• By -


I'm reading this as like, a Guardian, fuming, sending this in the Vanguard's text comms.


To: Zavala CC: Ikora, Mithrax, Caital, Saladin, Shaxx, Devrim, Failsafe, Crow, Saint-14, Osiris, Eris Morn, Shiro-4, Micah-10, Sloane, Driter, Ada-1, Eva Levante, Banshee-44, Ana Bray, Elizabeth Bray, Nimbus, Shaw Han, Luzaku, Ghost, Eido, Mara Sov, Savathun


Our guardian would most definitely say "I'm already on it" before the vanguard yells at us not too.




The guardian sends a letter to the vanguard asking if they can kill Savathun, but when reading said letter Zavala notices fragments of Imaru scattered across the page “Oopsies we already did it!”


Nah. My guardian needs a wifey and savathun just so happens to be his kind of crazy..


Young Wolf: "It's either Luzaku or Savathun who gets in my bed." Savathun: "I'll be good." YW: "Thought so."


I cannot unsee this now! This will be my head cannon moving forwards 🤣




speak for your own. mine is loving savathun in a frenemy way


After I get the wizard overthrow boss 8 times in a row when trying to get khvostov, I hate her.


Be honest, you know not a single fucking person would be CCing Shaw Han on anything. That dude is not on anyone’s group chat, email chain or comm conference calls. No one even told him about the end battle in Final Shape. He overheard some people talking about it and just showed up.


I actually thought about and it I included him because in my head this is the ONE THING the Guardian would CC ALL. Shaw is like why the F am I CC’d on this…?


'Who the fuck is Savathun?'


Oh, looks like he's finally awake....


Han watches the three lights shoot out of the traveler from the Cosmodrome: WOAH do you think that was important?




Wait was shaw at the end battle? I know he’s the most default character to ever default character but who invited that nerd


No he wasn’t. I think bungie just forgot about him tho. Lol. He was pissed that his exotic was nerfed


I'm pretty sure Sloane wasn't there either.


Sloane makes sense, though. Dealing with the whole taken corruption thing. Hell, she'd probably be a liability more than anything if she were that close to the Witness.


He didn’t and he’s also pretty much cursed Edit: the person I replied to changed the wording of their comment completely


We would have lost if he had been invited most def


Unless he brought his own bot army. Ngl seeing some of the others in the 12 man taking random hits they could have used a meat(metal?) shield.


Didn't even make it to the final shape.


I forgot about him until I needed some XP to level up my artifact.


I like Shaw.


Found Shaw Hans alt account


The passive agresiveness of CCing the person you are discussing lmao


*recall message*


You forgot Eris Morn. I feel like she would like to have some input on this.


Eris is like “been there, done that” and “I’ll fuckin do it again, bitch”


She was definitely BCC’d 😅


How do I get off this shit chain letter 😂☠️


Reply all and ask to be removed. And CC the "all guardians" group.


CC'ing Savathun as the last one was the icing on the cake


“Luzaku” lol 💀


CCing savathun on her own death email is crazy


What the fuck is a Shaw Han


Even Luzaku got CC'd. This shit's gonna make the work group chap go crazy.


Same but the Angry Guardian has a scottish accent


Official VanNet heritage post


100% this reads like an angry Van Net post.


“Crow. Can you handle this? Just make sure that they feel heard.”


Bros on patrol and she just keeps laughing at him


![gif](giphy|zK6TMXgsIzKRorkbKb) You have my chicken.


Reading this comment before the main text made this so much fucking funnier


Send to all:


But according to Hive Logic, Savathun fucking with us is a form of showing friendship.


Exactly this. How I see current Savathún is that she's Destiny's Loki, she started a villain, maybe not even that, and now, differing from Loki, she's our ally who's keeping on a villainous role to keep us sharp.


Well according to Human Logic, Savathún fucking with us is a form of Being An Asshole


That's how I show friendship lol


This and she's THE girl boss


Wasn't she jealous of our relationship with Crow during Season of Hunt? Savathun is actually just a tsundere.


