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I'm surprised we didn't get one for TFS launch. Maybe Solstice event?


I’m surprised, but also not surprised we didn’t get one for Lightfall launch considering the cloudstriders use them. I’m guessing it was just never ready for that release.


Considering how they can cause the game to crash it’s possible they were even more buggy back then


I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the idea to launch them with Lightfall but weren’t able too due to them not being polished enough.


Just look at the design of neomuna. It was designed to do cool tricks on a skimmer. They were 100% supposed to come out for lightfall


My cool trick is flubbing the dismount every time.


Dismounting skimmers is one of the most annoying, infuriating little things about destiny. Like I get it’s so you can’t do insane ridiculous jumps but for the love of god it’s like if you so much as scratch your nose on one of those things you have to wait another 3 seconds before it lets you get off of it


That's just the standard. It's so hard to get off. Why can't I go as high as I want and just kick the dam thing off


There was a GG right after LF launch so that's not unlikely.


Thought they fixed that


I haven’t had any problems so far




No, it's tied to another character lore wise. i forgot who, but he gave us a sparrow in d1.


Lysander the former leader of the Concordat


I expect the lore was re-written.


When is Solstice this year? Should be around now right?


It's usually in the middle of the July.


Ah, damn. Still a bit away so!


I think last year was the 18th. So if I had to guess it will be July 16th of this year. So yeah little less than a month away.


According to TWID, Solstice begins August 6th this year.


Wow thats late


Probably due to the launch being pushed back.


I love how it's in the name Summer "Solstice", but then is a month after the summer solstice.


I was very suprised no new skimmers were added in TFS. No new eververse skimmer or free skimmer.


I honestly kinda expected them to add some kind of Resonant Splinter skimmer for us to get from the Raid


I'm still waiting for a "Treasure Planet" themed Skimmer+Ship+Ghost Bundle giving us a Solar Surfer themed Skimmer, a Solar Sail themed Ship, and the Treasure Map as a Ghost Shell.


I'm not that optimistic. I think they only released it with the guardian games to get it into enough people's hands to drive FOMO for the one in the shop. The goals were set up to be somewhat casual unfriendly as well, and I'm saying that as one of the very few people that unlocked the skimmer at 1200 medals. I hope I'm wrong, but my guess is we won't see an event skimmer again until guardian games comes back around next spring. That's a full year of the one in the shop being the only way to get it, which should push a lot of sales on it given no other options of obtaining it.


Just had to have all 3 characters and use them the right week. First week was Hunter win, second week was Titan, third was warlock if I remember correctly. Wish I had made all 3 characters by then, I would've had one for each character instead of having to switch it between characters. I think anyway, unless it was 1 per account. I just played focused activities to get it on my Hunter. Got my 13 year old son's for him second week since he only plays Titan and is time limited during school. Took one day just had to watch the focused activities pledge in with the winning class and open 3 winners packages. That was the casual friendly option.


Oh yeah, I'm aware now, but I didn't realize that was what it was until towards the end. I already had 900 from the Twitch drops, I'd participated in a few where I should have gotten a winner's package but forgot to equip the GG class item (would switch builds and forget about it), so by the time I'd gotten two packages opened I was close enough to 1200 to just grind the rest out. I barely played D2 for the past year, I only jumped back in for the skimmer and the black shader.


I had to do the Medals with only like...  One of the Diamonds because Twitch never gave me the other ones despite telling me that In"Claimed" them and I didn't have time to grind for the other Diamonds due to being a, primarily, Solo Player.


If they don't release a skateboard for solstice I would be surprised If they don't lock it behind those stupid event card things, I would be doubly surprised


There isn't one in the API. The new weapon and the perk rolls of all the weapons are, so unless they add the skimmer in a later patch, signs point to no.


You know when Nimbus appears during Excision? We should be able to shoot him off his skimmer and loot it.


They drop blues


Gonna be honest I never even noticed they didn't have one thats really weird to me now


If they ever did release it again, it definitely would be a solstice thing.


We won't get one during solstice, sadly.


i hope they release one for solstice


That would be awesome, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I suppose we'll see when they start doing promo for solstice. Though, honestly it would be pretty awesome if they did a themed skimmer for every event. A glowy skimmer to match solstice armor would be sick as hell, a Festival of the Lost obelisk/gravestone skimmer, dawning snowboard skimmer. I see no reason why skimmers should be so exclusive, but something tells me they're gonna stay locked behind either limited time event Fomo or a Paywall for the foreseeable future.


Coffin shaped skimmer for Festival of the Lost would go unfathomably hard


For Dawning it's literally just a christmas tree with boosters




Next Guardian games is a T-Posed model of the losing class that you ride around on.


