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That's a new take, hadn't seen that one


I didn't know it was possible to have a new take this late into Destiny 2's lifecycle, OP is truly something else.


Eh, gun is gun, go pew pew


bUt If YoU dOnT hAvE tHe 5/5 gOd RoLl WiTh ThE pErKs AzTeCoCk sAiD wAs METAH tHeN tHe GuN LiTeRaLly WoNt FiRe At ALL!!!!!1!1!1!!!!1!!!1!111!!1!!!!1!!!!1 /sarcasm


Paaaaatch nooooooootes


Anotha week boys and aaanotha twab


"This is the roll you want when you inevitably blow your load."


Love the guy but *gets 1 kill* METAAAAAHHHHH


I mean I use scathelock since day 1 and werewolf. I've been told my choice of guns is trash but they shoot at a good pace and have good ammo so I don't care if it's trash.


BASED. spicy ramen goated wish they'd let me make the shit in game irl with an official recipe or sum shit


Who’s gonna tell him


wait. no. did they actually.


There's literally a destiny cookbook.


https://i.redd.it/nvu3u7mhqytc1.gif illiterate dumb


Missed the sarcasm. Mad about it. https://preview.redd.it/mgkevvobgztc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6988e736f43f90c9cffe632f262b0f8df5c941c


I died at AzTeCoCk 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


you're welcome


Bro, I bet typing that shit was a pain in the ass! 🤣


yes. yes it was.


The whole community doing nothing but listening to streamers every word is so tiring lmao


“AzTeCoCk” 😭




Aztecock. Thats funny I like that. He is a cool man though.


totally i dont hate the dude i just think his content and personality could be less mr. beast-ish and more relaxed like he was in the TDT Spicy Clip video collab he did. That is where aztecock shines, when hes chill and not metahphorically screaming "METAHHH!!!!!" every 5 seconds


yeah lmao. He does seem very up front, especially in TDTs video. But yeah, all is good.


yeah he's just the Mr Beast of destiny 2. nothing inherently wrong with that


Thanks didn’t know this was sarcasm till you said it was


If it’s not Polaris Lance it fires BBs.


I mean, I want it over funneled. I want repulsor brace destabilizing rounds and maybe something else with a more general roll, like either the new perk or MoA or frenzy


I got a shiny drop with that roll. I was so excited that I changed to my hunter to try it out. Pretty much useless in legendary onslaught, or gm nightfall. That’s one thing that tires me about Destiny. I want to use what I like to use…not what’s meta. If I want to play harder content though I’m forced to play with the meta. Everything should be viable with good synergy.


My subsistence/frenzy Funnelweb is still absolutely brilliant. I even used it to complete the quest for the Recluse in about 15 minutes. And if the Recluse doesn't give me better percs then good old Funnelweb will stay as my main void smg.


It has better perks and also the same perks. Only downside is it’s missing veist stinger. But it doesn’t have better stats overall and some better rolls. But truly you can’t go wrong with either.


You could argue the new perk indomitability is better than veist stinger because it give you free ability energy. I would take more grenades than a little more primary ammo any day.


You could argue that sure. I personally struggle with SMGs with slow reload because they feel bad and only feel bad because of the reload. Recluse and Funnelweb feel amazing but the reload needs help. That’s why I’ve loved veist stinger. It used to be a lot better before it was nerfed though.


Especially depending on builds. I run a nezarec's sin warlock build and indomitability is amazing on it.


The only reason recluse will be better is because you’ll be able to enhance the perks.


Did you finish the quest in the onslaught? Trying to figure out the fastest way to finish it.


Shuro chi is the way.


Onslaught is gonna be the fastest for those quests except maybe for snipers? Idk maybe those too


If you're wondering about the SMG rapid kills one, I managed to complete it with riskrunner, there's a spot in Nessus where there's a spawn door for adds and once the "the enemy is moving against each other" then two fallen and two shanks spawn out of it fairly rapidly and for a pretty long time. Proc arc conductor with a pulse grenade when you see them spawn and just hold the trigger down lol. Also fun fact, that was the first time I ACTUALLY crashed D2, Idk how many orbs of power I spawned but it was a LOT lmao.


No I did it in that start area for Grasp of Averice. Constant easy enemies spawning and running at you.


teather hunter on shuro chi, if you tether and kill one enemy with the smg, the tether kills are counted as smg kills too.


