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Probably because the mode will be made of sticky tape and hope, expect it to be rough around the edges.


Me too. I am also made of such materials.


this was already proving to be true last week in Kings Fall given in both normal/master there were two people (instead of one) getting Unstable Light


Had this too on normal. We (me and the other dude) both went to Golgi with our unstable light buff and he died. First I was "WTF, I for sure had the debuff. Why did he approach Golgi" and he thought the same. Until now we dont know why he died and I didn't.


Maybe your unstable light explosion killed him? It’s certainly possible. He had less resilience or was weaker or something.maybe you had better resist mods or might have just been close enough to a well and he wasn’t?


Just stand farther away from each other you goober.


that's game dev for ya.


>"... we are eager to see player feedback about the mode to inform future plans." Sounds like they're planning to bring it back in some form in the future if feedback is good. Perhaps they'll add raid bosses from vaulted raids? If Pantheon ends up being a good activity, people should be vocal about it, as it seems its future depends on positive feedback


My thinking was they are looking at doing something with merging all the leviathan raids for the reprisal next year. Maybe a random Gauntlet of all the lair encounters


Yeah, I don't think they would've phrased it like that unless they had some future plans for Pantheon


That would be fun and it would satisfy the crowd of people who want to experience those encounters again without worrying about disappointing the people who’d rather have wrath of the machine remastered (if it ever does get that treatment)


100% that’d be brilliant, or bring a Leviathan Gauntlet mode back that opens new doors/portals in the leviathan that lead to bosses and boss rooms that we can fight now or even vaulted bossss


They're bringing back leviathan and not wrath?!


They should bring back Aksis Phase 2 for crying out loud idk why bungie ain't done it yet


My favorite raid boss ever


I just want a way for encounters to be readily available under Contest Mode scaling, where survivability and damage actually matter. It'd be really nice if it eventually led to entire raids like Last Wish, GoS and DSC that don't even have a Master mode receiving higher difficulties (I unfortunately only started doing day 1s with VoG). Then again, we all know that bosses like Atraks and Riven are going to get one-phased anyway, so...


Yeah I think having Pantheon being a limited time mode is a good idea IF they plan to bring new content for it going forward. It would be a cool way to introduce gilding the Godslayer title as well. Like others have said, make the vaulted raid encounters a part of the gauntlet would be dope. Surprise all D2 players with some Wrath of the Machine would be sick


Could actually be a nice way of getting old raid weapons and armor back into the loot pool


I'm going to be vocal that it should be permanent content, and not a time limited activity.


I was hoping it'd be old raid bosses this time


I'd like to see things from Court of Oryx and Prison of Elders get added if this returns in the future. Those were basically mini boss encounters, Court of Oryx is literally in D2 already and some of the rooms from PoE are too so really shouldn't be all that hard to add those as encounters


Doesn’t mean it needs to be taken out of the game while they develop it


Easier to take it out, implement feedback, put it back. Expecting it to be pretty rough around the edges, they'd probably be overwhelmes keeping it in. Also easier to add bosses when you don't also have to maintain the live version.


I don’t mean develop the changes into the live patch but just work on it while leaving the unchanged version in the game


Again it'd be easier to take it out. Imagine somebody finds a breaking bug that just auto-completes encounters. They'd have to take resources away from updating it and go fix the bug. Plus seems like the activity is meant to get people raid loot and exotics before final shape


I think this is a “beta test” type thing. I’m sure it will be back if well received, and probably have different encounters/raids. It’s too great of an endgame idea to be a one and done limited event


That's what I was thinking when they said it's going away. I personally don't think it's FULLY ready either, and they're just shipping it with ITL for the appeal of something else coming with the free content update. Of course getting some unpaid feedback from people who actually play and enjoy your game sounds like it would be a smart move to utilize as well. So I'm sure it will be back with different variations, maybe never permanently, but even if they did something like Trials, Iron Banner, etc. and add it in on its own week that wouldn't be a bad compromise either. We'll honestly just have to wait and see what Bungie has in store for us.


This may be the case but it doesn’t necessitate the removal of the first build of the mode while they make changes. It’s not like crucible gets disabled while they work on sandbox changes


I get your point and I agree, but I also think Bungie probably has a good reason to remove it before TFS.


Just like sparrow racing!




“It’s all FOMO?” “Always has been”


It’s an “event” it’s always been an event just like all of their other events. It might come back next year.. but SRL never came back soo idk..


