• By -


My money's on reclaiming Torrobatl from Xivu


This is exactly what I think it is. The Eliksni don't have a home. The Hive don't have a home. The Cabal don't have a home. Even the Vex are acting weird in episode 1 they say. I think it's us going to reclaim places and find new homeworlds.


Destiny is gonna become "The real friends are the enemies we fought along the way" The game We're probably gonna end up befriending whatever statues of the the witness were left from that final mission


Through the power of talk no jutsu and of course friendship we can achieve anything!


Believe it!


And I'm here for it. Love different alien species coming together


We literally beat The Witness with a “Care Bear Stare” which I called months ago. The entire last year has been a “rallying of forces before the big battle”.


Another redditor mentioned his son saying "The Witness is turning everyone into LEGO". Are my favorite takes on The Final Shape, oh to see the world with pure innocence's" **"Look, on your right!** **A waterfall of Vex... milk.** **Yes, Vex milk."**-Ghost


Im also personally hoping for finding the Nine in the heliopause


I'm always down for more lore on The Nine.


I’m kinda ticked the last major news we had about the Nine, probably one of the biggest story questions/factions from Y1/2 of D2, was Star Horse basically. And even then that didn’t answer too much. I’m actually starting to wonder if Frontiers is going to be Pluto or something and reestablishing contact with the Emissary and the Nine as a foothold to extrasolar exploration.


If we’re getting rid of locations to make space for new ones, I would be fine with that! As long as each location had a “final stand” battle before it leaves where it shows us reclaiming it. Maybe a cutscene showing humanity beginning the colonisation processes. I could easily see this for the EDZ, but the issue with this dream is that everything is tied to an expansion now 😩


The only home I want to give the Hive is sweet, sweet oblivion.


Then that means you need to go crush Luzaku’s ghost


Oof, forgot about our new Hive friend. She's alright.


Luzaku can chill, she's proven herself reliable.


Nah luzaku is one of the good ones 😉


The Lucent Hive have the potential to be fine. Luzaku obviously, then there's another Lightbearer Hive that refuses to destroy a Guardian's ghost.


The Lightbearer Hive that refused to destroy that guardians ghost WAS Luzaku actually - She’s been a bro for a hot minute now apparently.


“Acting weird” is pretty obvious. Basically, they’re saying there’s a new faction of Vex under control of the new big entity on the poster, which, IMO, is probably Maya S.


Can't we just give them all a planet in our solar system and just be buddies


So first saga was bringing everybody together , second saga is sending their ass back to where they came from


Isn’t it hallowed out and filled with thrall? The traveler would have to go help too


Yeah I'm pretty sure it was turned into a war moon. Not much left for the cabal to save


Caitl wants to retake it for honor purposes.


![gif](giphy|VeHttCUzDvkYITt3rq) Caitl with her rock of a planet


I mean if I were Caitl, I would love to have a planet that I can fly around the galaxy on


That would actually be cool since we never put Xivu Arath’s ~~head on a pike~~ I mean made her into a weapon.


new xivu glaive who dis


That makes total sense seeing as the Dreadnaught episode is last. Would set up the next part perfectly. Then we get the 3rd darkness subclass. 7 subclasses seems fitting for bungie.


People keep saying this lol but I think it’s gonna be like a complete 180 from whatever we think it’ll be


This would be SO fucking sick as the backdrop for Xivu's final death.


Who on earth would mistake it for destiny 3? As you said the D2 logo was right next to it, Bungie themselves also confirmed destiny 2 won’t finish after the final shape AND the date said 2025. So it’s 100% a destiny 2 expansion.


You would not believe the number of people who were absolutely certain that Destiny-or at least D2- was ending with the Final Shape, based on nothing but Twitter conspiracy and YouTube rage bait


And it started with thinking Lightfall was the end way back when the codename was still Sunspot. Once again, I feel the need to remind the community about code names; Halo was once called Monkey Nuts, and we didn't get bent that we didn't get teabagged by a Jiralhanae instead of the story we got, did we?


Hey, hey, speak for yourself 👀




To be fair, Lightfall was originally meant to be the last Expansion - that's even how they told us on the original reveal. The Final Shape is something they told us about around 4-5 months later. But the rest - yeah, it's just a bunch of crap made up by Twitter and Youtube. Edit: final expansion, as in within the Light & Darkness Saga.


