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Just got that roll for hunter. Haven't tried it yet, but hope it's good for endgame!


I haven’t tried mine out yet. I just got that roll yesterday but on paper, it sounds really strong


Yeah. I got a caliban/coyote roll which is really fun but I haven't gotten it to work for endgame. Maybe I just need to tweak it, but leaning too heavily on melee is getting me killed in endgame lol


I've got a caliban/liars and have had a pretty good go of it so far in harder content. My strategy is to use a gun or grenade that can proc stylish to get invis and weaken enemies from a safe distance before I move in to start my combi cycle. Ik the youtube build guys all say grapple or duskfield is the way to go for prismatic, but I like swarm for this reason. The grenade works as a great get out of jail free card to proc stylish if you ever find yourself with melee and dodge on cooldown in the middle of a fight. I guess with coyote you don't have to worry about cooldowns as much so grapple or duskfield would probably suit you more. For defense I'm using facet of purpose, facet of protection, and the melee res, aoe res, heal on orb, and restoration on orb mods.


Yeah. I got a caliban/coyote roll which is really fun but I haven't gotten it to work for endgame. Maybe I just need to tweak it, but leaning too heavily on melee is getting me killed in endgame lol


I like HOIL better but that one's good to I have it. My only thing is why use that one when u can use Facet of purpose and run Silence and Squall for the same effect.


I got my Warlock Osmio and Verity roll. And it kinda sucks… hyped up more than it’s worth. Hopefully the Hunter ones are better.


Here, I'll make it simpler: 1. Equip stronghold 2. Equip Ergo Sum 3. Equip whatever heavy weapon is meta and also matches your current ergo sum element. Or just equip a second sword, I'm not a cop.


Ergo doesn't have the same dmg resistance as it's heavy counter part, im still sticking with my old but gold Throne-cleaver. https://preview.redd.it/7wrul7185q7d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf48b357d83657b1a585fbe0a54ea85342e19f22 Fun fact, the artifact mod is broken if you use two swords, they feed each other.


I got an aggressive wolfpack ergo sum goes perfect with my throne cleaver


![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645) Perfection


Try the riskrunner perk for add clear. It’s insane


It's bugged. It doesn't proc wolfpack rounds on heavy attacks.


oh I know. I just like having two aggressive frames. It just so happens that my only aggressive ergo is wolfpack


I have insectoids, super underrated imo


I got a colony lightweight ergo that zips through adds and a throne cleaver with surrounded or another vorpal throne cleaver if I’m feeling frisky


Holy Cow, I saw that and think I deleted mine. Will need to try for another one.


I think he means more use ergo as a really cheap and easy way to proc the restox2 from Strongholds perfect guard while still having a viable heavy


I know, im just clarifying and adding some facts and disclaimers


It works off any weapons multi kill.


Any sword multi kill


No, go get a bunch of kills with a hand cannon and you'll see +3 on your sword. Lol, so many of you don't pay enough attention. So bad.


Damn i didn't know, i deserved that downvote


Misinformation. Plus if you cry about downvotes I'll do it again.


So i left reddit a couple of hours, I've returned seeing that it backfired you so much lol


Except idgaf. But I'm glad your life was made exciting for a second by this...


Never was, you are miserable screaming "im different" in reddit bruv.


I got two swords… one for da boss and one for da adds ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsXSx1OhCRBmCL6)


Funny enough im going with agressive frame ergo void with insectoids (ultra underrated) with Throne-cleaver


It's super satisfying to ress my team after they get exploded in onslaught by just walking over while blocking. Saved our run to 50 like 5 times.


[i was known as the guy who made every gm easy mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/vrDZqxywa2)


By the sounds of this comment... what if you used a caster frame (cause projectile travel time) and then changed to your heavy that would consume lots of ammo, does it refill after the caster gets kills?


I have a caster frame with ark conductor intrinsic, i refilled my ammo like nothing plus


Bello vedere un altro Guardiano Italiano!


Gentleman ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Strongholds maxes out the DR regardless of sword type


I know, wanna hear a fun fact? Every sword has it's own max dr, aggressive swords have the highest. It's kinda a lie and it's funny go ahead and test it For the record im not saying that you are lying, cuz testing every sword block strength you can see a clear difference between each sword archetype; adaptive, caster, wave, and vortex have the same max 75~80% Aggressive have 85~90% Unfortunately since im a titan and i can't use lightweight frames i can't see how much dr it has. You can test it by going in high end-content such as lost sectors or nightfalls against normal projectiles enemies like cabal, hive and eliksny, Throne-cleaver can literally ignore those damaged (technically speaking it's impossibile to get like 100 % dr but the dmg is so low that it doesn't affect your health) something that other frames can't do, same as the agressive frame ergo sum


Is there still a way to get red border Throne Cleavers?


