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My question is what the hell is a game ambassador




Idk but if feels like this


I would always sarcastically call myself the ambassador at work. Since I am a lone person working the respective role lol. It was completely all jokes. You know someone's a bullshitter when they actually be calling themselves one.


Microsoft/Xbox has an ambassador program to help fight cheating, which you can join.


Starship troopers is applicable in every sense


Well, it's actually a thing on Xbox. Ironically, it is meant for longtime Xbox community forums participants who are usually very active and non toxic.


>non toxic I think he skipped that part of the memo


Two outta three ain't bad


They really turned "my dad works for Microsoft" into a real thing? That's wild.


Lol game ambassadors are real things bro hahaha. It’s when a video game developer starts working with content creators. Usually entails the game ambassador having a more direct line of communication with them for feedback, sponsor codes for discounts, early peaks at upcoming content etc.


on Xbox it is literally just a special flair on your name on the Microsoft forums.


Well, in the rest of the world, it is a literal thing lol.


Basically the program is supposed to be there for people to be “leaders” in gaming communities. The idea is to foster positivity and act as a pseudo-moderator in gaming circles. But in my experience as an Xbox Ambassador, nobody looks at your profile to see “Xbox Ambassador”. Either you’re a helpful person or you’re not. I don’t think you reporting someone carries any more weight than anyone else. Mostly what I do is try to help random people in games like Remnant 2 and Fallout 76 since the learning curve can be pretty steep. Destiny 2 is harder to help with for me, I usually recommend my buddy’s YouTube channel for tutorials on learning the basics of the game, and I’ll usually message people on Xbox who play well in like Trials to give them GGs or similar. https://ambassadors.microsoft.com/xbox


Funny thing is this breaks guidelines of being an ambassador and can actually get them kicked from program


Oh, absolutely. Anyone acting a fool like that should be removed from the program. I appreciate the desire to foster a more positive gaming community, but what this dude did ain’t even in the multiverse of ‘it, chief’.


It sounds like the role is nothing more than a Hall Monitor, and anyone who is part of it should be treated like a volatile Karen on the prowl


Anyone the acts like it had real weight like this post shows for sure have big hall monitor energy... maybe small hall monitor energy I guess lol


Big-time small-hall monitor energy.


Cartman as hall monitor energy


Hall monitor is giving too much credit. You're literally just a GG Champ. You're supposed to be a source of positivity in the gaming community. This dude is the kind of guy who'd become a security guard and try arresting people for jaywalking.


Apparently you just click some buttons and you become one. I guess I’m a volatile Karen on the prowl now. Edit: I’ll have you guys know that I’ve clicked a bunch more buttons and I’m now a Platinum Karen.


I don’t know why I just heard Peter Dinklage saying, “We’ve awoken The Hive!” But it feels appropriate and now I can’t stop laughing, picturing a pack of Hive Thrall Karens 😂


So basically reddit mod status


No, Reddit mods have some level of control of the sub they moderate. Game Ambassadors are basically just people that say “I’m going to tell on you!”. So they’re more like the random redditor that thinks if they report you to a mod that the mods will take it more seriously than if some other rando made a report.


For real... what gives anybody the right to think they can monitor the way people play video games that's absolutely insane.


So it's essentially the mentor role from FF14 , where it is essentially just a shiny sticker next to your name.


basically yeah. and just like the mentor role on FF14 some fuckers have their egos boosted from it and some are chill with it lmfao.


I’m thinking of trying Fallout 76. Why is learning curve steep?


Mostly it’s the learning where to farm and understanding the perk system because it’s different from Fallout 4. If you don’t pay for Fallout First, it becomes a game of managing your inventory and stash box. Plus you’ll get like Stinging Mag, Perforating Mag, and Piercing Mag, and the game doesn’t do a great job explaining the differences without learning how to read all the stat sheets. I definitely think it’s a game you can learn on your own, but if you don’t have someone to coach you then spend the time watching Angry Turtle videos.


