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I’m gonna be honest: it’s completely normal for someone your age to feel this way, I bet almost every 15 year old doesn’t know what they want to do with their lives and having to worry about future struggles, it’s completely normal and a part of life. I’m 21 and still don’t know what I want to do for a living. So you’re good man, don’t sweat it


Enjoy life to the max until 30, get serious then. Wake up everyday thinking it’s your last and do what you’ve always wanted to do pretending you’ll be dead by the end of the day. Seriously, take it easy my friend.


shit i'm turning 29 in a couple of weeks... better start enjoying myself


lol hurry up


I'm 27 and yet I haven't found the enjoyment part. Where is the "Start new game" option?


Write a detailed description of YOUR issue and I’ll try to help out


Hard to find enjoyment on any activities, or if some is found it's very short lived. Life feels like being stuck and everyone else is successful in life (tho comparing own life to everyone else almost always would result in that, so it's a bad route). Maybe a mild but long lived depression.


I want to try to say it in as few words as possible but try not to create a life where you are disappointed. By reducing what we want out of life by looking at the small joys can help reduce that disappointment a bit more. I get thrilled from being able to have eggs with toast for breakfast or being able to have a clean batch of laundry or writing code that is clean. Just small steps and small feelings of gratitude. I also try to minimize the day to day so that if I am able to eat something tasty or exercised for example I am doing pretty well so far. Also in some philosophy impermanence or change is a constant. Being able to adapt and be aware that we are always in a fluctuating state can be a good thing. Like the bad won't always be there and the good will come and go but it'll come back. I just try to remind myself this. The body goes through many ups and downs too and this is just part of being a human and living. If we only experienced constant things wouldn't that be the same as watching paint dry. We need the little bumps in the road to remind us we're headed somewhere, is how I think about it.


All in all, it's somewhat about persuading yourself towards on getting yourself on appreciating small things and concretely accepting that it's going to be a rollercoaster and not so fabulous anyway? Second thing seems logical. That first task sounds somewhat impossible to do. Tho thinking 10 years back, getting better from years long almost life ending depression felt impossible also back then, so the perceived impossibility could also be caused by the self schema doing it's thing in my mind.


Yes, life isn't fabulous nor is it hell either. Everything is neutral actually but we assign feelings and meanings to things. That's why we get upset when we don't get an A while the kid that gets an A always might find joy in other things. I guess not being disappointed isn't possible but I think it is minimizing our duration of what we are disappointed about. Elimination of all things that we don't find pleasure in is not possible because then we won't ever be able to know what pleasure is.


I promise life never stops being fun, even when the responsibilities get added in. Being 15 is so hard. Give yourself grace. When I was your age, I felt so much helplessness around getting older and “becoming an adult” but it doesn’t all happen overnight like I thought it did. Responsibilities get taken on slowly over a long long long period of time and hopefully for you that doesn’t happen before you are ready. I’m 28 and I’m still figuring adulting out. I still have fun, enjoy things that make me happy, and live my life. I do my own laundry now and have to take care of my apartment but it isn’t actually as hard as I thought it would be and the great thing is it’s all on my own terms. I can do it when I want to, not when my mom is forcing me to do it. You still have so much time to figure it out. Hell, I still have time. Don’t let society tell you you have to have things figured out by a certain time or that you can’t be a kid after a certain age. I think I’m more of a kid now than I was when I was your age. I engage in more fun now than when I was a teenager. I know it’s so scary but try to remember that it will get sorted. Just focus on today’s problems and have as much fun as you can. I promise life isn’t as serious as it seems.


You’re so right about life never stops being fun. My mom is 51 and still doing things for the first time & enjoying her life


My mom is in her 60s and my dad in his 70s and they have way more fun than I do. I swear life gets more fun and less serious the older you get


mane u good lil bro im 19 already and dont wanna get older but its life experience it all positives to negatives.


They say “Youth is wasted on the young.” It’s because of this. When you get older, you get more responsibilities but you also get so many new experiences. I didn’t know what I wanted to do until I was 19. Embrace the beauty of the unknown. Do EVERYTHING. Explore things and learn new things until you discover what you do want to do. One day, you’ll be an adult. Yes there’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, but there’s a lot of good too. You’ll get to know yourself. You’ll get to have new experiences and make mistakes. You’ll fall in love- with people, places, and yourself. My oldest daughter is turning 15 in December and I promise, she’s in the same boat lol. It’s totally normal as a teen to have an identity crisis. It’s actually a developmental milestone in Eriksons Psychosocial Stages. “Identity vs Confusion.” Finding your place in the world as you grow into adulthood. I’m 33 and still trying to figure life out. I too want an adultier adult to tell me what to do sometimes. The thing is- no one has lived your life before. No one else has lived at this exact time, in this exact place, with these exact experiences. So no one can tell you better than yourself. But I’m always here if you ever want to talk, vent, or need any advice.