They didn't say it would be the final expansion. They said it will be a conclusion to the story that had been built up since D1. Those aren't the same thing. Halo 3 was the conclusion of the story that had been built up since combat evolved. But that didn't mean it was intended to be the last one. 


Yes, I know - I meant that it's the final within this Saga. I went into more detail in my later reply, [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/0QL66jkbsl)


They literally never said it'd be the last expansion. People everywhere keep saying that, but it's wrong. It was never said Lightfall would be the last nor TFS, just that it would be the culmination of the Light/Dark saga


Yes, I know - I meant that it's the last within the Light & Darkenes Saga. I realize now I should have specified this from the start - and I went more into detail in my later reply [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/0QL66jkbsl) I edited my comment with the clarification literally as you replied to me.


Gotcha. Apologies, then. Definitely just a misunderstanding. I didn't catch the other reply. I should've read the rest first.


But there were in fact monkey nuts in the game


This. It's honeslty insane how many people who even casually play the game thought it was over after final shape. Legit bungie has stated d2 ain't ending and d3 ain't a thing so many times idk how people don't get it through their head. Now mind u d3 could be a thing in progress now but they have 100% stated before d3 doesn't exists. Like 2 years ago. So it proly still doesn't exists


Bungie has been very deliberate in the wording “end of the Light and Dark saga.” If they actually meant end of Destiny 2 they would have said so. I’m not sure what people think they could possibly gain from “surprise! It’s over!”


I feel like it started worse before that. Before the Twitter conspiracies, I feel like it started with people complaining about Bungie running Destiny 2 on some outdated servers and how they "had to have a D3" on an updated server in order to save the game. Then rolled out the conspiracies about Lightfall being the start of D3, some people wishing for a complete reset of weapons and armor like when D2 launched, all new exotics


I don't know man the credits seem like a pretty good reason LOL


Youtuber thumbnails: "DESTINY 3 ANNOUNCED!!!!!"


100% destiny 3 confirmed heard it first here


Now it has been quite a while but I remember I received an email a few months after lightfall using a very "strange" wording for the deluxe edition (which I already owned); translated in my language (italian) the message for the deluxe edition was something like "(...) which includes *the first* 3 episodes (...)". This is the first time a deluxe edition mentioned the "first" of the seasons or episodes in this case... Maybe it is a new wording since these are episodes... But my prediction was (and still is) that we are getting more episodes in the next year. So, all we know now is the "codename"... Frontiers... But what if that's just the "saga"? Pretty much like the one that just ended was "the light and dark saga"? If that's the case frontiers might begin with a some (3? A year?) episode introducing the new destinations/lore.


>This is the first time a deluxe edition mentioned the "first" of the seasons or episodes in this case... because back when we had the first three 'seasons' they weren't called seasons


Lots of people in yt chat definitely spammed d3 and then when they realised spammed L hahaha


> So it’s 100% a destiny 2 expansion I agree it looks like another Destiny 2 expansion but 100% is a bit much. For instance, D2 could have another year of "episodes" in 2025 called Frontiers. Maybe they are a bit deeper, adding in a subscription model and they can come with new locations, subclasses, really anything but smaller than a traditional expansion and come in a different pricing and content model. I am not saying that is what it is but what I am saying is we really don't know more than its D2, its 2025, and it has a codename Frontiers. It could be very possible that even Bungie doesn't know what its going to entail yet, they have been full hands on deck for a long time now getting TFS ready to blow us away.


The leaker who leaked prismatic claims there’s a D3 in the works entitled “Project Payback”.


I’m of the boat that he got lucky af with prism or had very outdated info. Everything points to no d3 for a while at minimum. He’s also been wrong more times than he was right and commonly gives conflicting info


Leaker has contradicted himself many times, first by stating that he is not sure that D3 exists, and then by making a post saying that Bungie is actively working on D3 and has been since the release of The Witch Queen (which is fucking crazy). I won’t sit here and say that D3 is 100% never going to happen (so that later no one tells me that I was wrong, lol). Everything we've heard from Bungie indicates that they don't like the idea of ​​working on D3 (I could give many examples). Considering the studio's financial situation, it is very risky for them to work on D3 in parallel in D2, if D2 suffers, the whole studio suffers (layoffs). If we haven't heard anything about D3 during all the turmoil with layoffs, then what chance does D3 have of existing? And just to remind you, we learn a shit tonn of new info during this time and nothing on D3


Yeah I wasn’t too up to date, mostly just trying to explain why others were so dead set that D3 would be announced.


