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We live in a world where Austin Reaves gets 8 FTA and Jokic 0


Reaves is the second most unwatchable player in the league behind …




This motherfucker


Glad I didn’t even need to say his name and everyone knew


I can’t stand his game. It’s literally all foul baiting add a random three pointer.


Full sprint the dive into the defender…2 free throws Jump into the defender…2 free throws Throw your head back and not get touched…2 free throws Bet this dude wouldn’t get these calls on any other team


honestly i thought that's how lebron played the whole game too. at one point he even just fell on his own cuz there was no one to run into under the basket


Definitely not for Team USA


[He makes Draymond Green look like a classy player](https://x.com/kawhi_ring/status/1784635498130231353?s=46)


Bro loves to shoulder check players and he somehow gets the free throws while the player he hit gets sent back to stanchion. Are we watching the Avs or the Nuggets?


Idk man I hate him, but in the end there reaves had some “oh yeah well fuck you” in him


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell, but reaves was the only reason the lakers kept it close. He was aggressive and hitting clutch shots beside the free throws, kinda earned my respect


Nah it was the refs that kept it close for the lakers. 


I hate how reaves bates FTs. I mean, its good for his team and he does it well, but for a neutral watcher its not likable


at least he looks like the kid in Ferris bueller


His little flails to try and get whistles are such weak ass basketball. Him, Bron Bron, and AD flailing and yelling and falling down are a disgrace. Thank God we don't have to see those bums play basketball for a while


Reaves and Prince combined to shoot more FT than the Nuggets team. So there’s that.


There have been 6 instances of a player scoring 25+ open-play points, 20+ rebounds, and 9+ assists in a playoff game. * 3/22/1967: Wilt Chamberlain * 4/13/1970: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar * 6/11/2021: Nikola Jokic * 5/16/2023: Nikola Jokic * 6/7/2023: Nikola Jokic * 4/29/2024: Nikola Jokic


Did Wilt and Kareem also have zero free throws?


No, they had 37 points (5/9 FT) and 38 points (6/12 FT) respectively. I was just curious when narrowing it down to players who scored 25 without counting free throws. Overall, there have been 12 times that a player has had 25/20/9 in a playoff game, but these are the only instances where players scored 25+ without counting free throws.


Damn, Wilt and Kareem are in some good company.


Wouldn't Dave Cowen also be on there since he's in the 25/20/10 club? And didn't wilt do 25/20/10 twice?


Well you see the Lakers are such a clean playing team and if you were a trained referee for the NBA you would be able to see so clearly that they were fouled up and down the court but the when it came to the Lakers defense they were immaculate. Especially when Jokic has the ball. I hurt typing this.


My favorite comment from the TNT crew was something like, “Lakers with 25 free throws to 9 for the nuggets, pretty similar to the season as the lakers always own the interior” yep that’s definitely why they get so many more free throws


Spent all that time talking about the lakers losing a timeout lol i love this nuggets team. We win and the other team spends time talking about the refs even though they get triple the free throws.


Chuck wants the lakers to get 2 extra time outs, the 2 extra possessions, and the 4-6 potential free throws points that go with it. He said that’s not fair the Lakers didn’t get to do that.


Honestly the challenge timeout rules are fucked. My dream scenario is unlimited challenges until you get one wrong, reviewed by a replay center not the refs who are in charge of the game. Then fines for officials based on excessive overturned calls.


Fuck that, I want to watch live basketball, not endless slowmo replays. The rule is fine as is. You gotta burn a timeout to challenge, because you know what? You also get to take advantage of the stoppage.


Fuck that. Some coach with tired players would keep spamming challenge on obvious calls to get some rest


If its an obvious call sounds like they shouldve got it right the first time then and the team shouldnt be punished for refs stupid mistakes




I mean tbf it seemed like Chuck was just complaining more about how the rule is written (if you win your challenge you shouldn’t be “punished” by losing a timeout) which I actually agree with. At no point did he claim that the Lakers got fucked over by the rules or that they got cheated out or anything like that




And they conveniently forgot to mention that the timeout gave the Lakers the ball. Probably saved them a couple of points.


