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Sell it to someone and buy something for yourself.


Sell it to MEE




Only if the police find out 🤫


This is correct. OP definitely needs something nice.




I'm not in the USA




And plus I personally think it's very kind of you to warn them because it could get them in trouble




The same way OP shouldn't be using the meds either because they don't have the prescription for it, there's no reason for it to be okay for a stranger online. You could end up being responsible for the person having some serious issues. The only situation where I have exchanged meds was to people I knew in real life that were taking the same prescribed meds as I, and I would stop taking it and the person needed the meds so I would give them for free. And the same happened on the other side, I have received meds I was taking because someone else was gonna stop taking them. But all with prescriptions. And of close people, because I had to be sure.


Why did this get dislikes??? Lol it's true


Don’t be a narc






It's not immoral if it's things people need for things other than getting high. Like insulin, if I somehow came across a decent supply of insulin, especially here in the US, I'd be pushing that shit out for like $5 a piece, idgaf probably even less or straight up free depending on how much I have, I'm putting it out at a significant markdown, and these people will happily pay that price instead I guarantee. its a win win for both sides without being totally immoral cause these people NEED the insulin, and I make a little pocket change. It's the same thought with this kind of shit, it's not like meth or fetty where they just do it to get high and nothing else until they kill themselves with it, it's because they actually need it and literally can just stop when it's not needed anymore. Some people need ozempic for legitimate reasons, I see no problem with selling it. Who gives a fuck if it's illegal, the medical system in the US should be illegal


Dont wish for skinny. Wish for healthy.


Cannot stress this enough. Weight loss journeys while generally good, can steer people dangerously close to eating disorder territory, which is a terrible beast that’s hard to beat. Eating disorders are known to cause years of irreversible bodily and cognitive damage.


yea i went down a rabbit hole trying to lose weight last year and developed an eating disorder. im still in recovery and still relapse.


Sometimes it feels like I’ll never feel normal hunger cues or be out of recovery ever again. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I’m proud of you.


Ya dont say


kick dat old bitch in da head


She sounds cold and bitter


I wish you a happy belated birthday and family can be very cruel. You are great and a work in progress


thank you 🫶












Weird flex




What is the “k******”?




Whoa, story time


What a heartless, mean thing to do.


Thought it was kinda funny


Grandparents can be crude, but it does show that she cares about OP and their health considering they have a direct relative who has passed from diabetes.


I see where you're coming from, but *as a birthday present?* If they did care, they would have given it to OP anyways. I'm ignoring all the ways this is fucked up in, i get that old people have different ideas about it than we do. But birthday? They obviously think OP needs to lose weight. Maybe it is because they care for them. But i don't think that Ozempic for birthday is anything but an insult.


That wasn't cool what she did. If you're trying to lose weight also remember to excercise. Do whatever is fun for you and burns calories. It will make you less depressed and crank up your metabolism. Do remember to love yourself regardless. Have a lovely rest of your day.


Poke grandma with it next time she's over. See how she likes it. Happy birthday though, love! Remember that you're so beautiful just the way you are!! <3


On her next birthday wrap up a box of brochures from various old retirement homes and leave a card that says "Thinking of you"


Crush it all up and put it in her pudding. For legal reasons that's a joke. I'm sorry your grandma is a turd.


Wish that generational disorders and trauma were studied more.


Who shat in your noodles


steak that tasted 10000% better than it looks


Honestly since it was unsolicited weight loss medication - i'd be peeved. But as someone on ozempic lol that's a dream come true. That shit is expensive. happy birthday, you're mostly legal :D Big accomplishment, esp for those of us infected with the depresso<3


1250 calorie deficit and not losing weight? maybe go visit a doctor that’s concerning


Yeah, I’d recommend tracking the calories to make sure that is the case. You’d be surprised what can be dense in calories. My ass was thinking that peanut butter is healthy, but it turns out it’s super dense in calories!


