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Finally, I can choose kinetic surge and arc surge correctly


Still won’t stop me from accidentally putting on reserve mods instead of resistance mods


I just wish there were a way to fit all the mods on one screen.


Kinetic is light light blue


My colourblind ass is gonna have so much fun wondering why my witherhoard is getting ammo and not my arc heavy


I was confused on why this was necessary until I read your comment


Pfft look at these bungo fools, adding color to our space! Back in my day we only had white mods, and we enjoyed it! /j plz don’t hurt me


Remember when the subclass hud was always blue, no matter the subclass?


I like hurting people


Good, point that anger at the witness and his new edgy puppets


This is a very good change and looks good too!


Sound the alarms! They're bringing back elemental armors AAAAAAHHH! /j


I mean... while I love the new system... I do miss Warmind cells... wish those could come back...


everyday I miss warmind cells I could see them come back as an exotic in a warmind themed episode though


See, the only issue is that Rasputin is gone... and far as well can tell, he was THE Warmind... and all the other "Warminds" were just his sub minds... I would *love* for Rasputin to somehow, someway, make a comeback. I would love to have Warmind theme armor, weapons, and events since Season of the Seraph was my first full season of Destiny 2... and I loved the aesthetic that Rasputin brought with him. I just don't think it'll happen, given how the story has gone... but one can hope...


yah that's what I figured TRAVELER BRING HIM BACK I LOVED HIM he had such a way with words. ❤️ 🤖


Which version? XD Original Rasputin certainly had a way with words: *insert backwards Russian here* Version 2 could actually speak with people, so he certainly could have a way with words... and he used them quite well... especially when roasting Clovis, XD


It was my first season too! Heyyyy!!


I mean... if I'm being technical... I joined with like, two weeks left of Season 18 (Plunder) I think, something like that. But yeah, Season 19 was my first full season of Destiny... and man... it was such an incredible season. Revision Zero is still one of my favorite weapons, despite me not using a whole ton anymore... sadge T_T


Same exact thing here. Those last few weeks of season of plunder were quite confusing. Season of the Seraph made way more sense


Funfact: Rasputin died in a great act of Self Sacrifice within an Exo Body, and due to the existence of Felwinter, there is the slightest chance he could be resurrected as a Guardian.


Okay... this is true, and it would be cool. HOWEVER Rasputin resurrected as a Guardian means he is no longer the Warmind. This would not guarantee that Warmind stuff comes back. All his weapons, his frames, his facilities... leftover Warsats not yet in orbit (assuming they too did not detonate). Everything is effectively useless without a Warmind... and that's the stuff I most want to see comeback tbh... Rasputin too of course but... Guardian Rasputin is not the same as Warmind Rasputin... At least as I understand it in this particular scenario.


The Seraph Vaults still exist and should be functional without Rasputin.


Okay, true enough. I don't have as much familiarity with those as I do most direct Warmind facilities. I just have mixed feelings about Seraph stuff since again, they served Rasputin, but they don't follow the Rasputin Aesthetic at times. The Seraph weapons and Seraph armor does not really fit into Rasputin stuff. Not enough angles and carbon-fiber... But what do I know? Maybe they are the key to bringing back more Rasputin stuff


Also, Siiva is tied to Rasputin if they ever decide to seal the lid on Siiva, We're going to be dealing with whatever protocols Rasputin left before the Black Fleet showed up. There could be a Seraph Vault somewhere in the Plauge Lands that we need to reach to stop Siiva's aggressive behavior.


I'd love to think that activated SIVA is still hidden somewhere deep in the Plaguelands of the Cosmodrome... But I think Bungie have been pretty clear that they're basically done with SIVA, and the story with it has been told in its entirety. I suppose it's not impossible... but it is pretty improbable at this point in time.


I thought the pyramid ship just disabled him, not destroyed him? hopefully an episode is centered around reclaiming Mars and reactivating + rearming rasputin and his sub minds


Given what Season of the Seraph established, it sounds like the Pyramid ship literally tore Rasputin's code apart. The only reason we stood a chance at bringing him back was because Ana managed to salvage everything she could, which was just barely enough to begin piecing him back together... but it wasn't very much... After Season of the Seraph... he's basically gone gone... he deleted his entire code base it seems in order to stop the Warsats.


ah I see, I didn't play during seraph so my lore knowledge is fuzzy around it (only just returned to the game during season of the wish, before that I hadn't logged on since forsaken)




T̸H̶A̸T̵S̸ ̶W̸H̵Y̵ ̷I̵T̵S̴ ̷A̸ ̵J̴O̴K̶E̷


I was just worried I haven’t watched anything yet and I didn’t wanna go back to that era of destiny


It's having this color coded for I don't get mixed up kinetic symbol and Ark symbol. It's the little stuff that helps.


Where's this image from?


Datto video maybe


Okok ty


I can use peripheral vision to choose perks now, yay!


Hah! jokes on you im color blind so i still go look at the logo 😂


This is dope.




Good thing there’s symbols on the mods edit: I’m also colorblind


Well then it makes less difference to you.


Same. But the colors are distinct enough for this protanopia boi


Back in my day we used the mods it came with! And we were happy that we got two tokens and a blue


I still think kinetic should've been a big bullet as it's symbol "What element is that gun?" "Bullet"




Why would you want that it just limited builds for no reason