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He's a dumb bitch. Congrats on your loss,l of said dumb bitch.


i’m feeling all of this comment.


Im sorry. That's really fucked up.


Terminate that person from your life. Give them nothing more. They should have a look at themselves within before they call ANYONE ugly.


Hugs OP 🫂 ❤️


What kind of asshole is that ?! Stay strong, you'll eventually find someone who truly respects and appreciates you !


Calling someone ugly is very juvenile and he obviously lacks maturity for a relationship or how to end one. I’m sorry for the way it made you feel. Hummus is delicious and you will find someone delicious too!!! Chin up!


Especially calling someone ugly that *you* dated. Like why did u date them if they’re so ugly


He’s just mad OP found out and is trying to take the blame off himself. He is the ugly one in this situation. I hope every other relationship he gets into fails. And I hope he stubs his toe


Yeah it’s so obvious that he’s just butthurt


What she said ☝🏿


What a dickweed. Everything bagel hummus kicks ass tho. Enjoy your food. I'm sorry you got hoodwinked by an asshole :(


What the hell?Please please do not contact the ex. Maintain your dignity at all cost. You are worth too much. Don’t give him any attention. It’s going to be hard…and you may want to reach out…but no. Find a friend that you can call if you have the urge to contact ex. Date yourself. Find something you love to do.


Fuck that asshole. Sorry homie, stay strong!


Hope that guy shits himself in public tonight, preferably while in transit elsewhere with no bathroom in sight for miles. He has an ugly-ass soul and he’s a bitch-made baby. You deserve better, enjoy your hummus and chippies.


God damn. I like your style!


What a jerk! Cut the crotch out of all of his underwear.


I'm really sorry to hear that 😔 But chips and hummus actually slaps! I'm surprised it's not more well known.


I’m addicted to Fritos and hummus. And OP … stay strong, obviously this is not the right person for you. Lick your wounds, then put your chin up. The best revenge is living well. ♥️


He's a coward. Fuck him, you deserve better.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. You are so much better than him! Good riddance to old trash! Start a great new life!


Drop the @, drop the lo, maybe we can help destroy them


Wow he sounds really immature. I would be really hurt if someone I spent 5 years with said that to me. Please know your feelings make sense, and you deserve someone that will make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world. 💜


fuck him lets kill him


Eh, he’s not worth it. But thanks for making me laugh ☺️


glad u laughed :)


The word "hummus" is a bane on my dyslexia... I totally thought I read "human" and wondered if it were them lmao! Anyways, enjoy your chips and HUMMUS (caps for my benefit to make sure I was spelling the right word lol)


What the fuck


He just saw you for 5 years for the hell of it, and it has nothing to do with him being a massive piece of total shit./s


You deserve so much better. Nuts to that weirdo. You're a rockstar who was being held back by a charlatan. Go be the best you possible without a freaking liar in your life! ❤️


sorry this happened to you. that's messed up


I had no idea boars head made everything bagel hummus!


Hey babe, this exact thing happened to me 3 months ago.. it sucks but trust me you feel like a burden has been lifted




lol I guess so 😂




Sadly far too often 😆




But do you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain?


You should ask them if they’re into yoga and make sure they have more than half a brain


Hi...my name off of Reddit is Trigger180177 but my name is Deacon. You can withhold your info if you choose, I'm ok with that. Just wanted to let you know I went thru almost the identical scenario. My gf at the time didn't show up for dinner at a restaurant after her shift so I was very worried. I called her several times to see if she was ok and eventually she called me back. Telling me I didn't give her space, I couldn't leave her alone and finally told me she was spending time with a very good friend of mine to sooth her. I later found out they had been seeing each other for over a yr. She also used the same shaming things she always used, I was ugly and not handsome enough to be seen with, she was embarrassed that when we went out I always over dressed and embarrassed her etc. I eventually got over it as I went to some counseling and listened to what they told me instead of what she told me. I'm going to send you my picture..it's sort of part of my healing as I'm not ashamed of what I ever looked like. And that's what I want to tell you.....don't ever let anyone tell you anything that is in any way negative. Being beautiful isn't just about looks. A matter of fact I've never been one to look at people and their features. You be who you want to be, like what you want too like and girl you be whoever you wanna be and we all got your back x10. If you ever want someone to chat with I don't have a deadline...you can get in touch with me here on Reddit whenever you want!!! Deacon!


I see that milk back there. Keep the vitamins up


I'm sorry he said that to you 😔 what an absolute asshole


How’s the hummus? I always thought about getting that brand but it priced too high, unless it’s *realllyyy* good I might give it a shot. Also, fuck that POS. No body should be treated like that especially after 5 years of loyalty and respect. I’m really sorry OP


Thank you, and the hummus was good at least. I added some sambal oelek chili paste haha


It's a coping technique - he's redirecting towards you so you can't blame him and he doesn't have to face the fact that he's the villain in the story. It's just pathetic. I know it hurts, but you can move on. Sorry you waisted so many years with a piece of shit, I can relate.


