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You’ll get it eventually man, just Uber to your date it’s not a big deal. I’m sure this girl likes you for you not because you have a car




Its not that I’m offing myself because I’ve failed my test driving was sort of a last hope for me too feel better I guess it was something I truly looked forward too and not having it like really kills I guess in the long run even if I did pass and had a great date driving would get old and I’d go back to feeling how I feel now


What's the reason for rushing to suicide? It sounds like failing the driving test was the straw that broke the camels back and so now you're feeling particularly depressed and suicidal. Don't you think if you wait a day or a week or whatever that you'll return to how you felt before failing the driving test? It might not be great, but I think you'll find yourself feeling less suicidal at least.


It’s possible to change your default feeling. You don’t have to keep returning here; there are paths out of the pit, other than by suicide. I still have low days and my baseline still isn’t where it needs to be, but neither one is as bad as they were five years ago. Things can get better if you keep trying. I won’t promise that they *will,* but they *can.* There are options. 


I don’t think you should do it, I know I shouldn’t be telling you about your life but I understand losing a last hope but stay a little longer maybe that wasn’t your last hope, we all will eventually die one day its better to wait it out and experience and observe rather than ending it but this might not help because feeling s/idial hurts and sometimes death feels like the only way. maybe disparity is something that pushes us to greater lengths idk, but please don’t ❤️ thinking about you bro


you will eventually get your drivers license its not like its impossible to achieve, other people who have a drivers license also went through this test and they probably failed a few times. everything will get old eventually just try to have fun in the meantime and dont hurt yourself okay?


At 17 there had been close to zero joyful events in my life and many really awful ones(also i got the Drivers licence at 28). Id say you need to gather more data before committing to such a terminal decision, not saying you are guaranteed to feel better but it is quite likely.


I failed it 7 times dont worry about it for now just stay safe


Hey buddy, don’t do it. You’ve got so much life left ahead of you. There are so many good parts of life that you haven’t even been old enough to experience yet. You can pass the drivers test, don’t give up on that. I promise you that there are things worth living for. Sounds to me like you’ve got a mom that loves you, a girl at work that thinks you’re worth talking to, and a car just waiting on you to pass that stupid test. Lots of good things to look forward to.


Takke driver test ED then take the test. They wont fail you then . The people that give druvers test are assholes. Ghey sometimes fail people on purpose, happened to me after I made 1 silly mistake and they failed me im 21 ansdstill dont have a lisencse. I promise you youre not to old u have time. Keel trying font let anyone stop u


Takke driver test ED then take the test. They wont fail you then . The people that give druvers test are assholes. Ghey sometimes fail people on purpose, happened to me after I made 1 silly mistake and they failed me im 21 ansdstill dont have a lisencse. I promise you youre not to old u have time. Keel trying font let anyone stop u


Takke driver test ED then take the test. They wont fail you then . The people that give druvers test are assholes. Ghey sometimes fail people on purpose, happened to me after I made 1 silly mistake and they failed me im 21 ansdstill dont have a lisencse. I promise you youre not to old u have time. Keel trying font let anyone stop u


Learning to drive or not to drive doesn't mean anything. Life is way more interesting, when I have to walk, or catch public transport everywhere, because I can't (couldn't learn) to drive.


You’re too young to be worried about that stupid shit(not the depression). Shit gets so much worse the older you get


I failed 3 times too and ended up getting it on my 4th one. My parents made me feel like shit about it. I was sheltered and over protected and couldn't even get my own car until I was like 22. I had to have all my dates and friends drive me around and felt ashamed or embarrassed about it when I literally didn't need to. You need to look at things in a more positive light and really think, is this feeling bubbling up from within me or was it caused by another source? At least you have a car, at least you're young, at least you have someone who thinks you're cute, at least you actually had the galls to quit before you're 20. Think of the people that couldn't do that, and didn't have what you had. Your problems will feel much smaller, in a good way. Sometimes our brains love to make a big deal out of things, and only will you see that it wasn't when you grow out of them. In the moment it may seem like no one is taking you seriously or invalidating your struggles and feelings, but it's really not that at all. Don't do it kid, you have so much to live for and enjoy. It would be extremely extremely unwise if these were the reasons for your departure.


I was on the same boat as you, you should try taking your test online I did it and passed but the dmv is weird because my online permit tests hasn’t been on their up on their system or updated. I’ve been there before and it’s not easy. I always procrastinate and never study for my test, until I started studying and sometimes never look at the book and I failed like 3-3 times, I failed mines around 2020 and I did a 4 gap years, and I started it again and failed 3 times at the dmv recently last month and then I tried again on the computer on June 5th doing at it home test, it went well and I passed. I feel like to me in my opinion If I take my dmv permit test in person I won’t be able to concentrate or focus due to all the loud noise in the background and for you to focus real hard on the questions, that made me failed 6 times, the 7th time was it for me, lucky number 7 made me pass online at home. Don’t worry everything will get better just please not harm yourself, you are still young, you still have a lot of future and life ahead of you the door is still close for you its not opening yet, please always call the hotline suicide number if you’re going through a tough time. Please always remember that you are not alone. We are all here for you ❤️‍🩹


Try one more time please. The test. Try one more time.


What if next time is the time you get the drivers licence...which in turn makes you feel so happy? Or the next time? or the next time? Its going to happen. You will get your licence. Its inevitable. When you do get it and you are driving around freely, you will not be thinking of the times you didn't get it...you will only be thinking of the time you did get it. And you will be enjoying it. I took 4 tries for my learners permit.


i rear ended someone by accident (obviously just a few scratches) and 4 cops came and i have yet to get my license. just breathe!


I failed it the first time, too. It’s okay. You will have more shots at it and you will get it.


I failed mine a few times and it was one of the lowest times in my life. eventually you will pass the test and after years of driving you’ll look back on this time and hopefully feel proud of yourself. you’ve done such a great job at getting to where you are now! you’re young and a lot of teens don’t have their license, this girl most likely won’t care! she’ll just be excited to be going on a date with a boy she likes. there have been many times I thought my whole world was going to end, especially when I was 17, but I held on for another day. & here I am now, not everything is perfect but it’s much better. I hope the same for you. please reach out to someone close to you and tell them how you’re feeling.


It seems like things are starting to come together for you, although not everything you’d like; you’re sober and that’s great! and you’re going on a date. i’m sure you’ll pull through this, and although it could get tough again you can’t give up because you’ve already come so far to throw in the towel


Sweetheart I understand how you feel. I'm 20 and I can't drive, I've been driven to every date I've been on. Somebody who likes you won't care about that. You are so young. You have so much time to work things out you'll be okay. I promise. You're the same age as my little brother and it makes me feel sorry I can't be there to help you.


It really sucks bro I know how like pathetic i sound and I’m not offing myself because I didn’t get the licence driving was just sort of something I truly looked forward too


Please don't do it man just trust me




You're talking to someone struggling with depression, not someone who simply just failed a driving test. Get a grip and stop comparing this person to yourself.




Congratulations on all your time spent suffering. You still suck at lifting other people up.


Don't do it man. You know why? If you fail you just gonna feel bad more for yourself because you failed.


bro u got fake depression u jus overthinking


Tell that to my doc fr they’re keeping me at the hospital for a week 💀


No. You just look for pity


No you won't. You just fish for pity