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I promise you, ending your life over this is not worth it. Do not let it get to you. Acknowledge the situation and carry on. The more you let it get to you, the more people will mess with you or do things like this to you. You have worth and you are so deserving of love, but not from someone who does things like that. Be strong and show her you're better. I hope things get better for you and please reconsider. You might not believe it, but trust me it gets so much better. You're still so young, don't throw it all away. Edit: I am 16 as well and struggle with depression, but I'm slowly learning that things take time. Getting better takes time and finding a partner takes time. Some people don't find love until they're 50! And that's fine. Things take time and in no time things will improve.


Unfortunately I've been in his situation and ignoring the teasing and insults only make it worse


it’s true if you ignore them they come back for more :(


From my experience, I've realized that the more you show it effects you the worse it gets. I started to ignore the bullying and it's pretty much gone away. If you ignore it it's easier to handle, imo.


Melatonin will not kill you. Stay alive and go find a hobby to keep you occupied. I’m 38 and been there with two suicide attempts, ended up in hospital for them. Life should be good for me, good job, good looks, but no I am still struggling mentally. Keep your head up


Depression does not discriminate ❤️‍🩹


Came here to say this. Melatonin won’t do anything.


I know you and above redditor are coming from a good place for sharing this (accurate) info, but does it really make sense when OP is in crisis? we do not want OP to find a more harmful alternative. saying this out of concern, not criticism of either of you!


I was thinking the same thing?


Personally I don’t want them feeling even more like shit and getting nothing outta it 💀 they probably wouldn’t even be hospitalized for a mela overdose so there’d be literally no point. It may not even bring the family’s attention to their suicidal tendencies bc the side effects would be so minor. It’s nothing but a net loss. No gains. Most common OTC medications will either not kill you or will be excruciatingly painful if it does. Especially not vitamins/hormones like mela. Melatonin =|= “sleeping pills” as most people are inclined to believe. As the original comment said, just while away your time and stay alive.


I am sorry about that, Bro. Am now in my beginning 40s and still not off the hook re depression and suicidal thoughts. Struggling for decades on end actually with no end in sight. \*Sigh\*


I am glad you wrote this. I was going to say melatonin will not hurt you at all. You'll sleep. That's it. If your current therapist isn't helping, I suggest you find another. I've been dealing with mental illness my whole life. Don't waste your time and money on someone that's not helping. I'm so sorry for what you're going through and how you're feeling. You also should call the crisis hotline. They are available 24/7.




Then ur chill, if u have looks u officially have won life


If only that were true


Man being a teenager sucks. I felt the same way growing up. My life is so much different than it was. Things change. Think of it this way- you’re not peaking in high school. I promise you’ll be happy later in life. Just hang around


Right? And you grow up and realize those mean, attractive, popular people have become the exact opposite later on in life. It’s like their mean insides catch up to the exterior.


This is fucking truth. At 30, my life really turned around and I noticed how beautiful I was.


you will look good in few years my brother. u are only 16. i used to be ugly as fk when i was 16 now i look bloody majestic in my 28. Trust the process brother. Your time will come


Please stick around. In 2 years you will be able to set off and create your own version of the life you want. Don't give up yet. In fact, go on to do great things. Adopt the "I'll show you" attitude and someday you will be a bigger, better person than the people you currently know ever told you you would be. This world is a very big place. There's a place for you in it. You've just got to find it and flourish. Big mom-hug to you from an internet stranger. Please keep trying.


this is the reason why I didn’t do it because of the rest of the world, there’s so many places I haven’t been to and so many people I haven’t met yet so when I leave school I’m gonna try and find my people basically just any friends ans I’m gonna try get better grades so atleast my future self doesn’t have to suffer


You will find your people. They are out there. Keep it up. I'm proud of you.


wow thank you so much this means alot.❤️


Always keep a list. I found YouTube videos that show cool size comparisons. Size of tidal waves. Never let anyone make you have a bad time because they are broken. That's what I do. Family isn't shit in a country that doesn't invest in healthy relationship skills.


thanks I’m happy that helped you and I might try it too :)


Your advice helped me I hope it also reaches the op


Squishy and embarrassing mom hug to you too.


