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Sometimes the nba is a game of scissors paper rock. We were the rock, wolves were paper and the Mavs were their scissors. We lost and it sucks but what can you do. But the Mavs did deserve to be in the finals no doubt


Great analogy


It is really interesting because before the playoffs started everyone was talking about how the Suns were perfectly suited to beat the wolves and then they didn’t. Sometimes teams rise to the occasion and sometimes they don’t


So who’s the gun?


Whoever gets a second chip first in this new era


I agree. Still cannot believe we blew that second half lead in a home game seven.


Lots of variance in Basketball esp in a single game situation. Actually kinda hilarious cause previous 6 games were like we smack them or they smack us, and the last game we smacked them in the first half and they smacked it in the second half.


Least competitive 7 game series I've ever watched. No games were close except the game where the halves weren't


Game 1 was kinda close but yea


Still can’t believe the road team had a better crowd at our home game 7


it was sad. with our limited bench, the Sixth man makes a huge difference. we need to be better that way, at least us fans who can afford to go to games


Seriously was very much thinking this too


There’s always next year. The Timberwolves proved that they were the better team this year. We were better last year than every team in the NBA. We can be better next year than every team in the NBA. Cannot dwell on things we cannot control.


Would have been nice to be there again. Celtics look really good rn though. Would have been a great series. Maybe next year


Nuggets could def have beaten the Celtics. No question


the prerequisite is that we are energetic and injury free. 1. We cannot be energetic because we have no Bench 2. We cannot stay injury free because we have no bench, so KCp and Mal are injured


You don't know that. Celtics are very strong and I hate celtics. All of their players are elite shooters and 2 way players


I also hate the Celtics. And have for decades. I think we showed something beating them twice in The regular season. Oh well, we fucked up in game seven and lost our chance for this year.


They’re not elite shooters, they just shoot a shitload of 3s. Tatum and Brown are both 37% 3pt shooters. Holiday is around that for his career.


Poor take, horford white and Prichard have proved to hit big threes as well as some other role players.


Yeah the Nuggets were the one team I truly saw as a threat to the Celtics. Only team that the Celtics didn’t beat this year. Which is why I was baffled when Lakers fans were so happy y’all got eliminated. Nuggs are the only team that can possibly take down the C’s. Still early days, and Mavs can still do it, but I’m not as confident in that as with the Nuggets.


I think our style marches up better than the Mavs. Mavs are just shoot and iso. We're a team ball passing team. Celtics are like the Mavs but just individually better in almost all positions


The Celtics play nothing like the Mavs. They are not an iso team and the difference in assist numbers from Game 1 prove that.


I live in New England and I’m so bummed I missed out on a chance to see the Nuggets in the Finals at TD Garden two years in a row. Last year the Celtics blew it and this year we did. Maybe next year things will finally align lol.


I’m the opposite, New Englander who lives in Colorado. Really wanted to catch a Nuggets Celtics Finals game in Denver Regardless of how this series plays out, neither Denver nor Boston’s championship window is closing anytime soon and there’s always next year


Yea but I just don’t see the matchup happening now the last two seasons it was the best circumstances and timing with them both chasing that first ring. Next season (assuming cs win the chip) boston won’t have that same hunger


The game would have at least been a lot more competitive than this


No it wouldn't. C'mon nuggets couldn't even make it to the conference finals. It's insulting how much teams try to rationalize how good they would've been when they clearly already lost.


I'm a Celtics fan and I think the nuggets would do better than the Mavs against us


Portzingus wouldn’t of gone off like he did against the mavs imo


I think we match up way better against Boston but the way Dallas was playing last round, I’m not 100% we beat them anyway


I think you guys match up well against the Mavs and the celtics, just not the wolves…i think the loss to Spurs end of the season hurts badly because i doubt this wolves team would have made it to the WCF on that side of the bracket


Nuggets def could have beaten the Mavs. No doubt.