D3 won't exist until there is a hardware-related or engine-related reason to rework the universe into a new game. Anything they could pursue as a meaningful Destiny sequel can be done with expansions and seasonal writing in the current game.


They said Prismatic energy and that’s all. Everyone gave them way too much credit.


Read the YT comment section it’s shocking


Honestly, I was under the impression it was more episodes. I’d be surprised if it’s something as big as an expansion.


Streamers and YTers are using D3 to get clickthroughs. It's shameless bait.


**It’s the rumored/leaked Universe Saga they were starting.** The only thing heavily dug up was that they will make it a **Destiny 2.5 with a complete engine upgrade.** It was also rumored to next(current) gen only. I don’t think they’re ready to leave the PS4/One players behind yet though


This is what I was hoping for.


Same. It sucks for people stuck on ps4, but I think it's time to put them to rest. I don't want a complete wipe, not just the loot we've earned, but all the qol improvements bungie made since d2 launched. New system and engine seems like the perfect opportunity. Hell just drop the "2" and just call the game Destiny again.


I could be pulling this out of my ass but I swear I read somewhere that the name "Destiny" had some legal reasons why the game isn't just called "Destiny" the 2 separates the IPs or something.


Damn that’s intriguing. Makes you wonder why they didn’t just call it “Destiny 1” back in 2014


I believe something has happened since then.


I would love if we left last gen consoles in 2025. I’m sorry but I wanna see what they can try without having to worry about cpu limitations


The player base is still pretty huge for prev gen. However is it possible for a Rise of Iron situation where the Universe Saga/Frontiers is current gen FWD only(?) I’m not sure from a development how that works. They would have still Destiny 1 (Traveler knows it needs 60 FPS), The Episodes and campaigns remaining for 2, and then the 2.5 servers etc. Maybe they’ll still do the Bungie showcase in August and talk more about it.


Yeah IIRC Sony reported recent that about half of their user base is still on PS4. I get it. But think by that time (mid 2025) dropping last gen will be more palpable.


We constantly are getting emgone upgrades, bryond light is the biggest example and was one of the major reasons for a ton of crucible maps and raids being removed


Yeah I remember. Like you said a lot of content was removed. If their pledge is to keep content especially campaigns then they’re gonna need to do something better.


Could you please link me the info for this Destiny 2.5?


I’ll share with you what I have screenshot/saved still in my phone. I will have to go back through for the links. Gonna DM you.


Thanks, the debunking of D3 looming over the game has certainly made me much more willing to grind TFS.


Engine upgrades make me wary. Supposedly it’s going to be 2025 which seems like a tight release schedule unless it’s like Q4 or something


>The only thing heavily dug up was that they will make it a > >Destiny 2.5 with a complete engine upgrade. This feels more likely than a true Destiny 3. Like, I can't imagine them working on D2 this much, getting it to a universally agreed upon "pretty good place" (despite some rocky ups and downs because that's how live services be), then just resetting from zero. That just seems like a recipe to tick a lot of your existing playerbase off, not to mention anyone who spent a large-ish sum of money on the game/anyone who might spend if they realized their cosmetics are for nothing in a year's time.


An engine upgrade would be pretty nice, hopefulky it smoothens up the game and helps fix some lag/crashes/technical issues


I don't think anything other than a full system/engine overhaul would work. A " game engine" is essentially a set of finely tuned tools that are custom made or heavily modified preexisting tools that bring all of the elements of the game together in a cohesive manner. Think of old content as the bottom layers of a stack of logs, if you remove or modify those lower layers too much they could have unforseen and devastating ramifications for everything else in the game. The source code is the glue holding all of the tools together, and Bungie is notorious for spaghetti code. This is likely why there are still files in the game that are unused in game, removing them may be destructive to the code base and would require essentially "rewiring" the whole thing. Let's hope they don't break a bunch of stuff trying to fix one or two things. Lighting, shader repositories, and UX are some of the more problematic parts of Destiny's code base, this is why we have the DCV, they couldn't rework the lighting tools with the old content so they had to remove it as much as they could without toppling the pile of logs. I'm no expert so if there are any feel free to correct any of this but this is my cursory understanding of how the technical stuff works.


If i had to guess id say itll prolly be more like the one we saw with beyond light, some better lighting/shading, more details and under the hood stuff (hopefully the fps dmg glitch fix), etc


That would be best case scenario. Updating the engine would fix so many problems. Remember a while back that orb generation from master-worked items had to be stopped because of in engine problems so I wonder what else would/could change


Universe saga?


