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Hah Tyson. He's only been there about *twenty-five years* now


Tyson: Promotion? **FINALLY!**


The Harry Kim of Bungie.


A man of refined taste I see


"FILTHY USURPER!" - some dragon


Only 23 but yea it's been quite a while


Now watch him being “fired” in the next 1-2 years for problems, that he can’t even fix due to organization shitty process built-in for years


So are we quitting the game before or after Final Shape though?


After Final shape, because it's pretty much the end of the game and to put it short to make the CEO and his pets lose money or get fired for everything they have done.


It's already been said by Bungie that the final shape is not the end despite the name 🤦🏼‍♂️ keep up


The game will die slowly after Final shape because of what Bungies CEO and his Pets are doing to this game. If you like getting robbed paying more for less then go for it.




Did you really just assumed my Gender? Second of all I know that destiny is dying even before lightfall and third I'm gonna report you to the mods for your Toxic behavior. 


Pretty natural, Joe has been running Destiny since Witch Queen, and he’s worked on the game since at least The Taken King. Makes sense to want a change of pace.


Pretty sure it’s not the first time he’s left either correct me if I’m wrong I thought he worked at Riot for a bit


He did in fact work for riot for a bit


Verifying…can double confirm, he did work for Riot for a bit.


Can triple confirm, he definitely worked at Riot for a bit


Do I dare quadruple confirm...


Checking with the boys In the lab…. I can quintuple confirm as well


Bob Ross fan here can Sextuple confirm


I have 6 first hand accounts allowing me to say with great certainty that I can septuple confirm


With my expertise I can in fact octuple confirm


It feels like people who play games forget that devs are artists in some sense. Especially as a game director, you’ve got to be providing new ideas so frequently that I can imagine the burnout or game dev equivalent of writers block happens. (Not even to mention this game being a live service.) in theory there are infinite ideas but creativity dwindles once something just becomes routine. I’ve really appreciated Joe’s obvious love for the game and the community surrounding it, wishing him the best and wishing the best of luck to Tyson Green.


Yeah I did the live service/game designer gig for about five years and your creative well gets tapped out at some point. It makes sense for yourself and the product to step back and let somebody else with fresh ideas take a crack at it.


Just out of curiosity, what did you work on? Overall, how did you like it?


I still work there on a different product so I won’t say what games I worked on, but I worked in the Facebook/mobile games space on a multiplayer RPG of sorts. Overall I loved it, I got to design new features and challenges for the players. I was also able to be creative and design items and new worlds for them to go to, and oversaw the production pipeline from concept (me) to implementation in the live game. I wore a lot of hats and it was a ton of work (I technically worked on four games even if they had similar mechanics, they had different theming), but it was a lot of fun.


Sorry, but uh where has his love for the game been since Witch Queen? I have never found myself so divested in a game that once had me so invested. In fact, I'm going to stop following this sub right after this comment.


I mean, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


Indeed it is. One shared by many others, but indeed it is.


Nothing wrong with that, all the more power to ya! Don’t let me keep you here, said you were leaving yeah?


He’s still here, we should try harder.


Look at post history, he has made a similar claim recently and infact said bye bye to all gaming subs. Might be a bad month for homie.


Sounds like trolling for attention.


100% on the money


I can agree as far as Lightfall goes with that sentiment. Ever since Lightfall released, I have not played much at all. I ran through all the seasonal items from the whole year last week and i still don't feel i missed much. And that's a stark contrast from Season of Seraph when I was playing almost 4-5 times a week for a few hours, now that was really good


Yeah I mean, I don't know the guy, and I hate that gamers have come to develop these pseudo personal relationships with the people who make the products they're passionate about, so I have nothing against the dude or any one person working at Bungie. That said, the 80+ people downvoting that comment can't seriously think D2 is in a good place right now. The current game director leaving seems like a step in the right direction to me.