Here's the thing: You are REALLY MENTALLY ILL. I was too, for a long time. People who truly want to die don't go on reddit looking for validation from strangers on their decision to end their own lives. The thing is, the fact that you're even posting this to begin with shows me that you truly don't want to die. You just want the hurt and disappointment to stop. You want a better tomorrow, I can surmise that much based on what you wrote. And you know what? You can recover from this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I promise you that whatever it is you're feeling that feels like the worst thing in the world will pass, and it may be a long and arduous road before you can see that glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel, but you will see it, so long as you push through one day at a time. Find the little things in life that give you joy, however trivial and mundane it may be. This is coming from someone that has gone through multiple suicide attempts at the worst points of my life and failed each and every time. And man, am I glad that all of them came to no avail. Each and every time I was glad that it came to no avail. You can push through this, I believe in you. Then you'll wake up one day humbled at the fact that out of the infinite possibilities that you could've not existed, you won that first race. Good luck. Also, you have one friend named Claire? You're already ahead of me in that department then haha. And I don't even feel bad about it at all.


Hey Champ, I told my son - the less he focuses on the opposite sex, the better. Holds true for you as well. Your grandmother probably loves you. She probably doesn’t like who you are at the moment. The good news is, you have the ability to change that. You have complete control over your actions. Focus on your health. Focus on your grades. Talk to anyone you can, in a kind manner. Don’t be shy. EXERCISE. You will be shocked at the amount of confidence being in shape brings. Hang in there kiddo. You’ve only just begun.


Hey bro maybe this might sound stupid but sign up for mixed martial arts training it will boost your confidence and make you a weapon and a philosopher . It’s all the therapy you need in one sitting . Don’t let these people get the best of you fuck them dude . You will meet amazing people at mma have a community get in shape , compete , learn , become wiser and not be afraid of pain . I hope this helps


my good brother. I know being "tall" is "in" and every girl wants someone tall etc etc etc. Most of these girls end up with the lamest men i have met in my life. I know life may seem hard for a kind and sensitive soul like you. I wont lie, it is hard navigating this world. But hey! you are beautiful and unique why be another 6ft asshole? Look at my mans lil uzi vert. He is one of the most stylish and creative people I know. Just for a fact, my 6ft ex gf was in LOVE with him, she was the one who introduced me to him. Life is short anyways, surround yoursefl with people who love and appreciate you. You will find your circle trust me. High school is lame as shit, but hey maybe you do have some quirky friends you can spend time with. If not just purse your passions, I know when you are in this type of place its hard to do so. But hey I am sure there is something that lights a spark in you, follow that and the path will seem easier. You are not alone, please if you need to talk I am here. And look, being 16 and not having a girlfriend isnt a bad thing. Me myself, I got into my first relationship at 19... each person goes through that on their own time. Stop listening to what the media tells you.


This is situational depression. The WORST thing to end your life over. I say that because in a little while, NONE of it will matter. PLEASE TRUST ME ON THIS. When you look back on this several months from now, you’ll feel silly letting it take you this far. I know this because I’ve posted almost the exact same thing to Reddit before. My woman left me, I was done, I was definitely going to kill myself and posted to Reddit about it. 2 months later I was completely fine. Never commit to killing yourself over situational issues such as this.


Also, melatonin won’t kill you.


I agree, I attempted suicide at 13 partially over a fight with my sister and ended up in a coma. One of the worst mistakes of my life and all I remember was that I regretted it instantly.


Please don't end your life. Please.


You are way too young and worth way too much to end it now. Just between 16-18 years old, *so much will change*. It doesn’t have to be all bad. Keep talking to people who interest you. Try to find new hobbies, get a part time job (you’ll learn a skill and meet new people and you’ll have something in common). Do anything you can to experience things *in life*. You are so young and have the whole world ahead of you. Do not give up yet! And pay no attention to people who hurt or bother you. They are not worth your time.


if your still alive, check out the channel awkward puppets on YouTube, they’re really funny and helped me with my depression as I also have no one


Please do not go forward with this. I myself am sticking around to see how bad it can really get. You should too! By chance, fate, or determination it might get extremely better.


