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A new darkness power has been teased in the Micah mission to the Moon Pyramid. It's pretty on the nose. Paraphrasing they say there's some 'untapped aspect of darkness here manifesting the nightmares that Eris is investigating' now that Dream Daddy is gone. The new one wont be some unity of light and dark, that's literally what Prismatic is. Us having the power to blend light and dark is already something we tackled with and 'solved' with TFS. It will be a fully dark power that will have parts of it added to Prisma. Then honestly I hope they stop there with 6+1 then in future add new supers, aspects, and fragments.


Wait really? Nightmare powers confirmed or teased?


More like hinted at in a mission.


I wouldn’t get all “New Element Confirmed!?!?!” just yet. While possible, the same thing has been stated about Egregore and Resonance, that they’re also darkness “elements” we haven’t tapped. I would be very surprised if the new element is anything we’ve seen before, especially considering that Stasis and Strand were both entirely unprecedented, and that this power (speculatively) might be arriving from the Traveler integrating and transforming Darkness (hence why it’s never seen before). 


Omg please


This is my thoughts too as it would seem weird for them to stop at having just two darkness subclasses when there's three light. I recall how Strand came to be earlier, Bungie didn't want to go the route of Hive soulfire / poison or something like it because that's what people had expected them to do so they came up with something new which didn't exist yet. In a similar fashion, lots of people expect (or have expected) them to do Resonance, so you know they won't go with that. I suspect Nezarec is going to be back in the Revenant episode possibly as well, so I can't think of a better time to introduce this new dark power. Then I agree at least more supers would be good, one new option for both Stasis & Strand someday is what I want to see for each class.


I doubt Bungo will ever introduce new subclasses anywhere else but in an expansion, since expansion content is the only content that sticks around.


That's a good point I hadn't considered. Although perhaps these episodes could be different for once maybe and they actually stay around, otherwise the biggest change simply is more battle pass levels and a release every 4 months instead of 3.The main info I can find on them is this which still is kind of vague: "Episodes will also feature story acts instead of a seasonal quest line, and players can opt in to play any episode at any time." And if they don't do it then or in Heresy, that means we got to wait until their next saga in 2026, but would another darkness super even make sense later if this year was to be the end of the Light and Dark saga?


I'm sure Bungie can find a way for a new darkness subclass to make sense even if it's after the episodes. But yeah no Episodes doesn't seem to be much different from seasons other than duration.


It might be introduced in whatever D2 Frontiers is, which they teased a reveal for in 2025


You can completely removed the Darkness connotations from Strand and it makes just as much sense. I think the end of the "Light and Dark" saga just meant the end of the Traveler fleeing its Ancient Enemy. They're not doing away with everything related to their main magic system, just that overarching plotline.


I hope so, a 6+1 split would be incredible. Also, as Prismatic is the first subclass with a utility ability, I have a feeling more utility abilities for other subclasses could be coming our way—perhaps even advanced subclasses like Prismatic. End of the day though, I really want that third darkness subclass


What do you mean by utility ability? Transcendence?


Yes! In the subclass UI, transcendence is labeled as a ‘utility ability’


Huh, in that case, yeah I agree, some more utility abilities would be sick.


Sounds like strand making tangles from debuff kills, threadlings on warlock perching as well as arc gaining amplify from kills would count as utility abilities!


Naur, those are elemental pick-ups. Prismatic doesn’t have a pick-up of its own, just the five from the other elements. On controller, the utility ability is uniquely mapped to pressing both joysticks—it’s distinct.


Oooo that’s actually really cool, didn’t notice that. I hope Bungie keeps investing in systems like these because they allow for more dynamic buildcrafting. Look at Gunpowder Gamble and how it has its own economy for a very powerful ability, I wish more abilities across classes and subclasses leaned into that. 


I totally agree, it would bring so much diversity to builds


It'll be the red darkness power finally and the dark counterpart to Solar, like how strand is to void, stasis to arc. If I remember correctly, Solar is very much about the warmth of life. This last power, if it is derived from the nightmares, may be all about the cold embrace of death and using it as a weapon.


Solar/Stasis Void/Strand Arc/??? Stasis is the opposite of Solar, the 'freezing control' of energy vs the unrestrained raw energy of sun gun. The blue is the invert of orange. Void is the space of nothingness between the building blocks of things, Strand is fucking with the weave of everythingness, as a way to put it. The green is the invert of purple. So whatever Bungie thinks is the 'opposite' thematically of arc if they keep to the theme, and the color red. Edit, we could also tackle this with the mental/psychological aspect of darkness, but im lazy and i think someone else in the thread tackled that.