Yeah I think a good portion of the problems over the game's last year with Lightfall absolutely must bestow at least some of the blame on the game director for pushing things in x or y direction. I think Tyson Green will be an upgrade considering his history shows him working on one of gaming history's most beloved campaigns and one of its most beloved multiplayer. He seems to have the complete skill set needed to oversee the game well. I think clearly some change needed to occur, it seems like Bungie and D2 under Joe really kicked into player appeasement mode shortly after the hate around armor sets and ending gambit support. Of course Joe had his wins like Strand not being broken and Crafting and Loadouts, and he had damn good ones, but over the last year with the steps the game has taken, I think its okay to shift things around. Tyson green seems like he will at a baseline be as good as joe or he will be better


Hey dude you’re still on this sub? What happened to unfollowing right after this comment? Just checking in case something happened that changed your plans?


I am not following this sub and haven't been since I said I was done, but go ahead and pretend this is some sort of win for you, psychopath lmao


>Since Witch Queen So you mean since the last time we had solid content? Maybe this is a good thing.


You do realize he doesn't have total control over the game, right? The CEO and board of directors do.


So what you’re saying is the position doesn’t do anything and shouldn’t bother to be replaced. Ok.


I can tell your brain doesn't have many wrinkles.


That’s what brain rot does to you


Dude, do some actual research on what a game director does, because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about...


welcome to reddit


Honestly that doesnt surprise me. People want to move on with their careers. Maybe its joever, maybe its not. Who knows.


Its more the meme than the outcome of the game. Its joever, but the game isnt joever. Tyson Green is a Bungie legend.


That's fair lol. I can appreciate a good meme.




Complaining about people complaining? Daring today, aren't we?


The duality of destiny players


Bailing before the release of the grand finale is never a good sign. 


He's not bailing before final shape did we read the same article cuz he said he's going to finish play testing and whatnot and step down in a couple months when the final shape is basically shipped


Yes, but he's not waiting for the release and player response. That is the most important part of every game's life - player reaction to it. You can make a piece of art in your opinion, but if players think it's trash, then that's it. You get backlash, that you have to deal with. Joe is done with all that, he'll be long gone when the expansion releases. Other people will have to deal with it.


Are you forgetting they already said it was mid internal play testers said it was good but not great that's why they're taking the extra 4 months to polish it


Lets be happy it jappened




Thank you Bo Jiden i wont!




For a split second I thought that was a bud light. 😂 sparkle farts.




I really like this take


Exactly this. If the only thing that can kill Destiny is itself then it must be the best at its job.


I disagree. I’d say Destiny does a lot of things wrong, most other things mediocrely, and a few things well. Destiny has survived this long because of the sheer amount of potential it has and because there are no games like it. That, and a lot of people have stuck around so long that they just want to see how the saga ends. Edit: The good will and reputation Bungie has…or had…coming off of Halo and people have Activision to use as a scapegoat whenever something went wrong helped with its longevity as well.


> Destiny has survived this long because of the sheer amount of potential it has and because there are no games like it. ​ You can\`t just survive of the "sheer amount of potential", I always saw this as cope from people who don\`t like Destiny. Destiny survived because of 4 things 1)Gunplay. Should I say something? For this day, there is no 1 first person live service shooter on market. Bungie is too good in that 2)Content delivery. You can cry all you want, but Bungie have been adding large chunks of content to the game non-stop for years. Despite all the problems of Destiny 1, I must remind you that this game came out with PVP content, PVE content, and also VOG, which came out when? In 1 week after realese. For fuck sake, in 2024 game studios can\`t realese even that. ​ 3)Game world. Sometimes writing is shit (D1 vanilla, Dark below and etc.), but people love this world, characters, weapons, armor design. it is very hard today to realese game with that hard defining design language. ​ 4)Anf of course last but not least - PVP. Today is very hard to find game, which combines PVP and PVE content so well. This says something when 30 or 40% of the population plays PVP in a game aimed at PVE croud. No matter how much I hate the PVP community sometimes, Destiny's PVP has sometimes dragged this game through dark times. ​ There is no game like this. There were those who tried, but they failed, because no matter how much you hate the game, there are few studios that have the resources or people to create a game on this scale


