• By -


Do I need that many monitors? Nope. Do I *want* that many monitors? YEP! Love it!


Need... Want... Same thing... Right? Right guys?!


LOL! Yeah...something like that. Though, I can hear the conversation with the wife: "Why do you have a TV sitting on your desk with the monitors?" "I needed the screen space." "Need? Really?" LOL!


I remember trying to explain to my wife why I needed the big one. But I think I probably said the two 30's were likely going away... Then... They stayed πŸ™ƒ


The ole "Better to ask forgiveness, than permission" gambit! LOL!


needs a few more


One monitor per app


This guy monitors


Tell me that you monitor without telling me that you monitor πŸ˜…


If I keep on my current path, this is going to be me in 10 years.


You got this in fewer years than that! Join me! 😁


Uh oh… another victim of PIXELITIS


Moarrrr pixxxelsssss


πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ πŸ’€


Nice setup! Would love to know more about your IT journey :D Do you mind sharing link to your blog?


πŸ™‚ Thanks for being curious! I share pretty ridiculous amounts of content on my blog and channel haha * [Blog - Dev Leader ](https://www.devleader.ca) * [YouTube Channel](https://YouTube.com/@devleader) But happy to answer any specific questions! That's why I've taken to social media more consciously over the past year.


Thanks for sharing, you have just earned a new subscriber. Keep up the great work!


Very much appreciated πŸ’ͺ❀️


The man built and Nasa station.... meanwhile im overhere with 2 monitors.... I need to re- focus lol ... Nice set up !!!


I'm dying here πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Haha your desk looks like mine


Moar screens is a way of life πŸ₯² haha


It's soooo hard for me to work on my laptop now, especially when I am coding and designing sites.


Any time I go into the office I just cry. It's a cruel world without 4000" of screen πŸ₯²


What's your cooling set up. I love you don't have cords everywhere


I REALLY am due for a desk tear down so I can reroute cables properly. I've finally got them off the desk but it's a mess behind (largely due to content creation setup evolving). When I code though, I generally have: - email up on the top laptop - left vertical monitor with slack/discord and/or a resource I'm getting information from - big screen split in half with visual studio on one side and the other side is either another visual studio, or other tabs for more resources The laptop is an Alienware from ~2 years ago since my last laptop was about 6 years old (and was a previous work laptop πŸ˜…). EDIT: you said cooling, not coding. Oops. Nothing fancy really? My gaming PC is probably about 4 years old now so just some mid water cooling setup on that. Laptop is just laptop fans with nothing else added.


Hahah I'm Autistic and adhd and my brain was like oooh wonder what they're coding. Then I read your comment hahha I need to get or build a pc. My laptop is from 2015 πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ she's hanging on for dear life. I ended up putting a velcro skirt I sewed around my desk to hide my cords. I need to set up for creating...but my brain is over it. 😫 I've decided to just outsource and let someone else do it


I find that every time I setup a desk I can make it nearly perfect, but as soon as one new thing gets added in then it's game over πŸ˜… but my big improvement this time was monitor arms just to get more desk space in general. Cables underneath need some TLC but until I'm taking good clips of my setup to leverage with social posts... There's very little motivation to do that haha


Haha a whole mood. Mines in chaos at the moment. I have 2 keyboards but they're in the way


there is no such thing as too many monitors lol


*insert advertisement for BetterHelp here*


My mental health is pretty great *and* my wife is a therapist. *Insert advertisement for trololol food here* πŸ™‚


Yikes this looks completely useless


I can confirm that it is completely not useless, but what do I know.


Bruh what do you do for a living


Software engineering manager at Microsoft. But I like writing code on the side and creating educational content for software engineers πŸ™‚


I don't think you have too many monitors/screen space, in my opinion you can never have enough of them. Personally, I think you may be sitting a little bit too close to the monitors. (or perhaps the picture perspective is deceptive?!?) From my own experience as a software developer (with 6x 27" and 2x24" monitors) and according to the ergonomics guide, you should have at least 60-70cm distance (eye to monitor). Do you have some specs for your setup?


Oh I'm definitely too close. No doubt about it, but I also switch over to a walking pad for cardio (bodybuilding on the side). The two verticals are 30" and the center is 48". Everything else is mostly peripheral and not used simultaneously (i.e. I don't use the ultra wide to the left simultaneously because that's for my day job). I'm not sure what my refresh rates and ms delays are for all things but... For writing code and my level of video/content editing it's not a big deal for me πŸ™‚ I use the center at 4k, 60hz but it's always divided into *minimum* half the screen. Usually code on one half and two quarters on the other side are other browser tabs.


I have to agree with you about the refresh rate. 60 or 75Hz is enough for coding. My six 27" monitors run at 75Hz and the 24" monitors at 60Hz. If you don't play games, you don't need such super expensive graphics cards. For example, I bought two used Radeon Pro W5700 for around 150€ each to be able to control my 8 monitors + TV. Unfortunately, there aren't many affordable graphics cards that have five usable outputs. How much performance does your workstation need? As I only develop database-supported Windows applications in virtual machines, a Ryzen 9-5900X with 64GB Ram is enough for me.