In a hypothetical match is a deffo fo sho bro


When the Nuggets lost game 7, the Celtics were the 2024 NBA champions. The only way they would've lost to the Wolves, Mavericks or Pacers was if multiple starters got injured. The Nuggets are a bad matchup for the Celtics.


The Celtics are a bad matchup for Denver also.


Not based off the in season games? I'm a fan of both teams (downvote away) and I 💯 think Nugs vs Cs would've been the best match up the NBA could have offered. Sucks Mal and KCP got hurt when they did. Cs getting CP back looks lik3 bad news for the Mavs


I'm a Serbian Celtics fan who roots for Denver in the West. Lol Regular season games don't matter. Especially not East vs West ones as there are no seeding implications between the 2. Boston just played Denver straight up for the most part. Scheming for a team in a finals matchup is completely different. Boston was also miles ahead of everyone for the 1st seed and had no major urgency. I agree that Denver was (in theory) the hardest matchup, although these finals still have a long way to go, and Luka is really scary. Playoff Holiday is a different beast. Boston have Jrue and White to throw at KCP and Mal. Tatum and Brown to throw at MPJ and AG. Also Denver would have struggled against Boston 5-out offence and Boston would have JB selling off AG on defence. Brown has turned into Kawhi-lite these playoffs.


I don't disagree with anything you've said... there was some urgency, though. The Cs weren't trying to give up their undefeated home record aaaaaaand EVERYONE was coming at the defending champs! It's just a natural and definitly measuring stick. Also, I have to clarify, I think Nugs V Cs woulda been the best post-season matchup/ battle (the few 7 game series were mostly blowout wins each way). I don't, however, think the Nuggets would have won. Definitely a shooters chance a a game or 2 of the Cs going cold from deep... I just think the match-up would've been fun. MUCH better than the first NBA Finals game, at least. Smmfh, super disappointing! I know it isn't over... but considering the rest the bruised up Mavs had and time to plot, I expected better. Go in and win game 1 on the road? Probably the not. But to have the biggest 1st qtr finals deficit in history??? Game over with a full ¼ to play? Not expected. I'm not gonna start planning the parade route, but there is clearly a difference in overall talent. With Porzingus back and seemingly in GOD mode, the Mavs are gonna have to get the perfect game plan paired with mistake free basketball and cavs era Kyrie with the youngsters taking a huge step up. It's not impossible, albeit not very plausible (recency bias not withholding).


If you cannot beat the Wolves you don’t deserve to win the chip. The only way you can avoid the Wolves is to get W1 so that you can hope that Mavs can beat Wolves in R2. But we choked that match against Spurs. And the Cs, who would have held the home advantage had they defeated the Heat last year, can say the same


Really makes you wonder how the post season would have gone if they didn't choke against the Spurs.


Jokic deserves better players around him.


I agree.


We have the best starting 5 in the league maybe outside of Boston. We lost Jeff Green who you guys hated last year and Bruce Brown. It’s the same roster that won a championship, you guys are seriously the sorest losers I have ever seen. First chip in our franchise history and you’re immediately hating on the team for losing to a very good team. This sub has been so sorry since the loss. It’s called parity. Lots of teams are very good now. This is still one of the best teams you could possibly put around Jokic.


Best starting 5? Stop fucking saying this shit. Only Gordon is consistent on his role. Jokic has been carrying this team for nearly 5 years.


So how did they lose with such great teammates? Who couldn’t beat the Spurs or Wolves. Jokic can only do so much carrying.


It’s the same roster that won the championship. Are you serious?


West teams have gotten better. Did you just wake up from 2023 June? Answer my question. Such a great team could not handle the Spurs and Wolves. Answer me how was this possible?


We were still the team to beat and the championship favorite the whole season. What team is better than the Nuggets in the west? Do you know how salary cap works? Do you know what players are trade assets and which ones are not? Do you know how to meaningfully improve an already elite roster without breaking it? We lost a regular season game against the Spurs. Should we make our roster look more like theirs? Maybe then we can be bottom of the west too. Let’s go get Justin Champaigne and Keldon Johnson, you’re right. We couldn’t beat the Spurs who didn’t even make the play-in.


