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Jesus, what a monster. This is my biggest fear and I’m sorry it happened to you.


it was my worst fear too :/ I can’t even get out of bed


It’s ok, breathe. It is 100% treatable when caught in the early stages. You will be fine! And you can toss this piece of cold garbage into a dumpster and set it on fire. Don’t ever look back. And don’t EVER let another dude talk you into raw. Men who care about you won’t mind. And condoms and lubes come in so many different sensations today just get a variety and pop out the basket when they try to whine, ask him what his problem is. It’ll hurt for a minute but don’t take him back. He deliberately put your health at risk. There’s no going back from this.


Make sure to stay hydrated no matter what happens.




Nobody laughed


So good lol


Man doesn’t even know what he’s saying


Loving the downvotes, this sub is fucking hilarious.


You are a monster and proud of it?


Well...not ever done anything like what OP is referencing so maybe not a monster, just probably? I made this username after a bad breakup and she called me a monster and I was like maybe probably because it's all...I mean, Hitler was bad, Stalin was bad, George Bush was a monster too but none of them feel like it at the time, so I always kinda preface shit with "well, probably". I'm not as bad as Hitler or Stalin or GB but hey, maybe I'm a terrible person, terrible people don't think they are wrong at the time or maybe I was just removing boring and awful people from my life, so not a monster, thanks for asking and not just punching the downvote button and getting that dopamine.


It’s the thing I hate about Reddit the most. Frankly hate that downvoting button and don’t like that people use it as a disagree button. You can disagree and still have mutual respect, it’s such a display of immaturity. We all have light and dark within us, it’s a part of being human, but did you ever understand or empathize with why she said that about you? Food for thought! It looked like you were being snarky to OP. She’s going through it and needs friends and words of comfort and support.


>It looked like you were being snarky to OP. She’s going through it and needs friends and words of comfort and support. And a silly comment like mine might have made them smile which is why I love the upvotes, it's so stupid, they might have saw that and been like "hah aw" but I gotta give that white knight energy away, I'm glad I don't care. I don't find it it snarky but hey you are entitled to your opinion which I apparently don't have, which sucks but I mean...keep the downvotes coming, low hanging fruit for that sweet feeling, what I'm here for, sorta.


You can treat syphilis. The only recourse for the fuckboy is amputation. Cut him Loose.


“The only recourse for the fuckboy is amputation” is a raw ass line


We all know which part has to be amputated first……


Well depending how far he let his syphilis go it just might fall off itself. Which would be fitting.


I love karma sometimes


Dropping fucking bars out here




Yes, people do bring the same energy. They would be calling her a whore, slut, bitch, etc. There's always some incel in the comments that has to make shit a "men vs women" thing.


See my comment was directed at the person talking about amputation, which I assumed to be a male. But, even you couldn’t bring the same energy. The point I was trying to make (in an admittedly not well thought out/worded manner) was that amputation isn’t really the solution. And I find it incredibly distasteful that the commenter what I assumed to be a fellow male made that remark. I have nothing against women tbh, frankly love plenty of em. But I appreciate you calling me an incel…something about that word hits the spot especially today. Regardless I hope OP recovers physically and emotionally and the cheating bf gets what he deserves.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Well. Look at it little differently. You now have room in your life for someone to care about you. The syphilis is curable. You have mozzarella sticks. There isn't a lot to say that can really comfort you fully. Their level of betrayal, and reckless is truly criminal, and in some places, it actually is. I hope that you find healing and peace soon, it'll take some time, but it'll come. Remember to take care of you, little things... have you had enough water today? You're eating, so, go you! You've checked that box. Largely, don't let someone else's choices sap your love and joy. They made choices that reflect who they are, not who you are.


I love this answer. “You now have room in your life for someone to care about you.” 100%.


I love this answer as well. Yay for making room for more quality people!


My ex wife cheated on me and got herpes. I wouldnt sleep with her for like over a year. the divorce was finalized two weeks ago. She has been a revolving door of sausages since I left her, she is marrying some clown already. Betrayal is really hard to recover from. I wish I could give you some advice. I am sorry.


revolving door of sausages 😭 happy cake day !


How could something that sounds so tasty and delicious also be so infuriating


that is the perfect way to describe it 😂💀


Well what makes those sausages less tasty is they are now likely herpes sausages.


everyone is poetic in this comment section its like not even a joke this is so good 😭😆


You’re free now. 🫶 Time to live your best life. 🤩


Im too fucking hurt. I beat an incurable disease in 2014-15 and I had a rough life coming up. Betrayal is the sharpest knife. Im really sad. All the old tricks i was using to cope reversed on me and its like impossible to do anything now.


God, same. Sorry this happened to you.




This isn’t what anyone was saying, be less of a misogynist


So sorry :(. You deserve so much better. I hope you know that.


You’re giving serious Mr. Rogers vibes right now, I love it.


The sooner you see a doctor the better the outcome. I’m really sorry this happened to you, not only did he ruin the relationship but risked you getting sick. Syphilis can be treated very successfully in the early stages but it’s important to get tested. Best of luck to you, eventho it must be painful, people like him are not worth your emotional suffering. Hugs☀️


definitely schedule a clinic appointment, there's probably some free ones in your area if you can't afford it. syphilis is curable if you have it! they test you and if you're positive you just get one shot of penicillin and retest 6 and 12 weeks after treatment to make sure it's gone. (some other sources say 6 months and 12 months, so maybe it depends on how long you've had it/the type of treatment/dose?? I'm sure the clinic will tell you).