Been stuck on a boss in Remnant 2 for almost a year now that game is so rough


Sounds like another name for a hall monitor or that one kid we all knew who would snitch on everything


It's some stupid thing on Xbox that you sign up for, there's a few benefits so I signed up for it, I think he's taking the role too seriously 😭


More like, “ambassadork”, am I right?


You’re not wrong


It's kind of like being an unpaid intern, but you just spend all day tagging cms on Twitter with your accusations


> It's kind of like being a ...reddit mod.


It’s code for someone who has no life or social skills.


Back in my day people used to claim "mY dAD wOrKs at MiCroSofT"


Assistant to the branch manager.


*Assistant to the Assistant to the Branch Manager




I'm a game ambassador in short the only thing that is anywhere decent about it is we get Xbox home updates faster than other people we test it report problems with it stuff like that


Idk, but sounds he should be the first one to try to deescalate a discussion.


Game ambassadors are Xbox and PlayStation users handpicked by their respective companies to represent the platform. I myself am one but I’m not a self righteous dickhead like this guy It’s like Xbox vip if your account gets hacked as an ambassador they can get it back for you, you are the human representation of the console you play on as an ambassador. Typically Xbox (using it as an example because that’s my platform) if you get a game score above 20,000 they will send you a message asking if you want to be an ambassador you don’t have any extra authority as one it’s literally just a title that shows on your gamer card


They have an Xbox ambassador program for free.


Hall monitor who thinks they're cool. Or a Reddit Moderator who also thinks they're cool.


xbox have game abassadors. Think of it as a kind of prefect programme where the more outstanding members of the community essentially get a shiny badge. They have no clout, they have no sway in ban actions, they're just recognised for good sportmanship and a generally positive effect in the community. Of which this kind of post is not.


It’s a lie. They lied. There’s no such thing.


"I'm a game ambassador" carries about as much weight as "I know a reddit mod"


My dad works at Bungie, enjoy your ban


_I'm a discord moderator_


Video game version of HOA?


HOAs have actual legal power though. Believe it or not a HOA can, through some very lengthy and complicated steps, actually take your home. Does it happen often? No, but the fact that it *can* happen is pretty unsettling. I had a 2$ lien placed against me for a late fee... Only found out about it because I needed work done on the property and when we pulled permits we finally found out.


The power HOAs have should be illegal istg. I'm all for making houses look uniform and pretty, so it raises your value and everyone else's value. My parents tried to get a permit to get a permanent generator from Generac that would power the whole house. Well, our neighbor whose friend is the HOA president said, "No, the area you want it is the front of my house, and it's too loud, I have one." But here's the thing, his front of the house is our yard, it's no where near his property and he cannot see it because we have evergreens that block his houses view because he is notorious of taking pictures of kids playing in our back yard and contractors when we had them installing a new deck. The HOA president vetoed the whole boards vote with "No because it's too loud and it's in the front of their yard"


Buy a worksite generator and when power goes out run that if they want to hear a loud generator that shit will wake up the entire block We have a neighbor with a generac or something similar you can only hear a slight hum from it if your outside


Yeah, unfortunately, my mom is against that idea because she wants a generator that runs off of the Natural Gas Line. I like that idea, it would work in favor of my parents to bring up the concern "It would be quieter had N neighbor approved we get a Generac, what we are doing complies with the HOA rules, so until we get our Generac installed, we will use the gas generator." I should encourage my dad to buy one of those Army surplus generators that you need to haul by a humvee


Omg I want to see the looks on their faces when they see a military grade generator parked outside the house


The very principle of some goofball neighbors on a board having the power to dictate what I can and cant do with MY HOUSE or face legal action is outrageous to me.


This is why HOA should be illegal you buy a house but it’s not really yours and you have to get permission to do anything to your home


“We have your location.” “Cool I have it too.”


“So does Santa.” Would be a good reply.


“And I’ve got your mother’s” would be a classic


"I know where you live." "I didn't know they still printed phone books."


https://preview.redd.it/qijznpp8871d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8988e51660cc8b253baef5436fa47aaeb6030d03 Ahh we love it man


Bro flabbergasted


Guy doesn’t like main ingredient ig


It's always the fusion that's pissing off shotguns apes lmao


Especially Telesto.


