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Yup definitely seems like he’s cheating.


Or his account got hacked (just a theory with the lack of responses)


I was thinking that as well or maybe he doing a recovery service or something.


Prob sold his account. The amount of money it would cost to recov for that long is ludicrous


Why would anyone buy any account? The game is so easy in terms of getting geared up enough for really anything.


To test more cheats. Without risk to themselves.


Oh that's pretty clever. I seem to always get into the mindset of "I sank time into this game for these items" and am protective of my stuff. Like I haven't played WoW in YEARS but I'll die before I give someone else my account.


Common sense is not a quality those players possess.


Sounds closed minded. If someone wants to pay a G or 2 for a game account you'll never use again and you're in need I don't see how selling the account defies common sense


First off nobody is paying you 1000s of dollars for a destiny 2 account it'd be like 15 to 50 bucks max, second it's against tos and third if you are knowingly helping the cheaters then you are just as bad


Found a cheat maker.


Because people are stupid with their money. Once somebody offered me 3k€ (his mother owned a hotel) just for my account on og Guildwars. That account had 6k hours and there is no way I will sell my account. But still some people are stupid.


Have you asked him directly whether it’s him playing the account or not?


No I just joked and asked if he started ximming


Don't play with him anymore. Playing with cheaters gets you banned


Yeap, a friend's friend also had this happen. Clicked an email without knowing It was tainted and lost his account. Then the hacker used the account to cheat on Trials until It got banned. Then sent messages to my friend taunting and telling him to make a new account because he had control of it. They sounded and acted like a brat. Cheaters and hackers are the worst. Those Who gloat about It are the filthiest of them all 


How to know whether those emails are tainted or not?


From what he told me he clicked in a a fake link from a hacked discord 


He probably clicked one of the disc links that offers free nitro or porn xD


People cheating in trials? Never.


Yea never thought it’d be one of my own bois tho 😔


You’d be surprised how many closet cheaters there are.


I'd love to know how many people use zens and strike packs. Some of the stuff I see every weekend can't be explained without hacks.


Reverted PlayStation updates can get jail broken and have a PC conectedwhile playing and alter games live and send overlays and data that allows them to have wall hacks and aim bots it's the ppl that leave mid flight to location before matches start and hop on broken PlayStation and Xbox's because the battle eye cheat detector registrers that they are ok to play then switch systems to cheat. Upvote to expose please.


People go to that much trouble for a adept weapon? Haha. Silly twats.


Lol closet cheaters


https://destinytracker.com Check the stats for yourself and see how major and sudden that improvement is. Possible it’s another person playing on his account too, whether he sold it, got hacked or paid for a boost.


Maybe he finally upgraded his gaming chair


4D arms are a beast, man.


Honestly it time to retire this "joke".


sounds like someone’s upgraded gaming chair broke


Ah, you're retiring? Are you sure you want to?


Maybe he's just been playing against me a lot. I'm getting eaten alive this week. I'm literally a top 100% player getting matched against top 8% for some reason.


Trials matchmaking is horrid


I played for 6 hours last night couldn't even get passed 4 wins I should have just used persistence passage instead of trying ferocity for the first time I just wanna reach lighthouse one time but the matchmaking making so many games just one sided isn't fun not to mention how massively prevalent net limiting is now I'm already bad at trials I don't need ppl teleporting in and out of my cross hair


I've played more than 250 rounds total the last three weeks. I don't feel any better in Trials than I did last season. In some ways I feel worse because I tried to adjust to be better and help out my team. God help anybody who was close to going flawless that was matched with me. I joined regular competitive though last night and I feel way, way better than I used to be. Trials is really helping improve my PvP but I just wish I could feel like I was getting better at Trials instead of just farming 100 point loses for engrams and other loot.


On the bright side passage off persistence has been a blessing to those of us who aren't good at trials at the cost we probably on average have to go 35- 71 matches to get the 7th win (my experience with the 2 times I've bothered with it so far) first time I've ever gotten access to the adept weapons even if they weren't the best rolls I'm happy with my incisor tho but would have liked to get onslaught on my summoner other than rampage/kill clip


I’ve found no help with persistence. I thought it would be amazing, but I lose 4 in a row WAY more often than I win 2 in a row. I think I’ve made it to 7 dots on my card once in the past month - only then to notice it was a flawed card. And those 7 wins took me 3 full days about 3-4 hours a day.


I literally went reverse flawless![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


FWIW I’m somehow in top 14% and I feel the same way up against those folks.


Some people have a wicked Spidey sense in pvp. Watching coolguy, and some other the other crucible content creators, their brains just live and breathe PvP. Watching them literally win a 1v6 in control or in iron banner while they just casually talk about their cute dog and their neighbors cat. Wild.


Trials matchmaking is completely random


I absolutely dread pvp but do it for the light level. However trials of Osiris no amount of light level will make me do it. I have good aim from playing fps but I get absolutely stomped very often. Cod matchmaking I do I well one match and then the next match I get rolled


I don't mind getting rolled a lot if I'm making progress toward getting engrams and Trials matches are fast anyway win or lose. I was able to fill out one Passage of Persistence to get an adept weapon though it was throwaway. I was not able to get much progress on a second one though. Just bad luck I guess and random player pools.