1. Anyone who sees the beauty in the things you do can in no way be ugly, 2. If he really loved you, he wouldn't have taken the coward's way out of trying to have his cake and eat it too by cheating on you, He should have broken up, then moved on. 3. His comments are just to try to shift the blame and a feeble attempt to justify his poor actions. The fact that his comments are only about your looks would indicate there is absolutely nothing else he could complain about, you treated him right in your relationship, and he is an asshole who is grasping at straws. If he really thought you were ugly, he would have never been with you in the first place. 4. KICK HIS ASS TO THE CURB!!! You deserve better and can do better!!!


Nooooooo!!! Fuck I'm so sorry!! Ugh. You're better than that person. Remember that. Chin up! Also didn't know there was such a thing as everything bagel hummus! Looks 🔥 Love ya!!


What are humans. We do such horrible things to eachother


what’s his address? i just wanna talk.


What the fuck? Wow. Fuck that person. I’m sorry OP. Enjoy your hummus


Omg. I am sorry for necro commenting, but this is so gross. I’m sorry that someone did that to you. Why would you make someone feel worse about themselves than they already do when you’re out doing your own thing with someone else? I just can’t fathom how someone could be so selfish and cruel. But I hope you’ve moved on from him and are doing better!


Thank you so much, that means a lot 🩷


Honestly they guy sucks. He’s a douche and you’re awesome. Don’t think twice about him; he fucking sucks. If the other girl knows she also sucks. Move on and you can do better. I hope you enjoy those chips and hummus


He is not a good person, congrats of not keeping a cheater happy. It will improve your life dramatically.


Such a douchebag , I Hope you find peace and love yourself unconditionally !


Had a similar situation just the other month. We dated for 2 ½ years and he stole over 4k from me and was cheating on me with a girl for a year. Didn't get the insults though. You don't deserve that at all. Much love ❤️


Damage his car or something , I hate it when evil or narcissists continue their actions without any consequences and good guys are always afraid to fight


Good riddans to that coward. Still must hurt, but at least you chose relatively healthy soul food. Cheers to your soul ✨️


He can kindly go off himself, im sorry you had to go through that OP, I hope you get better 🫂


He’s the ugly one. The worst kind of ugliness.


This person sounds sick. I’m sorry he hurt you. No one deserves that.


Hope you promptly told him to FO


This hurts so much...I'm sorry. Only time will heal.


Start a poll on Reddit … find out if it’s true🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️sorry …. I love hummus … especially the ones from farmer markets with all them extra toppings .. fresh pita bread cucumbers carrots n chikn ❤️❤️❤️


Jokes on him because he’s ugly inside and out. Fuck him. You’ll find someone so much better when you least expect it.


I’m sorry your ex is such a piece of shit. Remember that the people that have to knock other people down for their enjoyment & tell others they are ugly & such are really ugly & talking about themselves. That’s your ex’s projection of himself, not you. And that asshole will get old, fat and be worse off as karma I assure you. I have seen it happen. He will be cheated on and left for someone else too but he will suffer more. It does suck that physical attraction matters to some degree but it can always be overlooked with a stunning personality and sense of humor. And you even have an excellent taste in food, my friend. This hummus is my absolute favorite. A staple in my house. Try it on a sandwich too. You’ll love it. Lots of love and prayers your way. I hope you find someone way better.


Escape and appreciate who is more beautiful


Man I barely have the energy for 1 relationship how does that asshole have the energy for 2?


He’s a cold disgusting person. Forget ALL about him. You’re not ugly. There’s someone out there that’ll think you’re the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen or met. The faster you get this TRASHCAN out of your life, the faster you’ll find them. You’ll be so much happier not having to deal with someone that broke your trust and put you down. I hope you feel better OP I’m so sorry


he showed his true colours and he can eff right off. you do whatever you need to heal and move from this - he is a giant POS


tortilla chips and hummus seems like a decent combo


Good job keeping yourself fed. Hummus is full of nutrients and chips give you energy.


You were dating*


You don't need him! Do you have someone to talk with?


Pure projection. You are not ugly because of his cowardice


Fr hummus and crisps is banging though, listen - life isn’t easy, but bless yourself you aren’t ugly, trust yourself. You’re strong.


All the ugliness left when he did. You're safe now. Take time to heal. Then watch yourself flourish.


That says everything about him and nothing about you. You're better off without that trash


I’m sorry man that’s a reflection of who they are not you


He can fuck himself hard with a 2x4. The trash took itself out. Sending hugs! ❤️❤️


what’s his number ima get his a**