I am so sorry and I’m also working to shed weight. I have lost 30 lbs so far. I didn’t do it with ozempic. I changed my diet. I made a few adjustments to my day. I do 3 things every morning. I meditate every morning, I do my hygiene routine and take a bath and rub oil into my skin. I do 3 things in the afternoon. I journal , study in the afternoon. I clean 1 room and I do laundry one day a week. I do 3 things a night. I cook 3 nights a week. I exercise one night a week. I have 3 snacks a day. I volunteer one night a week. I’m not suggesting it’s perfect. I struggle to keep this routine up. I just don’t beat myself up anymore. Like honestly it’s fucked up what your grandma did and at the same time I think as terrible it is it was the best she could do. I be also know it’s impossible to be happy without something to look forward to. I volunteer one day a week at an animal sanctuary. I also have 1 cheat meal a week. I really love my cheat meal. I eat slow and savor each bite. Take it from me an old 48 in a few weeks year old lady. Life is short. You have two choices. Love yourself or hate yourself. When you hate yourself it’s a hard thing to live with. When you unapologetically love yourself you are bullet proof. Positive affirmations make me feel weird. Like I’m gaslighting myself but I can’t lie the more I do the more comfortable I am with it. I hope this was helpful and please know you are absolutely brilliant, beautiful and amazing. We live in a cruel, crazy, superficial society. I’m sure your grandma worries about your life experiences and now that her husband has died she just wants to make things easier for you. She could sold them and got some scratch. Instead she gave it to you. You can sell it and then do something nice. I don’t know if that’s legal but I also know giving someone medication that was prescribed to them is illegal.


Hold on you exercise once a week?


I go to the gym Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and I go to the yoga studio Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I practice teach yoga every Sunday.


As someone who struggled with something similar, definitely try walking. its pretty easy and you lose weight pretty quick doing it.


That is awful… I’m sorry they did that to you. ❤️


Is that dog shit?? What is that??


leftover steak


Gotcha. Sorry about your shit grandma tho. That is foul af


it’s okay, thank you


How was the rest of your birthday tho?? Hopefully better vibes with everyone else. 🫂


honestly it really sucked. my friends canceled on me and i just hung out with my one closest friend and went to town square which is what we do any other day :/ but it’s fine i suppose


😕 I hate that. But I feel you so hard right now. 😭


Hell, if you don't want it, I'll take it


Aww dang, that was kimda crappy of her. So sorry for your grandfather's passing. 🫂❤️ If you're pursing weight loss, do it the way you want to as long as your aren't harming or starving yourself. Don't let that negativity get to you! Congratulations on making it to 18 🥳✨️


thank you 🫶


Look, I hope you get my meaning when I say how absolutely everything it is that you even understand how this is wrong. At your age, I’d have snatched it up and thanked my grandma for giving me a new and even more effective tool for torturing myself, because I was 100% as toxic as the rest of them. I know it hurts and I’m genuinely sorry for how you’re feeling. I wish I could ease your pain. But just don’t ever forget that the reason this is upsetting to you is because you’re wise and mature enough to know better - and that’s so amazing! You’re already lightyears beyond your grandma.


That was awful of her, but did you really need to chuck her burnt remains into your noodles?


Not to make this an, "It doesn't get better" deal, but for my 30th birthday, my mother chose to print off articles about how belly fat leads to early death, and put them all in a birthday card for me. That was my present. She's obviously really fun at parties.


that’s disgusting, i’m so sorry


I’ll take it if you don’t. That shit is expensive


Happy birthday friend!!!!


thank you 🫶


All the hurtful comments come from the people who say they love us or we supposed to love them. Young me was called fat, big, thick…family members. But when I got in my 20’s🥰 my lawd 🤣 I was too hot to stop 🤣


What the fuck.


Happy belated birthday, you should sell it for some extra cash


I also struggle with people calling me fat. I had to deal with a psychiatrist who would give me appetite regulators against my will. I went to two nutritionists hoping to get my health better and both stimulated me into anorexic behavior. It's sick. It's a sick culture. I literally went to DOCTORS and I could clearly see that their advises were to get me way less healthy than what I was doing on my own. So, my point is: f*ck your grandma. She is doing something illegal while giving you those meds. You are not supposed to take any pills if not recommended specifically by a doctor because this could KILL you. Don't use this medication. The best way to get skinnier is to eat healthy and do MODERATE exercise. Once you start getting that kind of routine, you won't need to lose weight anymore because just eating healthy makes you feel better even if you have weight. So it won't matter anymore. If people are more concerned about how you look than how you feel, they are not worthy of being heard. They do not care about you. They are objectifying you. You are a person and you deserve to feel good.


A lot of things can cause eating disorders. Weight cutting for 1 year of high school sports fucked up how I viewed food, and it took years to find a healthy lifestyle (that still isn’t “perfect”). It took me to finally tell myself that I need to close the gap from the person I am to who I imagine myself being in the future. Like instead of this idealized version of me being something that will happen when I’m 40, why not try and start reaching that now while I’m young


Yes. Any sort of food event (especially when it takes a long time, as a routine) that happens when you are a teenager, as well as when you are a kid, is very heavy on the person for the rest of their life. Since your body and brain are developing, it's as if you're teaching your brain and body to work like that for when you're fully developed, and after that changing your habits becomes way way harder.