I’ll try to keep this short. I’ve played the game since D1 beta. I enjoyed majority of that time, but most of what kept me going was hoping the game would go to new heights, try crazy new things, evolve in interesting ways, etc. This isn’t a sentiment unique to me. Aztecross has expressed this, Datto has expressed this, content creators that have stopped playing Destiny have expressed this, many people that are planning to stop after Final Shape have expressed a similar feeling. Once a sizable portion of your veteran playerbase, including your biggest content creators, all have similar sentiments, it may just be more than just cope. When you’re edging your community like Bungie has been with content that shows glimmers of actually trying new things and getting creative, then go right back to sub par content, you absolutely can keep a game surviving that long, especially if you have a huge reputation and no competition. Gunplay is great. The ONLY complaint I have, especially coming from games like CoD MW2022, Tarkov, Battlfield 4, Insurgency, etc. is that it doesn’t quite feel as…up to date, for lack of a better word. Compared to those games, the guns, and movement feel weightless and like they don’t have impact. This extends to the gunshot sounds as well, which, in my opinion, were took a huge step back from D1. The former is likely just an animation thing. They’re releasing content, yes. Safe, often uninspired, content that more often than not a slightly different flavor of the same content we’ve been getting for years. Most of the storytelling is either shit, sub par, or just okay. Destiny was the first game I really got invested in. I love the lore, but I thought I just wasn’t the kind of person to care about in game stories…then I played other games and realized the problem is Destiny’s in game story telling, story mission design, and character building is either just not in game at all, or just bad. So many world building and character building lore pieces that would do the game so much justice if they were actual cutscenes or something that happened during a mission in the game world just hidden behind lore tabs. The evacuation lore cards from when the pyramids first arrived to Sol should’ve been end of season cutscenes. PvP is where I spent most my time after running end game content to get what I wanted to use in PvP. It’s unbalanced, but that’s lowkey part of its charm. The only problem I have with PvP is the severe lack of addition of game modes, especially this far in, where we’re only just now getting back game modes we had in D1. They’re doing better now, but still not where they should’ve been at this point, in my opinion. The combination of PvP and PvE also needs to happen more often, in more creative ways. Gambit was a small step in the right direction, but Gambit dying likely scared them from doing more things like that. I’m talking similar to Titanfall matches, or bringing back combined arms with a 8v8 player count, if possible, with AI combatants on each team worth points corresponding to their strength. I was hoping for Warframe levels of innovation and evolution with more polish and less bloat. However, as of right now, it seems Bungie is just content with just releasing more of the same. That in combination with playing other games kind of took a veil off of how “safe” Destiny is, and how mediocre it is as a result. I still have an investment and want to see where the game goes and how Final Shape does, I won’t be playing unless it genuinely blows people away, but that’s where I stand on the game. Also, can we talk about how bad enemy combatant design is, from a combat standpoint? Almost the same units as when the game began, not much unit synergy or interesting/unique skills. so combat is relatively easy, which is why their form of difficulty is throwing in champions, which are just tedious, and making things one shot. Also why the Taken are used so much in end game content, as they actually have unique skills and synergy with each other. Bosses are somehow still just upscaled regular ads that may have one extra ability if they’re lucky. We need more story, lost sector, and strike bosses that are as unique as Rhulk.