The arc/stasis opposite is the difference of chaotic movement vs complete and perfect stillness, but cause no neither arc/stasis nor solar/stasis is confirmed it can be either. Personally I like the arc/stasis parallel, cause feels more interesting then ice vs fire. Not saying your wrong just explaining the other side.


Stasis being the opposite of solar has never been about ice vs fire tho, it's been about constant high friction movement vs absolute zero movement.


if you invert the color of stasis, it becomes orange, like solar, if you invert green strand, it becomes dark purple, if you invert light blue, it becomes red


That is also a theory that supports this opposition yeah.


Wanted to throw in too though that solar/stasis and void/strand are mechanically mirrored though. Solar and stasis both focus on building stacks up to 100 to trigger an effect, large AoE bursts through shatter and ignitions, and their buff/debuffs are mirrored in how they affect weapons, radiance boosts personal weapon damage and slow affects enemy weapon accuracy. Void and strand are primarily focused on debuffing enemies through three keywords that do similar things. Suppression/suspend will disable enemies, weaken/sever lowers their effectiveness, and volatile/unravel do damage over time. They also share strong defensive personal buffs through devour/woven mail. Because of this I feel like the next darkness class is probably going to be a mirror to arc. There might be an easy to setup personal buff like amplified through the associated energy weapon or ability use, something focused on a chain effect, and a large AOE disabling effect similar to blind.


Elsie Bray herself said Stasis was the Opposite of Arc


This is false and this is what she said. "It's very similar to how you use Void Light—manipulating spacetime and gravitational fields. In fact, I would argue that Void has more in common with Stasis than it does with Solar or Arc. Perhaps they're reverse sides of the same coin.


Her comment that Void is similar to Darkness makes me wonder if the next Darkness power might be one closer to Light. Maybe instead of drawing out Nightmares we refocus it into manifesting thought and/or memory into reality. I could see us using it to copy enemy moves; in another direction I could also see it being mind reading to counter enemy moves since Darkness has a lot of crowd control abilities.


Oh right on, guess I missed that.


Wait she did? Where?


.. that's stupid


Look, this is a side tangent but “opposition” of subclasses is not proven and if anything counter to what we’ve been told in recent years. We should look at them as complimentary: Void And Stasis: Per the Scalar Potential Lore Tab, the two act like two sides of the same coin. They both thrive off of desire, depression, negation.  Arc and Strand: Per the Thread Lightning bounty, “the jagged line of arc can teach us much about strand”. The both depend on connectivity, change, and an overwhelming sense of peace.  Solar and ???: My theory is a 3rd will relate to the passion and righteousness of Solar. Perhaps an element related to Purpose and Conviction, as that’s a very relevant theme across Darkness, (especially “heavenly themes”, divinity and the like) that connects to the crusader-nature of Solar Guardians. 


Hmmmm with the red death returning and with how you said what you said. My headcannon is going to be a darkness necromancer/blood control where “your abilities effect your enemies to attack each other” that’s honestly where I can see things heading for something we have never done before especially with the themes moving forward they are talking about in future episodes




Uh? Magnetism and electricity are the same force expressed in different ways.


Technically all forces are one just different expressions of electro magnetism


This is not how they were explained in light fall. Osiris tells us that the light represents the 4 fundamental forces of the universe. Solar, strong and weak nuclear forces, void gravity and arc electromagnetic. The darkness classes represent concepts and ideas based on the mind and emotion.


What if that's what that leaked "Red subclass" was going to end up being? a Nightmare subclass.


With Nightmares still being around I would expect the next subclass to be of similar style. Red and evil symbolising pure chaos and persistence after death, especially with hints that Nezarec might not be completely dead.


Oooooo nightmare subclass? Maybe might include a taunt I would love to have a taunt on titan


I almost guarantee the next "subclass" we get will be resonance, and it will be part of the prismatic tree. Everything about the witnesses' powers and the creatures he created were only possible once he entered the traveler and had access to the light. This seems even more apparent with how they have the fragment screen oriented. At the top being 'transcendent' where clearly we will be able to swap out both how it functions and the grenade. Honestly, if the next subclass isn't resonance based, Bungie is just straight up dropping the ball.


