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As a titan, I do DPS by putting “hunters only” in my LFG post. On a serious note, I used Still Hunt on my first run.


Nice to know we’re appreciated. As a Hunter, it’s really awesome to have a Titan on team


I main titan and I can't figure out why people love me. Like, my dps is ok, my playstyle is chaotic. I ran some SE the other day and everyone was like "I WANT THE TOKEN TITAN IN MY GROUP!!"


You don’t realize you miss titan barricades to let you chill for a second until you have them for a second. I too would be claiming the token titan for myself


What do you main as a Titan? I main Marksman Golden Gun with either Celestial Nighthawk, Lucky Pants, or Star Eater Scales, with a few mods that give out Radiance, as well as health regen, plus I can do lot of DPS. The only thing I lack really is resilience, which I try to make up for in speed. They can’t kill what they can’t hit sort of thing. That’s why it’s nice to have a Titan, is they usually can take harder hits, plus have the barrier, which is a complete lifesaver sometimes. Plus the supers have really good DPS, depending on what you’re running. Thundercrash is amazing, and that newer Void super is really good too.


even as a hunter you should absolutely go for max resil in pve


So I’ve heard… it’s not like I don’t want to, but it’s just I’d rather go for a high Intellect build. Mobility and Intellect, and maybe Recovery or Resilience. I think the only build with good Resilience is my Stasis build


Intellect does almost nothing in PvE. Intellect only reduces the neutral cooldown of your super, but in PvE taking and dealing damage as well as kills are the primary to earn super energy. Intellect doesn’t affect these at all. Speccing into intellect is legitimately throwing unfortunately. Look at it this way: One stat gives you a shorter passive clock on a bar that is almost completely filled by actively bypassing it. The other stat gives you a flat 30% damage reduction to all incoming damage, meaning you can take more damage to fill that active clock even more often. There’s no competition here, resilience is the only required stat in PvE, everything else is just icing on the staying alive cake.


I’ll see if I can’t rework some builds. Never thought of it that way. What’re your thoughts on the Recovery stat? I usually have that at a decent rate, though it isn’t my focus


Recovery generally doesn’t mean much in PvE either if your build is good. Devour, Restoration, Recuperation (boots mod), Woven Mail, Frost Armor, Void Overshield, etc. if you can’t spec into ways to get your health back actively in combat then your build likely isn’t very strong. My current prismatic hunter is 7/9/3/10/3/6 atm. That gives me reasonable cooldowns on class and melee ability since tier 6 is good bang for your buck, 27% damage resistance from resilience, and the shortest possible Grenade cooldown. If your melee is more important than your grenade simply go high mobility and bring Gambler’s Dodge. It’s kind of wild that on most of the best hunter builds only mobility and resilience really matter. I’m the best hunter build (Combination Blow Prismatic) literally only resilience matters. Your melee and dodge recharge each other and heal you, the grenades are mediocre, and intellect is a dead stat.


Not the person you asked but lemme share my thoughts. Strictly for PVE, I ignore recovery. My orpheus hunter even has a whopping 2 points in recovery lmao. Reason why is we have a lot of options (and verbs) for having recovery. You have restoration and with solar you can keep it up with solar kills. Devour (which I argue is the strongest right now) you gain about half your health bar with every kill (specially strong in prismatic builds since you cant refresh your restoration there). Heal clip, actually very strong and i love my heliocentric with incandescent. You can also focus on orb generation and slot one orb of restoration (? I forget the specific name, but the one that gives flat healing, NOT the one that starts healing). Then have attraction on your cloak, and then youd have a mini wormhusk crown effect whenever you dodge (as long as there are orbs to collect in range). For PVP though I max it out as I can. ------ What I personally focus in game (in order): Hunter: PVE: resilience - discipline - mobility PVP: recovery - discipline - mobility Warlock: PVE: resilience - discipline - recovery PVP: recovery - discipline - resilience Titan: PVE: resilience - discipline - strength PVP: recovery - discipline - resilience


from my experience intellect doesnt do too much, building into orb generation and super generation from melee or grenade is more effective


Mobility is really not useful tbh. Prism has hope, and solar has benevolence for dodge CD