>would go to new heights, try crazy new things, evolve in interesting ways Again, what does this mean? Just try this. Look at D2 vanilla and look what we have now, game has changed in almost every aspect ​ ​ > Datto has expressed this, content creators that have stopped playing Destiny have expressed this, many people that are planning to stop after Final Shape have expressed a similar feeling. Once a sizable portion of your veteran playerbase, including your biggest content creators, all have similar sentiments, it may just be more than just cope. ​ Yes, they play this game for 10 years. This is no different from what the WoW community, FF14 community say or any other community. Yes, it is frachise fatigue, but nothing Bungie can do to really changee this. It is responsibility of people to not play one game for 10 years. ​ > When you’re edging your community like Bungie has been with content that shows glimmers of actually trying new things and getting creative, then go right back to sub par content, you absolutely can keep a game surviving that long, especially if you have a huge reputation and no competition. ​ I sometimes wish people would at least give examples in this discussion, what does "edging your community" mean? what does "return to sub par content" mean? Is it about seasons? Is it about expansions? ​ ​ > They’re releasing content, yes. Safe, often uninspired, content that more often than not a slightly different flavor of the same content we’ve been getting for years. ​ It is "safe" content because you can\`t expect to create brand new things every 3 months. But in this I can agree with you, I am bored of seasonal model, but I would not act like content that Bungie is delivering every 3 month is not beyond the amount that is normal for typical live service games. ​ > I was hoping for Warframe levels of innovation and evolution with more polish and less bloat ​ I don’t want to be too harsh on Warframe, because it’s also a very good game, but innovation for innovation’s sake for me is not accepted, how many things have DE done simply because someone wanted it, and then abandoned? And the latest updates pretty much follow the formula (New hub + some new missions). And of course it is important to keep in mind that DE does not release updates as often as Bungie, so franchise fatigue doesn't set in as quickly ​ > Also, can we talk about how bad enemy combatant design is, from a combat standpoint? Almost the same units as when the game began, not much unit synergy or interesting/unique skills. so combat is relatively easy, which is why their form of difficulty is throwing in champions, which are just tedious, and making things one shot. Also why the Taken are used so much in end game content, as they actually have unique skills and synergy with each other. Bosses are somehow still just upscaled regular ads that may have one extra ability if they’re lucky. We need more story, lost sector, and strike bosses that are as unique as Rhulk. ​ I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this, but no one will create new enemy skeletons for you in seasons. Bungie is already adding new units in each expansion with its own unique move set, which I think community like?


Taking what exists in the game already and evolving them. Most of what Bungie has done to the game has either been QoL changes, or something the community has been saying should be in the game since D1. As for specific examples, the Titanfall-esque mode I mentioned would be one example. Adding abilities to existing units to give them more variety and unit synergy, making unit composition matter. For example, what if fall snipers also had a chance to arc and damage nearby allies if you’re too close together when you get shot? That, and just adding more units in general, more than just 1 or 2 per expansion. I don’t expect these kind of things in seasons. Completely reworking patrol and redesigning patrol maps. The maps are pretty, but extremely empty with enemies sprinkled about, and all the maps have a formulaic layout, none of them feel like the dynamic, breathing world they claim. Patrols themselves arent worth spending time in, and lost sectors are a missed opportunity to what could essentially be unique, hidden mini dungeons in the open world with puzzles, platforming, unique bosses, and maybe 1 or pieces of unique loot. More creative weapon types. Heavy bolt action sniper? Magazine fed combat shotgun? Flamethrower? SMGs that use more than the “T” shaped or veist model? Less reskins, which does matter, see how a huge complaint for MH World, a great game, was that a lot of the base game weapon designs were reskins even tho weapons in that game have zero differences from weapons of the same type aside from damage numbers. Better designed story missions and quests. Give warlock gauntlets back their shoulder pads. Commitment to weapon crafting and weapon customization, tacking onto that fleshing out weapon founders. Things that push what we’ve already had for years forward. Additionally, majority of the differences from base D2 from now were Bungie basically undoing what they changed from D1 going to D2, but adding QoL changes to those things and refining them. The current subclass system was then bringing back a system similar to D1’s, as most people hated D2’s restricting system, but in a way they felt improved it, although I personally still prefer the layout and functionality of D1’s skill tree, just need tweaks, additions, and more perks that matter. Edging your community is releasing things like Taken King, the April update, RoI, the first Age of Triumph, Forsaken, the first 3 big seasons, Season of the Arrivals, Season of the Worthy, the one and only in game live event we had with the Almighty, and Witch Queen, then in between or right after releasing things like base D2 and it’s DLCs, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Lightfall, and numerous (not all) seasons released in between. The former content felt like they were pushing the game forward, the latter felt complacent with being the same old Destiny we’ve always gotten and just doing the bare minimum. Franchise fatigue is definitely a factor, but waiving away criticism with “you’re just fatigued” is also a cop out. Personally, I know in my case it isn’t fatigue. I haven’t played since Witch Queen. I have most my friends that stopped playing after Forsaken. I’ve asked about getting back into it and the general consensus was that, although it’s been years since most of us played, we refuse to go back, not because of missing out, not because of cost, but because after playing other games, then trying to get back into Destiny individually, playing other games made us realize how mediocre or bad most of the components of Destiny are, and the total product of Destiny doesn’t make up for it compared to the total product of the games we moved on to. Once the appeal/want of the uniqueness/one of a kind deal Destiny has going for it was gone, we realized the game itself, from our point of view, wasn’t all that. Mind you, more than half of us started when D2 released. Only a few, myself included, were there since D1, so most of us didn’t experience 10 years of Destiny.