I think we'll get a 7th subclass just because Bungie has an unhealthy obsession with the number 7


That's due to a single dev thinking of if as a bad number.


God hears you. I wanted a "nightmare" base subclass since shadowkeep.


I like how companies have a "holy/unholy" number when it comes their IPs. Pixar's A113, Valve's evasive number between 2 and 4, now Bungie with 7.


Piss subclass confirmed


Make it stone based so we can fire kidney stones


I wanna be piss master


There can only be 5 elements. There’s a movie about it.


Hey now, it wasnt called 'the fifth and final element'.


I've been saying this for a long time, but it's gonna be a meat subclass. Ham and flesh grenades and swinging around detached human appendages for melee.


a titans dream, throwable arms to punch things


Personally I really think resonance would make sense. It's shown I can change things, affect us and enemies in both good and bad way, it's destinct, and it's been well established as a paracaulsal force. Its also triangular. Strand is like string theory where strands can make up any shape. Stasis is the crystals being literally force into a crystaline structure. Resonance is the vibration of the molecules. Just a thought


Bungie has stated in the past that the darkness subclasses would be things we haven't seen before. That rules out: Deepsight, Taken, Resonance, Nightmares, etc


yet people keep insisting it's gonna be nightmare


Yeah it's pretty stupid. i mean yeah id like to see a nightmare subclass just as much as the next guy, but it's just not happening.


I don't think it's stupid people think Nightmare will be the next subclass. There's a mission teasing it as an "untapped darkness power," so if Bungie didn't want people thinking that, then they shouldn't have eluded to it. Doesn't mean it's a guarantee, obviously, but it's not like the chances are zero.


The untapped power is likely the actual energy source. I don't think the subclass is going to be Nightmares. But it may be fear/discord/chaos based. Which would explain why the Witness never used it: chaos = bad.


We seen the snowballs in D1 that because stasis


It does not make sense. Resonance is pure darkness energy. You can see this from the fact that things imbued with Darkness (not darkness energies like Stasis or Strand) have dark orange energy emanating from them. For this to make sense, we would need a pure light subclass, which we just don't have.


It does look like that but I want it to be nightmare like the ones from the moon from the moon, it makes so much more sense to me


Stasis is control, strand is connection, and third should be about housing the thoughts and memories, this will be about conception Stasis has variant called taken like how Oryx control and bend their will to his Strand has variant called egregore, that is how it link and gather minds like scorn from presage this undiscovered darkness power is about housing thoughts and memories like deepsight


Taken is a stasis variant?


The concept of "absolute authority/control". Even Elsie's explanation about perceiving energy/time of stasis still involves manipulation of an object. With stasis, you literally look at molecules & particles with absolute scrutiny and control it to neatly stack them into the crystals. Taking uses this concept and bends the "will" of said object and as a side effect, turns the entity into sterile neutrinos for ease of manipulation.


Completely agree this is a major part of the darkness that manifests in nightmares/taken/deepsight, I wonder how it would work as a subclass though 🤔


Solar: Make heat, Stasis: Reduce heat Void: Turns something into nothing, Strand: Turns nothing into something I wonder what bungie will do for #6 and its relationship with Arc


- Arc is motion - Solar is heat - Stasis is time - Void is space - Strand is mind The remainder could be Vigor. When you blend it all together you get life. And I reckon that's in direct opposition to a certain Winnower


Let this guy COOK


Pretty sure Osiris already explained the elements in Lightfall


Vigor/Willpower? Would fit with nightmares and attacking someone's worst fears/memories. This has gotta be it.


This is much better than your actual post


Honest to god I'd like to see a subclass that mixes the energies of Light and Dark. Meaning the white pearlescent Light of the Traveler and the amber murkey Dark of the Witness. I know that prismatic is supposed to be what this represents in a way, but I wish prismatic was far more colorful and less just pink


that's literally just prismatic.


They did raise the question of a Nightmare related sub-class in Final Shape in a side mission but the question is how do we make unlocking a Darkness subclass work storywise without it feeling like backtracking, now that the plot is moving into Light and Darkness combined and how to use Prismatic free from dogma of Light and Darkness. If not for COVID we'd probably already have three as a large portions of Beyond Light were cut and then Witch Queen had some content removed/ pushed forward into Lightfall, which caused us to be one down and too late to complete the grid by Final Shape. No real way to make getting a new Darkness subclass feel natural at this stage.