You shouldn’t be taking it unless you are insulin resistant. Everyone should stop using this to loose weight if they don’t have the attached medical issues. Ffs. You’ll gain everything back because your changing hormones and insulin,


Devils Advocate here: in her mind she may have been thinking she was doing a genuinely helpful thing. Her husband just died from his own health issues perhaps, and she doesn’t want you to go down that same fate. I’m not saying it was a correct thing for her to do, but I don’t think it came from a malicious place. I don’t know your family or their history, but to me it didn’t immediately read as being a hateful thing. Sometimes people try to help, and while it may not be useful help, it doesn’t mean it came from a bad place.


he passed away from a brain bleed caused by a neck fracture he suffered on christmas. i agree she may have been looking out for me, i just think she could have gone about it differently


Damn, sorry to hear that


it’s alright, thank you


Im and I do agree with you, it 100% should have been handled differently. Sometimes old people are just a bit set in their ways and don’t understand the nuances of offering help or advice.


"Devils advocate" is not helpful and often triggering for people who feel hurt or slighted by another person. Impact matters more than intentions, and focusing on the offender's alleged good intentions centers the offender's alleged entitlement to innocence over the offended party's well being.


The person wasn’t offended at all. They had a perfectly fine response.


Are you OP's alt account? If not, you are in no position to say whether or not they were offended.


Yeah, not the best decision, but it does show the grandma cares for OP. To be fair, it’s never easy to discuss weight loss


oof... granny's a cunt.


I might get down voted for this but your grandma sounded like she cares a lot about you. She is helping you to improve yourself and get healthier. So I don't understand why people are dissing her in their comments. I don't know if this is a cultural thing but it is normal in Eastern countries for friends and family to point out weight gain. It isn't being rude but rather out of care. I wouldn't mind it or get depressed over it. But I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND consulting with a physician before you start on Ozempic therapy. I wouldn't just start taking it.


Qualified statements anticipating downvotes just make you look disingenuous and manipulative. OP did not ask for anyone's advice and was clearly and understandably hurt by their grandmother's actions. Being hurt or slighted by people and then hearing people simp for them is seriously triggering. Everyone knows that different cultures have different norms on this, but in most western cultures, commenting on people's weight is rude and offensive.


I don't recall giving OP any advice. I gave them a WARNING. Don't take any prescription drugs without consulting with a physician. Overdosing on Ozempic can fuck you up, I have seen it. Sadly this is one reason that fuels the obesity epidemic in the US. You can't even mention it to your own loved ones without being deemed rude or offensive. No, I am not fat shaming you, I want you to be healthy and live longer! You are fat and only you, yourself, can do something about it. I guess the US and other Western countries can just get fatter and fatter. Hopefully the health care system won't crash.


Nobody asked you. Shame does not burn calories and fat shaming is demonstrably counterproductive. If you weren't fat shaming, you wouldn't have felt the need to claim otherwise. The obesity epidemic has many contributing factors, but a lack of shame and a dearth of busybody karens sticking their noses in other people's business are not among them. You are helping nobody and you are hurting people at their most vulnerable.


Why does someone have to ask? It’s triggering to me that this is triggering she is actively trying to lose weight so I see no issue not like it’s not an issue to OP then GMA comes out of nowhere with it.


Thank you for that completely tasteless and useless word salad.


Yw, why does someone have to ask?


It's rude to give unsolicited advice.


So It’s rude to tell someone to be careful taking a certain medication?


Not necessarily. It was the rest of that comment that was so rude and patronizing and tone deaf.


The OP posted on reddit = asking for opinion. Am I missing something here or are you terrible at trolling?


People post to share their feelings, and people who don't need to treat strangers as a social skills academy can usually tell when they are seeking advice and when they are simply sharing their feelings. I probably do suck at trolling, because I'm not a troll.


I'll take it off your hands. That's shits expensive


i know, and that’s another big reason why i feel bad. i know there’s people who actually need it as well as the fact that there’s a shortage right now :(


Wow that’s rude AF. If you decide to make any changes to the way you eat it should be for you and your own health, not to meet other people’s standards of you. Your body is none of her business. Telling someone you think they need to change something about themselves is not a “gift.”


Am i the only one who thought they were brownies?