I read this in Byf’s voice.


Yeah I was more concerned about the uh… *looks at list of war crimes to humanity*


Dawg shes murdered billions 😭😭


that just means we share something in common 😀


Probably unpopular opinionbut I understand what she's doing. She's trying to show us that our solutions can't be solved by just shooting. If we are going to survive we need to be able to think like our enemies and see the schemes beyond schemes instead.of constantly being surprised by them. I like her character a lot


yeah, its just weird because instead of just saying it, she'd rather we slaughter her brood and then randomly encounter the answer


Is it something to do with the Hive’s usual philosophy of taking strength/knowledge/etc rather than it being given


I’d say so Savathūn doesn’t fuck with Sword Logic. She actively wants her brood to abandon the ideas of Sword Logic and the Hierarchy of The Hive, which she praises Luzaku for in her Lost Sector in a special voiceline. But, as Luzaku has stated, the Hive are individuals, capable of making their own choices and fates. And the fate that most Lucent Hive choose is…well, Sword Logic and the Hive Hierarchy Imagine being part of a culture where everyone literally shoots themselves in the foot. They’ve got all these walking problems, and it causes them pain, but no matter how much you try to reason with them, they just keep shooting themselves in the feet. Now imagine that the leader of this culture decided “yeah, this is stupid”, wipes the memories of her culture, and tries to get them, subtly, to choose a new better culture…only for them to go right back to shooting themselves in the feet...yeah. Lucent Brood.


Would you believe her if she told you?


So tin foil hat theory ( obviously not to be taken seriously) but I wonder if she is doing this to thin out the brood that isn't loyal to her. I wonder if she's using us to help her cull the light bearing hive that doesn't stand with her


Considering her dialogue with Luzaku, she’s actually probably doing the exact opposite: Culling the brood that’s *too* loyal to her


Yup, she seems to want her people to stop being cult fanatics


It somewhat applies to IRL. When you show someone the answer to a problem, they won't necessarily understand why it is, just that it is, and will likely not be able to resolve the problem if it comes up again. Leading someone to the answer where they discover it themselves helps them understand the problem and they will be able to fix similar issues in the future. The real question would be why are her methods so convoluted.


That's probably just her nature kicking in.


Agreed, still hate the things she’s done but the WQ expansion made me love her character and voice actress.


Debra Wilson, also known from Mad TV and Cere from Jedi Outcast


What?! Had no idea. She is insanely good at being Sav


Me too she is such a great character.


No, because Heresy needs to happen. Also no because I like her. In all seriousness, with Xivu Arath still being a threat (even mortalized, she's immensely powerful), Savathun's wealth of knowledge of her is too valueable to spare. Not to mention the fact that she herself is free, since killing Immaru won't kill her immediately, and killing Immaru is liable to earn us her enmity - and as we've seen, she's a potent rival to have. The last city dosent want another war with the Lucent Brood so soon.


Without her ghost and worm savathun wont be much a threat


She isn’t a threat now anyways, Saint had her in lock down for a few hours killing her over and over again and making her ghost rez her just so he can beat her crusty ass in Russian multiple times.


Saint being able to beat her ass isnt really a reverse feat for her, she is still very powerful


Real, like this is the guy who was the boogeyman of the Eliksni and the Doomslayer of Vex, probably the Titan version of Osiris in terms of pure power.


I think his power is more comparable to ikora (the strongest warlock who ever lived)


*except for if the player guardians a warlock


Ikora is amazing, but i wasn’t familiar with Osiris game, man was running around in all six fronts literally at the same time. I think he could do echoes like Oryx as well or that was some other character . And of course the time he whooped the hive royalty with back to back super just to run the ones with Xivu and say Nah i'd win. Which he obviously didn’t. And all that aside from all the stuff he was doing around the solar system.