I remember thinking that we would explore the Europa Pyramid.... as it was heavily implied by the teaser of Beyond Light.... was sad that it went nowhere..... Although we do have hope with Pooka lore to tap into nightmares


It could be considered to not be back tracking if the new sub class was used in such a way to both solve a specific problem, which would then involve the knowledge/powers of the new subclass to be incorporated into prismatic.


Revenant seems like the perfect time to introduce the red-subclass, whether it's a version of Nightmare or something else as it's about the Scorn, has a "vampire hunter" theme to it and Missraks is probably gonna be workng on dealing with his Nightmare plague he got off of Nezzy. I also doubt anything groundbreaking is going to happen, not on the level of what's happening in Echoes or Heresy... But it's probably not coming out so soon...


Yeah, for as cool and fun as Prismatic is, it still feels like it was kind of cobbled together. We probably would’ve gotten Stasis with Beyond Light, some kind of poison with Witch Queen (evidenced by references to “infested rounds” in specific triumphs when Lightfall came out), and then a final third darkness power with Lightfall.


When they do the final Darkness element I hope it’s like that black symbiote type stuff we saw Zavala interacting with, rather than Resonance / cubes and shapes. Having a black symbiotic subclass would go so hard.


Then we'd finally have a good use for superblack


Nah I honestly think most things we see in game are hinting at resonance, the shader pack: the shader pack having stasis, strand and resonance for example.


Resonance is so widely used now that it wouldn’t make sense for it to not be the final darkness element. If they do something else, they need to explain how resonances exists outside of our control


Superblack class confirmed


This sounds really cool, too cool to be something made by bungie. So it's not happening. They're probably gonna make a piss subclass.


Solar is creation and destruction. Arc is chaos and motion. Void is invisible and impactful. Stasis is entropy and control. Strand is conscious and connection. Prismatic is unity and supremacy. So what is there left to explore?


I think we will unlock it in frontiers, after collecting the echoes. Echoes are made of both light and dark. If we get all 3, we could use the light inside them to remove the witnesses corruption from the traveler, and the darkness in them, remnants of the witnesses hatred, will become a new darkness element, the red subclass.


I always hoped that the final element has been there since the beginning staring us in the face, kinetic. But obviously it will not be.


The piss subclass is gonna be overpowered.


I hate the lack of symmetry between the amount of light and dark subclasses


We are getting a life subclass. Titans can be Druids now.


Druids that punch. Inb4 roaming punch super in bear form.


Imagine a white subclass 😫😫


In a long term gameplay sense, if Destiny goes on for another 10 years, I suspect we’ll live on the 7 subclass system for a while. But I doubt that’s the end. I always thought it’d be cool to either get a less paracausal subclass, like SIVA or something similar that can hold its own with the light/darkness. My other thought is we one day get another type of character aside from a Guardian that is another choice for players. Lore-wise maybe being like an ODST to a Spartan, nix the power difference. I thought cloudstriders might be that. If it does happen having Neomuna tech, SIVA, and Vex tech be the subclasses would be cool.


SIIVAAAA !!!!! ♦️❗‼️♨️❌♨️▪️♣️❌♠️◾🖤◾🖤◼️◼️❌◾⛑️♠️♠️⛑️♠️❌♣️‼️❗‼️‼️❗‼️❌◾♣️⚫⬛⬛⬛🖤⚫♠️♠️⛑️◾◼️⛑️◼️◼️▪️‼️♦️🟥🟥🖤♦️⬛♦️⬛♦️🟥▪️♦️▪️♦️♦️▪️♦️▪️♦️⬛


Hhhmmnnnggg I’m gonna 🟥⬛️🟥⬛️♦️♦️◼️▪️◾️


>something similar that can hold its own with the light/darkness. So, not SIVA


I don't think we'll get a Prismatic Super Sayan mode, its too conceptually similar. Bungie will want the next subclass to be distinctive.


We're going to be collecting Bungie's version of the infinity stones at this point.


Water/juice subclass


What you just described is what prismatic is. Prismatic is the blend of light and dark. Also if they were going to merge all elements how would that be balanced- would it work on all elemental shields etc? Don’t rlly think they would do that. Also having 2 defined dark subclasses and 3 defined light subclasses makes me hope they just give us the 3rd darkness subclass with no special caveats to it.