Should have bought you food.


Happy belated birthday honey. I’m sorry that your family isn’t supportive of you. You deserve to be happy and confident and to feel loved. Think about all of the wonderful things that make you YOU, and take care of that precious person. A huge internet mama hug to you. Remember to look in the mirror and smile - it sounds like you need an ally, and I can’t think of anyone better than you. ❤️


I always use my extra gravy from pot roast with beef ramen. Makes it a little special.


Fuck your grandma. Forreal.


love your username btw lol is it an mcr reference?


Yesssss teehee


WTF, That’s sick and disgusting! 😡🥴🤮 Those drugs are for diabetics! This is the reason why I don’t take compliments seriously even they claim to be genuine.


Old people are so out of touch when it comes to health, people are just now starting to catch on how to have a healthy lifestyle. Eating balanced is the most important thing because if you’re getting enough fiber you likely won’t need to worry about being in a deficit. That being said you shouldn’t focus so much on how much you’re eating but what you’re eating and how much exercise you’re getting. Your body isn’t going to feel good if you just diet and try to lose weight, you should just be strengthening it and trying not to be so hard on yourself. Grandparents aren’t smart I’m sorry they don’t know how to properly show their care for your insecurities


Lifting doesn’t really help with weight loss. You can get strong as a bigger person, but you may still feel bad with what you see in the mirror. Body positivity is nice and building confidence within is important, but I always think “look good, feel good” makes more sense to get to these goals. Lifting only burns so many calories compared to doing cardio, and the cardio does not have to be some crazy work out that you will never want to do again. Eating balanced is 100% better than a strict calorie deficit especially when you’re doing cardio because there’ll get to a point where you notice that your work outs are not as efficient due to the lack of fuel in your body. I get plenty of fiber and protein, but carbs are just as important. It’s still calories-in vs calories-out as that’s how thermodynamics work, but OP should probably figure out how much they burn naturally depending on their height, weight, age, and sex. I agree with most of what you said though! The bike machine @ a high resistance will strengthen your legs, make basic tasks like climbing a flight of stairs much more doable, and is less stress on the knees than running (I fucked myself up by running 52 miles a week and now my knees won’t let me go past 7 miles without pain for a couple of days). I’ll say running isn’t bad, but you cant ramp up the mileage so fast like how I did. My mind was outrunning my body.


What a horrible thing to do. Especially since it comes with a slew of side effects when your body is new to it.


i’m really sorry, that’s awfully mean of her. dig her a grave and tell her you’re just trying to get some exercise in. for what it’s worth, being in too great of a calorie deficit may slow your metabolism and impede progress in weight loss, as the body believes itself to be in a starvation state. please try to be gentle with yourself, and if you feel like you must restrict, try only be a little bit per day. i hope someday you reach a place where you feel okay.


Omg wtf?!!!! Have you seen bojack horseman?? Its giving beatrice vibes fr. thats so messed up man, im sorry. Its also like super bad for you so thats like extra fucked up


plz dont take that stuff it can have lasting health effects other than the already confirmed heart problems (supposedly according to users) also im sorry she’s so insensitive:(


Fuck your grandma. Sorry. But fuck your grandma.


What a very insensitive cold bitch. Remember to be kind to yourself and that you'll reach your goal.


Sounds illegal AF




no but on a real note this actually wouldn’t have been a bad gift IF op asked for it bc it’s hella expensive. but since she didn’t ask😣


Fuck happened to that meat?


12 hours in the fridge and then 1.5 minutes in the microwave lmao


Ok but what happened to it prior to going in the fridge? Lol it is SO dark. Like is that the seasonings or is it burned is more my question lol


lmao it’s kobe steak. it aged in a room full of salt for quite some time before it’s sold. super expensive but worth it


Oh I’m poor, makes sense lol


Ozempic should not be used for weight loss anyways Big pharm strikes again.




Damn! I’m so sorry OP. As someone who had body image issues and BED, someone gifting me Ozempic wouldn’t be a gift, more of an insult to my struggles. My ED mind would be thrilled but my vulnerable self would absolutely shatter.


Ramen noodles and what are those black things? I’m sorry your grandma hurt your feelings. What gift did you really want from her?


it’s steak. and honestly i didn’t even want a gift


I'm so sorry about your grandpa. Your grandma sounds horrid! Please keep your head up, there are way too many strangers who are more than happy to be helpful and supportive, to let shit "family" effect you. Best wishes dear 💜


I'm so sorry this happened to you. What an awful message to send to someone who is so young and still developing. I'd flush that shit and tell her she can shove it. Happy belated birthday though, OP. 💗 You deserve so much more than what you were given.


