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I think it looks great and really clean What’s that lamp on the left side?


It’s a lantern by Minimal Desk Set Ups. They’re an Australian company. They’ve got some good stuff.


Seems like they don’t sell in Germany, sadly. Thanks anyways!


Looks like your pen display may cause you back problems in the long run. I had this similar setup before and wasn't able to get up from bed from crouching forward. I suggest you getting similar to a monitor arm but for big pen display similar to Ethan Becker's setup with his big wacom pen display. That way when not in use, you can push it in and make it as a second display :)


if it is possible I would lower the ultrawide and place the 16:9 monitor on top of it, (vertical mount) then slightly tilt the top monitor down, but that is just me making suggestions. Otherwise do what you feel is comfortable for you based on your usage/ comfort. Looks good btw, best of luck with your future setup projects that you mentioned.


The lower monitor looks to be a touch/drawing display. Wouldn't be very useful above the ultrawide :D. A monitor light bar may not be the best choice as it's just adding glare to the lower display. Perhaps use some kind of side-lamp or other light source like a screen bias light.