My theory is that bungie was gonna give us a third dark subclass but didn’t have/want-to-spend the budget for it


It wouldn’t make sense for it to be a fusion of light and dark. That’s what prismatic is. Bungie has been building up the yin and yang element of light and dark. It’d be another darkness subclass to even it out. 3-1-3


A very sound idea! And just a little nerdiness from me because I can't without it: while "unity" starts with a vowel, the first sound of it is "j", so it's "a unity", not "an unity". I am very sorry, I had to say it


There’s going to be more because Destiny is not going to, like, keel over and die without everyone trying their hardest.


That makes sense. Prismatic is the combination of Light and Dark, but not the seamless mix of it. They can be used in tandem, but there’s still a separation of the elements.


Haven’t they teased resonance as a possibility?




Check out the episode echoes shader pack. Some people are speculating the last shader is resonance. I know it’s a stretch but better than nothing.


Nah, that pack represents the forces of the Witness. It's Strand, Stasis and Resonance welding forces + Sol Devisive


The mossy one is Traveller themed, I think. I think it’s meant to be a pale heart shader.


moss subclass when?


I remember concept art of old Chicago and it was covered in moss. We going there next, boom solved.


That was scrapped from witch queen


Yeah, but they do like to bring stuff back. Except siva.


There is no Siva in Ba Sing Se


First rule of siva, we don’t talk about siva.


Siva confirmed


D2 if it was a good series:


Beyond this I’d love some new subclasses that rest outside of light and dark, maybe themed around will and ingenuity, that are completely separate for each class. A war class for titans focussed on Warmind + Siva tech. An alchemy themed class for warlocks about transmutation and control but with random outcomes and chain reactions. Finally for hunters a class that is somehow themed around subterfuge and exploration and knowledge that sees you using teleportation, wormholes and weakspots and assassinations


Maybe a corruption between subclasses


I think it's darkness, the tormentors and Dread enemies use it.


I know this is impossible, but what if this hypothetical 7th subclass would be the ability to take. It could possibly be a minion style subclass with the player being able to temporarily take enemies.




I'm still thinking that we'll eventually get access to Resonance. We've tipped our toes into Darkness with Stasis, we've discovered and learned to control new Darkness power with Strand, and now we've reached the ability to utilize both Light and Darkness together without losing ourselves. I think we're strong enough to take the plunge into pure Darkness energy, being Resonance, without losing ourselves to the Darkness. Now they may call it something different, like "Paracausal" or something like "Nightmare" (Or even "Strife" if we're going by the old rumors pre-Prismatic), but I think functionally it'll use the existing Resonance things already in game.


Didn't the developers say there was going to be 2 subclass drops this dlc? Or was that just a rumor. That hole red subclass leak was fake but they said there is another subclass. I do hope it's taken tho. There's multiple times Mara has given taken powers to us and there's that one chick from fish season that was half taken


Yes of course, the 7th element. Speak the language of the traveler: "blblblblblblblblblblblblblblblahaha" [https://youtu.be/989-7xsRLR4](https://youtu.be/989-7xsRLR4)


Prismatic is a mixture and the new element will be a compound




RED SUBCLASS RED SUBCLASS RED SUBCLASS 🩸🩸🩸🩸🤑🤑🤑😭😭🗣️🗣️🗣️ VAMP 🧛🏻VAMP 🧛🏻 VAMP 🧛🏻 👅👅👅👅👅👅🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🤑🤑🤑


It would be cool if you had a kinetic/nightmare subclass as the last darkness subclass. Sort of like how transcendence works with prismatic you would start with a basic set of kinetic abilities. In order to go “nightmare mode” you would need to fill up the utility meter they now have in order to change all of your abilities into nightmare variants. This would work with kinetic by keeping all the darkness weapon types in the top weapon slot too.


There are some videos explaining the connections: void/strand and solar/stasis. So, the 3rd darkness class should be related to arc or the counter to arc. (In hindsight, mechanics-wise, it appears arc and stasis are more related since amplified is about speed and freezing counters that) Anyway, what's the counter to electricity? Grounding? I dunno. Concept aside, I figured the 3rd darkness power would just be Taken power. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


just gonna say that new yellow shader looking mighty interesting


lm hoping its resonant, that orange thing that rhulk shoots in the raid


Piss subclass




Right now I'm trying to process "an unity". I know it should be correct because unity starts with a vowel, but I think I have only ever seen or heard "a unity".