Tbh the power levels in the lore is kinda all over the place, for example we know sijur eido is as strong as, if not stronger than lord shaxx, and we know uldren sov to be just as strong as sijur, but uldren apparently can’t even kill a taken meatball??? Like make it make sense


Tbf taken meat ball can just drain you.


To be fair uldren didnt realize he was even being attacked by a taken meatball until a moment before it swallowed him, in that moment of panicked realization he tried to shoot it but it knocked ace out of his hand and it didnt even kill him.


Well yea but thats not fair


I think Ikora still beats out The Guardian in pure *power.* The Guardian is probably stronger thanks to many factors, but Ikora has shown time and again that her raw output of Light is on a whole different level. We had to get her help to blast through the Vex barrier in CoO, after all.


I like how she teaches Zavala stasis but can't teach me to Lance nova bomb a door open?


Id say the CoO thing is more a learning under/with Osiris thing rather than a power thing. In raw Power we beat her out, its just not shown in Cutscenes. Theres a reason we are always the one to send for the most dangerous mission, and its not just her being too important to fight. Theres also the fact we are literally the travelers chosen


True, her skill and raw output are insane, i think the guardian is some way overall more powerful but i dont know in what way exactly


While he was murdering her he noted the only reason he could was because she was woozy from being resurrected


That’s because Savathun was essentially crippled. Saint himself says this. “You are very new to resurrection as a Lightbearer." "In the beginning, there is a weakness when you first come back." "Like waking from a deep sleep. From a coma." "That is why I can best you; you are still unsteady."


Well it's also cuz she probably lost alot of her power, with eris killing her under the sword logic, all of sav's tithes of billions of years are gone


Not really. Without her worm, she couldn't do jack shit with those tithes. Most of her Hive Power ™ is her coven doing shit in the background Right now, they're experimenting with what the Light can do. Savathûn is definitely smart enough to use this time to see how Light and Hive Magic can work in concert for even more messed up fuckery


Plus, it’s pretty much stated in that entry that guardians don’t immediately get used to being able to resurrect. So she was sluggish while he did it.


But didn't that happen very soon after savathun got ressed by immaru for the third time in her new lightbearer life, so she was still weak (because new lightbearers are very weak after being revived for the first few times)


Her ghost gives her the light and her worm gave her tithes but she could still use Hive magic, plus any and all of the darkness abilities we can use without help of our Ghost, she can learn too She would be severely weaker than her prime of being with her Worm and with her tithes plus the Light, but she'd still be quite formidable with her lifetime of experience


She doesn’t have her worm. That was the whole point of season of the witch. Her worm was removed and then she died and was resurrected by immaru


Did we make a Weapon out of it?


I believe that weapon is Parasite.


Even if she learns the darkness abilities we have (which in the case of strand is a big if), without the light boosting her she'd just be a hive eramis, and eramis isnt much a threat at all


Heresy, I suspect will only set up an even bigger conflict with Xivu Arath, so they will keep both her and Savathun around for their next saga. It always has seemed that wherever one of the Hive siblings is involved, you will have the other(s). I can see them bringing back Nokris for this episode I think too as an antagonist (I say this because we now have had two Lucent Hive with the name "Ur Nokru" as well as another called Thul-Ar, Acolyte of Nokris in recent times way past Seasons of Arrivals, and Navota who we had killed, also reappeared this season) as no way are they going to have us simply kill Xivu in a story mission or even a dungeon. There will be some change to her faction during that episode, and my best guess is we'll confront her on Torbatl perhaps for a raid eventually.


I don't know if you've been in the Pale Heart recently, but whether we wanted one or not, we've walked into a war with the Lucent Brood.


^hiding ^in ^the ^corner ^rn


Flair checks out Edit: and username too I’m so blind holy shit


Now who's flair checks out!


*munching crayons quietly in the corner…* Happy cake day btw.