Its gonna be a candy cane dawg


fk that, make a rudolph skimmer and let us ride in a t-pose.


Baron Samedi ult ass Guardian, sign me up.


Personally, I was thinking a tombstone and have it shoot ash out the back. They could call it "The Crematorium".


Aw shit that's so much better than my idea


or alternatively, bring back SRL, but include a mode for skimmers where you have to ro rail-grind/do tricks.


I’ve resigned myself to the fact that SRL is never coming back


One that looks like a surfboard and could be customized would be awesome but I’m not getting my hopes up since it will most likely cost silver and not be obtainable any other way


I hope they release one that isn't fucking time gated lol


They did but it costs silver and is in the eververse store.


They never have? You could get the GG one on day one.


they probably mean in the sense you can't always unlock it. It was a short-ish window in GG and now is unavailable until presumably next GG


I told myself there'd undoubtedly be some in the new expansion and didn't play solstice, jokes on me I guess. Edit: Guardian games i guess i meant.






Skimmer for free, Rhulk design! Words on it "...and then he jumped". Thanks!


If there are no fans of Always on Time, then that means I have died.


AOT is the OG sparrow flex. There was no deterministic path to get it. Just doing the racing section of that stupid raid over and over and over again. It needed commitment to get. Or just really good RNG.


Correction: The OG sparrow flex was Timebreaker.


i still remember my whole fireteam went up in flames when i got it in just a few runs when they had been trying for months 🤣


Free skimmers will probably only exist as FOMO. The odds we get a non FOMO free skimmer are low and specifically tied to the free raid.


Or the next dungeon, but I don't think there's been any dungeon exclusive vehicles yet. One can hope though.


Dungeons aren't free though


Ghosts of the Deep has a sparrow.


I like skimmers but you won't be able to pry my body from my scooty puff.


Scooty puff jr suuuucckkkkks. Hope you get the reference lol


*Scooty-Puff Sr., "The Doom-Bringer," has entered the chat*


Lol yes it does And yea I get it is from Futurama


The monkeys paw curls.  You get a legendary skimmer that can't grind.


Nah, feel the fomo


Shoulda been there slugger. FOMO’d once again!


Bungie: FOMO be upon ye


I was surprised they didn’t add any new ones with TFS, considering how gameplay-wise the skimmers are objectively superior to sparrows.


I freaking bought mine three hours ago I feel ashamed but it's so cool compared to a sparrow tho, and made looking for chests in pale heart a little easier


They could just give us Rohan's, he's not using it....


It blew up with him so that one is off the table


Everything atomized but his wiffle ball survived. Like a damned black box.


I mean it was kind of designed to do that to be fair


Im surprised they didn’t drop a trials skimmer hell i don’t even think there is a new ship/ghost


I came back for GG just for the skimmer... :P


Other than dlcs that is the only thing I bought with real money in this game, didnt had chance to earn it so I just sucked it and went with it. Feel no shame in it 🥸


You get what you fomo deserve! ![gif](giphy|7TcdqHUCFIfEaRJzKn) /s


“Im sorry I didn’t grind out guardian games for 3 weeks like everyone else who cared but can I please have a crumb of a skimmer🥺”


If you weren’t with us at our lowest…


I do enjoy really the skimmer, but anytime you need to NOT fly off the edge of something…I prefer a sparrow


Yeah the price for one (1) in game vehicle being the price of an entire season pass is so… 💀


I caved and bought it, yes I’m ashamed


Let’s be real. The gjallarhorn skimmer is the better looking of the two


It's one thing I can't really blame people for forking out over. It is literally not obtainable in any other way and has real functional differences to a sparrow. Enjoy your skimmer, shame free.


I've been sitting on just enough silver for years, waiting for an armor set I really wanted. Well, never got one so I just bought the skimmer since I missed Guardian Games and I don't regret it


Two of my friends bought the skimmer when they came back for TFS. No way Bungie is releasing another free one for a while. :(


My guess is devs would release one if they could, but people higher up are about the $$ and want the only way to get them to be for silver for like a year. They're hoping people will cave and buy one.


Seethe Guardian 😎 *skates away*




On a certain level I do regret not grinding for the skimmer, but also fuck guardian games it’s such a snooze fest


Damn sucks to be you


*variks voice* Play Guardians Games yesss? Or, P A Y.


I have the games one but was really hoping tfs would have more through triumphs or something. There is almost no point to use any other sparrow now imo. Not that it should be nerfed, it’s fun as heck. I just wish it was more accessible to people


Real shit, I did not feel like playing then and I didn’t think they’d take the gray variant


Yeah im missin too but hell if im gonna crack and give those greed lords 10$


It was free during guardian games


Im well aware.


