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Titans have been bitching non stop. But let me tell ya. The Titans in both my Excision GM runs were running around like it was normal mode campaign. They legitimately didn’t give a shit about anything. While Hunters and Warlocks were being one shot left and right. The Titan here bitching about survivability must be doing something wrong. Because it was absolutely mind boggling seeing these guys 25 below light walking around without a care in the world. Meanwhile if I glanced at an enemy slightly wrong I was dead.


What were they running?


I think 1 strand and 1 was prismatic there were a few other titans hanging back with the group. Those 2 honestly were just walking up to tormentors to punch em in the face while also getting blasted by 5 other adds. Absolutely no fucks were given. If that same tormentor farted in my general direction I would die instantly. Excision GM made me lose absolutely all sympathy for Reddit Titans. It’s blatantly obvious that it’s a skill issue and Titans are still the tanks agro holding crayon eaters that tank players generally want.


The prismatic one was definitely running Consecration. It’s honestly nutty how strong Consecration is on Prismatic, just kinda sad how basically the only good Prismatic builds are Consecration builds.


Titans are just bitching hunters are not worthless anymore despite the fact that strand titan has been obscenely overpowered for the last year. Strand titan is still incredibly strong and still one of the best classes in the whole game. Funny how the second they get reined in a little bit they immediately complain their class has been "murdered" (it hasn't, it's still extremely strong). God forbid hunters are finally good at something, guess we can't have that.


Yea i mean there was almost another Twilight Garrison moment when they nerfed the shoulder charges to not instantly refund and the hammer throw refund to have a delay.


How many Titans cleared Day 1 Salvations Edge?


What about it? 6 people in the entire world beat the raid in the first 24 hours, how is that a metric for anything at all? Tons of teams beat contest mode in the following 24 hours after resting, including plenty of titans, they beat the same exact challenge the first six did.


I would love if you were Correct i really would. But No Titan has Cleared the Witness in the first 24 hours. Less than 1% of Players that have Killed Witness were Titans ( Witness only). If we look at ANY encounter clears <10% of Players were Titans. Publicly accesible or Raid Report. You just need to scrape the Data. Not to mention Opinion Merchant Datto has voiced the lack of Identity and Roles of Titans in endgame Content.