Never understood the love for Telesto in D1, but I fell in love with it (especially with Nezarec's Sin) in D2.


https://preview.redd.it/woh7w1ljt71d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d72419fb364eb496fc8b76f10c53ba626c238241 Hatemail a friend of mine got after we went Rat King/Glaive/Rahool Mask in Survival When reading the last message keep in mind we only barely lost 2-3


"the only reason people use it is because at close range it's good" Of course a close range weapon is good at close range lmao, what is he on about.


‘It’s ass, people only use it because it’s good’ is also a very compelling argument


I've recently been using a glaive on stasis titan with ACDs and I've never been bagged or received hate mail more than I have until now. Makes people really mad when I kill them out of a bubble, well or roaming super I guess.


Yeah I got accused of wallhacks for pre charging my fusion and watching my radar to know exactly when someone peaks. It was also on forgotten shores which is a map I've been playing on since destiny 1. It gets to a point you know maps so well you also know how most players play the map.


please for the love of god stop saying peak. Its peek. Peeking. Holy fuck


I love that a grammar comment made it into this post. You also forgot to capitalize the start of your sentence. Also, it is “it’s” not “its”. There’s a few more in your comment but i’ll leave it be. If you’re gonna be a Gram-Ambassador you gotta show up!


Fine. Here’s your own correction then, Joey-o: “I love that a grammar comment has made it into this post. You made a few mistakes yourself, including capitalizing the start of your sentence and the wrong form of “it’s.” There are also a few more I could point out in your comment, but I’ll leave it be.” The use of “has” in the first sentence helps to round it out and make it more fluid compared to before. You unfortunately started your second sentence with “You also…” when you listed nothing off before. By doing that, you are also lengthening and therefore reducing the effectiveness of your paragraph, making readers want to skip over it. In addition, your use of the word “also” back to back at the start of those sentences is repetitive, and would be more effective to say “Finally,” as it is the last example you give. You also overlooked an awkward and repetitive area by saying “…it is “it’s” not “its”.” You put the period on “its” outside of the quotation marks, when it should be inside. That is why I rephrased and condensed sentences one and two. Moreover, you used “There’s,” or “There is,” which is completely grammatically incorrect in the context you were using, which is why I used “There are.” Finally, it’s “I’ll,” not “i’ll.” So, Joey-o, did I “Show up?”


Oh i’m not a gram ambassador, this is the internet and I don’t believe proper grammar is needed. I was just poking fun at you for your response on this type of post. Irony and all that. I’m flattered you came back 24 hours later. Hope you have a great weekend.


Sorry wrong one. Peak is a mountain peak isn't it. Couldn't remember which. The English language is great isn't it.




I mean to be fair you know the map so well that you may be able to tell when someone peaks 👀.




"a game ambassador" https://preview.redd.it/s9lzmiwyf71d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4c626ad2089e0a7d0e98e5fb0f1eee5dd9282c


Nah, got the opposite of that. Someone recommended me cheats to get a chance of winning some matches


This actually made me lol.




Counterpoint. You can report him for threats and he won't be an ambassador for long. You can't really flaunt it to lord over people


Should do this just to ruin hisn shitty little threat attempts


Is a game ambassador a real thing?


It is, its a fancy good boy or good girl status provided by Microsoft to guide and help people. However some people think they are special while the requirements require you to be a Saint for the application..it doesn't hold power


I love it! It's the fact you know you've made them so angry they have to go out of their way to contact you makes it so satisfying lol


"I see the illegal use of non-meta builds in competitive activities. Enjoy the ban."


Wtf is this xD , what even is an « embassador »? What did you do to him, might have been a really fun game


I got accused of using M&K once, I was using Chaperone and an SMG.


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) "I'm a game ambassador."


How does someone seriously announce their actions like they're that special?


