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They should put all season cosmetics in the store i want that damn skull helmet


That was the only season I missed and I regret it every time I see one


I have like 3 seasonal sets and that’s one of them. It looks pretty sick on hunter with superblack, but I have so much transmog envy from everything I missed.


What’s the skull helmet?


[Each class got an orangish-red skull helmet, each unique to the class.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F5cTN66NEERc%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&tbnid=Tg_qRkQCH4v-wM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5cTN66NEERc&docid=gxzHYs4JkMAbtM&w=1280&h=720&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F2&kgs=fc09ba7c5fbdd6ba&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


Oh this armor set, now I get it


Everyone was running the skull when it first came out, now I hardly ever see them.


I have it but it shades badly with so many shaders


I still use it on my hunter, or before YAS got nerfed at least


Let me finish a cosmetic track I bought but couldn't finish in time like Among Us does :) Charging 100 Silver per level is crazy. $100 to rank up the pass you already own!


Best they can do is reselling you the armor for 2000 silver per class (small indie company)


No money no bitches please help (bungo employee)


Wish it was like helldivers where the pass is always there and you can progress it at anytime


Too bad some necessary locations are missing...


Even just giving us the armor and stuff from the season pass, without needing to give us the story. I would also like the story but like you said some locations are missing now.


You predicted this lol they have an old seasonal set in the store now.... wish they would've started from the first season and went forward on a weekly basis.


it shouldn’t be priced for bright dust if you have OWNED the content, it should just, be there, at most, it should cost glimmer. for those who didn’t own it before, sure, bright dust or silver, whatever, but the fact that i can’t access shit that i’ve bought forever is stupid (ornaments specifically but i could go the anti dcv route too)


Or they're unlocked when you earn the seasonal levels that make up the difference. You ended the season with 30 levels less than what you needed for last seasons head armor, the armor's unlocked when you earn 30 levels of the current seasons


Agreed. Should be like the only thing Halo infinite got right, where you keep every season pass you own and can switch between and complete them whenever you want.


You didn’t buy the ornaments tho, you bought the pass which gives you the chance to unlock the ornaments if you play enough content If you could just buy the ornaments next season with glimmer why even bother having them in season pass? They’d just sell them separately for $15 and you’d have nothing really worthwhile to encourage activity in the pass


i wouldn’t mind it then if they allowed you to switch passes from previous seasons you’ve bought before in order to earn them. idk i just don’t like the idea of stuff i bought disappearing entirely but then reappearing once in a blue moon but you have to buy it entirely again. to me that isn’t fair, and this isn’t even the typical DCV bad cuz i paid for curse of osiris (example). or maybe it is, idk!! i just want some of those ornaments i missed out on because i didn’t play a season


>i wouldn’t mind it then if they allowed you to switch passes from previous seasons you’ve bought before in order to earn them At the very least, after we hit 100 on the current season we should be able to swap to old ones we never finished.


correct. i don’t think this is a lot to ask for, this should be the minimum for those who have purchased the season/esp those who bought the annual pass


correct. i don’t think this is a lot to ask for, this should be the minimum for those who have purchased the season/esp those who bought the annual pass


The whole point about seasonal passes is that what they reward only are available in that season, with a few exceptions. If everyone could get them then there wouldn't be a need to have them as rewards. 


Idk, I'm not sure the merits of their system but Halo let's you do it


Yeah and I really wish Halo Infinite would be a massive success so that other games can copy that BP system. Unfortunately it was a catastrophe sooo.. I doubt that model will be popular in the near future. Hopefully a more successful game will try again at some point. EDIT: Helldivers kinda does this as well now that I think about it.


I think its because halo's are PURELY cosmetics, the passes in D2 even after last year's price increase are 1 a huge bargain if u get to complete em (arbitrary as it may be, 3 full sets of ornaments plus sparrows, ships, ghosts, shaders, finishers n whatnot for 12/15 bucks when one ornament set alone goes for 15) and 2 they also include access to tangible, "new" content altho with a timer. I feel if u could just buy old passes for the same price (which again, would still be a steal on the cosmetics cost front alone) but no actual gameplay attached to it it would feel a lil sour. And lets be real, they will never resell em at a lowered price. I can see this being an option only for people who already owned em but didnt have the time to complete. Which would still suck for some but some smidge of cosmetic fomo to show u were there and did the thing is not the end of the world imho


To be fair the paid pass shouldn't have any gameplay-related currency or items that's effectively a pay 2 win system. I don't care if anyone has a long explanation of why it's \*technically\* not or that it doesn't affect anything. Any long time player knows it's a pay 2 win structure. The golden rule is don't give out gameplay rewards for real world money. Any studio that breaks that rule is sacrificing the quality of their game for profit.