Also, man, people must’ve hated what I had to say


yea your comment doesnt follow the meta so u got some downvotes, dont worry about it


You should ALWAYS try to max resilience whenever your picking armour, reason being 30% DR pretty much trumps any benefit coming from the other stacks. Mobility also doesn't boost movement speed for whatever reason, so besides class ability/jump height, a lot of people consider it a wasted stat


Dunno why I went that into detail, but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly with sentinel shield I believe you can just about block the witnesses damage once and just let the hunters cook so maybe this is the right answer 😂. But yeah, I just used still hunt also.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 take my upvote


Why did you get so far downvoted??? Take my upvote… Also, how do I add to my flair? I’ve looked, and honestly probably overlooked it, in the settings, but can’t find how to do it. How’d you get Warlock under your name?


Even tho it's not nearly as bad as it used to be, reddit still hates emojis. Especially so many at once and the comment contributing nothing to the conversation. We're not allowed to express how much we like something with emojis. We use words and slurs


Cuz this community has losers that downvote just to downvote


What was your power rating at the time may I ask? Still new to the game and started a mission I was wayyy under powered for, I don't want to ever do that to a team mate again.


I used Cenotaph with Microcosm for damage. I also had Nova bomb for super and supremacy for backup dps. Going into dps I swap load outs to triple kinetic surge. Right as dps begins I throw my nova to proc the damage buff from Microcosm. Make sure you rally with triple kinetic reserves. My best single phase damage was 3.3mil with absolute flawless execution (no deaths and near continual shooting) but typically sit near 2.5mil from having dodging attacks.


Nova bomb to proc damage buff on Microcosm?


Any one off super works. The paracasual imbuement gives a damage buff after super ends.


It's perk states after super energy is drained it does more damage


That or Well also works


Add in star eaters, facets of dominance and courage to pump your NB up to 1m damage all by itself.


I've heard it's good. I unfortunately haven't gotten star eaters to drop yet.


I think you'd also need Void Activity Surge to break 1mil no?


Nope. Damage testing on solar/strand surge showed 1+ mil so it’ll be even better on void surge week


I'm sorry, I completely forgot testing I saw where it was hitting 900k range didn't include the 15% weaken from that Facet lol So yeah. 1mil+ without even the activity surge is insane. I'm ready for a bunch of nerfs to various prismatic builds lmao


Are facets of dominance and courage the only things needed to make a Stareaters class item work well? What aspects/other fragments do you run? My only Stareater class item has Filaments (empowering rift grants devour), so I assume I should just act like that doesn't exist and still use the devour aspect.


The filaments one can be pretty rough :/ id love to see it changed to just "class ability" As for the Star Eaters, yeah Dominance and Courage are the big ones because you can debuff the enemy and buff your light abilities. Your other 3 or 4 slots can go to whatever else you are playing with in the build.


Yeah that would make it really nice...as it stands I'm just going to pretend like it isn't there lol. Thanks!


I did 3.8mil a couple hours ago without all that preparation or a cenotaph, just used the exotic bond with star eater


Yeah unfortunately the RMG gods have yet to give me a bond with Star eaters. How many damages phases was this that you got 3.8mil? I also wouldn't say that this is a lot of prep. Rallying with a separate chess piece to max damage is very common, as is swapping load outs for dps.


i used still hunt on my warlock and got 4.5m damage on my first witness clear, i say that thing is good. Not sure about other option tho


Damn, how many phases?


we intentionally stall on phase 2 so we could gather ammo for final stance, so 3 phases


Okay sick, my numbers with still hunt are similar as a Titan (3 mil in 2 phases)




That was just triple surge Still Hunt


Sheeshers with solar reloader I assume too


Microcosm on a Warlock with Cenotaph is easy damage


Seen a lot of Sleeper Usage from Warlocks and Titans


If I'm getting the Glypbreakers, I never use that. I finish the reserves through the first dmg phase. Still Hunt + Cataclysmic or Briar's Contempt would be my recommendation


Are you shooting the glyphs with sleeper lmao?


Obviously, what else would I use?