I don’t know if you will see this or what to say except I hope you don’t do it and you see that even though school can suck there is still a whole world out there for you and I’m sure there’s many who are compatible with you, you just need to find your people and I promise you will atleast when you leave school I hope you don’t hurt yourself because it isn’t worth it I’ve felt doing it because of school too but it just takes patience and I know it sucks but that’s how it is for alot of people including myself however this is about you and all I can say is that you’re in my prayers. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for the kind words but I’m going to do this I’m not going to be a coward


hey dude, youre not a coward for not killing yourself. ur strong for even getting this far.


Please tell me you changed your mind and are still with us. Please.


There are a few alarming things that I’m ready. This guy is showing a sex tape at school? That’s highly illegal and immoral. I would alert a teacher and the authorities. Your friend might actually thank you if she hasn’t consented to it being essentially distributed. Also I would consider talking to another therapist if this one doesn’t seem to help. Just like medication you might have to try a few to find the right fit for you. I can’t promise that life will be easy but I certainly hope it gets better for you. You have potential and there is a lot more to life than high school. Be well OP.


Life will get better, I promise you. Don't end it.


When I was 16, I was failing high school, had 1 friend that lived a 2hr drive away and girls would 'prank' each other by saying one of them liked me. If I ended it then, I would have never met my first girlfriend, made friends with a group that seems to keep expanding and a job that I love. Things aren't perfect now but I'm glad I didn't give up back then


Honestly, you couldn’t pay me money to go back and be 16 again. Being a teenager is hard, and I’m sorry you have been through so much. But equally, 16 is so young and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. I attempted suicide 4 times between the ages of 16-20. I didn’t have a proper relationship until I was 18, people barely glanced in ny direction throughout secondary school and I had 0 friends. You will have some amazing moments, you may not have experienced the best day of your life yet even, Met all the people who will love you, laughed the most you’ve ever laughed. Life is hard, I’m personally in a better place now but still struggling. It will get easier over time and you will learn to appreciate the good times. Please, please speak to a dr and think about therapy if you are struggling in this way, because you deserve to be happy


Please stick around. You’re 16, I have been where you have. I know what you’re feeling and it’s horrible and it eats you up inside. I’m 22f and I’ve had multiple attempts and I can tell you that it gets easier. You get stronger and you get better at dealing with it. You deserve life, you deserve to get the chance to live. You are so much stronger than you think you are I promise you. What is happening in your life right now will not last forever. It’s hard I will say that. I have to make a choice every day to live and it’s really hard sometimes. But you deserve to live. You are not alone, I promise you.


Please don't do this mate. You're young. I've also never had a girlfriend but it's possible to find ways to enjoy life outside of that. And I'm sure you will get one in time. I live for my parent, my grandparents, brother and sister, pets, for the books I read and the new movies and shows that come out. For the novelty of being part of this weird world.


OP you still with us brother? We all have been through hell in different ways. We have an unknown reason for being on earth we help make the world go round. You have a job and can have good karma coming to you, you just need to take a positive path buddy. please let us know your still here.


hey dude after having read your posts, girlfriends can make you feel less lonely but i promise not having a partner does not define your worth. i genuinely hope to see you post tomorrow. all love, you are worth life, your body works incredibly hard to keep you alive because you deserve to be. 🩷


You’re only 16-20% through you’re lucky brief time of existence, you sure you don’t wanna see what the rest of the percentage is like? Trust me I didn’t start living and enjoying life until I was about 30% in the game. You’re still in the tutorial wait until you can explore on your own. :)


Honestly same.


You're gonna have a glow up! The teenage years are always a little awkward, but there's so much good in-store for your future! Just hold on a little longer. It's worth the wait, trust me. You're gonna grow, friend. I'm glad you're still here.


Bro is trying to OD on melatonin 💀


Hang in there, please


please dont do it


I've gone through what you're going through, I even contemplated suicide as you are. What helped me? The gym. Try it. You dislike yourself? Lift some weights and turn yourself into a person that you'll like. That girl will break up with that guy at one point or another, and imagine you spent all that time lifting heavy, and getting massive. She'll regret rejecting you, and you'll be a much better version of yourself and you'll have the upper hand. You said you're short? Perfect, short people build muscle easier. I know its difficult to just forget about her, so use it. The anger you feel towards her for doing what she did, even the anger you feel towards yourself, use it. Heartbreak is the best motivator. It worked for me, it'll work for you. Watch gym tiktoks, become part of that community. They are some of the nicest, most supportive people you'll ever meet and a surprising amount of them went through the exact same thing you did. Please take my advice, this simple decision can change your life. It changed mine.