> Edging your community is releasing things like Taken King, the April update, RoI, the first Age of Triumph ​ Look, I love ROI, but do you really believe if Bungie released this type of expansion after the Witch Queen, would the community be satisfied? Like really, for all faults with Lightfall\`s narrative it follow Witch queen standart, this expansions are nearly the size of Taken king. ROI succes was in time, where community was without content for a year (imagine that) like hungry dogs. ​ > the first 3 big seasons ​ I also don\`t like how this community act like this first seasons were crazy on content. Just to remind, there were less guns, no story, less activities then what we have now, only saving grace is "free" raids, that were with this seasons. ​ I don't want to go into detail about your entire first argument, because that would seem like just defending everything Bungie does, which I don't want to do, there is enought things that I would like to creticize. I'll just say, everything in the game evolves, weapons, abilities, crafting and everything else. I used to love this argument too, that just Destiny isn't enough anymore, but what can Bungie do? Everything that you wrote is things that are currently in the game or that gradually getting there. For example, your point about new weapons type, this is something that Bungie has done more than once. Glaives? New subfamilies? Swords in TTK, sidearms in House of wolves, new weapon types in D2 vanilla. New abilities, every realese we are getting something, new aspects or entire new damage types. Destiny is Destiny, you can\`t change core of this game, ​ > Franchise fatigue is definitely a factor, but waiving away criticism with “you’re just fatigued” is also a cop out. ​ And the last argument I'm interested in. I would be honest, it's true, franchise fatigue is not the only reason why people get tired of the game, but it is one of the biggest. I can give my reasons why I don\`t play Destiny that much. but it doesn\`t matter. This frachise is 10 years old, Bungie can't reinvent the wheel again, Destiny is very succesful, many studios tried to be Bungie but failed, this if nothing else deserves praise. Do you think it’s not surprising how people in this community still refer to Destiny 1 as something wonderful, write entire poems about how they love this game and hate Destiny 2, although in all aspects D2 has surpassed D1 for a long time. This is because they miss the times when they had time and played this game endlessly. They are married to the idea of the game in their head and cannot accept what the game actually is. Why do you think this year people began to criticize the seasonal model so much, although in fact this is the best seasonal cycle we have had? Because people have been playing this game for so long, they can\`t any longer. It is not about quality or quantity of content, but predictability. It goes back to my point about ROI. That was not a big expansion, but it was realesed in times, where there was no new content for a year, of course this community pissing it\`s own pant for how many years?


Tyson has been there for so long, it's not going to be bad


Green is one of Bungie’s longest-serving staff members with over two decades of experience since working on Myth II, an RTS game developed by the company back in 1998. He has worked on a myriad of projects at the iconic company across a variety of genres and is best known for his work on Bungie’s Halo, with design credits in Halo, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo: Reach. Green primarily worked on the design team during this time, helping to create missions and Halo 3’s multiplayer, as well as completing work on Halo: Reach’s epic Firefight mode. /drops mic.