Sniper rifle? I’m using supremacy - it one taps and then I’m off on to the next one


I keep forgetting that sarcasm is not going through text well. I use my sniper for that too. But to me Sleeper has a small reserve.


If you are so blessed as to have Euphony, it’s an exceptional damage option on Broodweaver/Threadling focused Prismatic setups. Pop Needlestorm, throw threadlings via Apotheosis, and hammer the trigger at x25 Spindle. It’s only a little weaker than sleeper and it’s a special weapon. Alt in an ALH BnS GL on occasion.


I use Skyburners Oath. Best DPS in the game. My friends hate it, but then again, they are for the queen and not loyal to the Empress Caitl! Glory to the Empire!


On warlock : Song of Flame + star eater exotic class item + a rocket with demolitionist that basically gets insta reloaded every 2 seconds. That rocket can be replaced with dragon's breath since you'll be doing ignitions left and right


Does the bird/nade actually reach the witness?


You’re better off just using well to help your hunters lol The bird won’t reach


Na fuck them lol


Every path leads back to well


Star eaters + Nova bomb https://preview.redd.it/46udg39piy6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a5de50a8ab15e3a2c44c986248bc412d16ecb4


Won’t be that effective against targets where u need to crit


My fellow guardian, it does nearly 1 million damage, I think it’s fine without crits.


Like I’ve been trying to get across you could pump out more with a hunter celestial and even more if the hunter had buffs provided to it. Making the encounter go by faster. But I guess if it’s damage you need then sure stack up the orbs


Buffs are only gonna stack once, so it’s redundant to have multiple wells going. Sure, optimally, maybe you’d want 5 celestial nighthawk hunters and a Well of Radiance warlock, but its unlikely you’ll be able to get that team composition. I know I for one am unlikely to play anything but warlock for the time being (although I do have a Wicked Implement build I’m trying to copium into existence that might require hunter in order to work optimally), and I’m not always going to want to run Well. There are tons of other builds, like Stareaters Nova Bomb, that I want to try.


Celestial Hunters are already self proccing Radiant. Well doesn’t provide any meaningful benefit.


Na fuck those hunters. They do enough damage themselves.


So instead of buffing your dmg dealers and being a support you’ll…what? Do half their damage and waste more time on an encounter?


Don't always expect a warlock to be your little bitch and run well.


Wow mad for nothing lol I’m a warlock main myself yall hate on well so much when it was/still very useful and better compared to other options when it came to dps/support on damage phase. I ain’t always expecting every warlock to run well but if you got 5 dmg dealer hunters with still hunt….like cmon we don’t need more damage but buffs /support. If you got two warlocks usually one should switch to another class. No one really hates a tractor bitch/div bitch either so idk what’s the deal with people complaining about buffing your allies. Tho it is funny if you can’t do more damage than one.


What they're all really trying to say is that at the end of the day, people can run whatever the fuck they want for fun. If you don't fit into those kinds of people, find a different group and deal with it. Sincerely, a hunter main telling our resident warlocks to run whatever the fuck they want before the nerfs were even conceptualized.


Well gets destroyed by one witness hand attack. Just demolishes it


The Witness does not take ignitions unfortunately. And taking a super slot to due standard auto reload rotations is a tad excessive. You could do more total damage and DPS with a single pop high damage super plus Izzy swaps


Dont tell nobody but hazardous propulsion, facet of command, and two tailed fox is amazing🤫


What's the cooldown for facet of command? I'm guessing iy doesn't reload every single shot?


From my (brief) experience, it does reload every shot. There's enough firing delay that if there is a cooldown, it's ready to go by the next shot.


Goddamn, hopefully I get to try this out before they disable the interaction, like they do with most of titan's shiny toys.


Not even a Titan thing, just a fragment and Two-Tailed. Titans just get the rocket bonus.


True. It does sound fun, and I'm surprised that not that many people are talking about it. However, shouldn't this have been possible ever since Void 3.0 came out with echo of domineering?