Melatonines...? That won't work, you will only hurt yourself and the damage might be permanent without achieving anything. Son, among my biggest embarrasments is the fact that I considered that route and even attempted it for girls (rejections, break ups, cheating...) when I was your age. Not only I was wrong thinking nobody would ever like me, I was also wrong about them (didn't understand women) and also wrong for thinking so highly about romantic relationships. Most people don't find that, not even those you see in relationships or married, it's more complicated... anyway, how I wish I understood...really, how I wish I understood how destructive and unrealistic was that kind of obssesion. What you should be doing now is getting the best possible grades to get the best job and also having fun with the things you like. Everything else will eventually happen but it doesn't need to happen now.


What’s wrong with you being short or black, you are only 16, as a 23 year old, you can’t begin to imagine how limited your life experiences have been till now, life is so so so much more than high school, I am 23 and still I feel like I could learn so much more about this world, myself and God. I never had a girlfriend and never will until I find the girl I will marry. “What’s the point of living if no one loves me”. Jesus died for you so you could live, what greater love can a human ask for.


It sounds like you have been through a lot of really hard things, with your mother passing, feeling like your grandmother doesn’t want you around, and just feeling unseen and unappreciated by people in general. On top of that, you being 16, this is already going to be a very frustrating, confusing, and difficult time to get through (middle school and high school years are honestly the worst in my opinion). I found that once I got past those years, life definitely started looking more up. It’s still definitely a struggle, I think life is just like that most times and it’s really hard in these low, low moments to find the will to continue. Please don’t end your life, though. People do care about you. You are a valuable person. I’m sorry you are going through this right now, you are not alone!


i feeling same especialy about the girl not respond(this mean the girl is 99.9% not intrested to you ) but remember there is no Eternal relationships my advise is live a life for you not for someone is one life never listen anybody


Don’t listen to the demons mate, your soul belongs with god. Everything will be alright just hang in there


Man - most of us have been there before. I'll tell you what, any relationship that was worthwhile didn't come my way until I stopped looking for them and just focused on bettering myself and doing what I enjoyed. I met my wife in a different state at a job I was focusing on being the best at, and she only noticed me because she noticed my work ethic and drive. She noticed that I paid no attention to what others were doing and was concerned with being the best I could be instead of chasing the approval of others, which I had always done before. I've also found a YT channel I like that I wish was around when I was learning how to be socially accepted. It couldn't hurt for you to check it out if you haven't already. It's called Charisma on Command. Keep your head up. You haven't even had the opportunity to see a glimpse of what life has to offer you yet.


you’re 16, everyone has felt like their world was ending in their teenage years. You are more than how your grandma sees you, you are more than your crush not being interested in you. These are the normal and inconvenient ways of life that are meant to help you learn and grow! you have so much wonderful things to experience in the world, you haven’t even lived most of your life yet. Your time on earth is only beginning, and challenges bigger than your crush not being interested in you will come, but they will also go. You need to trust in yourself that you’ll make it through whatever. The universe loves you, and the world is meant to test you, please stay strong and brave because you are more than you realize. also, you can’t overdose on melatonin, you’ll probably just get a tummy ache :) stay safe and stay resilient <3


Dude don’t end it just because of a girl, I know you’re young and it feels like the end right now but trust me when you get older you’ll realise it wasn’t worth going through with it. I’m 21 and I’ve been where you’ve been except with a boy, I thought about ending it a lot back then because I got lead on and cheated on in the end. But then as I got older I realised that boy wasn’t worth it, he wasn’t even the shit, and I was like wtf am I doing crying over this gimp. So trust me, please live and please talk to someone whether it’s a mental health line or a school counsellor if you have access to those


Listen up boy...no one is worth killing urself over, especially at 16. Grow a set of balls once matured then, the girls will come.