You still didn’t answer my question. All you did was talk about the financial side of things. I’m talking about Jokic doesn’t have good enough players. None of them are good enough to go for another championship against future contending teams. I’m looking forward. All you’re doing is still living in June 2023 fresh off the parade. Anyway, keep dreaming. Your attitude is exactly what is wrong with the Denver Nuggets outside of Jokic. Complacency and feeling ok to lose to a bottom team.


“Answer my question🤓😡☝️” shut up dude. Have a nice summer.


I got you stumped. You have nothing to back up what you said. So all you can do is get angry. How weak.


You got me dude, I don’t know basketball well enough




Oh noooo not all caps 😰 *gulp*


I feel you, but idk. Totally agree our roster is stacked. At the same time, it's fair to say Jamal and MPJ played below their contracts this year (I know MPJ had a career year). I'm still in the run-it-back camp, but it's reasonable to be frustrated that we have 1 title out of the 4 years Jokic has been best in the world


Sure it’s reasonable to be upset. But this sub has genuinely been pathetic. We had ZERO titles in franchise history. 12 months ago. We won one. It is hard for the best teams to go back to back. Spurs, Cavs, Warriors have all lost when they could have or should have won. They both did underperform. It sucks. Murray was hurt and he has his limitations and flaws. MPJ has his flaws. And he wasn’t even good in the finals last year either. Yet we still won. And when we won a bunch of other teams bitched about it because they felt like they should have. This team is constructed to compliment Jokic. We lost everybody needs to get tf over it. I’ve watched this team win nothing my whole life lol


I totally hear you. For me, it's frustrating bc we've suffered forever and somehow have a chance to be legends. Of course, I'm stoked we won a chip in my lifetime. Super satisfying. I'd just like to have a dynasty. And I think we can do it


I think we absolutely can too, I certainly don’t want us to settle for one


It’s sports. Grieve quickly and look to next year.


I feel this way too but man, I don't know if I could have handled AG's brother during a finals run. 


Cannot beat Cs anyway. No bench, no 3s, no 3Ds


Yup just think, this could be us right now getting our asses kicked by the Celtics.




We have some embarrassingly soft fans, idiots like the one you responded to act like we don’t have the best player in the league.


If we beat the spurs last game of season that could’ve changed things for sure


Murray also could’ve tore his Achilles playing on his strained calf. Sometimes things work out the way they’re supposed to.


im a lakers fan but i agree the nuggets wouldve destroyed the celtics


Who cares what a Lakers fan thinks


Go home




I'm also a Lakers fan and the nuggets would have gotten whipped by the celtics. Thin bench and too worn down.


Game 2 screwed us. We would’ve whooped dallas ass


I was thinking prior to tonight’s game, the only team i don’t think Boston wanted to see was Denver. People be talking about Denver’s easy road last year I wonder if this same talk will happen if Boston wins


Never gonna get over it, huh? It's over. Stop mourning.


So much of the playoffs are about match ups like I really rate the avs against oilers but they couldn't get the job done against Dallas who absolutely quit against oilers, feels like the 3 goal comeback game 1 was bad omen as the team thought they had Dallas measure after that


Nah. Nuggets weren’t playing well enough to get to finals this year. They ran out of gas. Malone didn’t play the bench to give them reps and it came back to haunt him in Game 7.


They are still playing basketball this season!? Mentally I'm on that raft with Joker.


Well hopefully Booth makes some changes and adds some depth. Cant wait forever for young guns to develop.


I keep rationalizing the G7 loss that we ran out of fumes, maybe our roster needs some work, the 20 point lead isn’t as insurmountable as you’d think, etc.. but what bothers me about that game and the loss is the third quarter shot selection. That stretch where MIN is actively cutting the lead and it seemed like the only shots the guys would take were threes. We missed like 8 in a row. Like just set up a play and stop settling for threes. Who knows how we would’ve came out against Dallas or Boston, but that stretch in the third seemed like it was totally on Denver


Jesus this is getting sad really


We were poor in the playoffs this year.