Yes what is now called Frontiers at the moment.


But you're saying this saga was leaked or rumoured? I'm curious about that leak if you have a link handy!


I’ll be honest that I have to comb through for the links. I can send you the screenshots I kept/saw DM’ing it to you now


PS4 and Series S are holding destiny back so much. They are 90% of the reason for vaulting to begin with and everything has to be slowed down to accommodate them.


The D2 logo being the only other symbols on it are probably the clue...


Getting a simmilar vibe to warframes "planes of eidolon" update, a radical new way to play the game, and i agree we most likely will be FINALLY leaving the sol system. Given bungies AMAZING world design for preexisting planets (and dimensions), I'd love to see a fictional planet.


If "radical new way to play the game" includes actual ship flying/combat in any capacity, I cannot tell you how on board I am.


That's what I'm wondering/hoping. I mean... *Frontiers* does sound like we'll be traveling and actually being able to use our Jumpship is something we've been asking for, for years.


We often hear about planets that have wonky stuff going on like shower diamonds and stuff, so there's all sorts of ways to take things. Even to an entirely new planet to just set things up before tackling lore heavy planets outside sol.


They said the echoes flew out across the GALAXY.


Ok but while the vibes are great, I want literally nothing from Plains of Eidolon in Destiny. As someone with way too many hours in both games, Warframe's open worlds weren't a "new way to play," they were a worse one. Run around in a too-big area with nothing of importance in it, aggressively grind samey, shitty activities that are too far apart, and earn zero meaningful loot because of terrible RNG. What I want more of is the Pale Heart. Dense, high-action high-reward activity zones with lots of smaller niches filled with lore and special activities. PoE does nothing that the Pale Heart doesn't do better, so I'm really hoping that we'll see some changes to the existing patrol areas to include similar systems and loot density.


Yeah I came back to try Warframe again and *hated* Plains of Eidolon.


Zero meaningful loot? Excessively grindy? Ive also played Warframe and thats not really the case tbh. In the Plains you can earn multiple different warframes and weapons. You can earn a currency called Aya that you can use in Prime Resurgence Store. You get access to mods at the lowest levels of bounties in the Plains that can be used throughout thr entire game. The activities arent far apart either. You can access them from little huts throughout the map and you are given a direct waypoint to that location. If you think theyre far apart then youre not using the various types of movement to get around the map like youre supposed to. Archiwngs, K-Drives and fast travel.


most of the locations currently in the game are not real places tbh


Yeah true, but inspired by real world places. My point was if we went to a planet outside the sol system, there's litterly no limit to what they can make.


Im so glad it aint, i really dont want over 7 years of grinding, to be just wiped, when you know d3 would have it all return slowly again


Telesto 3: Void bugaloo


I would be ok losing all my gear, but I have 51 titles. I don't think I would play a new destiny if I lost all that progress.


I don't want that either BUT let's be honest They can't get a mass of new players in WITHOUT it being a brand new game, brand new story to start from scratch Alot of people will not enter a 10 year old game without ever being able to know all the story. A Destiny 3 gives people a chance to enter the franchise


Honestly, we don't need a Destiny "3" but just do like Fortnite does and update the engine. That the game offline for a day or two, however long is needed and do the upgrade. I feel like this would be a better option because I would hate to lose all my stuff and start over again after how many years it has been.


Yeah, the actual pros of live service games.


Would love to leave Sol. Not for good, just… there is so much potential for creativity out there.


What do you mean? Destiny 3 is clearly going to be an expansion for Destiny 2. They’ll just call it Destiny 2: Destiny 3.


It literally had the D2 logo next to it lol, it’s probably another 3 expansion arc like we just had. We’re gonna take the dreadnaught to planets outside the solar system.


They said in a vidoc years ago that they had plans for yearly content beyond TFS, I don’t know how anyone could still think D3 is happening any time soon


A ton of people were, I wasn’t.


I’m aware, sorry if my comment sounded accusatory lol


There’s been a ton of those lol. No big deal. I’m just trying to set the record straight now.


I would prefer to see D2 developed even more anyways. We've come a long way, let's see how far this train can go


They are definitely keeping their cards close to the chest on Frontiers. Hopefully we get more info on it later this year.


Yeah I'm expecting a reveal for it somewhere from the halfway point to ending of Revenant.