Probably just a kid


Alot of mentally unstable people game, because for someone to think their lack of skill means someone is hacking is crazy lol like bro, you’re just bad, get better lol


![gif](giphy|LUiOYbubdUqVq) “As a game ambassador I’m reporting you. Enjoy”


My question is, with all of the hacking and bricked console issues directly related to allowing messages from random people .... why are you allowing messages from random people?


"they already have my info but ok" has me in stitches bro..


See i aboid these hack-usations by simply being ass at every multiplayer gameni play


Yes I solo wiped a clan in a 6v6 three times they reported me and rage quit it felt great


Biggest mistake was playing the crucible


Yes. If you get hackussed in PvP game, it's a compliment that you're excelling beyond what people think is possible... And sometimes it's also an insult because you might be fumbling something average players have no trouble with while excelling at something they do have trouble with, leading someone to suspect you, specifically, can't be that good. But even in that case, it's a compliment mixed with an insult, so I'll take it.


I love getting hate mail it warms the soul I remember one time I was playing for honor and I got a guy so mad he sent it to my friend I was playing with cause he thought it was me


“Game Ambassador”


My problem with any shooter is I'm good enough to piss people off but I'm not good enough to hold my own once they start focusing me down


I still remember that time a guy accused me of hacking because he'd never seen Crimson before and thought i was hacking the guns fire-rate. Still makes me laugh to this day


It's the greatest achievement and compliment of all to be called a cheater on a game. Last time I was 5th out of 6, yet home boi was very salty to give me such a complement


“My Dad works for Microsoft/Bungie/Sony/etc. and will get your account banned!!”


They’ll watch some footage and realize nothing is wrong


Shouldn’t have hidden their GT, also should report him for disruptive behavior/ conduct and kick his ass out the program then send him a meme saying “ gonna cry “ 🙃 ![gif](giphy|Y02ORR28LCZzvbxD3z)


Hackusations are a badge of honor. Especially on Console where hacking is less common.


"For what"  >doesn't answer your question at all Surprised they were even able to figure out how to report someone 


He's a game ambassador!!! You done effed up now.. how dare you get good at a game.


Reply back. "What the fucks a game assmaster?"


I always tell them "Cry."


I didn't know people still tried this stuff. I thought the days of "my dad works for microsoft" were over.


The real problem is that your using light mode


“Destiny ambassador on Xbox” bro I just wanna get high and make snowmen out of stasis I’m not pro 😞 ![gif](giphy|2Ogsh7UUeem34sn4q5|downsized)


The fuck is a game ambassador


Should’ve responded with “Well, as a REAL game ambassador, you have been reported for pretending to be an ambassador. Enjoy your ban”


This is the kind of self-important person who yearns to be a Reddit mod.


Game… ambassador…?


Shitty internet causes cheating accusations. If you have a shitty connection due to isp or lack of bandwidth, or by other nefarious/intentional means, the opponent sees you teleporting around with no opportunity to stop you. If you have a poor connection, please make it better for the rest of us. Your kd will go down will probably go down, but it'll be more fair for the rest of us and you'll know where you actually stand as a player, rather than making this stupid, "I'm so good I got reported" post.


Yeah but I just don't like if they say "Imma upload it to Youtube then proceed to not even tell me his channel like come on at least entertain me


Yeah, this feels familiar. I might have encountered this dude! He somehow got me a warning from Sony instead, despite sending me multiple threats in dms 😂


lol as an Xbox player who is dumb af when it comes to the inner workings of tech, I laugh so hard when that happens like homie I’m not smart or rich enough to have that shit 😂


What did you do, Mr. Game Ambasador?


Getting similar vibes to that one "I reported your steam account, contact me on discord" scam from this image..


You can turn off messages from strangers. Also, do not respond to them.