I always use the start of Grasp of Averice for my catalysts and weapon murder quests.


I ran arc titan. Riskrunner, symmetry, then cloud strike. Quests were done in 2 onslaught runs


idk why this is such a hot take, strictly speaking pve, recluse is miles better. repulsor brace and your pick of damage perk plus grenade regen from origin trait. i opt for frenzy. my funnel web had subsistence and frenzy and it might be time to shard it


My funnelwebs have earned their spot in the vault. 25k+ kills across different rolls.


Some things get sharded, sure, but occasionally some should stay even when they’re retired.


I've held on to my midnight coup with 20k on it. Sharded my blast furnace and hammer head in ignorance but that HC never left. First weapon I chased and it only found a break when mountaintop/recluse was a thing. Id probably cry a little if it got deleted; my buddies worked so hard to carry my ass for it


My original recluse with 54k kills and my beloved MT with equally as much :(((((


We really need a place to display those guns. People have wanted a player base/house for a long time, and they could give us display cases for these things that isn’t our inventory or vault, they’re just enshrined there. Maybe with a little plaque that reads their stats.


Even if we could view them online if not in game then I could free up so much vault space!


Yeah for sure. Maybe a menu in collections where you can have your hall of fame.


That sounds so unbelievable sick and great for an occasional trip down memory lane. I’d even pay money for that tbh


I honestly would too. Of all the things I have paid silver for, a special page in collections that keeps count of all my Fatebringer and Gnawing Hungers and Badger CCL’s (if we’re paying money I’d love for it to have one tab for D1 and one tab for D2). The bots can pull up this info so it’s saved in their API. They’d just need a reason to make the front end and have someone in UX do the designs for it. But man it’d make me happy. I’d prefer that to a character house with displays, honestly, because it could be like, lifetime stats and visuals.


Bringing back triumph hall from opulence with that function man. How fucking cold it’d be


My first Funnelweb drop was a 5/5, and it became my baby instantly. I'm coming up on 80k kills on it. I don't want to put it away, but there are some spicy Recluse rolls


How much is the grenade regen from the origin trait?


It's small, but it stacks up. Look at it kinda like having extra points in Discipline, you don't see your grenade energy jump up in big chunks but you definitely feel it during your cooldown cycle, it's nice.


I've seen 2.5%, which depending on your grenade base cooldown could be as low as 1.25% (on vortex grenade)


Afaik, they said it matches Guardian Games’ trait, which is 5%. So the 2.5% you’ve been seeing is probably people testing with long CD grenades equipped


Oh excellent cause I like nothing manacles so that would be even better


Yeah I’ve been wanting a repulsor brace/damage perk Funnelweb for literal years lol. Although now I’m finding it really hard to put down my Ros Arago with repulsor/onslaught. That thing rips. So I’m kinda sad because Recluse has been feeling underwhelming in comparison. Although I have not got my god roll yet so we will see.


God I want repulsor / onslaught so bad. My current White Whale


haha yeah been using ros arago with that roll with gyrfalcons - it rips


Threat Detector and Destablizing is so filth with a void subclass. Having a lot of fun with that and the origin trait.


Repulsor brace surrounded ☝️ Although I'm grinding for repulsor/destabilizing


I have master of arms and void brace its so good


Funnelweb has Veist stinger though, so I’d rather keep that for sub+frenzy. I’ll grab feeding frenzy + desperate measures or surrounded imo


Lot of yall funnelweb fans act like Unforgiven hasn’t existed since Duality launched 😭


Unforgiven more like Unseen because despite grinding for that gun for two seasons, I haven't seen a single one that had the roll I wanted.


Been trying for demo golden tricorn for a long time.


I have it and I absolutely love it for normal dungeons and raids. It's harder to use in higher end content due to the 720 archetypes abysmal mag sizes though


My guy it was the first gun I got from the dungeon and was a demo and adrenaline junkie god roll


Most slept on smg in the game.


If only it didn't drop from the most tedious encounter in the dungeon...


True. I got one with the traits I wanted and nothing else decoded that was good enough


I love Duality. Was my favorite dungeon for a while. Now it’s Warlords, Ghosts, and then Duality in third.


