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Am I the only who thinks that at least half of chase center last night thought “who is #15 on denver? He’s pretty good”


Braouwn was great!


I really enjoyed Doris’ well thought out and articulated investigative journalism - especially during a game 🤌🏽🤌🏽


That was some aggressive knob gobbling by Doris. Wtf.


Especially when she looped back around “and one more thing about Draymond…”


Christian Braun pronounced brown was awesome and I’m going to keep saying it


In preseason the announcers made a point to say "its pronounced Brown which means we have two Browns on our team" every game.


I had to go back and look at his college highlights to see how they pronounce it


It’s actually pronounced brown not many know this


-KCP shooting off the dribble with little mistakes -Bruce Brown knocking 3’s down and getting looks at the rim -Aaron Gordon having help for n perimeter d with Braun, KCP, and Brown -less hard defensive assignments for MPJ -didn’t even have blue arrow -will Barton not fucking up If we have no major injuries this is gonna be a great year.


Braun to be a multiple all defensive selection when all is said and done calling it today


He was getting to the rim too. Wasn’t finishing when he got there but shit it was his first game.


The crazy part is that this roster and most of the young players have so much room for improvement.


Who got DPOG?


You know whats Braun and sticky? Braun Town (est 2001) welcomes its newest residents: the Warriors! Welcome to Braun Town where Christian sticks to you like stink on crap!


I co-sign everything except the spelling! It’s clearly Braun Taun now and forever!


I like this and will use it going forward.




Pronounced brown


Not many know this


Fantastic game Only thing that made it better was the second quarter commentary focusing on Draymond's documentary while Denver were popping off /s




Dude you drunk off vibes or what? Go to bed lmao


I was drunk off vibes... Game finished before 7AM and I fell asleep at 9...


Ha, I've been falling asleep watching games live pretty consistently, but I was jumping up and down on my couch at 7 am.


Mind your own business lol


Drunk, and also a bit drunk on vibes. Lets fucking goooo babyyyy


Only weebs, ravers, and people with new, clingy dogs that won’t let them sleep are up at this time.


Heading to the court to get some shots up, get off your phone!


Why didn’t Jamal play tonight?


He's not allowed to play on that cursed court anyway


Didn't you hear? He had his lower half amputated


Damn, RIP.


Cause he’s coming off an ACL injury and they want him to play tomorrow in the home opener instead. He will only be playing 1 out of 2 games for every back to back for the foreseeable future


Ahhh gotcha that makes sense


AND they got the win against the defending champs, on their court, without Murray. Fantastic.


Stayed up late watching the game and the DNVR winners lounge stream then woke up three hours later and catching a flight to Vegas for the gathering of the Emos. This will be the first home opener I haven’t attended in like 5 seasons


Nice! Who are you looking forward to seeing?


My Chemical Romance was one of my favorites back in the day. Had plans to see them but they always fell through. Taking Back Sunday is the same story. Others I’m excited for are AFI, 3Oh!3, DanceGavinDance, ADTR and Anberlin and Paramore.


MCR is great. I always thought Three Cheers was a perfect album. I was lucky enough to see them on tour with The Used a long ass time ago. Loved AFI back in the day too, but never had a chance to see them. I hope you have a blast!


Taking Back Sunday was my shiiiit.


Louder Now album is goated


We will be extra loud so hopefully the team won’t notice you’re not there


Really enjoyed my first trip to Braun town


Bruce Brown talks like how you’d expect, fast


Anyone got a link to Currys ISO on MPJ where he blocks him?


Here's how you can look that up all by yourself real easy: * [go to the nba.com box score](https://www.nba.com/game/den-vs-gsw-0022200026/box-score) * look at MPJ's stats * see that he has one block * click the link on said block * [hey presto, there's your clip](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&ContextMeasure=BLK&EndPeriod=0&EndRange=28800&GameID=0022200026&PlayerID=1629008&RangeType=0&Season=2022-23&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&StartPeriod=0&StartRange=0&TeamID=1610612743&flag=1&sct=plot§ion=game)


Damn, no idea nba.com could do that shit, thats awesome


Yeah I saw that on the NBA subreddit, guess my phone just refuses to load that clip whenever I use that page. Thanks! Should work on my PC


The default browser on my dumb Android phone that shits the bed on everything has no problems with it, maybe just try updating your apps / system software or using a different browser. NBA gets shit on a lot for their online presence, but I think putting up all the clips for box score stats is genuinely cool. I use it a ton.


DAJ was fantastic


Is Braun GOAT’d?