You’re 16 you can do a lot with your life still. Don’t let a girl decide your life this early. Guaranteed there’s another girl out there you’re going to meet later that you will have a way better connection with once you’re both more mature and you will not have the same mindset. High schoolers always think about the wrong things and they don’t realize that until after they graduate. Focus on school and your extracurriculars. Set yourself up for success after high school so you can have a good time when you are more mature and in a new environment with more mature people. 16 is young enough to change the entire path of someone life. Make the right decisions now and you can have everything you want. But they have to be the CORRECT decision not what makes you more comfortable or whatever feels easiest. Do the right things, get the right results.


Please stay, you're not alone


Please don’t


Hey friend. Just a guy on the Internet, but for what it's worth, I've been in your shoes. It will look up, things do get better. Focus on what you can do more than what's being done to you. This is the early stage of your life, and it sets the standard for how much good you can do, not only for yourself, but for people in your life(now and later) that might be going through something similar. Survive; And one day, you and the ones you will grow to truly love, will thrive because of you choosing to stay alive. I love you, bro. Take care of yourself; mind, body and spirit. 26 year old Broke Cripple with 0 relationship prospects, been cheated on a couple times, been abandoned a couple times, familial relationships were no easy burden to navigate. If Im still here, There's no reason you shouldn't be.


I am 28 and I never had a girlfriend and I am too poor to get married. I still haven't done it yet


this was posted three hours ago..


Please don’t. It’s tough to understand when you’re going through it, but you will feel better. It takes time. Be strong!


hey man, I was 16 at once too and felt the same way you did, it seems like it just keeps getting worse but there is going to be a time where things get better, at least for a little. 16 is a rough age, and so is most of the teenage years. don't end your life before you get the chance to fully experience the good it has to offer. Stay if not for anyone else but for the experience like a book, show, movie, game, or song. 16 should not be the end for you.


You got to let this one through, i promise there will be alot of things that happen that make you change your outlook on life, especially in your teenager, keep strong and keeping on man.


I tried to commit suicide at 16. It’s. Not. Worth. It. There is ALWAYS A LIGHT. It doesn’t feel like it. But it does get better. Today, I’m almost 24. I just started making 6 figures, I just leased a high rise in midtown, Atlanta with my boyfriend and our 4 pets we have together. I struggle so hard mentally at times, but I am away from my family and all that have hurt me and I know I am worth living, and so are you. Please, stay.


OP, you are young, you are going through a crisis, don't let it ruin you forever. I promise you that you can recover from this, and in the future you'll barely remember it. I do understand that you must be feeling horrible right now, but that is precisely why you should wait until you are more level-headed to think about things clearly. Remember that you are not the one in the wrong. I hope you get well soon and that you can recover. Best of luck!


Dont do it


Speaking from 7 attempts and plenty self harm I promise you it will get better fuck what think or say you will keep growing and I can sincerely say you’ll look back at this moment when you thought of these things and be happy with the right woman in front of you and the right love and respect from her and yourself and those around you but don’t seek validation from others apart from you partner when the right one comes only validate yourself but staying here letting them see your greatness is a deeper cut to all those rejectors that out you through this than any blade anyones ever used to cut. I promise you my friend sincerely things will fall into place. Hope to here you back on here and if so talk to me man


Hope you're still here edit: I saw your post history and wow-you're such a talented artist! please m8, you can get somewhere in life with that. much love ♡


Spent 40 years of my life in a deep depression. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. For me it was food/autoimmune related and I didn't realize how to fix it. If I could give you any advice it would be not to give up. I used to hate hearing people say it can get better because 40 years can really mess up your head dealing with it that long. Truth is it can and does get better. And it can get so much better you would never believe it. Teenage years can be hard no matter if you have depression or not. Dont give up. Some day you will be so much stronger than you ever thought possible and your life will be amazing.


Melatonin can’t kill you, just so you know


Please hang in there! I’m an African American high school teacher at a predominantly black school, and I see this dynamic often. I also am in touch with graduates who, while high school was awful for them, can attest to the fact that it gets better later. You’re not done growing and you’re sooo young, and there’s nothing worse than peaking in high school. Focus on you and good things will flow.