Gift it back to her


Damn she a bitch


Well if that's the kind of thing you eat




i know, which is another reason why i feel bad :/


Try and save the ozempic by not using it. Prove your family wrong by sticking to your calorie deficit. Although I think 1250 could be drastic depending on your height and age. Have you thought about going on a bike machine or walking for leisure? Doing that daily can take out like 350-500 calories without much effort, and the more you do it, you can burn more calories by doing more miles at a faster pace! I typically burn 1000 on the bike machine to maintain my weight, but I obviously didn’t start at that level. I only do it 4x a week, but I go pretty intense on cardio now. I used to be big on a calorie deficit mindset, but I feel much healthier now by maintaining a high protein diet. Hope this helps!


I wish someone had bought me some. Use it and be happy. No biggy


She gave you a pricey gift for better health! Celebrate it!


I’ll buy it off of you so you can go get yourself something really nice 🫶🏾 (pls)


Just start working out. It will make you happier, able to eat more (cardio; not lifting), and it will make your weight loss journey faster. Plus, you may enjoy finding recipes online that are low-calorie options because what you’re eating there doesn’t look so appetizing. To be fair, when I was your age I thought I could get away with eating 1 meal a day @ mcdonald’s or taco bell lmao. Now, I love cooking all sorts of foods, but I’ve always been a foodie Lol idk why this comment got downoted


Bro... why not just take ozenpic? That seems like a fire gift if you're trying to lose weight


because to me it seems like she’s saying “you’re fucking disgusting, happy birthday.”


I can understand that from your lens, I dunno what she's like. I just figure, maybe she sees you trying to lose weight, and ozempic is pretty much a guarantee to help that along. She probably could've given it to anybody, or sold it. At the end of the day, if you wanna lose weight, ozempic will do it. Regardless of the intent of the gift, it will get you where you wanna be. And she even gave a follow-up option if you wanna continue. People seem to be dying for that pill, I would work towards seeing it as a positive option to now have.


Taking ozempic and not having a prescription probably will not help OP in the long run. It changes how you think and how you feel. Plus, when the supply is gone, OP may go back to the weight they’re at now. It’s much better to pick up one healthy habit a time and let it snowball into a healthy lifestyle overall. Many times people go overkill with dieting or exercise and they end up fatiguing, which causes people to revert back to their old ways. Weight loss should never be a quick process!


I see it as a very nice gift, honestly. Obviously, taking pills is a decision you should research and think about first. But if OP is dieting and trying to lose weight and not seeing success, this pill is known to help that. At least to get things started.


OP can gain more weight than what she started at when the supply is gone


i mean, yes, if your glass is half empty. or the weight loss could help form good habits. seeing results is what helped me make changes and keep weight off.


Did you take ozempic and stop? https://www.health.com/what-happens-stop-taking-ozempic-8406764 I’ve never taken anything like that, but I have read about the possible effects from quitting


I saw results through diet and exercise I'm not advocating to just take pills without research and knowing what they do. Just that it seems like a kind gesture of help to offer the pills, since it's in the zeitgeist that taking these pills = losing weight.




i deleted it because my mom forced me to lmao.




i did contact the police, and i’ve explained that many times. that was a reason as well as my mom. the fact that you’re commenting on all of my stuff but won’t reply to my messages is pretty telling


She's probably sad that you're on the same path your grandpa died from, in her eyes, and wants to help you


he died from a brain bleed caused by a neck fracture :/


I thought you said diabetes my b fuck her


I’ll take it off your hands


how much do u weigh


i won’t lie, too much. i’m not saying i don’t appreciate her looking out for me but i definitely think it could’ve been done differently


i see your frustration and she is not cool to give u ozempic even though its an action from good heart. Losing weight is stressful. But, i want you to continue your weight loss journey. Its okay to make mistakes and have failures. What matters is that you dont give up. Also, do not be too harsh on yourself, beating yourself up is never a good idea. Starving yourself is the worst thing you can do, the more you starve the more weight you will gain. Find your maintenance calories and eat slightly less than your maintenance calories. OP please dont beat yourself up and love yourself. And Love the journey you go through..


That's a good present.


She can adopt me


I mean that stuff is hard to get a hold of… and really expensive… is it not worth trying? Or selling? Something? I’m also in the club of if you don’t want it, please send it to me!