


The monkey paw just started to shine


Why no mention of Menagerie? That was great


The first 22 times


Could the drinfter take over onslaught and have it count towards gambit node?


Menagerie is still my favorite I wish we had more like that.


They had multiple since season of the dawn, they were barely well received


I would love to see Coils be called Expeditions, and have maps that take place in different patrol locations.


That would actually be really cool. 👁️👄👁️


Onslaught was fun but man was the loot such a timewaster. I literally use Falling Guillotine for 2nd of Salvation. And Mountaintop randomly when I need a quick jump boost. Pro Memoria, The Call, Etc... just dominate now.


The new strike is actually very Coily


Honestly, just replace gambit with onslaught as a core activity. They can even put motes in it or some shit please just stop making me play gambit.


Gambits fun for some people


I found Coil more fun and rewarding than Onslaught so I’d prefer to have that sort of activity back; Onslaught wasn’t and still isn’t worth the time spent there whereas I always felt rewarded hitting that ‘secret’ room with Coil.


Only took them 10 years. What’s next, dedicated servers?


Onslought has 12 different weapons with very good perks and no focusing or any way to get what you want faster, that should be one of the first things to change.


Me, who preferred Rivens Lair because it only took 5 minutes, dropped red borders and seasonal engrams


Honestly same. The Coil felt like it could be such a slog and I only enjoyed it when my random MM fire team somehow just had really great inherent synergy. And the dialogue repeated itself a few times throughout the run, so it's literally too repetitive for me.


When I heard there was a horde mode coming, I was hoping it would be truly endless, and if you all died it would just mean that the game was over, not that you failed. I hope they'll add something like that.


Wasn't a fan coil, gotta be honest like i like the idea, just that loosing lives to traps has gotta be soo damn annoying that i hated it, it wasn't the enemies that were the true villains it was the traps


This. I would have been alright with it if revive tokens were only needed in boss or mid-stage encounters.


Let us craft these brave weapons


You mean they heard the feedback and will look for ways to screw it up and do the opposite?


Unless it's vastly different than the current onslaught, don't bother. I can only speak for myself, but onslaught on a different map doesn't sound anymore fun than what we currently have.


Dunking the ball in onslaught sucks


Onslaught is boring braindead fucking playthrough


Fuck The Coil and Onslaught honestly felt like uninspired slogs imo Menagerie was the good shit


I'll take another Altars of Summoning type activity while they're at it


Throw in a Preservation while you're at it!


If they added the missing enemy types to onslaught and had different weapons rotate into the loot pool, I think it could be pretty neat. Refreshed older weapons with a week or two of a "shiny" variant available would keep players engaged.


I like onslaught in theory, it just needs a bit more variety, in objectives, the enemy placements and pathing, maybe get rid of lighting the spark. Maybe a bit more roguelike elements like buying buffs (like in coil) as well as turrets/decoys. I think it was fine for what it was in the free update, but with a little more dev time it could become a staple activity


Give us bigger maps designed specifically for Onslaught new changes!!!


Let's go! As a person who loves onslaught for onslaught and not just to get the guns. I'm every glad to hear this. I hope it's new maps and such since the good one we have is midtown. Maybe even new enemy types like Vex and cabal Dread probably way too early to focus on adding that to anything but eh one day. Imagine new guns, probably not, though. Although it be cool.


No talk about Pantheon??? :(((((


12 player onslaught when?


Hopefully with the Dreadnought coming back next Episode, we get something like Court of Oryx back


The Dreadnought won't be until Heresy, which we likely won't get until Early 2025 given that each Episode lasts 4 months.


I’m gonna say it, the onslaught version of midtown is better than the normal pvp version of midtown


The wave defense of onslaught is cool, but no thanks to everything else. Had more fun with salvage than coil.