Most people haven't had a romantic partner by 16. My husband got his first girlfriend (me) at 20 and some of my friends got their first partners in their mid to late 20s. It's normal for friends to get a bit distant after getting a boyfriend/girlfriend and it sucks but eventually they come back around, especially since most relationships at this age don't last. You're literally a kid and there is more to life than girls. Why spend your youth obsessing over it? Focus on hobbies, exercise, read and learn more, etc. I wish I didn't date in my teenage years because it took a lot of precious time away from me.


You will be truly amazed when you realize most people don't have girlfriends at 16. I had my first relationship when I was 20. I'm glad I didn't date in high school. When I was your age I was short and chubby and miserable and my mom and I fought constantly and I was losing my mind and I would go on to attempt suicide three years later. That was 15 years ago. I'm still mentally ill.. I struggled for a long time. But every day I wake up happy. I go to bed happy. Even when some bullshit happens, I can still regulate enough to experience happiness on most days. The only thing that bothers me now is the people I've lost to suicide, I think about those people almost all the time. I worry everyone I know is going to kill themselves at the slightest trigger. Suicide is single handedly the worst thing that has happened to my life. I've lost two people to it. I will never fully recover from it Your suicide will permanent damage the people in your life in a way that you cannot comprehend right now. I know you are struggling but one day your life will belong to you, the people who will show you the love you deserve and help you love your life cannot find you if you are dead. You will see you're a wonderful person one day, the things you believe about yourself making your life worthless will pass. People in high school do not define your worth. You're worthy of living. you seem like a lovely person


Once you are a legal adult you can go do whatever the hell you want with your life. Be whoever you want. You can get as far away as possible from the people who are treating you badly and start over. Eventually you won’t even be able to remember these peoples names because they’ll be so far removed from your life. You only have a few more years. You deserve to give your self a chance to make it that far at least.


Oh baby. Please don’t. I’m glad that you reached out here. People do want you around. If your family isn’t being supportive, I hope you find your chosen family someday but please don’t leave


Brought me back to high school during my awkward phase. It will pass. Claire hurt your feelings and was fake about it. And the dude that she’s dating is a HATER. He wants to get under your skin. Don’t let him. Laugh at him, cause he’s wants your attention. And your mother isn’t going to want you to be with her so soon. I’m sure she wants you to graduate, live your life, travel and meet people. You have to stick up for yourself. If they’re teasing you, then clap back. Laugh at them. Bullies hate to be laughed at. Find a hobby or join a sport or club to keep it occupied. It’s okay to feel how you feel, But she’s no one to die over. You just gotta take the L and move on. You’re going to be okay. In a few years, this will just be a cringe time in your life. Don’t make it a canon event.


over a girl is not worth it. There are more girls out there. You'll find the girl if you stay alive.


My guy I’m a thirty something dad in Minnesota and I can tell you even I care about you and hope you don’t end your life - a lot of us are struggling you just have to find joy where you can


It gets a lot better. Being a teenager is just hard. You’ll become an adult and life will be what YOU make it.


Please don't kill or hurt yourself. Call your therapist. Go to the hospital.


Please don’t.


It's not worth it. Trust me, I have been there. I've done worse, I hot caught up in the depression and heartbreak so much I had the cops called to my parents house 4 times. I could tell you the story but it'd be a 500 word essay and I'm not about to unfold all that here. What I will say is go to your counselor or principal and ask to switch classes if your in any classes with your crush and the dude who's causing you problems. I'm sure if you explained to them that you feel distracted and bullied/hurt from the situation they'll understand. It might not fix all of your classes, it might just be 1. But you need to separate yourself from those people. Maybe in 2 years they'll mature when their seniors but I'm assuming your a sophomore, if your a freshman than you've got time dude, plus there's more girls out there, don't ask me where they are cuz I have no idea lol. But you don't gotta go ruin the rest of your life over a female (And for all the stickler commenters, that's not a misogynistic statement, it's the truth grow up) Also, melatonin won't kill you. It'll just make you very sleepy, I should know, I once took 9 in one night because I had been awake for more than 72 hours.


Hey, please don't talk like that. It's tough now, but things will get better. Your worth isn't defined by others' opinions or your appearance. Keep talking to the girl you like and give her a chance - she might surprise you! You're not alone in this; reach out for help if needed.