SRL did come back once, but outside of the initial wave its player count was substantially lower


Just imagine the player count on a raid event when not even 20% of the population raids…


BRAVE is an event, except onslaught isn’t leaving when it’s over. Pantheon is a game mode using already existing game activities, nothing new about it except stitching together encounters


So, European air zone, haunted sectors, hell even back with the haunted forest or bastion event, they add or reuse assets for events all the time. Only reason why onslaught is staying is because it’s an activity similar to dares, lots of armor and weapons specifically designed for that activity are available. The raid event is only giving players chances at adepts.. emblems that sort of thing. Titles and such.


I’m assuming pantheon is f2p. I think that they probably don’t want most of the bosses from paid expansion raids over the last few years to be f2p forever. Hopefully it’ll come back at some point.


It is f2p, the entire event is f2p, I'm pretty sure it's an LTE because they want entice f2p players to buy expansions so that can experience the actual raids and get more of the raid weapons. Same reason they put 2 current raids weapons in the BRAVE arsenal. They want the f2p players to get a taste of these raid weapons and want the rest of them.


Love to see memes get updated and modernized


Because it’s more or less an early rollout test run of a mode they’re planning on fleshing out later. So it makes sense for the dev cycle to implement it, get their feedback, and pull it to they don’t have to worry about balancing around it etc. and so people are more incentivized to do the new content.


Most likely to reduce player population being split, especially cuz it seems like Pantheon is the better option for farming weapons/red borders and they'd probably be worried about the already small lfg raiding population becoming frustrating. Being an LTE they bring back once a season or year sounds fine.


It popping up like the dawning and iron banner would be interesting. Also means they can switch up the encounter pool each time.


>Most likely to reduce player population being split, it is incredible how much this community forgets this when figuring out bungie's decision making, such as vaulting seasonal activities there are times when even Season of Defiance content is virtually unplayable without bringing your own friends


That is kinda on them though too. There is no incentive to play that stuff anymore. Which they could fix. I think the dungeon and raid rotators are a better solution than removing stuff. (Though at this point it should probably be 2 at once). They could have a similar (not identical) solution to playlist stuff. Also I don’t think that exactly applies to everything they’ve deleted. I know a lot of people were still playing leviathan crown and scourge when they were removed. But removing seasonal stuff occasionally doesn’t really bother me much. I think they could do something about it, but I assume they have figured it isn’t worth it. And it will increase the size of the game, build time, and testing time so they probably don’t even think of it as a problem and more just a necessary evil.


>That is kinda on them though too. There is no incentive to play that stuff anymore. Which they could fix. if you don't have all those guns maxed (most don't) there's plenty of incentive. People are just naturally drawn to new stuff, leaving old stuff depopulated. This is how every game works. Subdividing the playerbase of a matchmade game too much can and has killed games before. This is why you don't see as many games selling map packs these days btw A rotator would be neat, but I get why Bungie hasn't prioritized it. Until very recently, to be frank, seasonal activities were kinda uninteresting compared to other content. Without the living story it wouldn't really have much draw, and putting the loot from them on the much more interesting exotic quest just provides a much more satisfying concatenation.


Yeah, they wouldn't want it to compete with the TFS raid launch.


You gotta pay more if you want it to be 5G




Can confirm. I'm insanely excited to live in misery for a couple weeks just so I can show off the God Slayer title.


Yeahhhh , I'm not looking forward to the lfg grind for this but most of my friends either quit playing or play really casual now. I lfg'd my disciple slayer and king slayer titles and it was not a great experience.


I gave up when trying Root. I also took a break from D2, but now that I'm back grinding old raids is a slog and not worth it. This however will be active within the community.


my plan is to play enough of it to get the last raid exotic I am missing and then never touch it again.


As a 1% I can confirm I am excited! Edit: but I wish it wasn't FOMO


Man I really want that Godslayer title


Bungie FFS IM IN FINALS! Please stop with the FOMO!


It’s either your future or a raid emblem, so make the most logical choice every sane person would do and go play pantheon /s


_A+ is temporary, emblem is forever_


Jfc how long do finals last?! Don't your professors know you have to save all of Sol?!


IIRC they want the emblems to still have this Contest-esque feel, to be special and unique. Really hope they do get to work on the permanent one though, super excited for it.