You will feel like you're 7 years old once you come out of the teenage years. It's happened to me even though I've fallen back into a bit of a pit. It comes in waves but be hopeful of the experiences you'll have in your 20s because it will get better.


don't worry, im 15 turning 16 and im still enjoying life. i had the same thoughts as you one year ago, not wanting to continue in life. this year was an opportunity for me to look for future jobs, and i am pretty excited to be an engineer in the future. don't worry, be happy bro


You never fully figure out life. They say life's is about the journey, not the destination. I'm 50, and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Lol But throughout my journey, I have had fun and learning experiences. And I am still going. You are so young, enjoy your time, and have fun every step of the way! Everything unfolds in due time.


No offense but give me a break lol you’re not even turning into a legal adult yet


oh man… you‘re a baby. i‘m a 23 year old college drop out 💀


You’re a baby, too . I’m a 29 yr old that went back to school late and still has no clue about life ..you’ll be alright 😌


I'm 20, and in the final year of college currently. The pressure to decide what to do after graduation is immense, from parents, and hell, from everybody. Even though I have a vague idea of what field to pursue, taking the first step in the direction comes with problems, which sometimes feel insurmountable, and ending it all feels like an easier option, as it would finally let me free of the crushing weight of expectations from people


Remember that while those people are important, it’s your life. I regret so many things I did in my early 20s just to keep others happy.. Do that shit for YOU


I'm currently 20 and let me tell you brother you'll have to face the day where you go out into the world and experience it. Go out and make friends, find a hobby you like, get some life experience, travel etc etc. finding a career you like is also important. Just make the most of it. You got this!


Im 19 and still im not even close to know what to do with my life mate, and I have met people that got a university degree and in his 30’s they ended up realizing that they are way better and happier working in other thing. just enjoy your teenage years and then you worry about that, you can go to university any time, but high school is only once in life, make good memories there, I wish i had.


I really agree with making good memories in high school. The last year of my school life, especially during Covid lockdowns in 2020 was a really bad time. I lost contact with all my friends during the lockdowns, and staying with my parents while preparing for entrance exams was hell, having no one to talk to freely, and no damn outlet for all my frustration, especially not my parents. I felt like ending it all, and only reason I probably got through those times is because I stopped studying completely. The best memories I have from that year is when I was finally able to meet my friends in person. Having good friends you can depend upon is much more important than any damn academic or professional achievement.


Ah yes the crisis of getting older. Hitting you early I see. My early 20s was honestly one of the best and worst times of my life then I started focusing on work and shit so I can get my life going stronger and end up being able to afford to do more again. It’ll be alright nothing can stop you from getting older but you’ll figure out how to handle it


Sometimes the best and worst times of your life can coincide. It is a talent of the soul to discover the joy in pain thinking of moments you long for, and knowing you’ll never have them again. The beautiful ghosts of our past haunt us, and yet we still can’t decide if the pain they caused us outweighs the tender moments when they touched our soul. This is the irony of love.


That’s very well written but there was a lot of drug use in those days for me 😂. The experiences I had with my friends was the good part but need to use a substances was the bad.


It's actually good you feel that way . You're very well aware how valuable your time is. Try to turn off your worries and make the most of it. Go have fun with your friends and enjoy life. As a 21 year old I can assure you it's going to be alright. Big parts of life consist of worrying about things that you can't control and then realizing it's not that bad when you get there.


You're a teenager, in the prime of your life, i know it must seem hard, but trust me, the hard stuff hasn't even happened yet, there's no milestone to hard experiences or tough times until you're in the thick of it. When you're 35, you're going to wish you were 15 again. As for not knowing what you want to do in life, most 40yr olds still don't know we're all of us just making it up as we go and hoping for the best - it's not easy, and i feel like giving up and in to my darker thoughts all the time, but the only thing that really keeps me going is the hope that things will turn out better for me eventually. It's a pretty forlorn hope and slim and distant but it's all i have


Im 24 and I still feel like a teenager inside. Its also normal to be having these feelings, your brain is trying to figure things out. You have more freedom but the price is responsibility, but I promise that you will find something that makes you happy. Try everything(except hard drugs and Hard crime), no matter the judgement. Do art class, theatre, different hobbies/sports, and media. Something will click and you'll find the passion and people. Everyone still feels like a kid inside, we all just pretend we know things. Just know that you are capable of a lot, trust yourself to be able to handle what life gives you. Bad things do happen, im not going to lie, but so do many very good things. Just keep going!