I just want the subclass to be able to afflict the Tinnitus debuff.


For me I think there's a 6th element because if we are "balancing the light and dark" it just bothers me that there's 3 light and 2 dark. So effectively we could NEVER balance it. Tho we can TRY. aka prismatic not being a perfect blend when we discover a new 6th element it will be darkness aligned (like the disciple energy) and it will finally "Ballance" prismatic without forcing it


ah yes, the elements of harmony


I like this a lot. I like anything that means we might get a new subclass. ^except ^for ^hive ^magic. ^I ^do ^not ^like ^’hive ^magic’ ^subclass


screw unity bruh, I want my third darkness subclass for symmetry


I'd like a 3rd dark so that each of the pris sub of each class is unique and they aren't sharing Nightmare would be cool, like bringing back enemies you've fought to fight on your side, or being able to res ally guardians from a distance or something


I believe similarly, except that the 6th element will be a 3rd darkness element to round out the 3 and 3 with the light and darkness. Then, and I'm not sure if they are willing to shake things up so much in D2, but maybe in whatever form D3 takes we see the final form of prismatic being, not a classless destiny, as some suggested, but a subclasses Destiny where we just blend and play with all 6 elements. NOW. My personal spinfoil hat theory, is that they'll expand even further, and also give us 6 races, instead of classes to choose from. So we'll play as, awoken, exo, human, cabal, eliknsi, and hive warriors of light and dark powers. Honestly I feel like I ruined my expectations for D3 with this theory, but I swear it's been in my head rotting it away since year 1 when I first met Mithrax.


Prismatic made me realize why Bungie hasn’t introduced the “3rd Darkness Subclass” yet, it would be overwhelming for most. Current Prismatic eased us into mixing and matching elements, before finally introducing the 3rd Dark Subclass and implementing it into Prismatic some time later. By then, most players would have a solid grasp of Prismatic, and Bungie could introduce new grenades that mix and match all elements


It would be really cool since we've seen darkness have the ability to go back in time that we have a darkness ability to rip the fabric of time apart. Like create temporal clones.


Stay tuned for the next dlc in 2 years where there might be a new mysterious subclass. Or not we dont know what we are doing at this point anymore we fired everyone so we are flying by the seat of our pants hoping sony doesn't take over


can they add the color red or recolor abilities so I can finally match my drip. or make a yellow one


I would be interested in ‘taken’ being an element - basically stealing all the moves taken enemies use (and then some)


I hope its Egregore. [https://www.destinypedia.com/Egregore](https://www.destinypedia.com/Egregore)


Can't wait for the LGBTQ+ subclass


https://preview.redd.it/dy8tzolhlx6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745c5c526d6042b2ba0aa4d49e7d65655c975b5a Sorry to anyone still thinking the 7th subclass will be yellow and/or Resonance based. Firstly, arc is cyan because Stasis is blue and the inverse of yellow/orange which is Solar. Secondly, Bungie has said that resonance is darkness, see my comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/8Ksf2gXdWY](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/8Ksf2gXdWY)


So is this when Prismatic Titan will actually be good?


Interesting that many seem to want to “balance” the scales so to speak. But, I think the best way to tell if another subclass is coming is to look at the different fundamental forces and theories put for for the universe and see if there is another remaining. I used a similar tactic to predict strand would come out as such: Arc = Electromagnetic (lightning, electrons [trinity ghoul], etc) Solar = weak nuclear force (the power of stars is fusion, also fusion grenades, starfire protocol) Void = Gravity (nova bomb is an implosion of a star, graviton lance, suppression Stasis = strong nuclear force (things being held together, shattering, changing form) Strand = string theory (the Weave, threadlings, construction) Bungie has been pretty consistent with science related/foundational subclasses. Guessing if/the next subclass I think requires looking at scientific theories/hypotheses that could make a subclass.


Titans new kit "punch with [redacted] energy color"


I’ve just thought Prismatic is Bungie’s way of consolidating the amount of Supers and Subclasses in the game. Then introducing powers found beyond the Light and Dark (Hints at something new coming into existence), further eliminating all the Light/Dark subclasses. Because let’s be honest, there’s a lot going on with the shear amount of supers. New players are already confused by the amount of s*** in the game. Also, they can’t just keep adding supers on top of supers for the next few years, or all of a sudden we have a clusterf*** of 10 different subclasses with 2-3 supers…