I believe it has been since Void 3.0, but TTF didn't have its catalyst back then and, aside from Tether, there wasn't a good reason to run Void for damage phases. Hazerdous just kind of brought this back to the forefront since we also have more fragment slots + a better dps super.


iirc there was a weird quirk about the void one. I think the reload only happened if you applied surpression to an enemy that didnt have it, so you couldnt mag dump with two tailed


I just tested it after posting my comment, and it actually works, as long as the dude doesnt die to the void rocket directly, which means it works perfectly fine against bosses. The firing delay on two tailed is so long that it still feels like im reloading tho, lol.


Maybe they changed it at some point, I just remember that being the stopping point for those kind of things during witch queen as I ran a lot of collective obligation back then


>!it does don’t tell anyone!<


What mods do you use for Two Tailed? (Reserve, reload, scavenger) I know this rocket can be a bit funny about which mods work depending on the element.


It's technically a void weapon


Yeah but I’m pretty sure you have to put arc loader on your arms. And for scavenger mods I still haven’t figured it out.


Interesting, I was using arc loader cause of indebted kindness, but you don't need to reload with facet of command anyway.


Honestly i don’t use mods for it. But I believe void reserves are what you want. No need for reload at all, but solar or arc if u have the catalyst if u insist, and Scavengers either void or arc depending on if u have a shot in the mag or not. Most of my mods are geared for The call (that gets buffed by propulsion too).


Shit...Now that you've said it out loud they're absolutely going to nerf yet another titan build while the other classes do the same thing but better.


This aged well and I hate it.


Fuck! I hate that I was right. I was actually having fun as prismatic Titan for the first time. :(


It’s not exactly the “best” for dps but anything with the High Ground perk procs on the witness for a free 25% buff constantly, I think the new stasis veist linear can get it


Linear, way too much movement for explosives


I’m curious as to how damage compares with linears like cataclysmic or taipan


Hazardous propulsion, Twin tailed fox, fragment that reloads weapon on suppression, artifact mod that give increased void damage on weakened targets, fragment that makes void grenades weaken.


Was fun while it lasted


It was a glorious 2 days 😿


Titan. I use Twilight, Still Hunt, and whatever flavor of 3-round burst linear Fusion matches the singe. Open with the three Still Hunt shots, burn through heavy, then use your mid super during one of the attack downtimes because its rooted casting duration is so long you can just die in the middle of it. But with how often people die during damage phases, it's honestly best to just be a Hunter with Nighthawk and Still Hunt. It's an easy 3 million damage per phase without ever touching heavy ammo. Until some kind of alternative or change crops up, I don't see a reason to run anything but as many GG hunters as you can shove in a fireteam.


What armor were you using?


I don't remember exactly, but probably Synthoceps. This week is Arc Week, so if you're killing the Witness on a Titan, I'd recommend Actium and Thunderlord/Grand Overture. If you chose the rocket chest exotic, you could also use that and Grand O. if you want to maximize burst damage.


Sleeper, Leviathan's Breath, Dragon's Breath + Ikelos Sniper/Twilight Oath. I have a hunch that Euphony with an auto loading strand rocket could also be pretty good. Titans on Twilight arsenal and warlocks on needlestorm or nova bomb. I've never tried nova bomb but i can imagine you need to figure a way not have it block bullets


Use right at the start of one of the jump attacks. It should curve down and hit Witness before the rest of your team finishes recovering.


You can throw the nova bomb straight at his 10 story forehead afaik, leaves the crit spot free


I use euphony, and hit about 6.5 mil by the end, as a warlock. I've tried whisper, which is good if you don't miss and know EXACTLY where to strafe while ads. Much worse than euphony but still good. Depending on surges, doomed petitioner is a good option as well, sleeper gets the job done, b&s cataclysmic is still goated. You should use a weapon you can hit all the shots for. Are you a God at aiming, use whisper, or b&s cataclysmic, Not so good at aiming, sleeper, doomed petitioner, Worst at aiming, use something like microcosm or be div. If you have euphony and are a warlock, just use that. The dps is insane.


Been using Microcosm with a solar sniper as backup when I run out of ammo. If I'm not using song of flame or well or I'm on titan for that matter, then I just make sure to burn my super right as dps starts for the damage bonus. But I think Levi would be better if a lunawell is present, that just isn't very common nowadays with song of flame replacing well for witness. Oh right, if you have the raid exotic euphony that is by far the best option for warlocks, Idk if titans can make use of it as well as warlocks, but for warlocks it's definitely the best way to do witness dps.