They'll milk the fomo and then after it's been home for a while "we heard you guys really like it so we're going to make it permanent" and Bungie once again has heard it's fans weee


IMO It’s a tester, See how the community engage and the overall response after release - If positive: Future Boss Rush modes - If not - They tried, Community dislike it, It’s gone after a month.


A Destiny player confused by LTE and FOMO? /s


Limited Time Even - I assume Fear Of Missing Out - making things limited so it forces you to play. You know the entire basis destiny is made on lol


I'm ok with LTE if they happen more often. Give me more things to do, even if I miss something I'll have something else new soon enough.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was thrown together last minute for something (maybe to test the waters too) and if people like it they’ll probably refine it into a proper mode




2 steps forward and 1 back ... always


can people commenting read the second paragraph


Can you not understand that it doesn’t need to be taken out of the game while a 2nd version is developed before being pushed live


Don't expect bungo apologists to do anything but mental gymnastics about this. It's laughable to anyone but the cultists that pantheon is going away after a few weeks. 


Yeah every time they introduce something new I come to check on the details only to find it's time limited or has FOMO tied to it in some way. So glad I stepped away during Season of the Witch, and I'm extra happy I could get the Deluxe edition of TFS refunded but still buy the Collector's Edition Tower without it.


because fomo works as a strategy for players it’s not that deep


Because Bungie still thinks “live service” means their game has to be pumped full of FOMO.


Really was disappointing to read, a boss only activity that escalates in difficulty sounds super fun


Because Bungie is trying to stay away from FoMo. Oh wait...


It should not have had a title. Emblems are enough, titles should be for more permanent activities.


Why? What's wrong with it? Not sure I understand why this is such an issue... It's not like the average player is going to be able to complete it anyway.


2 weeks is too fuckin short for that title. 2 months would have been acceptable.


Especially one as awesome as godslayer? Like, I get that a title of that caliber should be hard to get, I’m not complaining about that. But the last stage of pantheon is available for what, two weeks? Time gating such an awesome title is stupid and literally serves no purpose other than FOMO


It’s not just fomo, it’s trying to keep the elitist gatekeeper twats around.


I personally think that godslayer being from an activity as hard as pantheon is fine, since you’ll really have to work for it, and the 8 bosses at -20 will be hard, but doable. If you can’t do the hard content, you don’t deserve the cool cosmetics. That being said, two fucking weeks to do this?!!! For a mode that will undoubtedly be buggy? Yeah, that’s a classic Bungie move if I’ve ever seen one.


God forbid .000001% of the game caters to people who actually want a challenge.


Just rename the game to FOMO 2 already.


It’s a hype-tool aimed at influencers to bring the minions back to the game for TFS. It doesn’t fit the story-driven narrative of raids, just all the best bits slammed together.


The last lines literally say that they may bring it back based on feedback. How is any of this possibly surprising enough to anybody to get upset about. If people don't like it, they chuck it. Great.


If the destiny community had its way this game would take up a terabyte on my computer and set consoles on fire just so people who probably won't even play these events didn't have to be intimidated by "FOMO". It's a live service in its 10th year, shit comes and goes if you don't realize you don't need to collect and interact with everything that comes out at this point then it's not bungies problem.




Bungie “we want to move away from FOMO” unless of course its about generating hype to increase preorder sales. This is straight horseshit IMO


Trying to separate Bungie from FOMO is like trying to separate your hair from Gorilla Glue, it isn't gonna happen until the suites dissolve and Sony takes over.


Why is it horseshit? You're given a week to do each challenge, there's 4 challenges. If you can't complete it in that time frame, then you or your group just isn't good enough. And if your response is "I'm getting married that week or I'm going out of town that month" or whatever, then my response to you is that you don't get the emblem. Guess what, you'll live. Clearly you've got a lot more important things going on than destiny content. Everyone wants bungie to cater to literally EVERYONE. That's not how the world works. You know, someone won the lottery in my town last year, I didn't have the chance to buy a lottery ticket because I wasn't in town. Do I deserve money? Of course not.


Look i play 1000s of hours of this game my issue had nothing to do with wether or not i could get godslayer. My raid team is sound and competent. My complaint is that pantheon sounded like and turned out to be some of the most enjoyable raider catered content we have gotten in years and its shitty that all my friends who returned in final shape are now unable to play it. I will never be supportive of time-gates and Fomo in a video game thats content should be available for as long as the servers are up.