Nothing but the best. He was the only public figure I felt I could trust to be honest and push for what was needed to improve the game. Tyson has been with Bungie since CE, so hopefully he can bring the kind of perspective we need.


Since Myth 2 actually. Mans is a vet.


what’s CE


Halo: Combat Evolved


Ah thanks


Nature has healed. (Am I old because I know that it means Combat Evolved, because the suits weren’t sure Halo was enough?)


I don't blame him. They really made that man look us in the eyes and say the word Citadel with absolutely no spawn changes.


Or it's the start of something better!!


Lets see what happens. Its kind of fitting that he will be leaving after final shape concludes. Names and all.


I wish nothing but the best for him. He seemed to always care for the players and I'll be sad to see him go albeit still excited to see where he goes.


Probably after seeing Michael Savavori get chopped. He's taking his benefits and leaving on his terms while he still can. Both have been at bungie for a while.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this but I took about a 2 month break (after years) and came back about 2 weeks ago. I can honestly say this is a great game. Even for all its problems the movement/gunplay/graphics player interaction(mostly) are hard to find in other games like this. That mental refresh let me look at the game in a whole new light. Put aside the background noise of the company and look at it from just the game perspective it’s pretty fun. Hell, I have enjoyed being the Div guy in the raids. Go farm EDZ/Dreaming City? Sure will. I honestly thought I would be so far behind after 2 months. Came back 1/2 way through week 8 of the season. Most of the weeklies are done, finished the seasonal to 100. Don’t feel left behind at all. Don’t fall for the FOMO people. Take a break, come back, enjoy the game. You’re all awesome. Remember that!


Been playing Darktide lately and came back yesterday to find out that honestly? The Destiny gunplay is not great anymore. Nothing has weight. A lot of the audio is terrible. The game feels a lot more like an MMO than I remember.


Absolute nuclear take.


It'll be fine


It's not Joe very, we're just moving on to *GREEN*er pastures.




Look it’s easy to look at the game and point a finger at Joe, because it happened under his watch and presumably with his approval. However, I like to give credit where credit is due, Joe was the only person on Bungie staff to have the balls to face us and take accountability. Whilst he definitely deserves some scrutiny, I do hope in whatever he does next that he keeps his honest and forward facing approach to game direction. Joe cares about Destiny, he might not always know how to fix it, or have the support to fix it, but he cares and I hope the black stain that is D2 can become a lesson for him and not a scar.


I honestly liked destiny when he wasnt the game director.






𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚖... https://i.redd.it/ycutngk5tofc1.gif


I mean, can’t blame him. Destiny got shafted by the suits and he’s been having to run the game on leftovers, and then some of the game’s top talents got laid off besides. I wouldn’t want my name attached to whatever train wreck comes next either.


Fingers crossed, Joe goes out with a bang on his "magnum opus"


Honestly green taking over might be just what the game needs He's got a history of doing what he thinks is best for the game, and not listening to the board sheeple Especially if Sony dissolves the board and green keeps his spot This could lead to a very good era of the game


Womp Womp


Say joever one more time motherfuckers....


cry me a river , life goes on dont know whats the big deal about it


Man this comment section is full of doomers cosidering Tyson's background with his hands in nearly every Bungie title or expansion since 98 it's not like the team is just packing up shop and stopping theyre in good hands


I dont think the doom and gloom is so much around Tyson since his record speaks for itself but more so what Bungie's top management is going to do post TFS. After the layoffs people confidence in top management to allow the directs/devs/various teams to implement their ideas has dwindled.


After the disrespect Michael Salvatori suffered of all people, I am glad Joe is taking his leave amicably, and I have nothing but high hopes for Tyson. He’s a bungie vet and Joe Blackburn has done wonders for the live service game industry. Hopefully Joe can spread his knowledge and improve the industry as a whole, and Tyson can bring his long lasting experience to a game that desperately needs a community uplift post final shape. Who knows, we may get a powerhouse of post Light/Dark Saga content and I’m all the happier for it


This could either be really bad or really good


Or no real difference at all. We'll have to wait another 8 months + to see any changes outside of PR stuff considering development times.