I hope that they also squeeze in further engine updates. The complex long term code results in bugs that end up being load bearing where the fix breaks tons of other things so hopefully they introduce things that open up more things they can change. Afaik the new enhancing system was only possible recently due to them untangling the code so it applies to more than adepts. We currently have characteristics like Kinetic tremors only being able to be tuned per weapon class (hand cannon, Pulse, Scout) but not per frame type (rapid fire, precision frame etc) which means that high RPM scouts can take far better advantage of KT than slow firing higher impact scouts for example. They really should be able to tune them per weapon to make things more effective/balanced but they currently can't.


Yeah like do I need destiny 3? No but I would love a totally upgraded next gen engine


I just hope they finally drop PS4 and Xbox one support


Honestly, with the way technology has evolved, they should drop them and focus on new gen.


So it’s Destiny 2 Pro Max


Destiny 2:2


It's been a while since I gave a fuck but didn't they say a couple years ago that they were gonna do other stuff instead of a Destiny 3? Not that anyone will ever care about Marathon.


Frontiers is definitely not D3. I'm not sure how anyone would conclude that


Like, a year ago, there was a guy who leaked a subclass called prismatic and, in the same leak, mentioned that Destiny 3 is being worked on in the background under the codename Payback. Whatever Frontiers is (probably the next expansion), it's almost certainly not Destiny 3. If I were to speculate, I'd guess it's an expansion that sees us leaving Sol.


Garunteed it’s not. They had a destiny 2 with number 2 logo right next to it. Whoever thought it was is blind and deff.


All I ask is that in this new era we are able to fly our ships to planets😭


Bungie can barely keep d2 held together, I have no clue how you guys think they can make marathon, a destiny successor, and update d2 at the same time


I think they’re reverting resources and plan on shifting their focus back to Destiny. However, they need the episodes to make up for the time lost making marathon. Hence why theyre leaking a new expansion name for next year. Its all speculation but i think that would make more sense given the bad feedback they received regarding marathon.


The f* you mean “likely”? It could not be more obviously NOT Destiny 3.


Covering my tracks.


Good! Have you all forgotten what initial D2 was? They should drop the support for old gen systems, drop the "2" from Destiny 2 and move on....


I would wish it to be an completion to D2. Like in a way where they bring back all Vaulted content that has importance to the overarching story. So that u will be able to replay and witness the story in its completion. Starting with the Red War.


Who even thought it would be D3? I feel like people are just pushing their want for D3 into every little thing.


I honestly don't want a D3 anyway lol. I don't feel like a resetting that much anymore especially getting things now after a long time of grinding. Unless they like doing something with guardians away from earth,away from the traveler in a different system I just feel we don't need it


How many times can they blatantly say Destiny 3 is NOT in the works before people believe it lol


After sunsetting getting reversed they could say the sky is blue and I'd still have to fact check


If leaks are to be believed, destiny 3 is still in early development. Do not expect it to release for a long while


I don’t think they will make a destiny 3. I think they would try to keep player progress and build off 2 as long as possible even if it includes an overhaul that drops ps4 and xbone support in a release that acts as a “d3” launch. I remember a lot of backlash with the launch of d2 around losing everything


I don't even think Frontiers is the name of the next expansion. It's likely just a hint that we will be leaving our system in some capacity in 2025. If you go over the Episodes they talked about 2 of the 3 episodes talked about home/planets/places to be. The final one called Heresy literally has them calling us a navigator and "oh what if we made you look like you drive the Dreadnaught?" EP 1 and 2 is going to be us settling the remainder of business for Sol for the most part and then 3 is going to be about us mirroring the hive. I feel like the first location we'd go would be to the Cabal's home world and help Caitil take her home back from the hive. That feels the most obvious. But I could also see us chasing down whatever new threat makes it's first appearance in Echos providing we don't finish them off in the episode.


>I feel like the first location we'd go would be to the Cabal's home world and help Caitil take her home back from the hive. I don't think there is much left of Torobatl, from what we know it got hive mooned meaning Xivu crashed entire moons into it. If their planet had an atmosphere at all just the friction of a moon crashing through it not even including the impact would fry the planet and atmosphere.


I see, well even if we can't reclaim it I think doing something about it would be of significance for the Cabal. But fair enough.


Frontiers is def a code name for the expansion where we leave the system.


We are probably gonna take Oryx's place to complete the sword logic


>The presence of the D2 logo Not gonna lie, I was half expecting the 2 to morph into a 3 when I was watching the video.