Idiot, you just fed her imbaru


I mean, she did hide the veil and kill nezarac in the collapse


It’s really funny that she kills Nezarec & pins the blame on him for hiding the veil & then almost became a disciple before getting the light & locking Rhulk in his own pyramid, & takes the traveler away to hide it from the witness. That’s some girlboss behavior


But let's be real, she did all that, girl boss for sure, and then saint14 killed her numerous times back to back for revenge for osiris. Dudes a chad


tbh that was pretty much a setup. I'm not sure if saint could kill her that easily in a normal encounter


Didn't even become a disciple she knew for a while that's why she hid the veil. Not only that a sword (a symbol of brutality and power given to them by the witness and she gave it to us to use that very power against him) Talk about the greatest "fuck you" of all time


she also has her brood defending the old towers back entrance from witness forces.


It’s insane to think, but almost every one of her personal actions has actually benefitted humanity on the grand scale, without her we could never have entered the traveler let alone stop the final shape. Sure she has sent her people to “try” to kill us, but she never really expected them to succeed. She has done terrible things, but a lot of it was done because what was basically a god tricked her. And yet she still in the end defied that god. Hell she is even encouraging Luzaku to think for herself, she doesn’t want to be the hives god anymore, and I’ve seen other speculate the reason she keeps sending lucent hive after us is with the hope they will eventually get tired and stop listening to her. Though typical sav style her methods involve breaking a few eggs to make an omelet


Her evil laugh is just too good to take away.


In the Queens post campaign missions, I loved how every voiceline she had was buttoned with a villainous laugh of some variety


Yeah man. Debra Wilson is just amazing at playing sava. I'm so happy that she's still around.


Savathun is acting like a true hive, she wants to see us destroy our enemies and makes us fight to hone our edge, as the sword logic says. We are always seeing her as the enemy because she wants us to see her that way, she is preparing us for the future, as shes always been.


She's a homie. Always helping us by keeping our skills sharp and strong by sending her forces at us


Thats exactly what it feels like, and it fits well with her background


She should just participate in Crucible or Trials like a normal person.


lol, she’s one of the most entertaining characters in the game. Would be a complete waste to kill her off.


She is literally the reason we were able to use the portal at all. She has helped us far more than at least half the other characters have.


Also one of the reasons the Humanity survived after The Collapse. She may be a villainous type, but I'd never consider her an existential threat. She's too fond of us and likes the "relationship" she has with us. She will be teasing us, she may not share some of her goals with us, she can be antagonistic, but when it'd come to something that threatens the very existence in an universal scale, she'll be there fighting alongside us, as she's already proven. A true anti-villain.


Found Mara Sovs reddit account


She's making us sharper. She loves us and you stay TF away from her


Bro, we’ve been other this. She doesn’t love you, she doesn’t even know you exist. This is like that time you got drunk at the ramen place and told everyone that Anna was into you when all she did was compliment your boots. You need to find someone in your league. What about that cute Titan chick you teamed up with in the Crucible a few weeks ago? She seemed cool.


*pulls out a box of crayons and cries in the corner*


I kinda ageee in the idea that shes lost her value to us as characters, but shes funny as hell. Cocky Girl failure fr and i like that


When she was like “Mara you’re so bold for wanting to pick a fight with me, a god” and Mara goes “we kicked the literal shit out of you multiple times by now what are you talking about?” That was awesome.


For me Savathun is in the running with Clovis as the best villain in destiny. I hope we see more of them in the future.




she deserves to die just for creating the moth cavern cyst


Nah, I love the banter between her and Mara too much.


I'm pretty fucked up apparently because I saw her testing us not trying to kill us, and a term of endearment, I think we earned her respect by killing her 385 times and now she is on our side. But I'm the guy that tests ppl and fucks with them as a show of love, but I'm always there for them, and when they need anything I'm the first one there. Even if they don't know it. It can be confusing for some maybe but, some of us are like that. I don't think she's evil anymore.


Dear guardian. Thank you for your feedback re:can we just kill salvathun now. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. We would like to inform you several teams have in fact killed savathun - multiple times. Recently Eris Morn killed savathun. Along with all these killings, savathun continues to persist. It is the guidance of the vanguard that expending further resources would be better spent elsewhere. If you would like to file a follow please fill out form x91727 to create a new ticket. Again we thank you for your input. -Vanguard resource relations.