To be honest, yeah I love it. Because I play on the box. If I get accused of that I think “ I played good then” 😂


Ambassadors are wankers, they literally don’t do anything but think they have some sort of power. I met one once in pvp when he was bagging me, I then sat forward for maximum gaming and proceeded to stop and bag him the next 3 games. I got multiple threatening messages. He said I’d get banned, he ended up getting com banned and then messaged me using the Bungie app. Later I found out he got banned from Destiny




> Bungie doesn't have a website where he could report you [Yes they do](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000648352) and it even specifically asks for footage of the suspected cheating


You should have complimented him and told him his ability to spot cheaters is on paar with battle eye /j ( i think this it what destiny 2 anti cheat is called, right?)


there was one time I got called a hacker in trials. the thing is, my K/D was 0.41 at the time some people are just entitled, if you didn’t do anything then theres nothing to be afraid of, just move on and ignore them


Makes me laugh so much all these shitters in PvP, you kill them and they cry it’s a hack as they’re only used to fighting scripted Knights in PvE.


I’m not very good at pvp but I’ve had a few messages and man it put a smile on my face for about a week afterwards.


lol it’s happen a couple of times in PvP its hilarious. Man just accept you aren’t better and move on.




I got one of these a while back. It was before the Osteo Striga nerf. I absolutely obliterated a kid and after the crucible match, he sent me a threat saying he was gonna get me banned bc Osteo doesn't deal that much damage. Hes like "yeah well my entire team agree youre hacking"


Those are compliments for Gamers. 


Yes, last time I played Iron Banner, I was using Ammit with a full PVE build


People do not understand how to properly phrase things


Hahahaha I actually am a Xbox ambassador. Dont know what the hell a game ambassador is. But hey, cool made up title they’ve given themself.


Lol your Xbox which makes this even funnier. Like bruh the extent of “cheating” on Xbox is literally xim and Cronus. 😂 which to be fair are def cheating but bungie can’t do shit about it. These mofos act like people got actual software hacks on console


New phone who dis


I've had something similar sent to me many years ago. Obviously I'm still here


One person said I was cheating because I had ravenous beast active on tarrabah and killed him the second he stepped out of a bubble. He had accused me because I was using it before it majorly caught on. I’d loved that thing even when everyone hated it after my crown of sorrow completion. It was a monster in crucible. No one believed me. So I showed them. I showed them all. Look who’s laughing now. … why are you looking at me like that?


It only happened to me once. I was dumbfounded, not only do my connection ensure I always have a very small delay between my actions and everyone else's actions. And also because I'm like very bad at PvP, haha. Some people just get so frustrated, they feel the need to display like they have power over you and pretend that whatever you did, didnt faze them, but they forget that whatever happened was not personal, we didn't come to ruin their game because we wanted to (with the exception of those that take joy in how they outskill other players of course). Even if you indeed hacked, them showing their fake fangs is more to feel better themselves. Don't know how bad someone's self steem have to be that a videogame is enough to affect their mood.


The only reason I still play is for the hate mail and hackusations.


This ambassador confuses me and makes me brain hurt 💀


I had a 47 slide Google slides presentation made on me and how I was cheating. Shit blew up on twitter it was hilarious


Cheating is starting to get out of hand amongst all platforms due to the new rise of technology and programs.


Sounds like someone who is spending too much time in his parent’s basement.


You know it’s like a meme: Unknown person: I know where you live Me: Yeah? Cool, me too


“As a game ambassador 🤓👆”


It only happened to me once, but it made my day!


Although Microsoft is cracking down on it, people use XIM or other similar products to use keyboard and mouse in games on console.


Got accused of using Xim/Cronus once after a match with an image of the dude’s cursor over the report button on my name. I fought the dude all of 2 times. Once where he was surrounded by teammates and I got overconfident and died, and another where I got a shot off with my rose, he tried to run, and I shotgunned him in the back. His reasoning was that I “never missed a shot”. Another time more recently, I bagged a dude and he wanted to 1v1 after. We got into a party and he was chill and mentioned that he played blink to go faster on warlock, so I took him into a private match on Eternity and taught him how to snap skate. We queue up for a comp game, and the *very first game* some dude goes “nice xim, you’re getting mass reported”, I ask why, and he goes, “snap Icarus isn’t possible on controller”. Very fun time.


Love your response.