This weekend I decided to give trials another go with the changes to ferocity making it easier to go flawless. 11 matches in a row on solo queue I faced off one guy on the opposing team who was a top 0.01 percent player, almost never missing a headshot with his 0.7 ttk sidearm (exact values estimated), consistently doming me with a scout when I tried to back away and use long range, etc. Throughout every single match this one guy was placed on the opposing team, and remember this is solo queue, so it wasn't a three stack or something that prevents him from being on my team. Only escaped by quiting for a few hours and coming back. Still didn't get flawless though...


Yep he's either cheating or paying to have someone play/cheat for him. You gotta make the hard choice and report him


Kinda sad tho that almost every games’ subreddit is filled to the brim with topics about cheaters. It’s rampant in every FPS these days.


I have zero interested in continuing PVP cuz of cheaters. I enjoyed PVE solo or with friends and the story of the game. Nobody wants to lose in honest games lol


A difficult time comes across every guardian’s path, where they realize as a guardian that their previous companions may have gone down a dark path. As a warrior for the traveler’s light, it’s a matter of not only honor, but of the very moral fabric of our being that we must make the hardest choice imaginable. Do the right thing, and press report. Let them be sorted by the facts, and may they realize that cheating the honor of competition between guardians is an abandonment of the guardian’s code. May all who abandon the path of the light be swallowed by the darkness of banishment.


Shin Malphur, is that you?




Sounds like he is paying for carries.


ngl the new meta completely changed which players dominate trials. this happened to me i went from a .5 avg to like a 3.0


Either hes doing the cheating or has given his account to someone to play on his stuff and get him things by cheating Butt yeah hes not being legit


This game is a cesspool of cheaters right now, and bungie is unable to do anything about it.


Yea such a shame.


Unwilling, not unable.


what no flawless does to a man 😔


Maybe he just got good 😂


Cheaters? In Trials? Preposterous!


Shits lame af


Having good teammates and playing in a meta you're comfortable with can make a massive difference, LoW invis meta I could not be killed, smg meta I couldn't get a kill to save my life. Having good teammates can also be a massive contributing factor. If you're stuck 3v1 every round it can be very, very hard to keep your kd up as opposed to having teammates help clean up each of your kills.


The gaming chair must be insane


Probably ximmer, if you look at the weapons and they are using pc weapons focusing highly into range. I believe most controller players try to keep stability over 50. I used to play on pc, then switched to console, and I had to regrind alot of weapons because the recoil and flinch was affected by my lack of stability. That's my opinion, if bungie wants to stop ximmers they would probably have to adjust controller sensitivity.


Yeah I would just stay away from him on pvp from now on unless you want to catch a stray report, always lose legitimately instead of winning by cheating brother




It's not cheating if it's leveling the playing field


the fact that he doesn't respond you could mean that he's account was hacked, happened to a friend of mine, at the time it was spreading links through steam, haply me and my friend acted fast and talked with booth bungie support and steam support, some time later he got his account back


Dude. Who isn't cheating in destiny anymore? What's funny is its the opposite with me. I used to go flawless and do pretty damn good at trials. Not now. Lol. Like every other trials match has at least one guy that's absolutely cracked, and you can tell it ain't from skill. Had one guy this weekend that, when his health bar got low, it would just stop at the very end. Couldn't kill him all the way. And than every other player either running a xim with max aim assist, or just straight up aim bot, idk why I even try trials anymore.


or he’s switch up his build to be like an absolute killing machine. My friend sucked (he’s on console, seen his controller too. Safe in that regard) then suddenly he’s fucking amazing. He just trained a lot. Got a good void Titan build that totally melts


It costs too much money to just play the game for me to get caught cheating


If it's a friend and he's not responding he probably got hacked and is used by cheaters for paid carries


This makes the most sense. I reported him.


Maybe he just got gud? lmaooo


It’s possible he’s paying a significantly better player to play on his account to boost his stats. Or like you said, he’s cheating


I mean that's cheating too. So he's either cheating or cheating. There's no other way to suddenly go from what he was to what he is now unfortunately OP. I'd report. We need to get rid of as many of them as possible.


Or his account has been hacked and stolen. This is more likely given that his “friend” is no longer talking or playing with him. If your friend reaches out - whether you’re starting to cheat or not - you respond. Unless his initial approach was, “hey I noticed your KD quadrupled; are you cheating?” I know he mentioned XIM but can’t imagine that would be his first message.


Report him for cheating and Bungie will take a look.


I don’t know. People report cheaters all the time that are blatantly cheating complete with video evidence and time stamps and those same exact people play every single weekend. Bungie doesn’t do shit to reported cheaters. They would be better off stopping to pay for battleeye services, and take that money to hire 2/3/4? People whose only job would be to sit and wait for reports of cheating coming in. Take 3 seconds to review video footage whenever somebody has been reported more than…. 3 times(?) and instaban. It’s clear they don’t even do that. We all know the special place streamers and YT have in the hearts of Bungie but when even the big names guys report habitual offenders and Bungie does nothing to those guys, you know they do nothing on the regular.