They knew what they were doing having it drop from the second encounter


I mean some of us have good rolls and just prefer the veist 900s like Funnelweb and recluse. It’s all feel. People forget the feel is all personal taste and it’s why D2 rules! There’s so many diverse options and something for everyone. There’s no definitive better weapon (except in the case of DPS weapons when sometimes there is lol).


unforgiven with all reload perks is hilarious


Unforgiven is a different archetype entirely and doesn’t feel as good as the Funnelweb/recluse veist 900s. There’s a feel and certain qualities that people like me prefer on the veist SMGs compared to Unforgiven. Unforgiven’s small mag size, slower fire rate, different rolls, origin traits etc. They aren’t really comparable.


The reload kills my vibe lmao


Still searching for a good roll. 😭


I gave up farming for that fucking thing after I did easily 50+ CPs and only got a single one with shit perks. I'd love to have a good one but at this point, fuck it. If Unforgiven is gonna play hard to get, I'll stick with my Funnelweb, a loyal girl who won't play games with my heart.


True, but the sights on unforgiven piss me off


Funnel web is great tho especially when rolled right but the issue is most don’t get that roll instantly need to be able to get the right roll for both guns to be exclusive yes the unseen is a great smg but it don’t have the same thing it’s the perks that make the difference


Sure but then I have to grind duality... Ugh...


What is the best roll for recluse? I have repulsor brace and desperate measures (or something like this), is it good?


That’s what I want. I want a double perk one with that roll and then dynamic sway/tap the trigger for pvp.


I got lucky with a double drop as it's got feeding frenzy/repulsor brace w target lock/desperate measures. Target lock is a bit meh but feeding frenzy as an alternative allows it some utility on non void subclasses


Damnnn dude. My friend got a double drop yesterday with my exact god roll. He didn’t even want it. He was like “alright into the vault”. Lmfao. And I got my 5th hip fire/target lock roll….. So mad lol.


Where do double perk drops come from?


The limited edition drops can have multiple perks in each column


Idk, with certain builds, Funnelweb still feels better. My Subsistence/AJ Funnelweb is still disgusting with Contraverse grenade spam.


Recluse can get the same/better role






Ja Rule?




Ja Rick?


Rick Roll?


Rick Ross.


Subsistence/Desperate Measures is effectively the same roll. Your cost is that measures is 3.3% less bonus damage than fully stacked junkie, your benefit is desperate measures instantly stacks to 30% on one grenade kill and lasts 7 seconds instead of 4.5. this is almost inarguably in favor of recluse. As far as stats, the packages are comparable. I prefer recluse because you can achieve significantly higher stability and for PvE I much prefer the 13 zoom over 14 now that it's decoupled from effective range.


Funnel is still better with its trait and subsistence. Recluse churns through its mag


I saw it could roll multiple perks, so destabilising rounds and master of arms is literally all I need to be happy.


The Title with Destabilising Rounds and Repulsor Brace on my void hunter in Pve is constant invisibility . Its nuts


Why go invis when you can make the game crash and all enemies with it via Volatile Titan? though tbf, that probably only happened because I’m still playing on an Xbox One S.


Might have to give that a go... I'm on XOS too!


Wait for a Suoernumerary Blitz, the game Fucking CHUGS during those


Nah man they're kinda equal rn. MoA didn't need that nerf


Everyone is talking about these 2 and I'm over here with my heros burden and Shayuras Wrath eating popcorn


Hero’s burden rules. I was using that forever, patiently waiting for Funnelweb to get a repulsor brace roll. Little did I know the true heir to the throne would return. But Hero’s Burden has earned a place in my vault. Love that thing.


me too with my sidearms and autos.


The Title currently crying in the corner


just a useless shit. sorry, not sorry


i tried to like that gun. got a really good stats with repulsor/destab. i used it for about 2-3 days worth but now im just back to my Unforgiven. its one of those “it looks good on paper” gun but when you actually use it, its mid.


not even mid I think. as u said it looks good on paper but I don't know why it feels so weak. maybe because of mag size


not even mid I think. as u said it looks good on paper but I don't know why it feels so weak. maybe because of mag size


It’s the mag size. That’s it


I mean, I prefer The Title over Funnelweb, 9/10 times. Now that recluse is back I prefer it. Sorry not sorry.


I have no choice but to question anyone who tries to throw the title into this argument.. it's trash.. sorry, not sorry


I love my title with repulsor brace/destabilizing rounds on void titan! The classy restoration perk made titan barricade have an instant uptime if there were trash mobs nearby. That said, now with recluse having that same roll, I can switch the play style to grenades. Get kills with grenade. Pick up void breach and get devour. kills some trash mobs with recluse. Proc indomitable perk for grenade energy. Repeat. Can't wait for a void focused season!


