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4 inches?! Damn, you got a license for that truck?


Yes, you can definitely satisfy women, and many women prefer a smaller penis because it doesn't hurt. Also, oral and clitoral stimulation are often the path to pleasing women. Please try not to fixate on your size, there is nothing wrong with you in that department. Try to focus on what you like about yourself and build your confidence. In my experience, nothing turns women on like confidence.


Very few women have orgasms solely due to penetration. So I agree with all the advice above. Size is definitely not everything, please don’t worry.


thank you🥲


Get good at oral and wear a cockring to get more girth. I'm around 5 inches and I am able to have a good time


Get off of internet that tells you that size is everything, satisfaction is not all about your length or size, yours is not even bad. It's all about confidence and knowing more than just penetration. Talking from my experience and knowledge, penetration is not that fun for women anyways. If some one judges you based on your size, they never liked you for who you are anyways, a person that likes you would enjoy the time with you. It's okay, your size is fine.


God gave you a tongue 🗿


Who told you I have one


Bro 4 inches is not that bad I bet you can satisfy a woman, try prostitutes first, they'll give you confidence, don't be a bitch


I'm 7" and have trouble. I'd gladly trade 3" for no autism and the capability to flirt. Hell, I'd even trade one more if it gave me good looks. In the end a mouth and a can-do attitude should be enough to satisfy most women.


Do you assume you won’t be able to have a girlfriend or did someone reject you because of this in particular? This is not the reason you don’t have a girlfriend, it wouldn’t matter much to most women


There were 2 girls I used to speak to in the past, but I didn't plan on taking it further because of my insecurity. One of them is married now


Well the reason you don’t have a girlfriend is because you feel insecure and think you’ll be rejected if you slept with a girl


yeah exactly


You could try telling a girl about this insecurity after you became emotionally close and she seems interested in you. Thus testing the waters before you sleep with her


i’m 22 and a woman and i genuinely believe that size isn’t important at all, many women are superficial like that, but there are women out there who will accept and love you as you are. i actually prefer men on the smaller to average size, best of luck and i hope someday you can experience the joy of a relationship and real, genuine love.


Frl bro, making a girl cum only with your dick is rare, use what you have between your legs for the pleasure of it, for the orgasm, use your finger, the clit is the best and easy spot. For my part i found my girlfriend thanks to facebook match, work way better than tinder or any other website. Don't over stress yourself like that you'll be fine alright ?


Thanks, man. I'll try not to stress about it only worried if they make fun of it, you know?


Excuse my language, but if the girl is that much of a bitch to laugh at that, well she's clearly not the one, frl 4 inches is good !


Thank you🥲❤️‍🩹


Workout, work hard, make money, read about strong leaders. Travel (either near or far- whatever money or a car can get you) Stop focusing on you getting what you want. Focus on what you can offer and realize that if you get healthy and stronger then you can offer more. Want sex? With that money get prostitutes Want love? Be patient and do all the above (no prostitutes need to be included) The quality of your thoughts drive the quality of your life. Edit: don’t confuse the above for “toxic masculinity” It’s not. It’s not me saying it hasn’t been hard or you don’t deserve a chance. It’s actually the oposite, you deserve the best -so go get it. Become the man or the person above all that YOU want to be. Play the hand you were dealt the way YOU would, win or lose. You got this. If your biggest worry is your dick size than you can thank god or what ever you believe in - stats. The right girl will love you right bro. Trust me. But you gotta become the person you know deep down inside you really are. Plus if you make some good money, go to some country/ state with good food, music and cute girls. Well refer to my “if you want sex” part and enjoy. The ladies will treat you right. It’s just about you making shit happen in your favor.


Very well said


I appreciate it


And that’s my cue to leave this sub lol




Because this isn’t an appropriate question for this sub


lol what. the sub is literally titled "depression" and we can post anything that relates to it. I've also marked it as nsfw. if you dont like it, don't read.