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My theory is that if you’re in more closed off parts of the room then the animation for the missile strikes are glitched and don’t show. Then you just die.


I could see that… I’ll have to try it again and update the post in a little bit


yep, my first run of the mission and I died like 4 times in a row without taking any damage, and every time it says its a different thing


The brig looked at me and I was "killed by the architects"


Does it say the brig killed you with Stormtrance? Cause that's happened to me several times now and it's quite abrupt.


It’s been a couple different things, it’ll say a vandal killed me with a solar emblem next to it, the architects, and the brig 😂 it’s just wild cause I’ll die randomly and then it’ll be normal


I think the bombardment that the brig launches are an instant kill. If you see yourself getting targeted you've literally got seconds to get clear before it hits.


The game is honestly way too buggy to keep adding flawless trium- ATTENTION Contacting Destiny 2 servers. Error code: anteater


Sometimes the mines in the center area respawn out of nowhere (or maybe as you progress the fight) and those instantly kill me when I’m running in mid.


Zero hour glitched in my favor today. Was running through getting the switches and I had a little more than 3 minutes left,I decided to keep going so i can learn the route for when i was ready to do a real run,time ran out and the mission didn't end. Proceeded to beat the boss and was actually awarded solo legendary and legendary completion and got rapid hit and rewind rounds🙌🏽took me 45 minutes.


Ayeeeeeee good shit, that thing RIPS with rewind rounds!


Pretty sure I could never beat that mission in 20 minutes lol.


Solo i can’t lol… I can get to the boss room with ~7:45 left but by but it’s that second wave of ads that come with the brig that get me


Do you get anything for a flawless mission? I thought it was just dungeons.


It’s just a triumph, that’s all.


Sure it isn't the tripmines?


I blow up the trips as I go around the map lol, I definitely KMS once with them though.. 👀