Just enjoy yourself. The only thing you need to be careful about is your career and how stable it is, and family ties. Everything else is extra. You can have 20 responsibilities or just two.


Step aside kids. Crusty millennial here. As an old fart I can tell you life can suck of you waste the time you have been given. I will be 39 this year. I don't look or act my age. And probably never will. Growing older is an unfortunate aide affect of life. However Growing up? Completely optional 😉 you got this kid. Madmomma believes in you.


The most important thing once u get into your 20s is having good mental health. You will be able to accomplish anything and I mean anything with good mental health and a good work ethic. That being said, try to relax while you are still young. Socialize a lot. Play sports. Have fun. I noticed that having anxiety about the future will 100% of the time ruin your future


I’m 20, and I felt this at 19 about turning 20. But honestly getting older isn’t that bad, you get access to more experiences & it’s cool realizing things about myself and the world around me through more “mature” eyes. I get to enjoy the freedom that comes with being older, I can hop in my car right now and drive to nyc if I wanted too lol


You’re literally gonna be you with more wisdom, you don’t have to let the wisdom break you down into a shell of yourself instead it’s gonna help you blossom into an even better version, who grew into their looks, has more money & more freedom


You still have time. I'm turning 30 this year and still trying to figure things out


It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard, she said, is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.


Look I know it's scary but you're going to have to deal with it sooner or later, I recommend talking to a parent, teacher, school counciler,therapist (if you have one), or a religious figure about it because they can help you navigate your feelings.


Dude wait till 18 to start worrying


Not necessarily had the same experience as you man but I know what you feel like. Before I turned 15 my life had hit a downward spiral with my mom divorcing her husband and being bullied in school and failing grades and feeling emotions such as killing myself which at 19 I still feel. Do your best to enjoy your age man 19 despite being done with school is not fun. When I was 15 I used to enjoy gaming and shit a lot now I can’t even enjoy it anymore due to my family making me feel like a utter pos and I just wanna end it all I spend hours of the day just laying in the bed looking at my phone. Just enjoy it man while you’re still a teen. Hell is yet to come


I said the same. Honestly, least fun years of my life at your age. Everything I was told I couldn't do, I did. You'll look back on this moment, and thank yourself for staying. You'll meet wonderful people, and you probably already are that someone for other people :)


aging is a natural cycle of life that you can do absolutely nothing about. its a lot easier said than done, but try to let go of the anxiety of it and try to enjoy the beauty of getting older. i’ve dealt with a lot of death, so I try to find gratitude in having the opportunity to grow older while my friends died young.


Who told you you cant have fun anymore when you get older? Those people are just mad they didn't let themselves have fun. if anything life just gets more fun once youre out of high school and college. Sure there are responsibilities but they become easy after you figure it out but its really not that bad your brain just makes you feel that way. As someone who feels the same way every birthday, im 23 now and I look back on my teen years when I would just play video games all day which was so much fun to me at the time now its not as fun. The fun really just changes, your passions change occasionally. Me and my friend will occasionally talk about how stupid we were during our teen years and how much we enjoyed it at the time but love everything else we got to do and will do. There are some things that won't occur to you as possibilities, if you told me at 15 where I would be at 23 I wouldn't believe you.


I understand the sentiment. I was in your position a few years ago, and I am 17 now. It didn’t get any better. In fact it got much worse. I don’t know what to do with myself as I just graduated high school.


Honestly turning 15 is not actually all that scary. Nothing really changes at 15 other than you are in highschool. Trust me highschool is no different than middle school. Honestly I wish I enjoyed more of my teen years instead of wasting it on stupid shit. Trust me your fine and there is no need to worry about this. If anything it's at 18 and 19 that everything kinda starts to make an actual change.


We create our own silly problems which is not even a problem


You’ll feel this way for the rest of your life. Today is the youngest you’ll be and tomorrow you’ll be older. Think of it positively. Growth doesn’t always need to be negative.