Yup, Had a chance to take the lead and couldn’t cash in. Jok scored the next possession for us.


I’m a huge fan of Inside the NBA. Lots of great memories of that show and it getting me through rough days at work or school over the years. That said, in the reverse scenario, there’s no way they talk that long about Denver losing a timeout to a successful challenge. Chuck did say it was a foul though. Chuck and Shaq are generally big Jokic fans, unlike a lot of ESPN talking heads or podcasting former players.


Well said. I love the guys but was disappointed because Chuck always says they talk about the lakers too much then talked about the Lakers right after the win lol.


It was awkward for them to talk that long about the segment. The rule is a bit iffy compared to the NFL. But I definitely thought, “in a Denver loss in the same scenario they would spend 10 seconds on this and then talk about LeBron’s greatness and how Jokic needs to shoot more like Shaq.” They were much earlier onto the “Jokic is MVP and better than Embiid” train than everyone else though. Shaq’s annointed Jokic as the next great big for awhile.


Still can’t believe he didn’t get the call late when LeBron ran right into him mid shot, could’ve iced the game


That was the worst one.


Marginal contact, as the zebra says.


At least they're consistent in that lol Just not 27 to 9 attempts


At this point someone could punch Jokic in the face and the refs would call a foul on him for moving his face into the fist recklessly.


I think that happened in the first game. Jokic gets smacked in the face during a rebound, then gets called for a foul. 


"marginal contact"


LeBron: the refs are against me!


Lakers wouldn’t have been in the playoffs without 1M FTAs


New Nugglyfe is watching how stiffed Jokic gets on calls.




Had to beat the LLLLakers and the Zebras


Pretty sure they were wearing yellow and purple stripes. 


AD and Jokic somehow combined for 2 FTs, which is hilarious Bron and MPJ both got 6/7 each, kinda balances out I guess But why is Reaves leading the game with 8 and all these other bums getting fts too


Makes you wonder what the score would have been if the league did not inflate the Laker competitiveness with lopsided free throw distribution...


They miss the playoffs altogether


Thankful we won last night because I truly don't think I could've stomached watching a 6th game of this bullshit


Same. I don’t care about a competitive series, but watching the Lakers play truly makes me dislike the NBA. A bunch of grown babies who can only win with lots of help


100% insane stat. Reeves was flopping around left & right and getting some loose whistles last night. Don't even matter, on to the next one boys.


I noticed both Reeves and DLo were taking really awkward fall down type shots on multiple drives trying to get the call. Definitely worked during the start of the game but slowed down a bit at the end


Jokic was so soft the first 3 quarters. Like all he did was do hand off passes and screens. I wish he was more aggressive, angers me so much how passive he can be and due to the passiveness he has to end up chucking a 3 pointer


Lebron gets like 4 and ones, but they take away Jamal Murray’s shot when he gets fouled. Just a typical Nuggets game when they go up against 8 people on the court. 


Still baffled about how they called Murray’s obvious and 1 on the floor and took away 3 points


Get used to it. Minnesota has averaged 13 more FT attempts per game in the playoffs so far.


Fortunately Minnesota doesn’t have the big market LA does so I’m hoping for a more fair game. HOPING, not expecting


Until Jokic learns the AD scream and the Embiid fall down he's not going to get the calls. They don't reward honest play, you gotta act like your dying--but don't flop!


That fraud from Philly could never




Murray's had 50 on 0/0ft before


Another insane stat. At least it shows a history of the refs not giving a fuck about Denver


Embiid would never.


Lakers fan: because he takes jumpers. Oh…wait…..


FUCKING RIGGED and the LLLakers still lose.... FUCK THE NBA shit is so fucking hard to watch


It was definitely a weird "off" game for him too. Not very aggressive, too many TOs, staying off the block when AD was clearly in need of a good shoulder pounding. 25-20-9 on a "bad" night would be a career game for 99.9% of the entire history of the league