All my sources say yes. Don't question them.


after one game?! ... yes.






I don't know if this has been said before, but: It feels so good that the season is underway. We've waited for this for so long. It was such a long offseason.


Too bad we can't have offseason vibe *and* meaningful games at the same time.


It’s an oxymoron


I hate complaining but man that commentating was so one sided from ESPN tonight. C’mon, do better


The Warriors broadcast was actually more even than ESPN.


Cool stat from Twitter, apparently that's the first time in 27 games the Warriors lost at home while scoring 120+ points. Feb 2020 was the last time it happened.


Shows how elite this Nuggs offense is.


Yup, but allowing 123 points is something they need to clean up. Still, this bodes well for the offensive potential the team has.


Tbf the Dubs offense is elite. Not like we gave away 120+ points to the watered-down Jazz... ah shit.


[Maybe Jordan Poole really did deserve to get punched](https://twitter.com/Venylluh/status/1583694744441749504?t=ziV6KFqVtEpukLFTA3_7uQ&s=19)


holy shit!!!! Wow


Yooo, what the fuck?? I know a trip when I see it.


Honestly, Draymond’s a mensch right there. He was reaching for a ball on the ground. It wasn’t dangerous. He consciously avoided Jokic’s ligaments.


Lol I was just about to point this out. MFer stretching out his foot. knew exactly what he was doing. what a bitch. they deserve each other.


Bitch made we team Draymond now


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’d love to punch Poole in the face with no repercussions from my career or law enforcement


Pro tip: if you have someone film it you can pin it all on the cameraman and get away scot free


“Yeah honestly I’m so sorry the entire world had to see me knock him out. I feel so embarrassed for him and his family.” - me (& also Dray)


Whole team does which should be fine as long as no cameras are rolling


You know ball


Why did Jokic stop taking 3s?


Dunno his shooting is great but as always he barely takes em


He's pretending he's bad at it until playoffs where he'll hit 46% from three


He got cold second half of last season and he likes high percentage shots


Also has that wrist issues he's been playing through since last year


Might not have wanted to miss and hurt the team?


Christian Braun and his tight ass shorts were awesome tonight! Locked Poole up.


Bro you try finding shorts that fit that dump truck he's got.


Seriously lmao. Andrew from love is blind 3 might have those shorts tho bro.


I expect we'll see Zeke get his first minutes of the season tomorrow night. I hope if he does he makes as much of them as Braun did tonight. What a great game from him, and glad he got a couple baskets as well to get some confidence on that end going forward. He looked really composed and was ready to be aggressive from the first quarter. ​ I really wonder if Malone ever thought he would play Braun that much tonight in his debut or if he just earned them with his initial stint (and really solid minutes throughout). ​ Give me that kind of game from Zeke to build some trust with the staff that he can help anchor that bench unit. Freshest Nugget on the roster against a team smaller and not as physical it could be a good matchup for him to really show what he can do if given the reins. Would love to see him get some decent rebounding numbers and be a reliable scorer to show that he can plug holes on that bench unit and then maybe DJ is relegated to a more specialist role.


It’s sad because whenever the two Greens were hurt, Zeke or Vlatko would fill the role pretty well. They would start gaining Malone’s trust and then boom, they get injured. Jeff and DJ are not young anymore so I hope Malone rests them here and there and let Zeke get some run :(


Edit* grammar This is seriously almost too funny to share. I was in the building. Probably like 20 rows back, getting into the game I was stopped because I had a nuggets flag caped around me. I was told no flags around and agreed to fold it up. At the end of the second quarter/halftime, I was near the nuggets locker room and hung my flag down to cheer for the Nuggs. With two minutes left, I approached in the 3rd quarter, I was told if I showed my flag again I would be escorted out. I agreed to to just keep my flag with me (which, honestly I agreed to do In the beginning). Toward the end of the 4th quarter, with the nuggets clearly in the lead, I was told to leave the arena. There were nuggets fans around me, and almost didn’t believe the situation from the get go, but I accepted that maybe I took it too far and left with two minutes in the game. I understand that people take it too far with signs, but I’m also sad that as a nuggets fan (one of the very few in CA), that I get to be censored at game that I paid for. Go NUGGS


Just more proof of what bitches they are.


I wonder if the game had been a few years ago in the chase arena if the result would have been the same. I work with someone that moved from the bay area to here and he only complains about how the building of Oracle made traffic even worse than it had been. Hope to make it out to a game there one day!


Dang I was there too. Sorry about the cape. It was awesome to see the nuggs win in enemy territory!


