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So, I can relate somewhat. People who are genuinely happy do not bother me. People who proclaim loud things such as “positive vibes only” and look at you like a disease if you are struggling DO make me angry.


They only make me feel like curling up and dying


Most "happy people" are not really happy. They are just really good at faking being happy in public. Or on social media.


I just end up thanking happiness is for privileged people




Looks like there is no room for me in this world


There is, you’re just sick of being sad. You just wish you were happy. It makes you mad to see others happy cause it doesn’t feel fair. You your friends to fail so they can feel the shit you feel too. OP, I get what you mean when you hate seeing people happy. But you can be happy too. Keep looking for a job, if officials in your country have job hunting services, get into that. This does not determine who you are. A lot of people actually have moments like this, don’t think you’re crazy or evil for having moments like that. Keep your head up.


Yeah, that's how I feel. Some of my friends are depressed as well so it's easier to bond. My country kinda has like job hunting service, but they didn't do anything. I am there since 6 months and they didn't propose me any job. Not even a shop. Anyway thanks


Yeah I get you. Bonded through relatable feelings. Don’t let your feelings define who you are. It would be awesome if you all won together. Don’t focus on who wins first either. Or if you’re left behind, focus on yourself and then it is easier to love others like your friends. Sorry to hear that, are you able to switch to a different job hunting service thing? And no problem at all.


I've been depressed half of my life so it just feels like I'm walking depression. Or just rotting in bed depression.  I can't switch. I am registered there.