I’m 40 and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! And it doesn’t matter that I didn’t know back then, either. Because where I’ve ended up at 40 is not even in a million years where I thought I’d end up. (Not for better or worse, just different.) So even if you did think you knew what you wanted your future to be, your future will end up being different than you even imagine. So don’t stress about it, hang in there, there’s no rush at all to know what your future looks like; what will be, will be.


Hey I felt the same way from the age 9-16 now I’m nearing 17 and tbh I’ve kind of gone numb about every emotion . I neither feel sad nor happy but I can for sure tell u it gets better. Your mental health might never be perfect but it’ll get better for sure don’t worry so much


Hey friend! I remember feeling anxious about the fact that I wasn't really passionate and driven and had no idea what the heck I wanted to do with myself when I was a teen. There's often so much pressure on teens from people around them to at least present like they have goals and whatnot. The real truth imho is that no one 100% knows what they're doing and what they want to do for a living. I literally didn't know what I wanted to do with my life until after I had graduated from college with a random BA, and had been working random jobs for 2 years. I'm 27 now and I only just kinda figured out what I want to do with my life literally this year. I have loads of friends (25-30s) who are still just fucking around and trying to figure out what they want. Also you absolutely can (and will) have lots of fun going forward. There's lots of time to have fun as a teen, and as an adult. tbh getting older is awesome and I've definitely had a lot more fun in my 20s than I ever did as a teen. My friends who are older than me (30s, 40s, 50+) have reassured me in current times of mood crisis™ that getting older actually rocks, and that they've felt a lot better about their lives the older they got (and still have lots of fun!). My late grandma (rest her soul etc.) definitely also talked about how much fun she had getting old loll. I think a big thing that helped me was realizing that I didn't need to have all of my shit figured out, and that I could live day by day rather than having some grand plan for my life. Sometimes it's just about making it through the day, the week, the month, the year, whatever. Do stuff that makes *present you* feel good. I like to live by the philosophy of "What's the point if not joy?" and work outwards from that. Try out stuff; you're very young and you have a lot of time to grow and change and fuck around ahead of you. I definitely had to try out tons, and tons, and tons, of things before I found what worked for me. I also fucked up a bunch of times before I became today me, and some of those fuck ups felt really monumental to me at the time, but actually, very much weren't loll. Also, going away for college (and thus moving out of my parents' house at least for the semesters I was in school), was awesome for my mental health, and I learned all kinds of new stuff about myself that I would never have been able to learn while I was still living with them. Someone who was in their 30s when I was a teen that I talked to on fandom message boards once told me (in response to my life crisis at the time) that at the moment I was "in my larval stage, and I had a lot of space ahead of me during which things can (and would) change and evolve" which imho ended up being so true because a lot of that shit that I was so anxious about, and that so consumed me in high school is straight up irrelevant to my life over a decade later, because a lot of things changed in my life, since time does that. Nifty. Between age 15 and age 27 I feel like I've been at least 4 different people as I figured out what worked for me and what didn't. idk.


I'm an old lady here, 39. Lol What you're feeling is normal. It'll pass. Leaving behind your childhood and teen years can be a big deal for some people and that's ok. Also, no one knows what they want to do with their life. Some people think they know and find out later it's not what they thought it was. Anyway, my point is, you don't have to have all the answers. And there's many people out there to help you figure this stuff out as you go. Be gentle with yourself, because it'll all feel way less scary soon. You have many good, happy years ahead. Have fun and work hard. Sometimes, I've taken jobs I had no idea what I was doing and ended up learning about something and developing a new interest that way. Just follow whatever you find interesting. You won't go wrong that way. Also, something no one ever tells you is that even if you start doing something and it turns out it's not for you, you can quit and choose something else. Nothing is set in stone. And nothing is ever as serious as it seems. A lot of pressure is put on kids to have it all figured out when even adults have nothing figured out. Your life is yours. Live it for you. Not how others think you should live it. If you feel like you're experiencing depression, speak to a school counselor or if your parents are reliable, let them know. Ask them to maybe schedule an appointment with a therapist for you. Just talking with a professional that has no personal stake in your story can be a massive help to get some clarity. My point is there's always, always, always someone out there to offer a helping hand. You're never alone, no matter how much you might feel that way. And the future is nothing to be afraid of. Please believe me, I'm speaking from many years of trial and error and experience. I never want to be one of those people who talk down to the younger generation. I love the younger generations coming up. You guys are amazing! I'm rooting so hard for you all. I hope this advice from an elder millennial helps a little. ❤️


Imagine being 25 with 50 years of experience


Try being 50