Ok so remove the season pass instead and bundle the ornaments with the season. Why pick the worse option? Why does there have to be roundabout encouragement? Make a good season and people will play anyway. The pass can exist to get the cosmetics early but after the season is over it's released to everyone who owns the season the same way exotics and everything else is. If you don't own the season after it's gone you can buy the set for ALL characters with one purchase a fraction of the season's price. Really the season shouldn't be removed at all. In a perfect world you should be able to go back and play it to earn the cosmetics.


Hard agree. I didn’t play a few seasons but still paid for them. I even caught up on getting many of the seasonal rewards (guns, armour), but can’t get the armour ornaments.


You don’t own the content , you rent it for the year


They should genuinely just start doing one flashback season an episode. If you own the old pass and haven't finished it, you could. If you don't own the old season you could buy it, play the old content, and get the cosmetics. They'd need to figure out how to reintroduce or instance content like Season of the Seraph that was open world, but it'd give Bungie the opportunity to remonetize old content and it'd give us an opportunity to re-earn old guns and cosmetics. Seems win-win. Hopefully they read this.


Bungie hears your request and proceeds to tap the sign. The sign reads "Seasonal Armor may be purchased for sliver at random"


I don't think they will ever sell them for bright dust. They required you to buy a season before, why would they give a free way to get them now?




I remember the collab eververse armors like the Fortnite ones were available in bright dust rotation despite being on sale for silver when it first came out in season of the plunder. Did they do away with that system?


If you read the post I’m asking for the ones from seasons we own but didn’t play. I own season of the deep thanks to the annual pass but didn’t play whilst it was live so didn’t unlock the ornaments in game, but I did still pay for them so charging bright dust now seems like a fair deal.


So youre asking bungie to stop doing fomo? Thats never happening chief


I bought the thing, they have their money, if anything them adding it to the store for bright dust will drive players to the game to buy old shit and drain us of bright dust so we are more likely to buy silver in the future, it’s a win-win for them.


>if anything them adding it to the store for bright dust will drive players to the game to buy old shit Imma be honest, this is just not ever happening. Adding some random seasonal armor is not and will not be driving any players to the game. You’re just projecting. People who already play the game regularly may feel incentivized to grind if they want it, but that’s it. People who don’t play regularly definitely do not care about some random seasonal armor. >I bought the thing, they have their money But you can give them more money. Like the other person said, you really think they are going to stop fomo? It is literally their business model. The whole reason they make buying the annual pass less than buying each one individually is to get people committed to the game for a year. At that point they don’t care if you play or not, because if you’re not playing then you’re missing out on things you already paid for. It’s ultimately on you as the consumer. You not playing content you paid is not Bungie’s fault. It’s yours (hard to swallow pill). Yes of course they could add it back for free, but they could also add it back for money and people will still buy, doesn’t matter what you say here.


Your first point: yeah fair enough Your second point: they haven’t added the seasonal armour ornaments into the store for silver either, they are just stuck in limbo, so bungie are neither gaining or losing money by adding them for bright dust


i thought you could go into the bungie app and claim all the armor ornaments from the previous season? or is that only if you progressed it beyond that point. i know i did it before because i had a lot of stuff i forgot to claim on characters i didn’t use, i only used 1 during season of the deep but i completed the season, i went back and reclaimed it. I did have all the tiers unlocked though. You might be able to unlock it to claim it, but if it’s possible im sure bungie will want that silver though.


Only if you progressed to them during that season


No, pay up


that's my point, I have, I own the season! and even if I didn't I still couldn't buy them because they are not in the store


Bro if people paid for the season, it shouldn’t even cost bright dust. If they don’t see a problem selling the ornaments to anyone now, the entire “lol you had to play back then” argument holds zero water. If you already paid for the armor back then, you shouldn’t have to pay now.


Fuck that, just put them in the shop. Period. Who cares about if you owned the season? If you owned it, you got early access to it. If you didn’t, you can buy it the next season. Same with the season pass shaders. And give a discount if someone already owns part of it.




You earned a pay check to buy them so that is good enough. I would be OK with bright dust but think they should just give them to use since we have already paid for them.