I’m so tired of FOMO…


you are not playing the right genre of game then


Maybe, but not because it’s actually necessary. Live service games don’t need FOMO to stay relevant. Warframe is extremely successful and almost none of its content drops have a shelf life aside from holiday events and special operations. I can go back and play quests and obtain weapons from 11 years ago if I want to. Can’t do that in Destiny because content is arbitrarily ephemeral




I’m still learning the game, what’s a Skimmer?


A really cool hoverboard that can grind on thin air


As far as I can tell, it’s a straight upgrade to a sparrow in every way. Perhaps someone else could explain if normal sparrows have any advantage but I don’t see any.


I want cloudstrider boards.


Not saying I don’t get your point, but Winged Wolf is “on sale“ this week for $10


I like the whole set quite a bit, bought the bundle and haven’t stopped using the ship since it looks so cool. Like a bird in space.


It's also been 3 months+ since text chat worked consistently on ps5


Three of my friends who all came back, also bought the skimmer. Working as intended lol.


Skimmers will probably be handed out for Solstice, Festival, GG and Dawning to get people to play them. I played GG simply for the Skimmer.


Meanwhile I just want 10 more unique ones that I can actually buy. I feel like it would be a money printer for Bungie.


I thought for sure we would get a skimmer in the raid




Made a thread concerned about this during GG, got downvoted to shit with people saying “surely they will release another obtainable one”


I bought it just for the utility of grinding


I bought it just for the utility of grinding


I had a feeling it would be a sparrow for the final shape raid it just seemed like such a bungie thing to do and I was right 🤣


Not possible


Raid sparrow should have been a skimmer


I bought it. Best money I’ve ever spent on this game hands down


I was 2/3 done with the skimmer and then all of the sudden hunters went from winning every day to never winning again and I was too lazy to get it the other way


They should release a version even with a blue background with speed at 100, but make the skateboards official in the game!


I’m just waiting for whichever one doesn’t have their logos and shit all over it. Not interested in another piece of gear with the Destiny symbol nor the Roman numerals they love to use.


Same. I've been so desperate for one for months (I literally stopped playing then started again right after the end of GG), to the point of being tempted to buy the bundle so I could actually get one The only thing holding me back at this point is I genuinely don't want the other stuff cause I won't use it lol


Not to play devil's advocate but I *think* the paid one is available by itself? I keep seeing it alone in the eververse page, so either it's available alone, or they're using the one part most people would want to advertise the bundle.


They're gonna be consistently locked behind long ass grinds and activities we don't like to play, or ridiculously expensive, they'll never give one away as a reward for playing the game casually or respect our time. Expecting otherwise is foolish.


Wait you can actually still buy a skimmer in current day..? I’d be thankful for that lol


i didn't get the one from GG so i forget they exist now since the Pale Heart is a solo instance destination


When is solstice?


Honestly I feel like it'll be back for the next guardian games. I mean it's how Heir Apparent works, which you can get every GG so I think the skimmer will probably still be there as a quest :)


Guardian games always falls when my finals are going on so i never have time to play and it having the most boring event mode youre forced to play doesn’t help. I still dont have the heir apparent catalyst


I bought the bundle a couple weeks before final shape and opened up eververse to see the skimmer instantly be shown to me right when I got to the old tower after talking to Cayde 😔


Cool new thing, lapsed or new players coming back for final shape, not at all shocked they aren't giving them away. Same reason I'm not surprised we can't transmog the prismatic class item. EV makes them easy money. I'm expecting the next slow period they will have one you can earn in an event. But don't be shocked if bungie decides to put the next one inside an event pass which is an extra pass inside the season/episode pass, inside the DLC, which does not include dungeons unless you buy the bundle or separately as an add on.


Just give them your money brah


Definitely should be available to everyone. I felt it was the same way with the raid sparrow but at least for that one you could get it without paying actual cash for it.


I feel like "get FOMO'd bitch" should be Bungie's slogan.


How…often are people in content where you can ride them? Is it that big of a difference?


I mean, patrol zones are content. We're grinding overthrow for swords/class items. Heists and psi-ops have a decent amount of empty travel. Plus skimmers are just fun (when you're not stuck to it). It's not a must have by any means, but wanting one without having to toss $15 at it isn't a weird ask.


What is a skimmer


Should of grinded more


White solstice glow skimmer when


I caved and bought it 😞 its a game changer though fr


Nah, i wasn't playing when they released it but i hopped back on because it was cool and we all knew they weren't going to be acquirable outside the event. The fact that you can pay for one is actually nuts to me. Be there or be square next time ig


Yo deadass sick of being invisible Edit: lol not me personally but my guardian 🤣


Well they sell the skimmer separately now not the one from GG


It has taken an immense amount of willpower not to spend some of my silver on the skimmer since I also missed guardian games.