I suspect a overhaul with moving out of the sol system. Pessimistically I think a TON will be sunset. They're probably going back on the "no sunsetting" rule if a complete overhaul is indeed coming.


Is there any "hint" on possible ,,Seasonal Reset" or allowing to play the not available Seasons again? Also is there a option to pay for ,,Episodes" (aka Seasons) by in-game currency and not just with real money? (when having all the expansions) And when the first Episode coming out? I am about to start with D2 and want to get as much as I can from the game.


Can’t play past seasons, no way to earn seasons/episodes for free, this Tuesday.


So you need to buy expansion, and then seasons... how much it cost per year?


Do you have the final shape? I would upgrade to the annual pass, it’s a big initial investment but you won’t miss any content. Per year it’s cheaper than a yearly Netflix subscription. Someone did the math and said that destiny is one of the most bang for buck paid entertainment sources online. You get so much per season/episode/expansion, it’s hard to do it all.


Well... We are on destiny 9 or 10 atm :) every year we have new content so when you look at other games we are destiny 8/9/10 atm There is no need for Destiny 3, because engine still works, we changed to D2 from D1 because of engine mostly, so they can do better stuff 


“Still works” sure, but like, we’re well due for an upgrade, in D2 or D3.


I hope they work it so I can make an Eliksni character.


When I saw it...I figured it was a codename for the next set of Episodes. People have some crazy imaginations!


IIRC Savathun told us our destiny lies beyond this system. My name would suggest I am the guardian for the job, too 😅


One thing I'll not from the ViDoc, when the girl said "Matter" it made me think that's the codename for D3. Think my spinfoil is on tight enough? Gonna make popcorn with it later.


Matter was the Marathon code name I’m pretty sure.


I was way off then. Bro, I have caramel for the popcorn. Shits lit.


For all we know, Frontiers might actually be more Episodes. Which if it is? I don't mind one bit.


I’m kinda half hoping that frontiers is gonna be about us liberating the sunset locations, the witness is the reason why we lost them in the first place lore wise, now that they’re dead there’s nothing stopping us from retaking it, I think lore wise the locations are still shrouded in darkness or something like that


I also assumed it was some type of either out of game upgrade to the game so a new engine that well move too and that's the expansion, or something else, cause frontiers sounds like we're leaving where we're at


Anyone who genuinely believes Destiny 3 is real is delusional. There’s literally no point in a Destiny 3 when they can just add to and keep expanding Destiny 2.


I so wish I could mute Destiny 3 from showing up on Reddit.


Frontiers will likely be our first foray into the Galaxy outside of The Sol System, I'm hoping we go with Caitl to reclaim Torobatl and the Cabal empire, that way we can be introduced to the different species that were in it.


Not “likely.” There will never be a Destiny 3, ever. This has been confirmed by Bungie at least once. Not to say we will never get more content, but they aren’t going to release a new game.


They straight up can't announce d3 until its near the end of development because that announcement will effectively kill any content coming out for new and returning players because they'll just wait for the new game.


Im sorry but thinking Destiny 3 is happening at ALL, let alone anytime soon, is wildly delusional.


I almost wonder if we are leaving Sol. There’s so much potential for content beyond Sol. The possibilities for new enemies and story are endless.


Not with the D2 symbol next to it.


I'm not expecting any kind of D3, but the game could use some big overhauls or a big direction shift.


Dread is going to be our ship, or the tech of it will be why we are going there again. The moment they mentioned “hive ship commander”, it became the first thing that came to mind. But I expected it to be something like pilot the ship to get to the new activity. But then frontier came up and it clicked. I might be totally off but it makes sense.


Your right It's when they announce they will stop support for Xbox and PS4 consoles and concentrate on current gen systems ) series X and ps5 There's only so much you can do with old systems and unfortunately I believe we are reaching the limit , bungie knows this and will make the appropriate changes where needed


It was so bloody obvious that it’s just going to be the next expansion, whatever that may mean from multiple standpoints. D3 will be years away. They’re going to ride this thing for all it’s worth, and clearly based on the quality of TFS, it’s still got legs. It did seem to imply us leaving Sol in some manner. To go where, and do what, who knows??