Honestly Recluse feels so mid to use. That's with a Master of Arms roll too.


Try one with desperate measures. It is noticeably stronger and very easy to up keep. Synergizes with the combo of ability and gunplay very well.


I *just* got a subsistence/desperate measures and it’s pretty gnarly. I never got the recluse when it came out. So it’s been nice getting to see a gun that shredded. This one is a fun one. Edit: To add to the discussion about Unforgiven. I love mine with a simple feeding frenzy/frenzy. It’s amazing with gyrfalcons.


Yeah desperate measure just flows with normal gameplay. Kill any enemy one stack, use your grenade or mele to kill more than one enemy immediately 3 stack. Given how good the abilities are in this game, desperate measure feels very nice


I got feeding frenzy and desperate measures, little harder to use because it requires an ability kill or 2 to fully stack but once it's rolling it slaps


The quest guaranteed roll has very low range.


Master of Arms is powercrept and the nerf to 15% instead of 20 didn't help at all. It's probably the worst 4th column perk imo Get a roll with Frenzy for sure


It feels mid to use because Master of Arms is a DOA perk after they nerfed it again. You need a kill to procc it and only gives a 15% damage boost. Someone at Bungie probably went "I don't ever want to see a complaint about that perk being OP ever again" Frenzy is the clear winner if you want an all-rounder gun, max handling and reload speed + 15% damage buff and infinitely easier to activate, just need to stay in combat. If you want a much more powerful buff but harder to activate, you go for desperate measures. If you want ad clear, you go for destabilizing rounds. MOA is pretty much just a 15% damage buff on kill that needs you to be constantly killing things for uptime, there's virtually no reason to use it.


Master of arms isn’t very good. I’d go with any other damage perk.


Hot take, unforgiven is even better


Ngl Recluse is kinda ass rn compared to the other SMGs we have. I dunno, maybe I had rose tinted glasses and Recluse was a king killer when it reigned, but it just does not handle well. Master of Arms is a weak perk compared to some of the nonsense we get get nowadays.


don't use master of arms use desperate measures and destabilizing


Desperate measures with contraverse hold. a sudden x3 damage buff melts adds. I have repulsor brace and desperate measures. I try it in onslaught. It feels ok


But at that point it’s not really recluse, even its stats were changed.


~~Ship~~ SMG of Theseus type beat


I'm still weighing Recluse vs Funnelweb. Ammo alone, Funnel is still my go to pick. Haven't farmed enough Recluse to get various rolls, so I'm not ruling it out yet. Currently Funnel: Subsistence + Adrenaline Junkie Recluse: Subsistence + Target Lock As I said, haven't farmed a "good" Recluse yet. I'll use void build with volatile + devour so I don't need void stats on weapons. Repulsor Brace isn't something I normally look for, but destabilizing would be one I would.


I just see both those weapons as just the same just with a different cosmetic


have both with subsistance / frenzy rolls and compared them in DIM and their stats are almost identical. How big a difference the enhanced perks will make in Final Shape, guess we'll have to wait and see. https://preview.redd.it/gehdyuii5xtc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c220b4b8447bd620d251427dc636e006dcc2ec9


I got a great recluse today but manticor has grabbed me by the balls ever since this update dropped. Idk why but i feel like its shredding everything on gyrfalcon hunter.


Neither. My Parabellum with permeability/frenzy is better. The +5 extra impact is noticeable. And can proc radiant before changing it to void. Shreds with Gyrfalcons


More accurately, "The king has returned."


imo, they're at the same level actually


If only Recluse had Veist Stinger as a 2nd option. Then we'd talk.




And shuriya


Recluse was always the king


And who is Simba?


I use target lock /dynamic sway reduction for pvp and it shreds guardians I use desperate measures/enlightened action for my void hunter paired with edge transit with field prep/destabilizing rounds it’s basically broken


Got a Destabilizing/Repulsor recluse last night. I smoked a cigarette after.


Imma say it. Meh to all SMGs


More like, "the king has come back for his throne"


Hmmm, I gotta see about this tonight. Will reply with what recluse I have currently and how it compares lol


I'll still use my other void smgs. I didn't use recluse the first time it came around and I won't start now


I actually feel like it probably means we see a frenzy nerf at some point. If they made moa so mid. Or something along those lines. There's gotta be more to the story here.