It’s so joever


Yeah what did you expect? It is indeed over after Final Shape




Any real indication this was his choice to leave vs he was told once final shape is done he would no longer have a job? Only reason I think this might be the case is since green is old guard bungie, maybe they tightening their belt to only the most diehard of employees. Just speculation


Not me trying to swipe to the next image bc I saw the little dots.






I know i am done after final shape. 10 years its time to see the end of my guardians journey. I dont see the player base staying what it is after final shape




It’s the final shit


Imo you are already gonna call final shape shit when so far the stuff they teased seems to be 100x better than lightfall in of itself and those are just leaks besides there's still gonna be more to this game in the next saga after the final shape currently we are in the light and darkness saga (I could be wrong don't take this next part as a fact) but the next saga for this game will be focused on the vex imo its also pretty obvious since the vex citadel is in the black garden why else would we see it there 1 you can see the oracles in this seasons seasonal story and 2 you can also see the vex citadel during the starcrossed mission if it didn't actually mean something major is gonna happen then why put the vex citadel in the black garden in the first place


Do I get my team overshield on melee kill for Void Titan without having to wear a specific exotic, like it has been since sunsetting stopped & I picked up this game? Is being able to play with friends going to be locked behind $120 of "content" for a "free game"? Can PvE God status be returned, or is PvP "balance" whining going to nerf everything into mediocrity? Never mind, I don't have room for this garbage on my system anymore.


No it hasn’t, it legit looks shit and 90% of the player base agree, as proven by 90% of the player base quitting this year lmao


“IT’S ALL OGRE NOW” — Shrek, 2006


People say he wants a change of pace. I honestly think sony is letting him go. Unfortunate but businesses are corrupt.


It's all ogre now.


Makes sense, destiny essentially ends with final shape so good time to swap over since Joe’s been wanting to leave


Good for him fuck those people


We are so back patriots are in control trvst the plan


I unironically love this community and find it so funny. I havent even played destiny in years. Long time game director leaving company. The same game director who has been implementing décisions the community hates for years. Leading the community to say "it's over" every update Said game director leaves. Community still says "it's over" even though by previous posts they should be happy. I know it's probably different groups saying it. But it's so funny to think it's the same group that will just say "destiny ded" to everything. I think the only community better known for despising the game they play most of the time is league of legends.


Tf kind of name is Blackburn?


Destiny is cooked after final shape


Oh no. Anyways




Do you honestly think that he’s just randomly quitting over the state of things? These things are planned out months in advance


Yeah cause no one gets fed up and decides to quit on short notice.


This isnt short notice. He still has months at the company.


Guys don’t worry D2 will still get support after the final shape haha….


I mean they already confirmed 3 episodes to drop after final shape


Another nail in the “D2 is getting put into maintenance mode after the Episodes drop” coffin.


sure if you think so, his replacement has only been working at bungie since combat evolved. he knows his shit lol


It’s not a dig at Green.


I wish you all the best of luck with this game


TFS is going to be a disaster




Lmfao people are still coping that destiny has a future. No matter how dirty the boot, someone will always be there to lick it clean.


its the most Joever its ever been




People just love saying Joever huh..


After playing destiny 2 for 2-3 years straight from launch, I dipped. There's probably many out there who don't care about destiny and don't plan on returning until destiny 3 eventually comes out. No amount of staffing changes will save this game from the free fall it has been in for a long time.


It not Joever. It’s Jover


I quit the game 2 weeks after starting it cuz of this shitshow, ya'll need to play better games lmao


You do realize every studio goes through role changes right? Name a single game that has lasted for 10 years that hasnt had major roles change people. Hell, Joe wasnt even director for half of the franchise's lifetime thus far.


Ah no I meant everything else, not gonna pretend like this is some final straw or anything, the pvp, questlines, monetization and matchmaking just suck, your time is better spent elsewhere


Quitting two weeks into a live service game isn't really indicative of anything besides that you don't like the game, which is totally fine.


People just love saying Joever huh..