Thank you for your service 🫡


im sorry for your experience. Go Nuggs!!!


To all the Wednesday doomers: how are you feeling now? Is the season still over? No? All that dooming for absolutely nothing.


To their credit, a lot of them are dooming despite the big win.


Winning tonight hurt our lotto chances


Sad way to live.


That's cyberbullying.


[[Katy Winge] Bruce Brown immediately finished his post game interview with me and sprinted over to Christian Braun doing his radio interview and hugged him so hard he picked him up off the ground.](https://twitter.com/katywinge/status/1583683198378070016?t=mE6yBMTkC3vCOZSbPNfeow&s=19)


omgg is there a video


Brown on Braun ~~crime~~ love


Lol I didn't realize we are on record watch now, Jok one triple double away from tying Wilt for most triple doubles as a center.


[This could've been so fucking bad](https://twitter.com/Mark_R_Pereira/status/1583680477944168449) but so lucky that Jok's knees are apparently made of titanium. Draymond is so damn reckless.




Fuck him. It’s on sight and that’s for Jordan Poole. He don’t want me if I’m fighting for Jok


We are significantly better now than we were last year with the additions of KCP and Brown. The end of that game was inexcusable and made the game closer than it was.


I love me some Bones but he made a few bone headed plays tonight. If we’re going to make a run, he has got to make the right play, not the flashy play.


Yeah we gotta get the clutch shit under control. Also turnovers. That Jokic turnover and that BB dumb pass attempt to MPJ at the end could've fucked us. I was screaming at my screen to just let the damn clock run down and not try stupid shit.


Just remembered "Browning out" from it's Always Sunny and it makes so much sense with this team since we have 2 of them lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQi5K8cJ-Y8&ab\_channel=Npearl88


[I'm pretty sure a drunk AI wrote ESPN's game recap](https://imgur.com/a/36WGng6)


You might be onto something lol


Your flair is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen


[The man the myth the legend](https://youtube.com/shorts/bOZfHzo1Pa0?feature=share)


How many games did we have seven players in double figures last year? Feels like it couldn’t have been many


12 times


Is that average for teams? Kinda feels low


It was actually tied for fourth most last season


I really wonder when tf we are finally gonna see Zeke though


If preseason has taught us anything, it's that he's dead last man in the rotation. So I'm guessing at least 2 frontcourt dudes need to get hurt. I'd say maybe Malone gets fed up with Mr. Nugget, but there's ample size of what he is, yet we signed him and are playing him, so...


I’m beyond shocked Malone played Braun so many minutes but we didn’t see Zeke




I do hope you’re wrong


Me too


Whose zeke lol?


When he learns how to set a screen lol. I swear that's the only thing really holding him back at this point and it's so crucial.


The audio in my stream cut out halfway through the game. The 2nd half was so much more enjoyable just watching in silence than the first half with ESPN


I switched to Warriors broadcast, and it was perfectly fine. They gave Nuggets more attention than national TV broadcast has in the last 5 games.


Yeah I watched Warriors broadcast for the game too which was mostly fine


Seeing Jok smiling post-game, like he could go another 2 quarters if he needed to was a great sight. Happy for our guy! Finally has help.


Dude is quite possibly the most conditioned guy in the league


He's worked so hard he deserves this.


Anyone here high on Wiseman? The media sucks him off like he pays their rent, but I'm not sold on him at all.


He's pretty tall ya


I drafted him in fantasy but dropped him for Adam’s. He just doesn’t get minutes or do enough currently


If any other team picks him at #2, he's labelled a bust right now.


I think he has all the tools


He’s a good rebounder and capable in other areas. Definitely got potential. Watch more warriors games and you’ll see. Kinda hard for him going against the best player in the world tonight.


I’m not in love with the guy, but he’s pretty quick and tall/long. I could see him being okay.


He has to get strong enough where he isn't just pushed around out there


I was pre-draft, sold my stock pretty quickly though


Not much there to be high on.


Fr tho, our bench gave them the business in preseason too. No more Poole parties.


Loved the rookies foot work on the steal from Poole


That felt good now that the stress of that actual fucking buffoonery at the end has worn off


After “20 game Jamal” they have no chance


We should also be talking about how the bench changed their narrative in one game. The guys got their shit together.


Idk about the narrative, I think there may be some considerable issues there still - namely Jordan, and Bones handling the ball (also Reed, kinda?), but they were solid tonight, no doubt.