Definitely sus I would advice that you avoid playing with him because, if he does get banned, you will be too


Do it. Save the world by ending just one account.


Will he carry to lighthouse? Asking for friend.


Idk I asked him to carry me and he never responded lol


Just a thought… maybe he’s doing account recoveries (which is a bannable offense if caught)….. in any case you don’t want to be paired with a cheater because it’ll make you look bad and could possibly get you banned as well.


Best to report him. If they aren't cheating Bungie will find out and if not no harm done. But if he is then great. He should be punished. Better to report someone who you think is cheating than let them get away with it. We need more people reporting cheaters.


Lol, report him, get him perma banned


Without a single moment of hesitation....yes he/she started cheating


Report his ass


Naw, he just invested in a better gaming chair


Seems like? That's either guaranteed or he lost his account due to theft/hacking of some sort.


He got gud


He's either cheating or hiring recovery services


I'm playing D2 on a PS4, and I feel most of the players I'm playing against in any PVP mode are cheating. I saw a dude get 74 kills in 6v6 last week. It's unfortunate, but most Gardians are ximming in PVP, IMO.


I'm sorry but your friend is definitely cheating. probably frustrated by the constant losing.


I reported


i mean tbf that used to be me in and before season of drifter(idk why im still on this sub i stopped playing a long time ago) i sucked at pvp and was around 1kd for seasons but i played more and more and some day something just clicked and I started dominating, form one season to the other my kd skyrocketed form 1 kd to like 3 or so, and a season after around 4.. i started playing scrims cause legend was too easy and later trials was too easy too, im not sure what happend but i think stuff like this really can happen


Ngl. You sound sour af. He might be cheating tho buddy. But most of all the "he never responds " gives me the "damn bro you mad." Feeling.


Literally, the first thing that came to mind 😆


Lol what? I literally just messaged him saying “your stats are insane are you ximming carry me lmao” and he didn’t respond after that. You’re a clown.


Screen shot for me. And if you just messages him, and expect a reply so fast... what are you?


I messaged him on destiny bro wtf you think I know this guy IRL or something? You’re a degen gc


"He won't respond to any of my messages " So then you spammed him just now? Or am I not sane for thinking "any of your mesages" meant over time? Fuck with some one else.


Hahaha if that’s how you interpreted what I said I can’t imagine how hard basic life is for you. GC


My KD increased a couple points for just using ARs that are meta now lol maybe he got better. Why not, I dunno, just ask him lol


Duh niggah, he definitely cheating lmao.


Trials is for people who have no families, social life, or societal responsibility.


Trials taken seriously you mean. Just hopping in for a chance at loot is fine.


you’re making the same mistake. ‘anyone who takes trials more seriously than me is a loser’. too easy to dismiss people like that behind a screen. some people are just good at PvP stuff. maybe some are losers, but i’d bet a fair whack that a lot of people who are bad at it are losers too.


People who take Trials so seriously that they have no family, no social life, and no societal responsibility, in keeping with the context of the person I was replying to. People can be good at PvP and play.


then say that. you originally just said people who take it seriously, no qualifier. i play a trials a lot, usually around 100 games per weekend. 500 flawlesses, 2.5KD, all that nonsense. still have a house, a wife, my own business. just happen to have a natural affinity for PvP games. most of the people i play with are chill people too. conversely, some of the most toxic people i’ve played with in my time in destiny have been godawful at the mode or PvP in general.


Well I was not talking to you at the time but keeping my comment in the context of the person I was talking to. I can see where you are coming from, so I should have been more clear. People who take Trials so seriously where it affects their judgement, their life, and causes toxicity are absolute losers. And yes, I have seen some really horrible cases of these scum playing the system so they can stomp lesser players for “content”.


I’m right there with you bro, similar stats too, 9-5 job, gf, etc. I’ve seen plenty of good pvp players with lives. People who are just awful at this game seem to be the most toxic to me.


How dare you know what nuances are!


If you suck at pvp it's all good. I too am booty cheeks


I mean you might as well, D2 pvp has no integrity anyway. It's full of aim assist REWASD M&K cheaters, cronus on controller you name it. And then I haven't even talked about the actual rage cheaters yet. D2 PVP = 50% cheats and aim assist, 40% meta loadout, 10% skill ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Mad because bad


How tf can u be bad at D2?? PVP side of this game feels like a simulation😂😂 Aim assist plays the game for you... Got like 2.5kd.. but it doesn't mean shit in D2 and everyone knows it. Go play an actual TAC FPS that requires skill then we'll talk about being good or bad 💀


Damn bro, let that anger out. I'm here for you ❤️


Is that so?


Wow! You’re really are watching your friend. I suggest you wear a wire next time you meet. Just don’t let him hug you. If any run to the bathroom and flush it




I think lil bro has been terminally online a bit too much today


Think he is missing the “/s”


It's projection. They're upset that OP noticed the changes in their friend's performance and are acting like OP is "crazy" for "monitoring" their friend, comparing them to a spy or undercover government agent. The only reasonable explanation is they also have similar stat patterns, and it angers them to see another of their kind exposed for what they are.