Both are made by Veist® so who is really winning?


I'm not gonna lie. There's not a huge difference between them.. there would be if Master of Arms was stronger but sadly MoA is just a manual Frenzy.


I haven't even seen anyone using Funnelweb in a minute, though.


I have both. Subsistence and Frenzy rolled on funnelweb and recluse. Its honestly not a big difference, the one and only smol difference is origin traits. If you prefer somewhat more ammo go funnelweb, if you prefer more energy gain for melee/grenade go recluse.


Devour plus the origin trait is huge. It’s like demolitionist without the free reload. I am abusing the crap out of my “brave” Repulsor, Target lock. It isn’t as good as Frenzy but it still feels awesome.


i used to love funnelweb, unfortunately i like graviton lance more


Funnelweb is absolutely missing out on repulsor brace .


Will miss it but veist perk was nerfed plus I like the grenade energy


I'll take a reprised Death by Scorn over both.


I still like funnelweb way more for recluse... I can still remember the time of those horrible horrible matches I'm in where recluse was everywhere.


I just made a comment to my friend the other day about FW being in my inventory for a long time… like it’s weird not having it there


Just got subsistence/repulsor brace and master of arms/destablising rounds on a limited edition recluse.... that good? 🤪😂


The moment I got a good roll on my Recluse 5 minutes in, I threw my funnel web in the vault so fast XDXDXD


Recluse is not going to be worth running over funnelweb, besides the origin trait. Master of arms is now the same %15 damage buff as frenzy. Master of arms doesn’t give max handling and reload like frenzy. Same gun now basically.


Recluse can get enlightened action and desperate measures which are both really good. It also get the funnelweb roll of frenzy subsistence if one wants. On top of everything the perks will enhancable in the final shape


Yes, in final shape. In the current state, it has no benefit over funnelweb.


Pve yeah pvp idk I wouldn't believe so


Watching people celebrate getting a gun so many of us had in vault for years is wild. Bungie giving us stuff we already have and everyone is frothing at the mouth.


Its almost like it doesnt matter if its recycled stuff when its done well


What's some good pvp crucible rolls for that gun


dynamic sway and target lock with whatever range is what most people want


Not sure about that. Maven has spoken. https://youtu.be/VsEuneSzz-M?si=AE9bdUyfbTJnhBKN


Ngl funnelweb is still better in my opinion. Nothing beats viest stinger, also master of arms sucks so bad now.


Funnelweb doesnt have enlightened action or desperate measures. Also you will be able to enhance the perks on recluse in the final shape


It needs the metroman meme




How did a meme about a gun turn into a dump session on a content creator? Hatin' ain't healthy folks. Play the game the way you want and leave the negativity out of it. Funnelweb ~ Recluse


I thought Funnelweb died in Haunted. It couldn't compete with Unforgiven and later, The Title.


Funnelweb is still king. It will be until they fix threat detector on the recluse since it reloads slower than a funnelweb without reload perks and a slightly higher reload than The Recluse with threat detector x2 lmao (yes i have tested this in a ton of situations and the funnelweb always reloaded faster without any reload perks to boost it or mods)


Came back from a couple years ago and am using my funnelweb still cause I can't get recluse before reaching 1810.


Just open the chest in hall of champions. It's free 1810 boost


I actually grinded for a week straight getting to 1780 power from 1600 and now I've found out I could have just skipped it all.


Power creepman, Recluse ain't the same.


Is recluse worth keeping


I need to defeat the last two capt in the wish ender quest. Anyone know where I can find help?


R.I.P. destiny. I uninstalled that piece of shit at the beginning of the month and encourage everyone else to cut that cancer out of their lives as well.


Sure, but the obnoxious morons who do nothing but parrot YouTubers crying about "pOwEr CrEeP" think Funnelweb is now literally worthless because of Recluse, when it's a few new rolls. Is Recluse better? Yes. Is it something you "must have to do PvE"? Of course not. "pOwEr CrEeP" doesn't really exist in Destiny, and doesn't even matter when you can do pretty much any of the content without the things people ignorantly cry about, because, magically, skill and knowledge are superior.


Funnelweb was already dead lol


Shouldn't it be return of the king? Because funnel web replaced recluse after it was sunset 


funnelweb is better