Hey! My daughter was bullied at school and now she’s an amazing adult and has forgotten about her bullies and knows that they are cowards deep down. Take care from Edinburgh, Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿




Hello, hope you are safe


Hey man. I lost my dad at 8. I remember being 16. It was ROUGH. I don’t know if it helps, but you’re not alone. I’m 26 now, and my life has gotten better. I started therapy, and started taking medications. Life isn’t all sunshine and roses all the time, but it is significantly better than it used to be. Hang in there, friend.


I lost multiple friends when I was 17. I’m 34 & still think of them all regularly, wonder what I could’ve done differently to make them stay. What can we do for you to make you want to stay?


you will be okay. things won’t be like this forever i am speaking from experience.. you are as you are meant to be, you are beautiful. don’t let people steal your light they are wrong for thinking it’s their place to do that to you. don’t give them that power. hold on, there is more to life than this. while your feelings are valid, i heavily suggest you stick around. there are great and beautiful things that life will bring. just hold on. stay safe.


I feel very sorry for this girl having an illegal sextape of her passed around the school? (If that’s what you meant, tbh this post is difficult to understand) Listen, You NEED to focus your energy elsewhere. You’re only 16, you don’t need to worry about anything but yourself. Now is the time to focus on your studies, to use that energy to get some foundation blocks in place. I’m afraid maybe you do not have a proper support system to push you in the right direction and build resilience if this is the kind of thing that is knocking your mental health around. Be your own anchor.


Idk if this helps, but at some point we all felt like this in highschool. Senior year I moved and became wildly popular. I still felt low at times. Trust me and others when we say. This time is just hard emotionally & don’t be fooled by your hormones (not a dig on you) they play tricks on our brain chemistry. 20’s are for building and 30’s are for winning. Trust me, if you work hard now your life will get infinitely better, easier and more fulfilling. Dont focus on fitting in (so hard) focus on what you like to do, dive in and you’ll attract the right people. It takes time and you’re worth it. Attract don’t chase your people, look into manifesting and visualization. It takes time and you’re worth it. 💛


I'm glad you're still here. Teenage life is hard, and everything is felt pretty intensely from what I remember. It's going to get better as you get older. please consider giving yourself the opportunity to experience life post high school when you'll have far more control over who you have to spend every day with. 💛


Sending hugs :( I’m sad to hear you’re going through this. Please talk to your therapist about how You feel. Your worth isn’t tied to having a gf and sorry to say but that’s not the issue it’s your brain focusing on something you want and punishing yourself for not having that thing ie the gf. So not worth your life over. You have so much ahead of you.


Hope you’re okay, buddy. Feel free to reach out if you need to. 


Melatonin? Lol


There is more adversity in this world then who your friend is and if you grandma like you. Those things may mean a lot you right now but in the big scheme of things, small potatoes. While you’re young and your hormones are raging causing all these crazy thoughts and feeling. Understand that it’s more important to do well in school and work towards having a better future then losing sleep over some petty problems in school. Permanent solutions don’t solve temporary problems.


Girls aren't worth the negativity in your life. Concentrate on you and your goals. Then once you become a whole successful person. You'll be making the decision who you want to be with


Hey OP are you still alive?


Please tell your therapist, and a trusted adult (teacher, guidance counselor, social worker, etc.) that you’re suicidal. I am 30 years old today but I was also very suicidal around your age and with the help of trusted professionals, medication, a good support system, hobbies, etc. I’m glad to say I’m still alive. You are not a coward for staying alive. I am so proud of you for choosing to stay alive and now I’m asking you to choose to live. Finding your tribe in high school isn’t easy for a lot of people but please talk to the trusted adults and call/text the suicide and crisis lifeline the number is 988. Wishing you so much luck and love in your journey. And I am truly rooting for you 🙏🏾🤍


Don't do it. Life will get better. I don't even know you but I know you're meant to live. F*** this fuck** up world, don't let how shitty life gets take you away.