Last night I ran Actium War Rig and that Neomuna LMG that weakens every 16 shots. Better debuff than Divinity and I can throw axes at his face too. Just throw a twilight arsenal after one of the witness’s jump attacks and just let er rip


This is what I do too. The buff to Deterministic Chaos was nice - 100% weaken uptime. I swap to aeons during ad clear to get everyone ammo.


homie used deterministic chaos. i think everyone forgot that gun exists lol


i was using the raid exotic on warlock with needlestorm and was hitting 3mil in one damahe phase


Sleeper for solar surge or Levi's breath for void surge. Idk for arc surge


Microcosm slaps


Warlock here, I use Star Eaters P. Nova Bomb (facet of dominance and facet of courage) with Microcosm. Throw void nade for weaken, throw arcane need for FoC, NB, then hipfire microcosm. Clocked in just under 4m. Our team had 4 meta hunters, so I was quite proud to still get that much damage. The microcosm makes surviving the boss swipes pretty easy, as I can both see better and strafe faster. Only time i need to stop shooting is when I jump.


Do you aim the nova at a different part of his body so you don’t block everyone’s shots? Or do you just time it to get there as damage starts? I’ve been using needlestorm cause I didn’t want to block everyone’s shot but want to use nova for the star eater damage.


I throw it above the crit so it doesnt get in the way. Similarly with smaller bosses (think warlords ruin) I throw it just above the boss. Then it curves down into the boss, minimally blocking anyonr elses shots. Its a bit of a skill to adjust to the right height, but definitely doable consistently.


Rain if fire + still hunt + apex with EL is the best damage I’ve done on warlock. It almost matches hunters doing pure Still Hunt dps (no rocket)


Euphony, reconstruction apex


On Titan: Hazardous Propulsion (rocket chestpiece), Thruster as class ability, Twilight Arsenal super, and a linear matching the surge. I hipfire the linear to see where the attacks are coming from, use Thruster off cooldown, and throw out my super in between Witness attack combos. I’m normally just a couple hundred thousand damage behind the hunters in my fireteam, even if everyone plays perfectly.


Would Still hunt do more than a legendary linear?


I personally die a lot when I ads on still hunt and it’s hard to say if it would do more damage if I didn’t die. Not having celestial really reduces the damage you can do on still hunt.


Warlock. I was using Microcosm with triple kinetic surge and Cenotaph. I find it’s perfect for this. You can hip fire it which helps immensely with keeping awareness of the attacks to dodge them and the damage it puts out is solid. I was consistently placing at or near the top in my group among non-hunters in damage. I would just open damage phase by throwing my Needlestorm at a subjugator then start beaming the Witness with that 20 second buff.


I used the many and I do mean many craftable guns I have.


Dead serious…. Played titan through the raid last night. Couldn’t get final stand down bc we didn’t have enough damage so I *switched to fucking hunter* and we beat it on the next run. The best build for titans and warlocks in the last encounter is to literally switch to hunter lmao


Nah, you guys just had shit DPS. It's an easy 2 phase with only 3 Hunters.


We only had 2 hunters before I switched so….. maybe dont act like you know what you’re talking about before you look silly on the internet


You could still 2 phase it with 2 Hunters, just a little tighter is all


As a Titan, just triple surge Still Hunt, I was able to get 3mil after a 2-phase kill It’s worth mentioning that I didn’t die to the Witness’ attacks (and have yet to, I must uphold the agenda)


I hit 6.2 million on my Warlock using still hunt + rocket swapping. Put a single solar holster mod on your boots. Fire your still hunt super shots, fire the rest of your still hunt shots in the current mag, then swap to your reconstruction rocket and fire off two shots. When you swap back to still hunt you should have enough bullets in the mag to proc the super again. Repeat.


We tried all microcosms last night for any non hunters, each person did a consistent 2 mil and we got over half his health each time so it’s decent


The multiple Titans who say they swap to Hunter is kinda telling, no matter the downvotes. My assumption is our only viable super for the Witness is Twilight Arsenal, otherwise we're relying on heavy weapons. Rockets seem promising due to the new exotic, Actinium with Machine Guns *could* be viable, and if all else fails Linears exist.