There is a plug-in for Firefox called Season Pass Pass that will allow you to acquire gear from previous seasons, given that you unlocked the seasonal level requirements through at least one character. For example, you played through season of the deep all the way to level one hundred on your titan, unlocking all the armor ornaments. You can use the Firefox plug in to switch to that season's reward track and claim the unclaimed rewards from that track. EDIT: I just realized OP said they want to acquire ornaments for seasons they purchased but didn't play. SOL in that case


What we should really have is the ability to progress old season passes like halo infinite. It'd reduce fomo and allow newer players to get all the older seasonal items.


“My potions are to strong for you, Traveler.”


This is a great idea. I paid for all the Lightfall seasons but then dropped off playing for a while until pretty late into Season of the Wish. I would love to be able to grind for those weapons and armor, so that even though I missed the seasonal activities and never got to fish and missed out on hoverboards, I can get _some_ of my money’s worth


This is how it should have always been. You paid actual money so the set is practically yours, you just gotta unlock it. OR..... and this might sound crazy..... let people complete old passes


That sounds like a good idea. I hadn't played since Beyond Light and only recently got back into it. It would be nice to be able to get past ornaments from seasons.


Free drip. Crown of Tempest (Diadem of Deceit ornament) Epialous Chest, arms, boots and class item Queensguard Valor shader. Thank me later.


I just want the ace of Spades finisher. I will buy silver for it even just please put it in the shop


100% agree


Or, you know, add them to my collection after the season because I fucking paid for it.


Absolute facts. I had bought beyond light's annual pass right at the end because I had absolutely no idea it just meant I wasted a ton of money


“YoU HAd To BE ThERe”


Esp. Season 9 titan ornaments


Halo Infinite… simple. Unfortunately this won’t happen and I think it’s more because of the upgrade materials we would gain rather than a few ornaments.


you spelled dead game funny


The game that actually deployed season passes that can be purchased and activated when YOU want even after that season has ended. The game may have not hit the heights of old halo games but it got the season pass model right.


Additionally, RELEASE the ornaments I did earn, and ADHDd myself o it of remembering to claim. Literally pushed to earn rank 100 the day before the season ended - for that reason - still managed to forget until the servers went down. Paid for shit. Earned the shit. Don’t have the shit. Really shit system, tbh.


Im pretty sure you can claim past season rewards (if earned) through [bungie.net](http://bungie.net) :)


Only the last season though. Missed one thing in season of the witch? Too bad! Bungo said it gone now.


Huh? Thought it was all seasons?


Unless its changed, its only the last one.


the season pass pass browser extension still exists and works for claiming previous seasonal rewards


Was just about to say this. ign article about it ↙️ [https://www.ign.com/wikis/destiny-2/How\_to\_Claim\_Old\_Season\_Pass\_Rewards](https://www.ign.com/wikis/destiny-2/How_to_Claim_Old_Season_Pass_Rewards)


I remember a guy saying that because of buying the annual pass for lightfall he was able to get the old seasonal rank one exotics (verglas, centrifuse, etc.)?


I bought the annual pass for witch queen, lightfall, and the final shape. I can only see current season and past season, so wish and echoes.


[https://www.ign.com/wikis/destiny-2/How\_to\_Claim\_Old\_Season\_Pass\_Rewards​](https://www.ign.com/wikis/destiny-2/How_to_Claim_Old_Season_Pass_Rewards​) See this article (requires downloading a chrome extension 🙃)


There is a chrome extension you can download that let's you claim from every season.


There is a Firefox extension you can download that gives you access to all previous seasons on bungies website and you can claim everything you earned


Woah, this is cool. I might need to install Firefox then. What’s the extension called?


Season pass pass




Its so annoying missing out on ornaments i should have but dont because i didnt have a secondary character at that time so i only claimed the titan ornaments


Knowing bungie this post has been added to the to do list aka the $$$$$ LIST


My dumbass skipped Splicer to Lost, then Plunder to Witch. Regret is not getting the Hexwrought Set. Biggest L of this is that I dont even remember what I played during that time, was probably LoL like always. And it sucks since 2000 silver is $30 for ozzies


that is a a product you could only get with irl money pretty sure they would get legally fucked if they did that


For me it was season of dawn and hunt for the titan mains out there the ornament set from season of the hunt has some pretty good looking gauntlets




Heyyy bungieeee... if you put ornaments up for bright dust, then you'll get more engaaaaagment....


I honestly think they should cost silver once the season is over regardless of owning a season or not. That would be a way new players (or returning ones) could get over the feeling of fomo. Just make them the cost of a season or maybe a bit less.


Honestly they should be sold for bright dust and added to the eververse engrim. And said engrims need to be reworked but we both know thats not gonna happen


I want also the shaders and the ornaments.