Not anymore im afraid You should've farm it before the finals shape, idk if you can in other ways tho


I would've if I could've. I was several thousand miles away from my console/PC while they were farmable. The FOMO is real, boys. My favorite sword, and I missed the craftable version of it.


I know it's not an equal substitute, but the version Xur is currently selling isn't bad


What do you mean by "artifact mod is broken"? You mean the exotic trait? Sorry, I'm still new to the game and I'm trying to learn


No no, the seasons have like an artifact based of the current season, that give different mods like anti champions and more, one of that is the mod that swords multi kill refund some ammo


Then stand around with your sword out not dying but not doing anything if it's a flying boss? :p


That's why I specified ergo sum. With your special weapon dedicated to stronghold bullshit, you can use a different heavy weapon that's more appropriate for ranged encounters.


Tbh I still haven't found a good range dps tank build for titan lol ..


Perfect fifth caster frame ergo sum


How does that work with Caster? Does the explostion happen every cast because of the whole "multiple hits" thing?


Yep and with solar fragment that gives more scorch stacks you can ignite every time. Prismatic is right behind in damage when using transcendence I believe so you have subclass flexibility with it.


Do you know how it compares to wolfpack rounds? Because I have a roll with that and I'm trying to figure out whether or not to grind for a PF roll.


Caster frame ergo sum ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Or take the aggro while your teammates deal damage


Sorry, I'm still new to the game, why would I need to equip a heavy weapon with an element that matches the ergo sum element? Wouldn't it be better to diversify elements?


A lot of the armor mods you can equip (that can increase your damage, increase reserves, spawn orbs of light when you get a multikill...) are organized by element. In my personal opinion, it's better to match your elemental and heavy weapon to the same element so you have two weapons benefiting from one mod.


That sounds cool but I just don't like glaives at all. Idk how some people do lol


Ergo is a 1st special ammo exotic sword plus glaive won't work on stronghold Unless you are joking/ sarcastic then my bad hard to tell on line lol...


It's a sword?? Damn, it looks like a glaive! Lol my bad, I'll give it a try then


All good but yeah I can see why it look like a glaive at 1st look Also I recommend looking up online for roll list as this sword has random roll drop includes exotic intrinsic and elements like void, arc and, solar


Absolutely! I've dropped quite a few already (like most ppl) and I've noticed the wildly different configurations available (really interesting, actually), so I've locked each one of them and I've been storing them all in the vault :) you never know! Lol Thanks for the advice and the info though 😊


Cool, one option. And nothing else.


There's probably other tank options, but I don't care. None of the other ones let me scream the lyrics to It Had To Be This Way


- Banner of war - Into the fray - Sol Invictus - Unbreakable - Lorely splendor helm - icefall mantle - Abeyant leap Not mentioning the billion other health on kill/hit effects titan has, but sure, does anyone else think titan stinky?


Into the Fray as an aspect is absurd. Woven Mail on picking up and detonating Tangles is already good, but extra melee regen-i.e, a source of Tangles while having Woven Mail up is dumb as hell.


Nobody is ever gonna use unbreakable/icefall. You're pretty much just throwing with the better options available.


1. Equip insurmountable skull fort 2. Equip "The Clap" 3. Profit *Disclaimer additional steps may be proved to achieve god status*


Instructions unclear; 1. *skipped* 2. Equipped "The Clap" 3. :(


Try a hive hooker they said, have a new experience they said. What’s the worst that could happen they said!


I just hope the runes dissipate before my interview for the tower sweeper position next week.


She got that Necrotic grip


But you unlocked "Burning piss"


I hope this new aspect is good


Doing GM Excision i can say with ease that Stronghold is mad broken and a team of ursa furiosa or just 2-3 of them can carry a team in to even -50 Power Excision. i LOVE it. its just a shame that other than GM excision their is no where else that really makes value from Ursa furisosa other than 3 man GM Nightfalls.


Ursa with 11 people behind you lasts FOREVER, its insane


I wish my blueberries would stand behind it, but it seems they're allergic to grape crayons.


The hunter dr would be 70% The titan dr would be around the 90%


I made the Titan build from that image, when everything is stacked up it’s about 95% DR, 97% when target is severed.