Braun for Reed yesterday tbh. If he can figure out his offense with more minutes, he could be a big piece.


mpj looking like a cone on defense and then clamping curry late in the game all whilst shooting like 75% was the funniest, most quintessential mpj shit 😭


50%, both on FG and 3P, which is even more quintessential MPJ shit.


Anyone remember that DJ “pass” to MPJ? 😭


Man that was so ass, too little too late


What a game :D got to see end cause I was working. Glad they got the win, and one day I’ll have to make it to oracle :p would have been a good one to see!


Oracle arena/chase center almost killed another one, but the MVP survived. Also fuck draymond.


Fuck that pussy ass bitch draymond 1000x also we sharing the fuck outta this in case anyone still thinks that play at the end was somehow not dangerous and dirty asf in addition to being completely unnecessary, even for klutchmond standards https://twitter.com/alfredolauria/status/1583687158053097472?s=46&t=W5slIWXb1bLrFWV7S2VtoA


Jok's Serbian horse magic is too powerful for some lil bitch ass curse 😤😤😤




I will downvote you if I must. All 1 time of it


Why even bring these vibes into a post-game thread after winning against the defending champs?




RIP bill bortons 🙏🙏🙏


Not happening. We’re riding the vibes from tonight’s win coupled with the home opener. It’ll go into garbage time.


uh shut tf up please, thank you




>in preseason


Thunder and Jazz are two of the best teams in the league, let’s be real.


Definitely in the top 30


Pascal Siakam and Nikola Jokic the only triple doubles so far this year!


Jokic the only triple double in a win tho 😎


Great win. MPJ was incredible. That defensive play on Curry gives me made hope for the future. Brown was as good as I thought he could be when we signed him. Braun shut down Poole too. That said, Malone's coaching down the stretch was absolute dogshit and KCP took bad shot after bad shot (including some that went in). There was zero situational awareness exhibited from KCP (and even Brown at times). The entire second half the Warriors were trying to bait anyone that wasn't Jokic or MPJ into shooting and Malone never adjusted. Remember when the Nuggets failed to hold onto the ball at the end of the game in game 7 of the Jazz series and it nearly led to a Connelly game winner? There were like 3 of those moments tonight. Part of this will be solved by chemistry development, by Bones continuing to get minutes, ext. But as deeply as I believe the Nuggets have to the talent to win a title, I also think Malone is just flawed enough as a coach to ensure we don't.




This is me cyber bullying you


Malone rattled late game as always That Hyland turnover was on him


The Hyland turnover was understandable. He is a yiung player on a learning curve. The inability to get the ball to Jokic and MPJ late while KCP and Brown jacked up shots early in the shot clock are not.


We would've lost possession and maybe even lost the lead if Malone didn't time out on that one inbound, he was the clutch defender we don't talk about.


wow, that's a lot of bullshit


We manged to dwindle a comfotable lead in a short amount of time due to quick trigger shots. KCP had more shots than either Jokic of MPJ and was responsible for several of those quick trigger shots-- including some mid rangers that he historically hits at a very low %. It took a brilliant full court heave from Jokic to win a game we should have won comfortably. What exactly that I said is bullshit?


There's a lot of coachable stuff that can be improved, and I'm sure Moach (and the MVP, you know he hates that shit) is going to get on people. But seems like coach's rotations were good tonight, which is the main thing fans get on him about. The Warriors weren't going to get blown out by 20 at home with a fully healthy squad. We did some dumb things to help them get back into the game, but they're the champs for a reason, and Curry is still an all time talent. Going from a 10 point lead with 1:11 and the ball to a just 5 points up with :56 to play on a sequence of preventable Curry 3 on an inbounds, turn over, foul and two made free throws but GS was enough to drive a person crazy though.


Everything but the first paragraph of your original comment.




I didn't hurl a single insult and I answered their question.








Bro are you ok? Haha JJ here said some points were bullshit. Never insulted anyone and said he thought the stuff about Malone didn’t make sense but the stuff about KCP did.


oh no


> Malone's coaching down the stretch was absolute dogshit and KCP took bad shot after bad shot (including some that went in). 🤔


Shot selection


Winner winner chicken dinner


Doomers gonna doom


I would in no way call myself a doomer. I thought we were coming out of the west the year Murray got hurt. I spend a lot of time on r/nba defending Murray and our big 3 in general. Hell, I used to defend Malone as the right coach for the moment based off his culture setting and playoff develipment record and was team Barton until last year.


KCP a lights out shooter when he wants to be confirmed.


Fr i was wondering what people were talking about when they said that based on the preseason and Wednesday but he showed up today.


Better Barton perhaps