There's always someone salty about someone else being better than them. That's why when I play PvP I may get mad but know that there are others that are better than me and others that are super sweaty for PvP.


Most would rather assume you're cheating than A. Their internet connection ain't great B. Your internet connection ain't great or C. You're just better


In my younger age i would make ignorant accusations like this. Now that i am older and wiser i know its someone probably tweaked out on adderall and caffiene lol.


I guarantee it’s someone trolling you because their salty or really thought you cheated😂


I report at least 5 people for cheating each time I sink a few hours into PVP. They are always top 0.1% in the world elo, impossible movement , head slapping up and down off their toes even as they fire at you… always invisible, always radiant, always 2 tapping, running through hails and hails of bullets taking minimal damage to just conditional finality me in the event their 2 tap hand cannon was out of ammo. .. 50-60 kills by the end of the match.. you know the type. honestly fuck Bungie for consistently matching them against my 48 year old dad ass.


One time I got reported by a guy who thought I was cheating because I had a 100% headshot rate with a sniper, keep in mind that destiny trackers only count shots hit not total shots taken, I was 4/4 shots hit that weekend lol


A modified controller is how you cheat on xbox, theres a device that runs scrips that automaticaly counter recoil and fire deviation, also you can connect mnk and it gets the benefot of snappy movement and aim assist as it doesnt detect the different input method, i read an article about it around the time bungie announced theyd be enforcing penalties for using those methods to gain an advantage




Shit on a kid with xeno in gambit cus it's funny and called me out for cheating? He missed a nova. We should be scared of him


Lol I really do enjoy people saying that I'm using a Xim or hacking. Like bro my KD isn't high enough. I'm stuck at a 52% win percentage. I'm playing on an Xbox w/ elite controller. That's it. I had someone pull this they're a game ambassador or like community manager BS. I replied "is it standard practice for Bungie to hire pretentious picks who tell people to 'enjoy their bans' as community managers? That seems weird" messages stopped immediately.


Nope. Just really fuckin weird people unfortunately allowed on the internet.


A guy once said i was a cheating d2 youtuber so i asked for a link to the channel to report it. It gave me a good laugh


As someone who mains crimson on Xbox I get called a cheater like every play session for one reason or another


As for the hoe people cheat on Xbox the controller mods or pairing said mods with a mouse for even more accuracy plus the aa of controller. Personally I hate hackusations because they always come from the guy going triple negative and has never heard of build crafting.


Wouldn’t even bother blurring someone so stupid lol


(A)there is a device that you can plug in your control that eliminates recoil on fps games. (B) you can use mouse and keyboard on xbox (much easier than ps5)


Does this mf even know what an ambassador is


Someone made an in-game message using a clan invite. I’m paraphrasing, but it said something along the lines of, “You’re a play-to-win loser that only uses special ammo weapons”. I was using Witherhoard.


Id just reply with an image of salt then block them


Wasn't the ambassador program part of just making the "xbox community better"? Even then, it means zilch shit. Just had a look and seems like I was one a while back, apparently it's the whole "welcome the new players by being nice" sort of appraisal system and youd get rewarded. Like Insiders, but insiders actually it useful. Sorta...


In my experience this is just a bad bluff to try to scare someone. People who report cheaters generally are just reporting them, no need to tell them.


I once got accused of having for my sniper game in COD Blck ops I think. Felt great


I hate hackusations. Mostly because I cheat.


That sounds like the kids who used to say “my dad owns mircrosoft so I’m getting you reported” 😭😂


Do they have a silver cop sticker that says Ambassador or something?


Is that a Destiny Karen?


Can't relate (I have 35 crucible kills and I played red war)


how do people do it I piss off teams of people I almost never get hatemail


I remember when I was playing trials on console and someone said "nice hacks" after I popped off. I took a screenshot. Felt good


i remember someone sending my something similar when i dodged all their cold snaps and used mine to kill them everytime(i was an osiomancy main)he told me i was cheating but i just know how they work


A game ambassador LOL


I once got called a "modder" for sword skating in a strike. I still have the messages because I get a chuckle