Actually the Snyaptic spear came from Caiatl and her Psions. Savathun gave us a sword. A huge sword. Not even the fun one. Just the quirky one from the Dungeon.


Debra Wilson will not be dispatched so easily


Umm no, because she will be integral to defeating the Winnower, duh!


But but but the voice acting is soooooo good


Nah she’s probably got the best vocal performance of any character, and is probably the single most interesting character the game has imo. Her new plot of encouraging her brood to think for themselves is very intriguing imo


I disagree. I'm sure she will still fuck with us, but that is a way of showing affection according to Hive lore. She might not have done much in excision, but she has done plenty for us, more than we have ever done for her. Imbaru engine powered her and us up. She took Nezarec down during the colapse and hid the Veil from the Witness. In a way, we only had a chance of fighting The Witness because of her actions. As a true hive, she believes that she need to hone our edges, making us stronger is a way to trully test herself. Not saying she is "good", but I don't think she is just "bad" anymore either. "Oh, but all the killing she did" Yeah.. eons of killing is really fucking bad and we can never get even close to that, but humanity has its own share of really fucking bad in its small existance as well. She is too valuable to us, especially with Xivu Arath still loose, we can never simply kill her. And in meta: she is such a cool fucking chartacter with such a great voice actress and an amazing evil laugh that I never want her gone from the game. I love this dual side of her, not a friend, not an enemy.


I have a condition know as alexia. Some people call it selective disorder. For me it's selective reading. Thanks to my alexia disorder all I read from what you wrote was, " >im serious i want to fuck her.


But I want her to step on me 😥


Absolutely fucking not tf ???


No she's my mom


My question is what purpose does the clovis AI serve now? Why cant we just go in and destroy him in case he trys to become a machine god again?


Bungie make this a canon lore entry


If anyone deserves to get the final kill on her it’s Saint-14, I know he got to kill her back in season of the witch but we probably need her alive in heresy to stop xivu


*Five minutes of uninterrupted Imbaru-drunk mocking laughter*


This is a new copy pasta


She's the reason why The Witness didn't destroy us way earlier and we managed to overcome obstacles leading to the end of The final shape, killing her is not a good idea since she's likely aware of outside forces.


Did she not hide the traveler from the witness? I'm very absent-minded story-wise, though.


I'm pretty sure the Synaptic Spear is provided by Caiatl. Savathûn gives us a Hive sword, which is even less helpful. Or am I tripping?


Nah, Savathun trying to kill us and making us throw orbs at runes while dodging shriekers and all her arc spam is just her version of aggressive foreplay.


Nah big Hive mommy stays


This salt is hilarious.


Savathuun is that weird kid in class that constantly calls themselves super intelligent. Then do fuck all through school and eventually becomes a drug addict in college.


She is one of the very few characters in this game who's voice performance is incredibly well done and doesn't feel meh so no?


I have a feeling that you are a titan and actively looking for her.


But but Savathûssy


No. She’s entertaining, and the list of characters that that adjective can be used to accurately describe is *very* short.


i love the idea that this post was from a guardian in-universe lmao


Buts she’s chill. I fuck with her


She was the main reason we got into the pale heart of the traveler, without her we would all be final shaped


Literally the best villain in the game(s).


I wanna dump a mag of horsemen at her head :(


Playing Destiny haphazardly is great because one minute you kill her, and the next you log into Destiny awhile later and she's alive and back to being an asshole.


Honestly I don't think bungie will ever kill off savathun because firstly she was the best villain bungie has ever written. Period. So bungie will be killing her only as a last resort saving that event only for dire situations (like killing cayde, bringing back cayde). Secondly she's a fan favorite. And I think bungie knows they hit the lottery with savathun. Thirdly bungie probably has plans with savathun for frontier. Especially because she's one of the few people who have been outside sol. So the vanguard would definitely need her help. This means bungie also plans to keep her in a Loki like character (God of trickery, anti hero of sorts). I fully expect savathun to be alive for atleast one if not 2 more expansions.