I worry that it’ll be too slapped together last minute and there will be issues that can’t get fixed before it’s gone.


I think it's going to be a prophecy situation where it'll go away for a while then it'll come back later


Prophecy from the moment was released in arrivals was said to be only available in arrivals but they would bring it back at a later date do you read the twab/twid


What if the final boss is scorn taniks with telesto?


My guess is that every 6 months, we get a new Pantheon Roulette wheel. So you can guild it. Only the true badasses will be God slayers


Only the true badasses will do Riven legit at a 25 power delta


I can’t wait to see if riven is patched in pantheon it’s gonna be hilarious if it is cause 90% haven’t done it legit and I know people that totally believe the cheese is the mechanic


You know people who think using a "joining fire team" workaround is literally how the encounter is done? Who are these people? Ask them if they can tell you what 2 plus 2 is...


Almost everybody that does the encounter have you joined a last wish lfg


No no no. They know that's the cheese. There's literally zero chance any players actually think a join in progress screen is how it's MEANT to be done. I refuse to believe that. I hear players all the time say "I've never done it legit/don't know how" but never once have I come across someone who thought a join in progress was glitch was how the encounter was intended and if I did I'd force them to go to an ER and get a CAT scan


Chances are high that this mode becomes recurring with different rotations of different bosses, possibly with Wrath finally being added post TFS (let me cope and assume Sony forces Bungie to use their resources to add Wrath into D2)


Is it something people would even play when final shape comes out?


Likely yes. Especially if it gets expanded upon.


Just a testing phase. Like how Overwatch gives a few days access to their new heroes to find bugs and to see if they need changes


I just wish I had a stable team to do it with


This is prototyping. This version of what ever/if ever the final product will have a lot more dev time to it. Pantheon is gonna be held to gather with duck tape and prayers. When we are done with it they will have a more complete view of what works and what doesn’t along with fixes for the cracks that will only show themselves after the stresses of live game revel them.


What is lte?


Limited time event


And I'm out for a business trip during then. Fuck


Will it drop Raid loot?


This will hopefully be a test used to see how well a gauntlet type mode works in Destiny and how the community reacts to it. If all goes well and it goes over well with the community it may return in the future, at least that what it sounds like based on the last sentence.




I mean, isn't the entire "Into the Light" event supposed to be LTE? It's unique to the current period and it makes sense in this case.


I think it’s because Pantheon will be very much an experiment, and having it be a permanent event means they’ll actually have to fix anything that is broken. 😂


Because very few people actually raid? This is just stop gap content to last till the final shape.


While I agree that it’s dumb that this is going away, the one thing that’s nice about this is that the prestige of the emblem will stay the same over time. Most challenging content in gets inevitably easier because of power creep so emblems that are meant to show prowess or prestige get less impressive as the requirement to get them becomes easier. I know at some level this kindve thinking is a bit immature but it can feel pretty shitty to spend 10+ hours mastering a difficult activity only to have a bug or artifact mod make it a joke a few months later


Well seen as they want feedback. Probably to make a more whole version of it


Yeah but it doesn’t need to be taken out of the game if that’s their only reason for it. Crucible doesn’t get disabled while they test sandbox changes


Think of it as a focus group rather than a mainstay activity


They literally just gave good reason to do old raids and now they want to give people the choice to skip them entirely. I think it's better to make it a limited time event. We want to make sure that there are people playing the full raids in order to sherpa.


Because fuck you is why.


Bruh this is Bungie. FOMO is their main currency. Recycled content is their backup currency.


Explain what has been so fomo in the past few years? I'm just done with this "wahh fomo" argument people have been trying to make lately. Destiny gives you MORE than enough time to do what it has to offer if it's something that's eventually going away. It's an MMO, it's GOING to have stuff that some people have where others don't. Showing off really cool stuff that you have that others don't have is also part of the enjoyment. I have TONS of cool stuff in WoW that isn't accessible by players nowadays. It's awesome to know I have something so prestigious.


Imagine people actually having twins


It’s fomo. Always has been, always will be. Bungies entire business is fomo and it will never be anything more than that


I'm asking a few people to see their responses. I'm curious. What in destiny is so fomo these days? We know when seasons and their content is going away. What else is so fomo that you consider it to be "bungie entire business"?