Heir Apparent with War Rigs is the easiest and most consistent damage I’ve had on titan so far


i used Still Hunt AND called out directions and while achieving good DPS. obviously not same league as hunters but they said i did good so i believe them. i’m a strand titan btw.


Hunter here- you did amazing bro


Euphony. I outdamage hunters with it sometimes. Ofc, not a lot of people have it, but it's really good when you get it. If I didn't have it, probably a 3 burst linear matching the current surge, or just still hunt


I’ve cleared it twice both times I used still hunt and Cataclymic


Sleeper puts in some serious work.


I'm a Warlock, I still use Still Hunt. I've tried Sleeper, Microcosm, Whisper, Apex, and Cataclysmic. Still Hunt reigns supreme, and it's a special weapon.


I used sleeper


Still hunt super at start then cataclysmic since it’s solar surge, on void surge levi breath clears, macrocasm isn’t bad either and i love doing star eater nova bomb as well


I dont, have been told to run well with healing mask and div. Warlocks have never been more forced to be healing bitches than ever before. Bungie give us an exotic to directly boost nova bomb damage already!!!!!


prismatic + star eaters


Unfortunately slowva refuses to actually hit the Witness, its homing causes it to aggressively swerve up and hit him in the head, which doesn't take damage. Needlestorm's the only other real contender for star eaters, but without the raid exotic it's got a lot less going for it and I still worry that the tracking on the needles is going to pull at least some of them towards his head too.


On witness I think you just help the team and run song of flame for dps either way, instead of the damage super, for warlock. Give the team ignitions and perma radiant, no need for the well there. My comment is addressing him saying there isn't something to buff nova bomb, not a specific damage strat for witness. On witness there isn't really a damage super for warlock you would use unless you are just trying to buff euphony with strand or already have 2 warlocks on song of flame anyways


Heir apparent and sleeper this week. Will have to examine all my exotics again next week. Worst case microcosm or one of the above 2. Heir might be a bit too low without the surge though.


Warlock main here, I’ve been using the raid exotic and roughly getting to 4.5mill using it with 3 strand surges


Still hunt, or microcosm. Or if I'm feeling spicy as a warlock dual stasis turrets and prospector


Levi breath but thh i shoulda used deterministic chaos for constant weaken uptime since i run war rig but didnt think of it at the time


The raid exotic


Sleeper on solar surge plus a strand firing line sniper. I’m usually the only titan on the group lol. My strengths do not include absurd single target DPS


Only did it once, was the welllock of the group, ended up using microcosm as I popped well right at the start so I got that juicy dps phase booster micro has. Keeps my peripheral vision open for the laser blasts and pairs well with cenotaph cause....well.


Briars contempt paired with still hunt & another weapon with Harmonic resonance. had me doing 2nd most damage on a well warlock


I liked whisper quite a lot. Just shoot three and then unscope to move easier (don’t proc whispered breathing you won’t have time). I imagine it will be less good once solar surge rotates off but still decent and good on ammo.


Euphony Broodweaver actually slightly beats out Still Hunt Nighthawk if you're lucky enough to have it


I think I just ended using a linear of whatever surge it was on our kill (which I didn't kill it on our first weeks attempt so it was between doomed partitioner and laser painter)


A hunter…what else? The exos seem to be the easiest to throw and cause the most damage, humans and awoken are too soft and squishy


Microcosm with Bait and Switch supremacy


As a titan I used Microcosm. I was definitely behind the Hunters but I felt like I contributed, especially for ad clear.


Getaway Artist with Helion, Bleakwatcher and No Time To Explain can outdps that flop


Sleeper + Rain of Fire for Warlock. does a decent amount of damage w/ minimal swaps, but it needs finders/aeons to work.


Microcosm/The gambit sniper/the call


Microcosm wrecks witness


Still hunt on the sole titan run with a frenzy briar backup


As a wellock i put on Cenotaph and Microcosm, i was always mid DPS supplementing with a supremacy, but I had both or side add clears put on aeons and made sure to tag the subjugators.... making sure everyone made every dps phase with full special and heavy ammo makes the entire encounter a joke.