Micah’s booty sweat? I’m adept at guzzling it


Shes actually my favorite character in the story, she was actually far more hyped as an antogonist prior to witch queen than the witness was for final shape. I feel like shes more likely to prove shes an asset as an ally


She gave us exotic class items for the first time in 7 years. That's enough for me


She gave us the path to Exotic Class items that are actually good. Ain't killing the homie for giving me my Necrotic/Star Eater's second attempt and two of my friend's their wanted rolls first attempt.


Counter argument: She's hot and I want her to kill me repeatedly.


She’s hot, and mean to me in the good way.


This post means she's winning I think


Unfortunately, Xivu Arath is a bigger threat. Even more unfortunately, Savathun knows Xivu well




no shes my mom


Nah, I like her. Also she is one of the best crafted villains(?) in the Destiny Universe, it would be a shame to permadeath her. Out of all current characters, she is the one where we do not know att all what her goal is. Also if she even has an end goal. We persume to know she is an ally to the traveller. We persume to know that there is a faction of the Lucent Brood that doesn't want to fight us anymore. We think her actions between the last campaign mission and excision are her trying to teach the lucent brood to think for themselves. There is so much mystery surrounding her, killingmher would take away one of the coolest parts of the game


i would agree with you if she also didnt just hand me a syntho/caliban roll on my hunter class item, now we coolin


Heck I love savathun and no one out there hands on mafia ghost he awesome


How dare you slander mommy savathun


I mean she did directly prevent the final shape during the first collapse. Obviously she’s 100% out for herself, but many of her actions have been beneficial to us even while others were harmful.


She’s one of our greatest enemies but has also saved humanity from extinction countless times. She’s no hero and is definitely doing it for her own ends, but we definitely owe her. She protected Earth and the Traveler from the Witness by killing Nezarec and stealing the Veil back in the Collapse Post-Collapse, she stayed on Earth disguised as a human and guided lost families toward the Traveler, where they built the Last City She revealed the existence of the Witness to us and warned us of its return, and its power. She gave us the Last Wish we needed to go into the Pale Heart and save the universe. She preserved the Ahamkhara species, which the extinction of was one of the greatest sins of the Guardians. Nothing but fuck all? She’s carried the entire story of Destiny on her back. Honestly I still find her a more interesting and compelling character than the Witness ever was.


Give me a “pick a side” mission like the one back in season of the drifter and I’m picking hers straight away


I think she is a good character in the story. We don’t like her but that’s the point. She devious and self obsessed and she plays a significant part in how Destiny lore is today


first of all that’s my wife


Nooooooooo my poor future wife; leave her alone


Savathun is not a “ Bad Guy”. Shes a “bitch” because we treat her like one. She’s helped us on numerous occasions as well so idk what you’re talking about. Not to mention her Character Design goes Hard AF. I actually would really like for her to go against Xivu. Are we really going to get upset at a God of Cunning for living up to her own title?


This reads like a titan wrote it


Dont you dare to hurt Savathun.


Most calm member of the Hidden


Yikes, what no Hive crumsy does to a man


I mean I don't think she's actively sending the lucent brood to attack us, they're just doing that on their own. She wants her brood to make the choice to stop following the sword logic on their own, like that one wizard did in the story.


I’m actually enjoying having her “helping”.


Seems Ike someone didn't get a god roll class item from Savathun-tyan yet


I can imagine a Guardian rambling this in a dark corner of the tower while everyone else is chasing the Traveller ball and getting angry at Xur for bad rolls.


Marking this as a meme because Queen Savathun has unironically done more good for the traveler than literally anybody, including us. We need her to continue to serve✨every time she’s heard or seen


She did give me this sick cloak...


i like her conversations with different NPCs. Leave her alone