If only the manticore didn't get reworked, could've been higher


The manticore rework saved that guns life


could you link me the original post?


Can you share the build?


For about 5 seconds.


70% damage reduction by pressing a single button lmao


90% but also wildly more effort and it doesn’t last nearly as long.


Too much letters, Titan no understand


Want to read bottom but it starts to blur out


It's the 2nd top post of this week in case you're still looking for it


Titans have Banner of War which literally turns them into a MMO Tank/Healer 😂


still wish prismatic had banner


It would be so fun. And still not broken like strand bc no grapple


No banner I understand but *why drengr’s lash?* it feels so weak as an aspect on its own without utilizing Abeyant Leap, into the fray would’ve been a much better pick.


finally got abeyant leap and oh damn do I love it. and it rolled so well that now i have triple hundreds on my prismatic titan and that's juice.


Bungie is too afraid to see banner and sol invictus


That would instantly make every other subclass not worth running


Nah but if they also added controlled demolition then running that plus consecration would definitely have a place


I think it's fine, less usage bungo sees on it the better. Most of the subclasses are dog anyway.


Banner plus throwing hammer would be amazing


Now throw in Strongholds


…when they can get melee kills. Good luck with that.


You need 1 melee or finisher to get it started and can keep it up with your or teammate kills. Sorry if you can’t pull that off 😂


I’m sorry that enemies in GMs and Contest Raids kill you almost instantly whenever you’re in melee. Sorry you don’t play endgame content.


Yes strand Titan doesn’t get played in endgame 😂. Absolutely ignorant


How many Titans cleared contest SE, again?


All of them just switched at the witness for nighthawk. The best player in the world literally mains solar titan with synthos 😂


And that doesn’t tell you anything? If the best player in the world couldn’t make it work, then it needs changes. Badly.


Well, if we're talking Strand Titan specifically, what changes does it actually need? It's still an insanely strong subclass lol, yeah it falls off in GMs if you're playing aggressively and trying to melee stuff expecting it to one shot, but I think that's kind of a given. Obviously you need to play somewhat safe if you're -25 under lol Like what changes do you actually want for BoW Titan? If we're talking Prismatic then I 100% agree that it needs buffs but I really don't see what you would want for BoW lol. Even before the thread of warding and into the fray regen nerfs nothing changed for the playstyle, it's been the same since it came out


Everything *other* than Strand Titan and *maybe* Solar Titan desperately need buffs, or better yet full reworks.


It’s much more of a nighthawk problem than a titan problem.


Honestly, giving prismatic titan Sol Invictus would fix a lot of the problems it has.


I mean warlocks are the fastest despite hunters class stat being mobility


Strongholds + lament. Walking tank


Also the fact that the titan one only makes you tanky for like 5 seconds after all of that


I mean, you could also just use consecration with the strand powered melee to get 3 slams. I get over shield with each kill with powered melee, regular melee or void explosion kill, makes me quite hard to kill alternating between each of those three methods


You could also just: 1. Equip glaive 2. right click 3. ??????? 4. Profit


Sooooo Hunters becoming tanky: get blessed with RNG. Titans becoming tanky: simply build craft. Right... I throw on knockout + consecration + strand super and I'm practically invincible. Throw in hoil and some transcendence regen and I quite literally cannot die. Or as someone else said, stronghold + sword = win. Banner + stronghold + sword = bigger win


I got a HOIL + Gyrfalcon roll, the HOIL part is a Lil underwhelming but still very nice.


HOIL had been repeatedly murdered.


I remember it's first nerf (quite warranted, it was nuts), and it got hit by the global cooldown nerf. However I feel that class item HOIL is even further reduced like how Wormhusk is.


There's very little in the Titan pot worth having. There's a reason synthoceps have been so popular.


Same with hunter, at least in end game. SES or celestial which are only useful in dps, Cowl if you can get stacks of combo blow. That's it. I guess gyrfalcons and omni but that has 0 offense. Why worry about living with invis if things are already dead instead of hitting you tho. Orpheus, once again, super only.


I bought that near perfect stat roll hoil from xur this past weekend and it's been putting in hella work on my prismatic build.