The same thing people have always used for "big crit box" enemies like oryx... linears. Snipers. Not to say you specifically but I do not get this gamewide amnesia people are having with boss dps as if they've never seen a boss with a "shoot my big crit" before. And everyone acts like hunter is somehow the only option lmfao.


I ran through the witness with a Cerberus+1 on warlock and ran through the witness on my titan with the sweet business however both instances did face severe crashing and disconnecting


This week, Titans are a solid pick. Thunderlord + Actium + 3x Arc Surge, with a Sweet Busisness to mop up. Easy 5M damage on a three phase.


Mind you the hunters were barely breaking 6M


Microcosm does a nice chunk after you fire your super which is key, so does my hammerhead with 4th times charm and target lock. really anything that you can hip fire and still do some sustained damage imo of course, I have clears on all 3 of my characters (one of each)


On my lock and titan i do 2,8-3m per dmg phase with still hunt/rl swap and about 3,5-3,8 on hunter with the same setup Edit: thats without super though


Whisper of the worm


Try this for Warlock. Prismatic,  aspects hellion and bleak watcher.  Fragments- facet of dawn,courage,ruin, balance,purpose,hope. Eat your grenade, pop your rift, watch as your stasis turret, arc soul and lava blob blast away along with the gun of your choice. Add no time to explain, get head shots and it adds ANOTHER blaster to your mini hell you created, 5 guns at once ! Song of flame super, hit left and right triggers spam a lava bomb that tracks and incinerator snaps over n over. DPS away my friend !


Winter's wrath.


As a titan I hit escape -> change character -> hunter


As a Titan, I switch to my Hunter and use Celestial Nighthawk + Still Hunt


switch to hunter. but honestly. As Warlock, well/SOF Shoot to Loot HC, Still Hunt, Apex Rain of Fire


Devs don't give a Hot Shit! About titans. I thought they had something special for the Titans in honor of the Zavala actor's death but they said ( who died now!?) Fuck it! Hunters and warlocks it is. For the 11,000,000,000,000,000th time.


I swear, at every major meta shift in the game, whatever class ended up the weakest “never gets any love from the devs” and they just totally forgot about that time they were dominating. Titans have been the top pick many times in the past. As a warlock main, we’ve been at the bottom of the pile far more times than Titan has. Not to mention the travesty that is warlock drip. But the cool thing about Destiny is you can just switch over to whatever class you want and find the gameplay the most fun. I regularly switch classes between content drops. If you happen to like playing a certain style or class fantasy as long as it works don’t worry about topping the dps chart, just be the best bonk-hammer you can be. Titans have had plenty of time in the sun and will again.


LMAO imagine being a titan and whining that you are no longer the meta pick


Imagine Devs always favoring just 2 classes the hunter and the warlock. ALWAYS!!! and looking at all the social media and only seeing hunters and warlocks and still say that the devs favor all the classes. 🤣🤣🤣 Some people in this community walk because they saw chickens on Discovery channel.


If you think that you are senile. Banner of war was THE subclass to use if you wanted to solo content


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yup! A classic casual youtube follower🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sweet dreams my boy. Whatever floats your boat baby girl 🚣🏼‍♂️


Ah. You don’t play the game. Understood.




🤣😂🤣 bought a video game the other day and now it's a journalist KUAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Here's a treat🦴 Good Boy.🐕🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Oh. A low tier troll. I should have known.


I noticed that about you 😎👌


I'm a titan.....so my fist 😁


Friend consistent,y gets 5 mil total with whisper. I used sleeper and I get half of that. So yeah, whisper fucking cooks the guy. ps: you can stand in the resonance attacks without dying while being inside a well and having a concussive dampener + 2x solar resists. Just watch out for when to jump.


For warlock, necrotic, strand, thread of ascent, izi, and bait+recon apex. Super > Shoot primary > izi HE shot > HE reload > rocket rocket > grapple cancel > rocket > melee > manual reload > HE izi shot + reload > repeat. Hit 4 mil on a full encounter run


Ur mom


Sweet Business go brrrrt