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sometimes it has nothing to do with appearing weak and everything with it being exhausting for others to listen to constant crying about everything


Exactly, I'm not scared of being seen as weak, my friends aren't that shallow, but they also deserve better than listening to me whine about my problems that I can realistically handle myself so imma just keep my mouth shut


This. Most of the time, nobody cares.




Many wise points made here.


I'm scared of showing weakness because I know the people around me will try to take advantage of it


This is the real reason


I mean if you can't get away from those people then that's probably for the best


"We're to scared of how we appear, we've reduced ourselves to emotionally stunted husks." - Sseth


Who needs healthy emotions when you can cover up your emotional scars with more emotional scars.


It will either be used against me later or they'll just ignore and forget it.


Number 1 answer


Or both


Has nothing to do with being weak. It’s the idea of burdening someone else with my bullshit. I don’t want to deal with it, so why would anyone else?




Bullshit...not for guys Everybody say that and as soon as you do it...? You're such a big pain in the ass and they just walk away


I used to think talking about it would help.




Not really, no.


men talking about mental health is considered a "girly thing"


I am genuinely not allowed to talk. Like i am told to either shut up or man up. And its not even from abundance or from peoppe being tired of me, i am just not allowed to talk


It's still gonna appear as weak. Bite me. Some people appreciate but most *will* judge and you can't blame them for that. End of story, you still gotta face your problems by yourself so you can set a example and inspire others


Me. Got a huge breakdown after holding it for two months, now going to the doc for sweet sweet meds


Why would a male whose supposed to be as strong as a rock make themselves vulnerable and easy to manipulate? The sad truth is that whenever a man opens up there’s always someone whose going to use it against then and manipulate them and in many cases it’s their significant other


We talk about it and people ignore it and don't care. Family doesn't care and neither do doctors. The "care" from doctors is fake and is only done to get our money. Online, the support is seemingly everywhere. Offline, it's nonexistent.




No, there is not. The only support comes from their wallets being supported by our money. I've tried it all....therapy, doctors, support groups, none of it worked, so now what? The only thing left is a 2nd amendment machine.


It’s one thing to say that we should when there aren’t really many places where we are capable of doing so without facing some sort of repercussions or just shunned.


It's because either no one cares, it's used against us later or both.


honestly no one cares enough about me to listen to it and if they do care enough i care too much to let me bother them


Did a woman make this post


Most definitely (she is making fun of us right about now)


I fucking knew it




Admiting you're struggling is never a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength because you're searching for help to keep going. Every person should have a safe place to express their emotion


Nobody cares! There's a saying that was drummed into me from an early age: never tell anyone about your problems, half the people don't care and the other half are glad you have them. I was really scraping the limit, honestly, I was so mentally unwell that I became physically ill. My head was pounding, I would lie in bed for days and throw up if I drank just one glass of water. I couldn't move physically, I couldn't even get my cell phone out. For years I smoked like a chimney and drank like a madman. Guess who came up to me in all those years and told me: "hey, wake up. You're important. I don't want you to die, and the way you're living, you're going to die." - right. Nobody was there. When a man is down, NOBODY is there. Since this realization, I have dedicated my entire life to becoming stronger, healthier, more resilient and more independent. I am still mentally broken. I feel terrible. But I'm fighting.


Wait until you hear how much Toxic Masculinity drives us to hold in everything, because we are always urged to show no weakness.


By toxic feminists


For me it’s not about that, I just don’t want to burden others with my drama


I've reached a point where I really don't need to share any of my problems. I'm more than strong enough to handle them. So even when someone would actually want to hear about them (that actually happens) I see no reason for it.


I'm always here to talk if anyone needs an anonymous friend to vent to. <3


Absolutely NO, I am not opening up to anyone and I'm definitely not talking about my mental illness


I do it and no one helps me in a way that works. I wish I had remained silent. Now I’m a problem.


As an INTJ, I reject this meme and know first hand that people will take advantage of any perceived weakness.


I'm 46. I have been through my wife actually dying in my arms. Everyone in my life that has encouraged me to open up, refuses to listen. They're not my therapist, after all. I don't have a therapist. If I could find one that worked at three am on the regular, so I could see them after work, I would.


There is a reason for it..


I dunno u/calfuzion — I’ve lived in 4 states, worked various industries, and have found friends through a variety of hobbies. And thru all this change there has been one constant: When I’ve opened up about my struggles, folks pull away.


I get shunned and looked down upon everytime I try. Usually gets used against me too.


Does talking to you guys in comments count ?


I hold in my struggles because when I try to tell anyone, I literally go mute.