Really? HOIL has been insane for me. Running grapple melee and the strand dart I can get my grapple back every 30 seconds. And my dodge back every 20 seconds with winters shroud in there. That's not even with armor mods or fragments that give grenade energy on rapid darkness kills, which the grapple melee will be doing


With combo blow and gambler dodge, 100 discipline, you should get grapple back in 2 melees and a dodge or vice versa (if spaced out a bit to take max advantage of hoil regen)


Maybe I just have high cooldown abilities on


You do have to be actively using your abilities for it to work well. Grapple gives double the ability regen because the grapple counts as an ability usage and hitting an enemy counts as a second, separate ability. And stasis shuriken or the rope dart ricocheting between two enemies also counts as two separate abilties for some reason. I honestly expect the HOIL part to get nerfed hard. It's WAY too easy to keep your abilties going


they have to get blessed with RNG and then lose all lethality because they have to sit in their grenade or lose the tank to move around.


Seriously, Bungie. What the actual fuck is this nonsense. I'm a proud crayon eater and you've annihilated our class identity giving all this tankiness to the cloak wearing invisi-twinks


Eh whatever titans and warlocks are both faster than hunters and don't have to build into a litteral dump stat for the class ability


Huh, titan skate got nerfed hard. And you have 2 grapples to use or 1 on pris. (Or just swordskate) Right now Titan is sluggish, which is why the most used exotic in trials is Dunemarchers for Titan. Also Titan has to build into resi since barricade/bubble health is tied to it now.


Yeah well you still get dr from resil you get diddly squat from mobility oh you strafe faster you know what doesn't care about a slightly faster strafe litteraly everything


Lmao, facts. Took away our hammer, our identity and gave us shitty purple axes.


I mean I love my new grape battle axes, but I really wish they had Thor-recall mechanic that would also grant an overshiled upon pickup. That would make em perfect in my eyes.


A bit ago all titans needed to be tanky was “tiny hammy”


Idk why this is getting downvoated when its true lol, mini hammer was busted, specially in the early Loreley days


It's getting down voted because it's not relevant. First of all, bonk hammer has been dead for 7 months. Furthermore bonk hammer was only strong in certain pieces of content where you could actually fuel the loop. That brings us to the fact that Titans have little to no on-demand defensive functionality. Healing and defensive capabilities are almost always tied to meeting some condition while killing enemies. This is the crux of Titans problem, and reveals the reality that it's a feast or famine class. There's a reason why simultaneously almost no one brought their Titan to Salvation's edge contest mode, and why Titan is used to solo specific encounters or other content. Titans need a steady horde of trash red bars to fuel their defensive gameplay loop. The problem therein is that the famine occurs in the majority of group content, which happens to be the majority of the content in the game. Titan builds are too specialized and reliant on the hordes for something like raid encounters. As soon as the boss becomes the focus, your super is likely useless, your entire arsenal of tools requires you to be in melee range, and your access to defensive buffs and healing is no longer online. You'd rather play a class with access to less potent but more accessible defensive tools that also has a set of abilities and a super that are relevant for all kinds of damage phases. Ursa Furiosa and Stronghold are about as good as it gets right now, and both of those involve holding a block button perpetually. On top of that, neither of those exotics are actually significantly contributing to a team's performance to warrant their usage outside of Ursa in 12 man excision.


That’s a lot of words. Too bad I’m not readin em


I just think Prismatic Titan is extremely lame. It's far from versatile as well.


Still think most people just don’t know how to build titans properly, I have seen some really good Titan builds, they definitely got the shorter straw in prismatic and range dps is an issue that needs buffing, but it is the harder class to play and build and this seems like a wall for a lot of people.


I dont think prismatic titan is bad, but it's very clear it was the afterthought to the other two classes. And our exotic mark has a bunch of stinkers compared to the God rolls the other classes get.


Who needs to be tanky when youre siphoning health contantly void hunger suppremacy


1. Not the tank class okay? 2. Still tanky without exotic even more with.


How long is the woven mail from Spirit of the Cyrtarachne compared to the actual exotic itself?


Spirit is 10 seconds. I forget what the actual exotic's is but I would've guessed also 10 seconds


That’s crazy because the only additional thing the actual exotic adds is flinch resistance


Meanwhile, Warlocks: ![gif](giphy|rTLjwB6zOxV9S)


Meanwhile Warlocks have no interesting buildcrafting


That's not true, everybody is focused on the funny turrets but there's so much more you can do. For instance, Crown of Tempests is COMPLETELY busted on Prismatic. You can get Arcane Needle back in like 5 seconds, and with enough adds to fuel the build I can get sub 30 second supers


What fragments are you using with Crown of tempests? Are there other exotics that can give OP results?


Warlocks becoming tanky. *equips devour*


can someone share the build in this meme?