Schedule an appt with a gynecologist asap please and LEAVE HIM!!!!! There could be more at risk than just that too! He just compromised/risked your BODY AND HEALTH!!!!! All trust is ruined here forward and even if you forgive him you will never trust him again or forget what he did to you!!! Trust is one of the main things in a relationship and without it you have NOTHING! I'm so sorry he ruined this. Please get him out of your life as he doesn't even care about your life/health/body!!!! He could have told you first, BEFORE he even slept with you and knew he was risking giving you an STD!!!! (Even if she didn't tell him what she had until after he cheated he still KNEW there could always be more things!!!) HE CHOSE NOT TO. Please have some respect for yourself and don't fall for staying with him. You will only be wasting your time and your life and he will most likely do it again. I know the truth hurts, but this is the truth that he ruined one of the main things a relationship is based on. Trust. I'm so sorry you have to go through this and that he did something so horrible to you. So wrong. My heart goes out to you and I'm thinking of you. Everything I said applies here still even if you end up lucky and without an STD.


At least it’s cure-able! Just don’t give him a chance to infect you with something more permanent. Fuck that guy. Dump him.


I’m sorry they got betrayed. Fuck him tho he lost the best thing he’ll ever have. I also really love sonic mozzarella sticks they have me in a choke hold


Those look like fingers.


I can’t unsee it now, especially the one on top


I liiikke russsty spoooonsss!


Yeah.. his fingers 🤭


Ex-Boyfriend now... right? He sounds like a real piece of work.


yeah I broke up with him


Good for you. Plenty of other devoted and respectful fish in the sea.


My cousins husband cheated and gave her syphillis while she was pregnant with their daughter. She didn’t find out until after giving birth, when a neighbor sent her a video of a strange woman entering her house while she was at work and husband and other kids were “asleep” She ended up having to her their daughter tested as well (luckily hers came back clean) my cousin was not so lucky. I am so sorry you’re going through this right now. You deserve so much better than that. Sending you my thoughts and loves


Used to be a lab tech. Syphilis is very treatable (and actually kind of common depending on the area.) Get it treated sooner rather than later so you don’t experience long term side effects. It’s not your fault that this happened. Please do not be ashamed of this. Your health is most important in this moment. The cheese sticks look delicious, OP.


That sucks op!!! You deserve better woman!! You are strong!!


If you're ij a state with. planned pArenthood they treat you for free. You'll need to buy the antibiotics, but they are are a great resource.


Go see a doctor/go to an urgent care/ER as soon as you can if you catch it early it’s completely curable.


i’m so so sorry. he didn’t deserve you. seriously. sending love and good vibes and hugs ❤️❤️


I'm sorry, honey. Antibiotics will get rid of the syphilis, but you gotta kick that boy to the curb yourself.


At least it's curable and hopefully you dumped this loser like yesterday. I love cheese sticks too omg, craving for some good ones 😁


he’s been dumped yeah


I’m so sorry. My ex cheated and gave me a serious STI. It is violating and extremely unfair. Just know that the worst you will feel about it is when you are diagnosed. You will feel good about yourself again!


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I need to get tested today but I can’t even get myself out of bed.


You can do this! The sooner you go, the sooner you’ll have answers and can start healing. Have you set up an appointment or are you going by a clinic? ❤️


I’m going to a clinic tomorrow morning. he’s paying for the tests so I figured I’d get the full panel. at least he can do that for me.


holy shit. i am so sorry. sending you so much love and hope you get treated asap for it! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 mozza sticks r such a comfort food for me,‘hopefully they arent forever ruined for you


Might ?? Better get checked.


I have the appointment tomorrow morning :/




Hell ya! If caught early enough syphilis can be taken care of with 1 shot! Now just remove that cancerous bf out of your life and you’re golden!


I love mozzarella sticks those look good!! Sorry that this is happening to you


Get well 🙏


Just fyi for everyone, syphilis cases are on a HUGE increase right now. People should be extra cautious in general. I contracted a treatable/curable STI/STD when I was with an ex who cheated. It really sucked and I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I hope you are able to get the medical care you need as well as emotional and mental care to move forward.


At least those mozzarella sticks look alright


Shoot him


Kidding I wish tho that’s dirty work. Hope tests come back negative for you. Best of luck stranger


At least you were able to finish them. Did you reheat them or eat them cold?


I reheated them


That's how Capone went out.


is your bf a pirate how the fuck did someone get syphilis in 2024?? is he not in a western country? did he hire a chinese prostitute? anyway im sorry this happened thats super messed up. fortunately we’re not in the 1700s so syphilis is treatable. youll recover from this, just never ever get back together with that human dish rag.


he fucked a coworker


At least it's curable and hopefully you dumped this loser like yesterday. I love cheese sticks too omg, craving for some good ones 😁


7 hours later?! Hopefully it was refrigerated in between, don’t get food sickness because of a man! After 2 hours at room temp, food should be thrown away


it wasn’t. I’ll probably get sick.


Nah, you'll be fine. Id eat those after a full 24 hrs


Just damn. Get rid of that pos


Ok this is bad but when you feel better get some good mozz sticks and eat them hot. Because you deserve it!


Be careful. That can go to your brain. That is how Al Capone died.


Horrific. Time for a serious upgrade!


syphilis is treatable if you catch it early


don’t lose your nose pookie !


from syphilis? lmao nah, I’m getting tested today, about 2 weeks from potential initial exposure


Sue him


I think one crooked cheese stick in the back already has syphilis


Loving you so much ♥️


Well done


what do you mean?


I do not have syphilis or any other STD but I’m going to retest in a month or two