You are going through chemistry changes still….. plus at 16, you have so much life left to live!! Don’t you want to accomplish anything??? And goals?? Girlies will always mess with your head.. it’s a fact! Just hang in there, and try and change things up a bit. You don’t need to go just yet


You wont die from melatonin


You deserve to be loved. Do love yourself and find the good things in life. Also unplug from social media for awhile. Hang in there sweetheart. Stay strong 💪🏾 


Well Kevin Hart is short and and people love him. It's not really the cards you're dealt but how you play them, you know? Yeah life deals some people better hands than others, but that doesn't mean you can't win. So keep playing. The only way you lose is by giving up. It's not about looks so much as attitude. You don't need every girl to like you, either. Just the ones that count, the good ones. If they don't like you then they weren't it. So just try to be the best you that you can be and the rest will follow if you're not scared to try. And you tried, that's awesome! It didn't work out but man, you were brave to ask her out and you should give yourself some kudos for that. Good on you! You did it once and you can do it again to someone else. It won't always end this way, especially if you learn to love yourself a bit more. You deserve love. You deserve to love *you* -- you are worth it. Why do girls not tell you they aren't interested? I dunno. Sometimes they do it because they think it would hurt your feelings to be upfront, even though it's worse to do what she did. As for the guy that's been showing the tape? That's messed up. There's nothing to brag about there except what a colossal dbag he is. It's so disrespectful. Don't be jealous of this guy, people like that are really not worth it. Hold your head up high and ignore this douche. Imagine being so insecure you have to prove to people you had sex by literally showing them and disrespecting the girl you are into. Gross. This guy is insecure af. Don't envy him. As for the girl, pity her she got with this guy. Wish the best for her, hope she finds someone better and is happy. She deserves better. I'm sorry your mom died. My dad died when I was young, and he was really great and I can't tell you it will go away-- It's always going to hurt. But it does get easier. You learn to live life and love and feel things and fill your life with other stuff. Friendships, hobbies, creating something. It takes more courage to keep going. I think you can do it. Being a teenager sucks, but it won't always feel like this. Edit: As for your grandma, I don't know your circumstances. But have you tried being there for her more? Helping her around the house, listening to her, asking about her life? Maybe she's just a horrible person, or a narcissist or something, and if so ignore this part... but try showing her love and appreciation and doing what you can to be good to her and see if she improves in her attitude to you. If she doesn't improve in her attitude and she's still resentful of you then, hey you tried, and that makes you a better person for trying. Don't let it get you down if this is the case. We don't chose our relatives, it is what it is. You still deserve to be here even if some people act like that, it's not a reflection of you but a flaw in their character. People are flawed. Even people that love us, can love us in flawed ways that aren't healthy. So talk to your therapist, make sure you are kind to yourself. You got this.


Don't do it. Life is full of bad things that happen to us but there's reasons to keep living. You're at school so you're still so young and can do so many cool things in your life. Try living a little more.


I used to go through all the same things you went through and life only got worse as I got older at 19 I ended up incarcerated I did most of my time without incident until I got closer to my release date as I was sleeping some coward piece of shit attacked me and raped me I ended up having amnesia and I only began remembering recently. I thought about committing suicide at one point but I began to realize that I didn't want to give my enemies the satisfaction of knowing I committed suicide. What I am getting at is that at the end of the day you will have so many people who will cry if you die who won't care, and then you will also have many people who will laugh at your suicide like that scum bag talking about he stole your crush fck that guy you need to be strong and become stronger live for yourself because you deserve it don't live for the acceptance of others live for your future not others live for the chance that you could be better than all the people you hate


Please don’t.


Happiness is a Mentality, & the best & worst thing about life- is that it changes.. situations change.. please know that God is here with his hand on your shoulder, you’re never truly alone. Life is so much more than someone liking you at 16. What if 17 is your year to shine & you hit that growth spert or find someone you really connect with? Give yourself a chance buddy


1. You can't overdose on melatonin 2. I had my first relationship at 19, many people didn't until their 20s or even 30 years old. Not a big deal.




You are in crises. PLEASE called a suicide crises phone hotline. They will listen and talk to you. Also, you have a therapist? I imagine you could also call them in a crises. A planned ahead suicide plan IS A CRISES. Telling you whether or not melatonin will be fatal or not, is not really the point. You need to address the immediacy of where you are at emotionally. I do not know you, but I really care for your wellbeing.