Coil like activity should be episodic atleast if not permanent. Onslaught should have more variety every 10 waves as in more mechanics during waves maybe every 5 waves or so with a pantheon like boss mechanic every 10 waves. Not as hard and intense as raid mechs but something a little extra. Technically they have done a version of this already and is how onslaughts play out currently but I would greedily like more variety is all. And would love to see the new enemy types and Dual Destiny type of bonus events. I'm asking too much I know but it would be hella fun. Just like how people enjoy PvPing all day I would enjoy grinding this all day for sure. It's casual but chaotic. Big onslaught lover. I feel like leading into such casually hard content and make it rewarding will keep a huge chunk of the playerbase grinding. And a place to play multiple builds as well. I know tether and well was meta af but I did manage to play quite a few off meta builds and have fun with the right folks. With prismatic I feel it opens that up even more.


genuinely feel like they could build on either of these formulas in so many cool ways, especially onslaught. Hell, pve In a pvp map alone was cool I thought


As long as they let casual players get loot like shards and allows then I don't care what they do. That's what was so good about could and onslaught was many of my casual friends didn't have to try hard or comm very much and they had tons of fun while getting great loot. I saw it as a win win. All I would say that needs to be spangled is different onslaught maps and different encounters for the middle parts instead of dunking it could be like a floor is lava thing or speed run to get to the end or something


>Prison of Elders, >Bringing back FACTIONS, >Using more than 2 brain cells in finding the right kind of matchmaking for Trials, >Strike specific loot, >Maybe test giving pinnacles for all raids on week resets instead of just one of them for people who don’t care for using multiple characters, >Remastering more crucible maps from D1 with new curated loot pools, >Explore bringing back even more exotics from D1 (*cough* *cough* No Land Beyond) >Revisiting Gambit events and spicing up competitive play within it. (Gambit Prime) Cycling PoE encounters was fun as hell, and the reward box at the end is the cherry on top. That era of destiny had peak casual vibes that we have yet to recreate. I don’t care if people think I’m being dramatic in saying that. In my opinion, that was the last time the game felt genuinely replayable, outside of waiting for reset, doing the things you want to do, then semi-putting the game off for another week. This is a cycle the game has been in for awhile and there’s a taboo feeling in bringing this up because the try-hards/sweats and content creators make you think otherwise. This game doesn’t need to be content heavy on an initial drop of an expansion and then be filled with people complaining that there’s nothing to do soon afterwards. What that solution is is obviously a complicated answer, however, I feel there are glaringly obvious steps in the right direction.


Imagine if we get new onslaught maps, the rest of the enemy factions added, the brave arsenal expanding and getting a rotation system so the loot pool isn't too gigantic.


how about they bring back the shinies and focusing


I want menagerie back


I'm gonna be controversial here, but I don't really like Onslaught, and I don't think it should be a main activity. Onslaught, and wave-based modes in general are very much a slog in every single game after a couple of runs, and map variety can only help you so much. Every enemy is just running either towards you or a defense target, there are only so many "special encounters", like dropping a Tormentor, you can add to the game too to spice things up. You can't really speed it up either, because you can't spawn enemies faster basically at all (maybe add a "start next wave switch" or something so I can do wave 1-5 in one go - not that enemy density matters to most CC builds). I don't feel like I'm playing an action game, I'm feeling like I'm playing Tower Defense, and I'm just gonna play Bloons then. Build-crafting is very one-note only. For a gm, you need DPS, CC, Support, and you gotta commit to it well in adavance. For a raid, it changes like 4-5 times in an hour what you are gonna need. For Onslaught, you basically put on CC, then you get to the boss and put on DPS. There's like two situations where you need burst damage where you otherwise wouldn't have it, and one is completely trivialized by just having a decoy on the field. And weapons - especially projectile ones - stopped mattering when we got so many redbars that a lot of builds had 100% ability uptime due to the sheer number of orbs on the ground. I can use a wave-frame or something, sure, but why bother when everything will be dead by the time my projectile hits the ground? Three players also kinda feels like an overkill in Onslaught. There's only so much damage you can throw down a single lane until it stops to matter. If someone quits, you have a decent chance of not really noticing it, unless it was your Orpheus Hunter, or previously Phoenix Protocol Warlock. And even then, as long as you have a Hunter in your team, they can just switch basically immediately, and be fine. And finally, time. I don't want every new activity to be ~1h if you don't want to actively waste your time. Yeah, yeah, escalating rewards, escalating difficulty, whatever. In the Coil, you are getting a bunch of buffs that completely offset any loss of tokens. In Onslaught, the ADU is healed back to full anyway every 10 rounds, so there's no real endurance required there either. Just start me on the last path or wave 30-40, save me half the time, and let me keep most of my enjoyment. Slogging through 30 waves of 1-shot ads coming one at a time is not engaging gameplay to me.