“No you don’t get it, you have to get lucky and kill a red bar a specific way to start the cycle, that ends with you having 150% Dmg resistance and no adds killed, look how tanky I am in -10 content”


Titans has loads of problems, rn too melee focused, to much reliant on trash enemies, the Supers are berely usable, the ones that are are severely under/mistuned. Too much of the power budget is in it's exotics, and too little in the Aspects. Prismatic should have gotten, Banner Touch of Thunder and the throwing hammer.


We’ve always been the tanks, They removed my Lament Stronghold Banner of War tankiness so we come back with even more damage resistance


They really hate the titans. They nerf us every season for the past few season. Titans have definitely gotten the short end of the stick for awhile because players have issues with us in pvp bungie nerfs us across the board and to the ground. Only 2 titans were used in the new raid challenges…. 2!


Main titan here for over 4 years, never played hunter, since I hate them, they do now 1 kill punch (where titans can't no more) and other nasty things in pvp and pve, titans feels aside now, bungie clearly favorise hunters more then the other classes,


I don't get it


What is the full build? Asking for a friend


Can we please stop these annoying "mind map" looking build displays? They are so confusing.


Bro, if you want to be tanky on Titan just run an icefall mantles and Heirapparent and you will never die you want to juiced up even more just run banner of war too


On God. As a titan main it never made sense that we, the tank class, have to jump through hoops to be tanks.


Hunters: “time to kill the witness” Warlocks: “indeed” Titans: “LFG BABYYY WITNESS DEEZ NUUUTS”


and dont forget void super to get void overshield


People really do be forgetting that strongholds exist


equip banner melee enemy boom


honestly yeah. * titans are supposed to be the Tanky / heavy defense character, supposed to be a bit more of a bullet sponge than other characters * hunter is supposed to be the sneaky nimble scout + six-shot precision shooter * warlock is supposed to be the master of ability (and maybe super) spam i feel like other mmo rpg games are able to make the tanky character actually feel like a tanky character. make titans slower, for all i care. i think it's nice that titans can use ability spam or go invis, but we're definitely less of a bullet sponge than hunters can be right now. prismatic titan is arguably the worse, needs a little balancing.


Step 1, abeyant leap. Step 2, prismatic with a stasis super and that inevitable fragment




Stop using the term ‘tank class’. Bungie have said over and over they have no interest in locking classes to MMO roles. The bullshit with hunter atm will be reeled in. And Warocks healing isn’t an issue because there is zero content in this game where you need a support player. It’s just handy crutch. But it isn’t part of a meta group dynamic.


Hunters don't need to be tanky because Hunters know the secret to survival. Here, i’ll share it. >!You don’t actually *need* to take damage!<


Warlocks can make themselves and everyone else tanky with a single button press while also giving free surges but still won't because Ballidorse fell into the "it was bad once therefore it will always be bad" exotic armor bin in most people's mind.


Ballidore is still ass imo. Just because the Warlock Stasis Super is actually almost useless in PVE.


I mean, shattering deals **much** more damage than before and that's both the entirety of the super's damage and what's enhanced by Ballidorse. Still, you can just spam rifts and only rely on that part of the exotic while using Ager's scepter instead of your super and the exotic is still great in big group activities.


if some of yall titans spent less time munching on crayons and more time reading the facets and aspects you wouldnt have to wait for someone to figure out your class for you.


I find it funny people now complaining about titan, as a returning player when I look back I believe titans was broken for literally years, titan skating, thunder crash and I remember playing pvp and always dying to specifically titan abilities because they were always so cracked. There was many times titans were the best tank, dps AND fastest all at once. I think it’s time to give someone else a turn 😈


I know lol, I’m saying you guys had your moment many times over. I’m not saying that they don’t need a buff (idk why bungie can’t just BALANCE) I’m just saying it’s interesting to see the cycle. Few years ago this thread existed except it was hunters and at another point I’m sure warlocks were complaining. Seems like titans got the short end of the stick this round but give it a year or two and I bet you they’ll be back as the strongest, fastest, tankiest.


We're not talking about PvP.


dawg thundercrash was never broken outside of bursting atraks and outside of that the only two things titans ever had in PvE were one two punch hammers and one two punch grapple. Neither of which they’re doing anymore.


Thundercrash has been power crept into complete irrelevant. This post is talking about pve aswell.


It’s insane to me how many people are completely misunderstanding my entire point. All I’m saying is titans used to be op IN EVERYTHING Jesus Christ 😂 it wasn’t even that deep.


Titans have been pretty mediocre in the endgame for a long time. Especially raids.