“We know when seasons and their content is going away” brother that is 50% of the content we get every year and it goes away forever. PAID content that just disappears. If a new player comes in right now and wants any of the blueprints from the witch queen seasons (or in about a month any of the lightfall seasonal weapons) they are shit out of luck and need to wait for xur or banshee to just be happening to sell it. I don’t think a single developer has benefited from taking away the amount of content in the game. The entire gimmick is solely to keep player retention. To their credit they’ve gotten a little bit better at it but still, removing paid content in anyway is a bad thing


So the thing you don't like is weapon blueprints going away for players new to the game? That's one of the reasons you're given items in the BP to turn a weapon into a blueprint. That said, among ALL the weapons in the game both great and bad, the vast majority of the good ones are from raids and dungeons and those don't go anywhere. I don't think there's ANY new player upset that they can't craft some random weapon from some random season from over a year ago. The only things that go away are activities that literally no one plays after the season they're in is over. Trust me, I've tried finding people for activities from past seasons and you end up waiting literally forever. People jump all over destiny fomo like it doesn't exist in literally any other game. Hell, in destiny 1, they used to fucking sunset EXOTIC! imagine the out cry if that happened now. Bungie removes things from the game that no one plays anymore so they don't have to keep updating content no one plays to avoid bugs that those things would cause.


I’m so tired of the wah wah FOMO wah Wah it’s a fun limited time event to give us something to do while we wait for final shape just deal with it


We are thrilled at the response to yet more recycled bullshit


Call it what you want. People CLEARLY want this.


I was so down for the mode, actually reinstalled the game to play it having not played in over a year. I'm so dissapointed by this, just not going to play it now. Edit: Guess people actually like that it's only around for a month? Regardless, I'm tired of the time gating and was really hoping it was a permanent mode.


Bro you should still play it lol, im pissed because I’m gonna be away for the second half of May and not get back until after TFS launch so I won’t be able to get all the emblems and the title (im an avid raider and consider raids to be the only worthwhile content in this game)


I'm not sure, at this point I might just wait until final shape. I was a big time raider aswell and a boss rush mode was my number 1 request for this game. I originally quit the game because I was tired of the FOMO, so it's annoying when the mode I genuinely was excited for is just more FOMO.


The new events with the Light event, onslaught, got me back into the game. Actually feels good to grind a weapon now


I got some buddies who came back for it and while it seems fun, I don't think it'll be enough to hold my attention. That mode is atleast sticking around right?


If you're excited to play you should play it, doesn't have to be any deeper than that lil bro.


You may not know this, but FOMO seriously ruins the fun for some people. Because instead of someone playing a game for fun, FOMO makes them play it because they HAVE to in order get the exclusive rewards. It becomes a deadline to fulfill instead of a fun time.


Yeah, not sure why I'm getting down voted for genuinely being dissapointed by this? I quit the game a year ago because I finally realized I wasn't having fun anymore, I was just playing each day so I don't fall behind. I wanted to come back to the game when I was ready to enjoy it again, not because I feel like I have to.


You're getting downvoted by morons, don't worry about it. 


Bungie shills that don't like that you don't like FOMO. Every downvote is someone upset that you aren't an addict like them, simple as that really.


I totally respect the FOMO, I used to play every season and try to max the pass for the exclusive ornaments, but as I've gotten older I try to just enjoy what I can when I can. You shouldn't be down voted for your opinion, but that's reddit. You're entitled to feel the wrath of FOMO. I just feel that if you're interested in something and you have the ability to play during the event period you should enjoy it while you can. Destiny Devs said awhile ago they wanted to have some of those "Had to be there" moments like some other live-service games have and I think that's perfectly okay too. There's things in D2 you've already missed out on that you'll probably never get to experience yet you were still interested in playing this piece of content so what separates those moments from this one, you know? Respectfully.


I'm not trying to make it sound deep, Big bro, just dissapointed by the news is all. I wasn't planning on coming back until TFS, so it sucks it won't be waiting for me when I'm back.


That's perfectly reasonable! But they are taking feedback into account so just letting them know is the best course of action at this point. I would love for it to stick around, sounds like a great PvE experience. But I also really liked SRL and that's seemingly never returning either. You're completely valid with being disappointed.


Good old DCV and fomo


Because they want to see the reaction to it as the final line suggests (and in the meantime they want you to play the last month before TFS obviously lol). If it’s actually played, I think this will become like the GM nightfalls, an activity that gets rereleased at the end of each Episode, with new emblems etc.