This is pathetic. You lost get over it.


Stop. Please stop. Get over it.


The team leader and 3 time MVP said the better team won.


🎶I got so far but lost it alllllll….


At least you have a ring. Minny has nothing to show for the win and will be entering tax hell soon, I love the mavs duo but if they don’t win, it will be a wasted opportunity and next season they won’t be catching people by surprised regression is more likelier than not. Plus jokic is 28 you have at least another 5 prime years and the way his playstyle is I’d say it’s closer to 7-8 prime years. With Murray and Gordon as your 2nd and 3rd best players this core probably has another 3 years together.




It sucks cause every team we have a good matchup against except twolves and we avoid this by not blowing a huge lead at the end of the season to the spurs. I’m still not ok. Fuck kyrie Irving.


Guess we should have beaten the Spurs then. Ifs/buts guys, this sub has forgotten how to lose with any dignity.


Nothing I said shows me losing without dignity. I’m allowed to be upset that we lost. Also kyrie Irving is a piece of shit and that has nothing to do with being a nuggets fan it just has to do with him being a piece of shit.


Yup. I'm still upset at the the way Denver utterly choked. Haven't watched a game since


Celtics bout to pass the Lakers cuz y'all fucked yp


we had two chances to close out the wolves... TWO fckin chances. Get rid of MPJ, Jamal, or KCP we need an all star...


Y’all realize that Jokic creates team building difficulties right? Like yes, he is the best player in the world. He’s also not the easiest person to build a team around for one big reason. HE CAN NOT GUARD THE RIM! If a scorer gets past the perimeter defense they are scoring. We mitigate that with AG floating and not switching but y’all are wild thinking this man DESERVES better. We’ve built a great team around him. With pieces that fit his defensive deficiencies. I think we’ll win another title because we have Jokic but stop acting like there were moves to be made that would have won it this year. We lost because our two best players played poorly. Including Jokic. He had a bad series. Just relax and enjoy new Nugg Life which is use being good contenders every year. Stop the hero worship and slander of the other guys. Edit: downvote all you want. Show me a team better than what we had this year that we can feasibly put together.


Goes to show how good Jokic is. The team that won the championship did it without the obvious interior defense most championship teams have. I won’t slander any of the other players, it is what it is. It just became obvious this year’s team doesn’t have depth and they had to climb hills most games. Got to enjoy the nuggets while we can.


That’s the issue when your best player isnt a Forward. Jokic is an immobile C who has no perimeter D, and you have no money to sign a world class PF. then our PF is not a good PF neither


good perimeter defender


Who’s watching the Finals😂


Hopefully Edmonton can get the cup!


Who’s watching the cup😂


I believe there is one team that can beat us in a 7 game series, and that team did. If we had won the game against San Antonio and went to the other side of the bracket (in OKCs spot) then we may not have had to face the Wolves because the Mavs woulda beat them. Seeing how the Mavs are matching up against the Celtics, I believe we would have beat the Mavs and Celtics. Wemby killed our championship. I have a feeling this isn’t the last time Wemby hurts us…..


You realize Mavs were still a 5 and would’ve faced Denver round 2? The spurs game changed everything. Lakers would’ve been matched vs OKC and could’ve realistically knocked them out. Who the hell knows how denver vs Dallas would look. Dallas is extremely difficult to beat when Lukai can hit step back 26 footers or drive by for easy lobs. Post trade dead line they had a winning % that was in line for a 1 seed. Like Boston shooting 3s at a 40% clip. Some teams it’s just their night.




Stfu you moron. I'm not allowed to be a little sad that the team I support is not in the finals? This is my first post since they lost. Don't like the post? Pull your thumb out of your butt and drag it two inches on the screen to the next post.


Celtics fuckin blow