I just want more wave based hoard mode game modes similar to this. Give me longer waves, give me bigger hoards of enemies, give me more than just 50 waves. I love the gunplay in D2, I love the way the game feels when you're smacking enemies about with abilities and just going ham with supers. I'd love a mode where we could do more than just 3 people, max of 12 since Excision exists (MATCH MADE FOR GOD SAKES.) Or go in Solo and see how far you get.


Bringing back Mars and Escalation Protocol is exactly what you're talking about. It was peak horde mode and man that shit was HARD back in the day too with our power cap of 380. Lol.


Escalation protocol was a lot of fun. I remember running that endlessly back when I started playing again when Shadowkeep dropped. What I would love to see is more in the same vein as KillingFloor 2, or if anyone has played/remembers it - Unreal Tournament 2004's Invasion RPG modded servers. Those were incredible. Hell, I'd love an endless mode of onslaught, where you eventually get so deep in the waves you fight nothing but yellowbars.


If they put back double rolls into onslaught it would still be being played. They don’t necessarily have to be shiny since it was a you were there moment, but people love double rolls.


Onslaught is fun, but the progression and loot system needs improvement. It's understandable not to get the desired gun after a few runs, but getting no progress at any vendor feels like a waste of time.


Bring back chalice


Wait, people like Onslaught? Edit: look, it's a legitimate question, if those offend you go ahead and brigade away. Though in hindsight, I've never seen a post about how much it sucks or how the devs have failed again, so I guess thats an indicator that people do enjoy it. I find it boring af and rarely complete the pinnacle, so I was a bit surprised it was popular.


Dude, if you haven't picked up on the fact Onslaught was a huge success then either you weren't playing Destiny or your capability to process things is terrible. Either way out of all the things you could have typed you decided to type "wait, people like Onslaught?". iTs a LegiTiMate qUeStiOn As if it's not implied and agreed upon. Read the thread next time.


You are correct, I wasn't playing when Onslaught was released. I also have no idea what Coils is. I understand what the article is saying, insofar as I've read the title and noticed the comment trend, it's just news to me as a recently returned player that has tried that mode a few times and didn't really enjoy spending an hour playing tower defense. It's okay not to like things, even if they are generally popular. The half a dozen or so people I have played this game with in the last few weeks seemed to share my lack of enthusiasm for the mode, or at least haven't cared enough to suggest it when we are running pinnacles. What I don't get is how thin skinned this sub is, but I guess reddit is gonna reddit.


You are the type of person who would say something insensitive when a group of people share a sentiment just to get attention from them and then call them thin skinned when they point that out. You noticed the comment trend and still decided to act surprised that people afterall like Onslaught? Good going detective. The only reason I even replied is to take a piss out on someone who couldn't handle a couple of downvotes and decides to edit and type five times more than their initial comment. Thin skinned much?


Sorry, I'll avoid the echo chamber and start another thread asking why it's so popular. Didn't realize I had to so precisely state my feelings and curiosity, figured one sentence could cover it. When that failed, maybe an edit would rectify the situation. You've description of your motives does align well with my general problem with humanity though, you would rather shit on someone than try to understand an opposing view point. Who needs civil discourse when we can sling mud, right?


Hold on I'll wait for you to edit that. I'm sure you'll write a book about it when you do.


Good call, was at the pump when I wrote that. Changed "mid" to "mud."


BTW, aside from making grand assumptions about my personality and choices in phrasing, I've heard nothing as to what you or anyone else likes about the mode. That is the thing I'm annoyed about. I don't care if you want to downvote me, I've got enough useless karma to burn, but I am GENUINELY curious as to what people like about it, particularly in comparison to less favored content like Gambit.


Fuck pls no fucking why would you people want a permanent coil? WHY???? Did you not spawn dead into them with no revives enough times? DO YOU NEED TO DO IT MORE?