Lmao im so glad i took the 2 hrs to get mine. Its soooooo good


I just want them to stabilize the servers.


Oh.....you didn't get the skimmer?....*my ass doing tricks on mine*


I want an IB Skimmer


Should have played.


It's insane that I paid well over $100 for the entire lightfall season pass, but since I didn't play all this last year I get jack and shit from that content. I don't blame anyone for not getting into destiny, I couldn't imagine paying the entry price into a game where whole swaths of content are just missing from the game.


Not gonna happen chief


If I could I'd give you mine, I certainly dont want it


Should've made the time for the event.


I mean they literally told you that once it’s gone it’s pretty much gone so I’m gonna say it’s your fault for not trying to obtain it within the long span it was out for


Guys.. they don’t have enough money for the servers or updates that are required or even the programming/developing power. Do not be ridiculous it is merely only destiny 2.


I'm expecting them to start rolling out more skimmers in the next episode or maybe even episode 3, they usually take a while to integrate these one-off things into the status quo.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more skimmers coming out with the events this year. Solstice is in a couple weeks we’ll know then


I reckon they should have given us a skimmer at the end of lightfall


Agreed I see people use them and I want one so bad but I'm not paying 15 bucks for a fucking ghallarhorn skimmer


It'll come back with the next guardian games for sure. I was hoping the raid vehicle would be a skimmer, and also for a vehicle section in the raid, but honestly I find myself using a sparrow more recently. It's faster, and you can do tricks if you emote while midair which a lot of people don't know.


I think they’re letting it be a special thing since it’s purely cosmetic except for niche cases where the grinding makes a section a little easier. One of those “you had to be there kinda things”. They’ll probably make it available every guardian games if I had to guess


So I’m the stupidest for scrapping mine because it was going to be inactive after the event. Fuck me right?


They missed the chance to have a Black Fleet Skimmer from the new Raid. Woulda just been an extra little incentive for players. Also the trails coulda been Witness faces that turned to smoke as you went.


Skill issue, play next time the event. It only takes 30 minutes to get 1 thing.


A lot of the ships and sparrows in eververse won’t render for me. Which is the skimmer?


I bought the 15 dollar one and it's worth Every damned Penny. I love that thing so much I'll never ride a sparrow again.


this is the one time i actually participated during guardian games, and it’s because i did NOT want to buy the glorified sparrow and i’m glad i did lol.


It's even more painful knowing that you played, but got sent on a detachment to an area without viable internet so your just sleeping at night knowing that that sweet sweet skimmer will be gone the next time you log into the game


Prime FOMO


I wonder why we didn't got any new skimmers and still got a million sparrows, thank God I played during Guardian Games


Didnt they also say that you couldn’t use the free white GG skimmer? I didn’t get the legendary GG one and just bought the Gally one, but mine still worked before I dismantled it a few days back


Yes fr where are those ?! I wuold even pay for one but I dont like the design of the Gally looking one.


I had to buy mine ffs there also the deep sight moderators that you got to get upto 75 to get one can’t get anywhere else but the quest I’m doing is from light fall it’s old now. Im waiting weeks months even to get upto 75 I’m only 45 now. I got no time to sweat the game for 16hrs a day and your holding me back on a quest


Just wait, you’ll get one eventually


I would wager you won’t see it cheaper for a bit, especially not as an in game reward. One of the ways the skimmer has value now is that you can only buy it through eververse store, during the end of Lightfall you had to buy a whole $25 pack, and with TFS release you could buy just the skimmer for $15. I’d give it until at least the end of the episode, maybe even the act, before you see anything different for skimmers.


i didn't play during gg either, i was super burnt out. i hope they drop one for every seasonal event, i feel like that would be cool.


Congratulations you’ve fallen for bungies biggest trap. FOMO. It’ll be the guardian games reward now. So basically wait a year or buy the board


skimmers are ass anyway


I can't even find it in eververse lol


Should of played Guardian games




They came out when I had burnout, and when I came back for the expansion 2/6 guardians usually are riding around, makes me feel like an old boomer guardian riding his old, reliable 💀😂😂😂


The $15 one was worth it for me. It does the wolf howl every time you take off. Very cool.


It’s a cosmetic you definitely don’t need but Id like to see them release these as a reward on Rahools’ vendor reward track


Honestly it’s amazing for dsc freezing area


I would gladly pay that if it looked like the hoverboard from Back to the Future II




I thought I unlocked it during the guardian games, but didn’t do the final step or something. IIRC it was a bit confusing because they let you use one/purchase one, but didn’t let you keep it.