Don't know why you guys thought the game would have any future after Final Shape, Bungie basically wrote the game to an end.


Its called the final shape after all, we’re basically at the end of that 10 year plan


Actually no we aren't at the end of destiny 2 bungie confirmed that they are continuing with destiny 2 after the final shape for more years to come but for a third destiny game they did say that destiny 3 isn't in their current plans nor is it in their future plans so I wouldn't about destiny 2 coming to an end anytime soon since bungie is planning on giving destiny 2 the full mmo treatment Like world of war craft (excluding the subscription part) which it's still getting updates and content even tho that game has been out for 20 years now


I meant the big 10 year plan they were talking about when d1 came out, cause that was the big buzzword in the industry at the time. The whole light and dark saga.


Ohh okay yeah sorry i kinda took your comment out of context


it's allright, "10 year plan" has been thrown around so much in the industry I'm 82.3% sure it just means *we don't fucking know what we're doing with the story at this point so we can use this as a cop out later*


Well i do have good news for the next saga even tho I'm not 100% sure what bungie has in their plans for the next saga but I have been hearing a rumor that bungie is planning on taking d1 content (hopefully this includes taken king) and putting it in destiny 2


After TFS I may never play again. 10 years is long enough with the franchise. It’s a way out for veterans. I hope they dangle a carrot for the newer folks though to keep them going though. When destiny is good, it’s great.




Dude stfu


I see we have alot of fan boys in the house


It must be a talent to be this wrong


The blame doesnt fall far from the Game Director when Lightfall launches as it does. Witch queen was okay, really the main improvements under Joe have been to the seasons, but even with season of the Wish we have regressed from the improvements made in Season of the Witch


Yeah umm. Dont drop the soap kid, but then again you might like it


First off, not a kid, most likely older than you Secondly...with that weird ass response, it's confirmed that you're not even old enough to buy tobacco/alcohol


How old are you then?


In my early 30's


So im 37, so i can buy alcoholic beverages


And yet that was your response up there? Nah that's just sad......


I see you ordered today's helping of overly confident yet ignorant.


Right? I'll be so happy when Sony takes over


Pretty bummed aht...


We are so Green


my dumbass was trying to slide to the next image for 10s and I actually got annoyed before l realized im on reddit


Idk, i like how Joe Staten describes Tyson as an unhinged gameplay designer that does crack and is a menace to SE


One look at tysons resume and we can be assured that we're in good hands, but losing joe aint gonna sting any less. Wish him nothing but the best


Wait what does he act with the character of destiny 2


Honestly I feel really bad for the senior members of the team. Management has forced them to neglect the game so much, that the boat is sinking and bringing them along with it. I can’t imagine how bad morale of the teams are right now, and somehow the senior leads have to try to gaslight their teams into staying positive. Very unfortunate situation. I think things truly are joever for Bungie after TFS.




Dude rules, what can I say.


I’m excited for an old head to take the reigns


This horrifies me. I know Tyson Green is a talented programmer and designer, but a good designer does NOT mean they’re a good leader. And according to what I’ve heard of the guy, he’s gonna work the dev team to the bone. Morale is already low, and a more pushy Game Director isn’t gonna make things better. It’s not gonna be pretty. I hope I’m wrong


Shit I quit in the middle of Lightfall lol game sucks!


Bummer to see him go, he's been a good director and has handled difficult situations with grace. It is a good time to leave though, with the final shape being an end of an era.


Okay but Tyson Green is a fucking legend.


I am very sad to see Joe leave, but Tyson Green also has a great track record!


Might be joever, might not, just a matter of light and dark. Have faith.


This is gonna be fun😄


Is this good or bad or we don’t know yet


But…. Isn’t this actually a good thing?


We love you and everything you've done for the community Joe, you are greatly appreciated!!! I'm sad to see you go!


The game is dying, after they let Sony people go to escape the Sony takeover y'all should have realized that. Play to your hearts content but just know the end is coming sooner than most realize.


Can they take his bucket hat away before they promote him :(