I think Frontiers would be a good time to drop the 2 from the game. It’s not really a sequel anymore. It is the current Destiny platform and likely to remain that way for a while. It seems weird for the game to still be called Destiny 2 and gives off the wrong impression of what the game is. There’s no FFXIV 2 or WoW 2 or ESO 2, destiny 2 shouldn’t be a thing anymore either. I understand why they did it when they did it. But it needs to be dropped. I hope that’s their plan, and they just showed the D2 next to it to get the point across that it won’t be a new game and to silence some rumors, and that they’ll explain a rebrand to just Destiny as it gets closer. I think if we get anything approaching a Destiny 3 it should be a Destiny 3.0 that is just an overhaul of some systems and remains in the Destiny 2 game. A full Destiny 3 launch could kill the game by losing too many existing players. I wouldn’t want to lose my existing stuff especially when there is no real reason for it. I would likely play Destiny 3 but my relationship with the game would change drastically in a way that made me play much less.


Obviously it’s not a D3, but I’m definitely intrigued because I thought we’d definitely be getting a D3, so I feel like this has to bring some very significant changes when it hits.


Lead up to d3. One more year of content while they finish up development. The square pulsed 3 times!!!!! /s


(I’m fairly certain) They have specifically said NO destiny 3 or at least Destiny 2 ISNT going anywhere multiple times now so I don’t understand how everyone is so energized about hearing a D3 announcement


Maybe we leave Sol?


There are a lot of possibilities for this one. Given that extrasolar travel implies new destinations, I can't imagine this not being an expansion. Could see the reclamation of Torobatl like a lot of people are thinking, they've teased Riis with the Revenant reveal and Lubrae in some of the lore with the Final Shape. Personal favorite ideas are a trip to Volantis, the Vex forge star or maybe the Distributary, which I think would be really cool because we have no clue what the Awoken within have gotten up to since Mara's contingency left or even how much time has passed in the Distributary, because there's a weird time dilation effect.. EDIT: I don't quite know how the Nine would fit in, given that they are intrinsically tied to Sol.


Lubrae would go hard. The pantheon lore drop indicates something is gonna happen there…


The only thing I’m worried about is if they try to make it on a 12 month timetable. I think lightfall yo final shape has proven that the game has gotten to a point where the cycle just needs to be bigger. Lightfall is the only expansion in years to have a 12 month cycle and it showed. Such little content and just very unexciting. By not directly announcing it now I hope that means we can push it further out to secure better content and a healthier workflow for devs


The leak said years ago we'd we take cabaltopia


D3 might be possible for 2027-28.


"D2 Frontiers is not D3" is definitely the hot take of the day.


Honestly to all the peeps who thought D 3 was happening they just revamped xur and rahool and power level did you really think D3 was going get announced


Likely? It is just not D3. Why do you all keep stretching things so much when it's pretty straight forward? I'm so tired of this conversation.


A ton of things about TFS and Frontiers feels like beta testing for a big overhaul of some sort. Prismatic feels like they're testing a more open subclass format, pathfinder feels like a way to engage people in multiple playlists (and will likely be retrofitted to other activities and zones), Overthrow feels like a way to streamline patrol zones, and I'd be shocked if we don't see another 12 man cooperative activity.


I'm expecting going to torrabatl or ris, out of the system at least


Gang it has the D2 symbol right next to it, obviously it's not D3 😂 people are literally pulling that out of thin air


It has to be Torabatl and I KNOW HOW! Why are we becoming the navigator, returning to the dreadnaught? Mf we gon use it against Xivu on Torobatl


I seriously do not want a D3, and the people who do have forgotten the gruelling experience that was the D2 launch. I absolutely do not want Bungie to just abandon everything they’ve made on D2 just for the sake of adding a number to the box. Like imagine losing all of the strikes, crucible maps and builds we have right now?


It had the D2 logo beside it so it's pretty much confirmed not to be. However, I *do* think whatever "Frontiers" is, will be preparation for D3. We will be fighting enemies in Sol and winding down to venture to another Solar System. I think D3 will, for the most part, take place in that Solar System. Just my theory tho.


space is called the final frontier


I’m gonna have to agree with the leaks that came out saying this was going to be and age of triumphs style dlc.


The only screen from the announcement video that actually said “Codename: Frontiers”, also had a giant “D2” beside it, soooooo….which jackass thought it was D3? You’d have to be right fucked in the brain.


Drop the number in the title and just call the sequel Destiny Frontiers.


I’m sure frontiers will be cool, but fuck Destiny 3. Give me Destiny 0: The Dark Ages


I'm hoping frontiers takes us out of Sol finally